Supporting Kurdish independence

Gee a protest! So when are you fucking pussy CheeseKurds going to do something for real?

We CheeseKurds are fucking Arab Islamists ***** funded by fucking Turkey in fucking Syria.

We CheeseKurds are fucking up Turkey military, we make them fucking spend one fucking billion dollars in every fucking year because of this fucking conflict.

Do not be fucking surprised if you see a Kurdish state soon. We CheeseKurds in the South are playing it out smart and we are ready to fuck the shit out of fucking Iraq, when it comes to fucking war.

CheeseKurds will be ready to fuck the fucking shit out of Iran, like PJAK fucking did last year when they killed fucking high ranking military commanders and a fucking general.

Do you want us to do a fucking 9/11 to get some fucking attention from the fucking world? Well, CheeseKurds won't ever fucking do that.

See, I can go way down to your level too. Try to be more polite.
Cuz you're all a bunch of pussies.

You can have Iraq, no one cares. But I'll be looking forward to CheeseKurds taking on Iran, that should make for good tv to see you pussies sliced into little pieces. :popcorn:

Turks are not meant to be taken serious;)
Cuz you're all a bunch of pussies.

You can have Iraq, no one cares. But I'll be looking forward to CheeseKurds taking on Iran, that should make for good tv to see you pussies sliced into little pieces. :popcorn:

It's not about being a bunch of pussies, because brave and fierce warriors we are. It's about principles. No way will we ever have the moral to do that.

I quote a great Kurdish leader who fought in Iranian occupied Kurdistan:

“In line with our principles, we do not hijack airplanes, we do not take hostages, nor do we put bombs in cities. We do not do this even in Iran, despite the fact that if one does not commit this type of actions, no one even speaks about you. Neither do we fight directly against the United States to induce the socialist countries to support us, nor fight against the Soviet Union to garner support form the United States”.

You talk as if you think the Iran's military is so powerful. It's not even twice as good as US's army. You think they are a good military with their plastic keys to "paradise", probably made by China?! :lol:

We even humiliated them whenever they came to our areas.

I like these two videos:

youtube .com/watch?v=9VCja507H8w

youtube .com/watch?v=gigx7PMyt0Q

You see, the Persians know that the Kurds eventually will go fight for an independent Kurdistan in Iran, so these last months, they've made a high military presence. Every 6 months they drive through Kurdish areas to show off their MIGHTY military equipments. They have placed artillery around Kurdish areas, but that won't stop Kurds at all. Just by their military presence shows their desperation. Time will come and Kurds will slice THEM and you will be scratching your head out of confusion. :D

Edit: Let me tell you a story. Once the Persians they entered the Kurdish areas and they kept attacking and killing civilians. So one day, Kurds took up arms and killed a bunch of them, beheaded them and placed their heads on poles and the Persians didn't near themselves to Kurdish areas after that. Sometimes, you have to be very literally with your enemies. I read this from a book once and found multiple sources stating this. If I find it, I'll post it here. :D
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People of nomadic origin, like the Roma and Kurds, are typically poorly organized, weak and largely unwelcome. This "we shall overcome because our fighters are brave" mantra is tantamount to suicide in the face of the overwhelming military forces of Turkey and Iran. As someone of partial Anatolian-Christian descent, I have no great feelings about your conflict either way; in other words, a pox on all your houses, Neither would I be terribly concerned if the catastrophic agenda the PKK and other assorted Kurdish groups espouse were realized.
People of nomadic origin, like the Roma and Kurds, are typically poorly organized, weak and largely unwelcome. This "we shall overcome because our fighters are brave" mantra is tantamount to suicide in the face of the overwhelming military forces of Turkey and Iran. As someone of partial Anatolian-Christian descent, I have no great feelings about your conflict either way; in other words, a pox on all your houses, Neither would I be terribly concerned if the catastrophic agenda the PKK and other assorted Kurdish groups espouse were realized.

Haha, any country never tries to assimilate the Romani people, but Armenia has. Perhaps, you might be part Roma too. Oh, the irony :lol:

We will overcome. Just wait and see. :D
People of nomadic origin, like the Roma and Kurds, are typically poorly organized, weak and largely unwelcome. This "we shall overcome because our fighters are brave" mantra is tantamount to suicide in the face of the overwhelming military forces of Turkey and Iran. As someone of partial Anatolian-Christian descent, I have no great feelings about your conflict either way; in other words, a pox on all your houses, Neither would I be terribly concerned if the catastrophic agenda the PKK and other assorted Kurdish groups espouse were realized.

Haha, any country never tries to assimilate the Romani people, but Armenia has. Perhaps, you might be part Roma too. Oh, the irony :lol:

We will overcome. Just wait and see. :D
That was my point exactly. Nomadic tribes are very difficult to assimilate and at the same time weak and notoriously poorly organized. It is a vicious circle that will plague both Kurds and Roma for the foreseeable future, if not into perpetuity.
Cuz you're all a bunch of pussies.

You can have Iraq, no one cares. But I'll be looking forward to CheeseKurds taking on Iran, that should make for good tv to see you pussies sliced into little pieces. :popcorn:

It's not about being a bunch of pussies, because brave and fierce warriors we are. It's about principles. No way will we ever have the moral to do that.

I quote a great Kurdish leader who fought in Iranian occupied Kurdistan:

“In line with our principles, we do not hijack airplanes, we do not take hostages, nor do we put bombs in cities. We do not do this even in Iran, despite the fact that if one does not commit this type of actions, no one even speaks about you. Neither do we fight directly against the United States to induce the socialist countries to support us, nor fight against the Soviet Union to garner support form the United States”.

You talk as if you think the Iran's military is so powerful. It's not even twice as good as US's army. You think they are a good military with their plastic keys to "paradise", probably made by China?! :lol:

We even humiliated them whenever they came to our areas.

I like these two videos:

youtube .com/watch?v=9VCja507H8w

youtube .com/watch?v=gigx7PMyt0Q

You see, the Persians know that the Kurds eventually will go fight for an independent Kurdistan in Iran, so these last months, they've made a high military presence. Every 6 months they drive through Kurdish areas to show off their MIGHTY military equipments. They have placed artillery around Kurdish areas, but that won't stop Kurds at all. Just by their military presence shows their desperation. Time will come and Kurds will slice THEM and you will be scratching your head out of confusion. :D

Edit: Let me tell you a story. Once the Persians they entered the Kurdish areas and they kept attacking and killing civilians. So one day, Kurds took up arms and killed a bunch of them, beheaded them and placed their heads on poles and the Persians didn't near themselves to Kurdish areas after that. Sometimes, you have to be very literally with your enemies. I read this from a book once and found multiple sources stating this. If I find it, I'll post it here. :D
You should let your women do the fighting.

I don't watch videos. But keep telling yourself stories about how you're such fierce warriors while you hide behind your computer. :lol:
People of nomadic origin, like the Roma and Kurds, are typically poorly organized, weak and largely unwelcome. This "we shall overcome because our fighters are brave" mantra is tantamount to suicide in the face of the overwhelming military forces of Turkey and Iran. As someone of partial Anatolian-Christian descent, I have no great feelings about your conflict either way; in other words, a pox on all your houses, Neither would I be terribly concerned if the catastrophic agenda the PKK and other assorted Kurdish groups espouse were realized.

Look, i'm sorry, that we live on the lands, your people claim as "Western Armenia" But calling us gypsies, while your people are more mixed with them, is a pathetic attempt to show your racism.

By supporting the turkish occupation of Northern Kurdistan, you are only hurting your own nation. The Turks hates you all like a bunch of annoying lice, while we will be very happy to support you, what a shame you can't realise that, your hatred will only strike back on the Armenians and the Armenian state.
People of nomadic origin, like the Roma and Kurds, are typically poorly organized, weak and largely unwelcome. This "we shall overcome because our fighters are brave" mantra is tantamount to suicide in the face of the overwhelming military forces of Turkey and Iran. As someone of partial Anatolian-Christian descent, I have no great feelings about your conflict either way; in other words, a pox on all your houses, Neither would I be terribly concerned if the catastrophic agenda the PKK and other assorted Kurdish groups espouse were realized.

Haha, any country never tries to assimilate the Romani people, but Armenia has. Perhaps, you might be part Roma too. Oh, the irony :lol:

We will overcome. Just wait and see. :D
That was my point exactly. Nomadic tribes are very difficult to assimilate and at the same time weak and notoriously poorly organized. It is a vicious circle that will plague both Kurds and Roma for the foreseeable future, if not into perpetuity.

This is so sad, you call us gypsies, because we remain strong on our lands. Your such an idiotic fool, you know that? Not to mention your pure racism.
Haha, any country never tries to assimilate the Romani people, but Armenia has. Perhaps, you might be part Roma too. Oh, the irony :lol:

We will overcome. Just wait and see. :D
That was my point exactly. Nomadic tribes are very difficult to assimilate and at the same time weak and notoriously poorly organized. It is a vicious circle that will plague both Kurds and Roma for the foreseeable future, if not into perpetuity.

This is so sad, you call us gypsies, because we remain strong on our lands. Your such an idiotic fool, you know that? Not to mention your pure racism.

Ok, I won't call you gypsies, because anyways, you look up to them. :D
Haha, any country never tries to assimilate the Romani people, but Armenia has. Perhaps, you might be part Roma too. Oh, the irony :lol:

We will overcome. Just wait and see. :D
That was my point exactly. Nomadic tribes are very difficult to assimilate and at the same time weak and notoriously poorly organized. It is a vicious circle that will plague both Kurds and Roma for the foreseeable future, if not into perpetuity.

This is so sad, you call us gypsies, because we remain strong on our lands. Your such an idiotic fool, you know that? Not to mention your pure racism.
You're a bit thick, aren't you? I called you neither Roma nor Gypsies and you have no land which is typical of nomadic tribes. The Kurds are a nation but not a state, and while I believe they will eventually manage to gain a degree autonomy in some remote sections of Iran, Turkey and Syria as they have in Iraq, an independent Kurdish state is a pipe-dream which championed by the likes of the PKK, is a very dangerous one.
That was my point exactly. Nomadic tribes are very difficult to assimilate and at the same time weak and notoriously poorly organized. It is a vicious circle that will plague both Kurds and Roma for the foreseeable future, if not into perpetuity.

This is so sad, you call us gypsies, because we remain strong on our lands. Your such an idiotic fool, you know that? Not to mention your pure racism.
You're a bit thick, aren't you? I called you neither Roma nor Gypsies and you have no land which is typical of nomadic tribes. The Kurds are a nation but not a state, and while I believe they will eventually manage to gain a degree autonomy in some remote sections of Iran, Turkey and Syria as they have in Iraq, an independent Kurdish state is a pipe-dream which championed by the likes of the PKK, is a very dangerous one.

Look, we already have a country, the one we have lived on since the dawn of time, even if it's occupied. The enemy will never make us leave this place.

If we wanted, we could easily turn Turkey into a rotten hell, and that will happen soon, if the Turkish leaders refuse to accept our rights for freedom. Kurdistan is on the list of states that will soon be liberated, so hang on tight buddy;)
This is so sad, you call us gypsies, because we remain strong on our lands. Your such an idiotic fool, you know that? Not to mention your pure racism.
You're a bit thick, aren't you? I called you neither Roma nor Gypsies and you have no land which is typical of nomadic tribes. The Kurds are a nation but not a state, and while I believe they will eventually manage to gain a degree autonomy in some remote sections of Iran, Turkey and Syria as they have in Iraq, an independent Kurdish state is a pipe-dream which championed by the likes of the PKK, is a very dangerous one.

Look, we already have a country, the one we have lived on since the dawn of time, even if it's occupied. The enemy will never make us leave this place.

If we wanted, we could easily turn Turkey into a rotten hell, and that will happen soon, if the Turkish leaders refuse to accept our rights for freedom. Kurdistan is on the list of states that will soon be liberated, so hang on tight buddy;)
There are only theories of ancient Kurdistan because they were never able to document their own history and have to go to Greek, Armenian, Jewish and Persian historians to try to reconstruct anything of their past.

Kurd means nomad in the language of ancient Persia and nomads do not occupy land.
You're a bit thick, aren't you? I called you neither Roma nor Gypsies and you have no land which is typical of nomadic tribes. The Kurds are a nation but not a state, and while I believe they will eventually manage to gain a degree autonomy in some remote sections of Iran, Turkey and Syria as they have in Iraq, an independent Kurdish state is a pipe-dream which championed by the likes of the PKK, is a very dangerous one.

Look, we already have a country, the one we have lived on since the dawn of time, even if it's occupied. The enemy will never make us leave this place.

If we wanted, we could easily turn Turkey into a rotten hell, and that will happen soon, if the Turkish leaders refuse to accept our rights for freedom. Kurdistan is on the list of states that will soon be liberated, so hang on tight buddy;)
There are only theories of ancient Kurdistan because they were never able to document their own history and have to go to Greek, Armenian, Jewish and Persian historians to try to reconstruct anything of their past.

Kurd means nomad in the language of ancient Persia and nomads do not occupy land.

Kurd originates from the ancient Summerian word "karda" Which means mountain people.
Now piss off with your retarded nomad claim.
Kurd means lump, as in CheeseKurd = Cheese lump.

Nomadic gypsy cheese lumps. Did I nail it? :D
Look, we already have a country, the one we have lived on since the dawn of time, even if it's occupied. The enemy will never make us leave this place.

If we wanted, we could easily turn Turkey into a rotten hell, and that will happen soon, if the Turkish leaders refuse to accept our rights for freedom. Kurdistan is on the list of states that will soon be liberated, so hang on tight buddy;)
There are only theories of ancient Kurdistan because they were never able to document their own history and have to go to Greek, Armenian, Jewish and Persian historians to try to reconstruct anything of their past.

Kurd means nomad in the language of ancient Persia and nomads do not occupy land.

Kurd originates from the ancient Summerian word "karda" Which means mountain people.
Now piss off with your retarded nomad claim.


The term "Kurd" is first encountered in Arabic sources of the 1st century of the Islamic era.[1] The term seems to refer to variety of pastoral nomadism and possibly a set of political units, rather than a linguistic group.[1] Books from the early Islamic era, including those containing legends like the Shahnameh and the Pahlavi Karnamak Ardashir-e-Papkan and other early Islamic sources provide early attestation of the name Kurd.[2] The term Kurd in the Middle Persian documents simply means nomad and tent-dweller and could be attributed to any Iranian ethnic group having similar characteristics.[3] In the early Islamic Persian and Arabic sources, the term Kurd became synonymous with an amalgamation of Iranian and Iranicized nomadic tribes and groups[4][5][6] without reference to any specific Iranian language.[1][7]

History of the Kurdish people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There are only theories of ancient Kurdistan because they were never able to document their own history and have to go to Greek, Armenian, Jewish and Persian historians to try to reconstruct anything of their past.

Kurd means nomad in the language of ancient Persia and nomads do not occupy land.

Kurd originates from the ancient Summerian word "karda" Which means mountain people.
Now piss off with your retarded nomad claim.


The term "Kurd" is first encountered in Arabic sources of the 1st century of the Islamic era.[1] The term seems to refer to variety of pastoral nomadism and possibly a set of political units, rather than a linguistic group.[1] Books from the early Islamic era, including those containing legends like the Shahnameh and the Pahlavi Karnamak Ardashir-e-Papkan and other early Islamic sources provide early attestation of the name Kurd.[2] The term Kurd in the Middle Persian documents simply means nomad and tent-dweller and could be attributed to any Iranian ethnic group having similar characteristics.[3] In the early Islamic Persian and Arabic sources, the term Kurd became synonymous with an amalgamation of Iranian and Iranicized nomadic tribes and groups[4][5][6] without reference to any specific Iranian language.[1][7]

History of the Kurdish people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So? You can have some nomads within your nation and have a country at the same time you idiot, nomad simply means someone that moves around without a permanent home. They can be found in many nations, doesn't mean those nations are stateless.

You don't know, what the hell your talking about. So get your sh*t together and accept kurds as one of the largest ethnic groups in this region, purely ethnic to their own homeland.

Kurd= Karda= Mountain people
Kurd originates from the ancient Summerian word "karda" Which means mountain people.
Now piss off with your retarded nomad claim.


The term "Kurd" is first encountered in Arabic sources of the 1st century of the Islamic era.[1] The term seems to refer to variety of pastoral nomadism and possibly a set of political units, rather than a linguistic group.[1] Books from the early Islamic era, including those containing legends like the Shahnameh and the Pahlavi Karnamak Ardashir-e-Papkan and other early Islamic sources provide early attestation of the name Kurd.[2] The term Kurd in the Middle Persian documents simply means nomad and tent-dweller and could be attributed to any Iranian ethnic group having similar characteristics.[3] In the early Islamic Persian and Arabic sources, the term Kurd became synonymous with an amalgamation of Iranian and Iranicized nomadic tribes and groups[4][5][6] without reference to any specific Iranian language.[1][7]

History of the Kurdish people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So? You can have some nomads within your nation and have a country at the same time you idiot, nomad simply means someone that moves around without a permanent home. They can be found in many nations, doesn't mean those nations are stateless.

You don't know, what the hell your talking about. So get your sh*t together and accept kurds as one of the largest ethnic groups in this region, purely ethnic to their own homeland.

Kurd= Karda= Mountain people
You do not even know your own history nor do you understand that nomads have no country. They moved freely from one place to another just as the Roma did in Europe and Asia Minor. The Roma no longer travel freely as they once did nor do the Kurds, but they cannot claim sections of Romania, Hungry or Slovakia simply because they have a significant population in those areas. Kurds are weak and have little support, thus the best they can hope for is to be subjects of a country which will allow them a level of autonomy.

You have no business calling others idiots, although you are certainly free to do so. You are out of your league with those that have more than a superficial understanding of the history and realities of the region.
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The term "Kurd" is first encountered in Arabic sources of the 1st century of the Islamic era.[1] The term seems to refer to variety of pastoral nomadism and possibly a set of political units, rather than a linguistic group.[1] Books from the early Islamic era, including those containing legends like the Shahnameh and the Pahlavi Karnamak Ardashir-e-Papkan and other early Islamic sources provide early attestation of the name Kurd.[2] The term Kurd in the Middle Persian documents simply means nomad and tent-dweller and could be attributed to any Iranian ethnic group having similar characteristics.[3] In the early Islamic Persian and Arabic sources, the term Kurd became synonymous with an amalgamation of Iranian and Iranicized nomadic tribes and groups[4][5][6] without reference to any specific Iranian language.[1][7]

History of the Kurdish people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So? You can have some nomads within your nation and have a country at the same time you idiot, nomad simply means someone that moves around without a permanent home. They can be found in many nations, doesn't mean those nations are stateless.

You don't know, what the hell your talking about. So get your sh*t together and accept kurds as one of the largest ethnic groups in this region, purely ethnic to their own homeland.

Kurd= Karda= Mountain people
You do not even know your own history nor do you understand that nomads have no country. They moved freely from one place to another just as the Roma did in Europe and Asia Minor. The Roma no longer travel freely as they once did nor do the Kurds, but they cannot claim sections of Romania, Hungry or Slovakia simply because they have a significant population in those areas. Kurds are weak and have little support, thus the best they can hope for is to be subjects of a country which will allow them a level of autonomy.

You have no business calling others idiots, although you are certainly free to do so. You are out of your league with those that have more than a superficial understanding of the history and realities of the region.

Racist idiots can always be insulted;)

Why don't search for "Nomad" on Wikipedia? Apparently you trust it as a solid source. There are nomads in many nations, that doesn't make the entire nation one big group of nomads, this shouldn't be too hard to understand.

Look mr. Smartass, if we are as weak, as you claim, then how could we survive a century of opression? How are we still proud kurds? How is our population still growing faster than the turkish? Of course you are free to hate, but we get so much hate from our enemies, that your opinion is completely meaningless. Give it 30 more years, and your new neighbour will be us;)
That was my point exactly. Nomadic tribes are very difficult to assimilate and at the same time weak and notoriously poorly organized. It is a vicious circle that will plague both Kurds and Roma for the foreseeable future, if not into perpetuity.

Hundreds of years of opression, yet we still have our language, culture etc. and we are weak? We cannot be assimilated, because we stand strong in our identity.

Kurds are really no longer nomads. If there are any Kurdish nomads left, they are predominately semi-nomadic.

Kurds are finally leaning towards nationalism than Islam/tribalism, thus we get more organized under the Kurdish identity.

You should let your women do the fighting.

I don't watch videos. But keep telling yourself stories about how you're such fierce warriors while you hide behind your computer. :lol:

I was talking about the Kurds back in the homeland. Yes, I might not fight for Kurdistan with a gun, but surely I can try to gather international support as a future politician or something else.

an independent Kurdish state is a pipe-dream which championed by the likes of the PKK, is a very dangerous one.

Why is it a pipe-dream? Everyone said that, Kurds will not even get autonomy in any of the four countries, yet we are acting more independent in Iraqi occupied Kurdistan, than any other autonomous area. We have our own army, we are in control of our own oil policy. Does any other autonomous area have that? That was a pipe-dream, that would never happen, according to many people.

Do you think we are seriously getting butthurt over some Armenian who says it is a pipe-dream? :lol:
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That was my point exactly. Nomadic tribes are very difficult to assimilate and at the same time weak and notoriously poorly organized. It is a vicious circle that will plague both Kurds and Roma for the foreseeable future, if not into perpetuity.

Hundreds of years of opression, yet we still have our language, culture etc. and we are weak? We cannot be assimilated, because we stand strong in our identity.

Kurds are really no longer nomads. If there are any Kurdish nomads left, they are predominately semi-nomadic.

Kurds are finally leaning towards nationalism than Islam/tribalism, thus we get more organized under the Kurdish identity.

You should let your women do the fighting.

I don't watch videos. But keep telling yourself stories about how you're such fierce warriors while you hide behind your computer. :lol:

I was talking about the Kurds back in the homeland. Yes, I might not fight for Kurdistan with a gun, but surely I can try to gather international support as a future politician or something else.

an independent Kurdish state is a pipe-dream which championed by the likes of the PKK, is a very dangerous one.

Why is it a pipe-dream? Everyone said that, Kurds will not even get autonomy in any of the four countries, yet we are acting more independent in Iraqi occupied Kurdistan, than any other autonomous area. We have our own army, we are in control of our own oil policy. Does any other autonomous area have that? That was a pipe-dream, that would never happen, according to many people.

Do you think we are seriously getting butthurt over some Armenian who says it is a pipe-dream? :lol:

Just like the good pussy CheeseKurd that you all are. You want someone else to do the dirty work for you.

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