Supporting Kurdish independence

Expressing surprise and regret for the murder of a PKK founder is like doing the same for a mafia don.

You don't even know what the PKK is. Fighting for your freedom makes you a freedom fighter, if you avoid killing civillians, which the PKK has managed to do.
I think it is perhaps you who do not know what the PKK is. When the last of the civilized peoples of Anatolia left (Greeks, Armenians, Assyrian), leaving behind the Turks and Kurds, the continued carnage of both militants and civilians was a given, So cut the shit, atrocities have been committed on both sides, and of all the Kurdish groups. the PKK's hands are the bloodiest.

The truth of the matter is that few outside Anatolia care.
Expressing surprise and regret for the murder of a PKK founder is like doing the same for a mafia don.

You don't even know what the PKK is. Fighting for your freedom makes you a freedom fighter, if you avoid killing civillians, which the PKK has managed to do.
I think it is perhaps you who do not know what the PKK is. When the last of the civilized peoples of Anatolia left (Greeks, Armenians, Assyrian), leaving behind the Turks and Kurds, the continued carnage of both militants and civilians was a given, So cut the shit, atrocities have been committed on both sides, and of all the Kurdish groups. the PKK's hands are the bloodiest.

The truth of the matter is that few outside Anatolia care.

Perhaps your hate for kurds has blinded you, but PKK has never killed civillians. Perhaps an accident happened once, but just try to see the logic here: PKK fights in the non-inhabited mountains. If they wanted to kill civillians, then why are they staying away from them?

Why do you insist on killing us non-civillised? Because of something that happened a century ago? You need to move on. We have already recognised and apologized for the genocide (Which was mainly committed by turks) What more do you want us to do? Turn back time and fix our mistakes? Well i'm afraid that's not possible.

If you insist on insulting us for no reason, then you have reached racism.
10,000 kurds in Paris protest against the assassination of 3 kurdish activist women by fascists turks - wikileaks has revealed the plot was been laid since 2007.

it does not matter how many people protest ... they're still terrorist sympathizers ... PKK's aim not democracy ... their aim is communism .. they are murderers .. we all need to improve these kind of people and return them to life..
10,000 kurds in Paris protest against the assassination of 3 kurdish activist women by fascists turks - wikileaks has revealed the plot was been laid since 2007.


Boy, that must of made a lot of road apples to clean up! :D
it does not matter how many people protest ... they're still terrorist sympathizers ... PKK's aim not democracy ... their aim is communism .. they are murderers .. we all need to improve these kind of people and return them to life..

Give us our lands, and PKK will disarm. It's that simple.
Besides, what's the use of it to you? Even with the turkish opression at maximum strength, kurds are refusing to give up. I hate to say it, but you can never fully occupy a region, where the kurds will always be kurds, and neither will your fake borders change anything. So go ahead, plant your turkish flags all over our opressed cities, keep making the world believe that there never was a free kurdish state, but in the end you will realise, that you only cheated yourself. You spent uncountable billions of dollars, in your fight against PKK, only for the kurdish people to end up winning anyway.
it does not matter how many people protest ... they're still terrorist sympathizers ... PKK's aim not democracy ... their aim is communism .. they are murderers .. we all need to improve these kind of people and return them to life..

Give us our lands, and PKK will disarm. It's that simple.
Besides, what's the use of it to you? Even with the turkish opression at maximum strength, kurds are refusing to give up. I hate to say it, but you can never fully occupy a region, where the kurds will always be kurds, and neither will your fake borders change anything. So go ahead, plant your turkish flags all over our opressed cities, keep making the world believe that there never was a free kurdish state, but in the end you will realise, that you only cheated yourself. You spent uncountable billions of dollars, in your fight against PKK, only for the kurdish people to end up winning anyway.

fcking racist people .. we should ignore them its the best thing to do .. maybe they will find they're wrong sometime.. we should give them time to think ' what i'm doing ' by ignoring them
Kurdish children have to sing "happy I am to call myself a Turk!" every morning, or end getting discriminated. Yeah, we're the racists ones.
it does not matter how many people protest ... they're still terrorist sympathizers ... PKK's aim not democracy ... their aim is communism .. they are murderers .. we all need to improve these kind of people and return them to life..

Give us our lands, and PKK will disarm. It's that simple.
Besides, what's the use of it to you? Even with the turkish opression at maximum strength, kurds are refusing to give up. I hate to say it, but you can never fully occupy a region, where the kurds will always be kurds, and neither will your fake borders change anything. So go ahead, plant your turkish flags all over our opressed cities, keep making the world believe that there never was a free kurdish state, but in the end you will realise, that you only cheated yourself. You spent uncountable billions of dollars, in your fight against PKK, only for the kurdish people to end up winning anyway.

fcking racist people .. we should ignore them its the best thing to do .. maybe they will find they're wrong sometime.. we should give them time to think ' what i'm doing ' by ignoring them

That's turkish logic right there. Where did i say anything racist? But according to you it's terrorism and racism to ask for freedom for the worlds largest stateless nation.

But i see your point now: We should all be brothers, though kurds don't deserve their own state:confused:
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Gee a protest! So when are you fucking pussy CheeseKurds going to do something for real?
Gee a protest! So when are you fucking pussy CheeseKurds going to do something for real?

We CheeseKurds are fucking Arab Islamists ***** funded by fucking Turkey in fucking Syria.

We CheeseKurds are fucking up Turkey military, we make them fucking spend one fucking billion dollars in every fucking year because of this fucking conflict.

Do not be fucking surprised if you see a Kurdish state soon. We CheeseKurds in the South are playing it out smart and we are ready to fuck the shit out of fucking Iraq, when it comes to fucking war.

CheeseKurds will be ready to fuck the fucking shit out of Iran, like PJAK fucking did last year when they killed fucking high ranking military commanders and a fucking general.

Do you want us to do a fucking 9/11 to get some fucking attention from the fucking world? Well, CheeseKurds won't ever fucking do that.

See, I can go way down to your level too. Try to be more polite.
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Gee a protest! So when are you fucking pussy CheeseKurds going to do something for real?

We CheeseKurds are fucking Arab Islamists ***** funded by fucking Turkey in fucking Syria.

We CheeseKurds are fucking up Turkey military, we make them fucking spend one fucking billion dollars in every fucking year because of this fucking conflict.

Do not be fucking surprised if you see a Kurdish state soon. We CheeseKurds in the South are playing it out smart and we are ready to fuck the shit out of fucking Iraq, when it comes to fucking war.

CheeseKurds will be ready to fuck the fucking shit out of Iran, like PJAK fucking did last year when they killed fucking high ranking military commanders and a fucking general.

Do you want us to do a fucking 9/11 to get some fucking attention from the fucking world? Well, CheeseKurds won't ever fucking do that.

See, I can go way down to your level too. Try to be more polite.
Cuz you're all a bunch of pussies.

You can have Iraq, no one cares. But I'll be looking forward to CheeseKurds taking on Iran, that should make for good tv to see you pussies sliced into little pieces. :popcorn:

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