Supporting Kurdish independence

That's all you can say. CheeseKurds, Pussy, anything else you often say?

It's not about being pussies, you dumb bitch. I have had relatives who fought for Kurdistan.
Just like the good pussy CheeseKurd that you all are. You want someone else to do the dirty work for you.

Apo is the nickname of Abdullah Öcalan.
Page 123
state. gov/documents/organization/24968 .pdf

Ocalan, whose nom de guerre is "Apo."
edition . cnn. com/WORLD/europe/9902/16/ocalan .profile/index .html

Why did you quote ima? Her reply is totally irrelevant to what you wrote. But then again, I checked some of your old replies and they tell me enough about you. :D

And yes, Apo is the nick name of Ocalan. Congratulations, you guessed it correct, because of that, I'm going to rep you! :)

Anyway, Apo is one of my Kurdish leaders, as well to many other millions of Kurds.

Biji Serok Apo! :D
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That's all you can say. CheeseKurds, Pussy, anything else you often say?

It's not about being pussies, you dumb bitch. I have had relatives who fought for Kurdistan.

I'm just having a good laugh at you pussy warriors who are waiting for others to fight Iran, Iraq, and Syria. Turkey you'll never get because it's a NATO country. Iran will slice you pussies up into small pieces. Iraq and Syria are maybes because someone else has weakened them for you, but I doubt that Syrians, once Assad is gone, will ever give you shit.
That's all you can say. CheeseKurds, Pussy, anything else you often say?

It's not about being pussies, you dumb bitch. I have had relatives who fought for Kurdistan.

I'm just having a good laugh at you pussy warriors who are waiting for others to fight Iran, Iraq, and Syria. Turkey you'll never get because it's a NATO country. Iran will slice you pussies up into small pieces. Iraq and Syria are maybes because someone else has weakened them for you, but I doubt that Syrians, once Assad is gone, will ever give you shit.

Really a pussywarrior?

My uncle died protecting his family and city,
you think you'r cool because you are a internet warrior all you can do is play the tough guy on internet

and what's the difference between Iran and Iraq?

i mean if we look at Iraq-Iran war both sides couldn't beat each other.
so we can do the same thing in Iran as we did in Iraq,
but there are too many kurdish politicians in prison in Iran if komala attacks Iran the prisoners will be immediately executed so all we can do is wait for the right time,

why don't you stop trolling this thread?
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That's all you can say. CheeseKurds, Pussy, anything else you often say?

It's not about being pussies, you dumb bitch. I have had relatives who fought for Kurdistan.

I'm just having a good laugh at you pussy warriors who are waiting for others to fight Iran, Iraq, and Syria. Turkey you'll never get because it's a NATO country. Iran will slice you pussies up into small pieces. Iraq and Syria are maybes because someone else has weakened them for you, but I doubt that Syrians, once Assad is gone, will ever give you shit.

Really a pussywarrior?

My uncle died protecting his family and city,
you think you'r cool because you are a internet warrior all you can do is play the tough guy on internet

and what's the difference between Iran and Iraq?

i mean if we look at Iraq-Iran war both sides couldn't beat each other.
so we can do the same thing in Iran as we did in Iraq,
but there are too many kurdish politicians in prison in Iran if komala attacks Iran the prisoners will be immediately executed so all we can do is wait for the right time,

why don't you stop trolling this thread?
If by "we" you mean Kurds, you're absolutely bonkers. The Kurds could not withstand a crippled Saddam after the first Gulf War. Through cooperation with the US, they were able to establish an autonomous area in the north of Iraq. It seems to me the Kurds on this site think that they can say whatever they want with impunity and cry racism or whatever else comes to mind when they are corrected. Kurds on this thread have spouted so much bull shit it boggles the mind.
I'm just having a good laugh at you pussy warriors who are waiting for others to fight Iran, Iraq, and Syria. Turkey you'll never get because it's a NATO country. Iran will slice you pussies up into small pieces. Iraq and Syria are maybes because someone else has weakened them for you, but I doubt that Syrians, once Assad is gone, will ever give you shit.

Really a pussywarrior?

My uncle died protecting his family and city,
you think you'r cool because you are a internet warrior all you can do is play the tough guy on internet

and what's the difference between Iran and Iraq?

i mean if we look at Iraq-Iran war both sides couldn't beat each other.
so we can do the same thing in Iran as we did in Iraq,
but there are too many kurdish politicians in prison in Iran if komala attacks Iran the prisoners will be immediately executed so all we can do is wait for the right time,

why don't you stop trolling this thread?
If by "we" you mean Kurds, you're absolutely bonkers. The Kurds could not withstand a crippled Saddam after the first Gulf War. Through cooperation with the US, they were able to establish an autonomous area in the north of Iraq. It seems to me the Kurds on this site think that they can say whatever they want with impunity and cry racism or whatever else comes to mind when they are corrected. Kurds on this thread have spouted so much bull shit it boggles the mind.

I was just going to say that, that after Saddam kicked your ass, kurds themselves did shit about it. It's only if the US LETS you have a piece of Iraq will you get it. I could go for that. But Turkey (NATO), Iran (insane), and probably Syria (Russia) too, forget it. They're not just going to give up a huge piece of land for nothing and no reason.
And I'm no internet tough guy, I'm Mr Wonderful, I speak the honest truth, always.:D
I'm just having a good laugh at you pussy warriors who are waiting for others to fight Iran, Iraq, and Syria. Turkey you'll never get because it's a NATO country. Iran will slice you pussies up into small pieces. Iraq and Syria are maybes because someone else has weakened them for you, but I doubt that Syrians, once Assad is gone, will ever give you shit.

Really a pussywarrior?

My uncle died protecting his family and city,
you think you'r cool because you are a internet warrior all you can do is play the tough guy on internet

and what's the difference between Iran and Iraq?

i mean if we look at Iraq-Iran war both sides couldn't beat each other.
so we can do the same thing in Iran as we did in Iraq,
but there are too many kurdish politicians in prison in Iran if komala attacks Iran the prisoners will be immediately executed so all we can do is wait for the right time,

why don't you stop trolling this thread?
If by "we" you mean Kurds, you're absolutely bonkers. The Kurds could not withstand a crippled Saddam after the first Gulf War. Through cooperation with the US, they were able to establish an autonomous area in the north of Iraq. It seems to me the Kurds on this site think that they can say whatever they want with impunity and cry racism or whatever else comes to mind when they are corrected. Kurds on this thread have spouted so much bull shit it boggles the mind.

What are you talking about we were always fighting alone in Iraq before the U.S invasion without any support from U.S. infact U.S was always helping Saddam during that time, he couldn't beat us during the revolution of Mustafa Barzani.

Saddam's Army of 100.000 men was defeated when he fought 20.000 kurdish peshmerga's with only AK-70's that's why he tried establishing a peace plan for autonomy in 1970,
Maybe you should study the source of the Iran-Iraq war because the war started because of the Kurds.]First Kurdish?Iraqi War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/url]

Also another thing during the U.S Invasion it was the Kurds who Captured Saddam Hussein and gave him to the U.S troops.

H t t t p:
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heyy guys all fascist Kurdish people here , what a coincidence :) Now my Kurdish friends here swear these fascists ..

All of your so called kurdish friends are "Jash" (Traitors) They might as well go call themselfes Turks.

Either that or they are too scared to show nationalism, because of the Turkish regime always watching over them.
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Really a pussywarrior?

My uncle died protecting his family and city,
you think you'r cool because you are a internet warrior all you can do is play the tough guy on internet

and what's the difference between Iran and Iraq?

i mean if we look at Iraq-Iran war both sides couldn't beat each other.
so we can do the same thing in Iran as we did in Iraq,
but there are too many kurdish politicians in prison in Iran if komala attacks Iran the prisoners will be immediately executed so all we can do is wait for the right time,

why don't you stop trolling this thread?
If by "we" you mean Kurds, you're absolutely bonkers. The Kurds could not withstand a crippled Saddam after the first Gulf War. Through cooperation with the US, they were able to establish an autonomous area in the north of Iraq. It seems to me the Kurds on this site think that they can say whatever they want with impunity and cry racism or whatever else comes to mind when they are corrected. Kurds on this thread have spouted so much bull shit it boggles the mind.

I was just going to say that, that after Saddam kicked your ass, kurds themselves did shit about it. It's only if the US LETS you have a piece of Iraq will you get it. I could go for that. But Turkey (NATO), Iran (insane), and probably Syria (Russia) too, forget it. They're not just going to give up a huge piece of land for nothing and no reason.
And I'm no internet tough guy, I'm Mr Wonderful, I speak the honest truth, always.:D

Ima, you are nothing but a low-IQ retard, most of what your saying belongs to the minds of little children, and i'm not even joking.
If by "we" you mean Kurds, you're absolutely bonkers. The Kurds could not withstand a crippled Saddam after the first Gulf War. Through cooperation with the US, they were able to establish an autonomous area in the north of Iraq. It seems to me the Kurds on this site think that they can say whatever they want with impunity and cry racism or whatever else comes to mind when they are corrected. Kurds on this thread have spouted so much bull shit it boggles the mind.

I was just going to say that, that after Saddam kicked your ass, kurds themselves did shit about it. It's only if the US LETS you have a piece of Iraq will you get it. I could go for that. But Turkey (NATO), Iran (insane), and probably Syria (Russia) too, forget it. They're not just going to give up a huge piece of land for nothing and no reason.
And I'm no internet tough guy, I'm Mr Wonderful, I speak the honest truth, always.:D

Ima, you are nothing but a low-IQ retard, most of what your saying belongs to the minds of little children, and i'm not even joking.

You may address me as Mr Wonderful, because I bring all these wonderful FACTS into your life. Ignore them at your own peril and continued weenie-ness.
I was just going to say that, that after Saddam kicked your ass, kurds themselves did shit about it. It's only if the US LETS you have a piece of Iraq will you get it. I could go for that. But Turkey (NATO), Iran (insane), and probably Syria (Russia) too, forget it. They're not just going to give up a huge piece of land for nothing and no reason.
And I'm no internet tough guy, I'm Mr Wonderful, I speak the honest truth, always.:D

Ima, you are nothing but a low-IQ retard, most of what your saying belongs to the minds of little children, and i'm not even joking.

You may address me as Mr Wonderful, because I bring all these wonderful FACTS into your life. Ignore them at your own peril and continued weenie-ness.

Facts? Your a retard with no life, if you don't even support an independent Kurdistan, then why are you jumping around in this thread? Go get a social life instead of being a retarded Internet troll.
Ima, you are nothing but a low-IQ retard, most of what your saying belongs to the minds of little children, and i'm not even joking.

You may address me as Mr Wonderful, because I bring all these wonderful FACTS into your life. Ignore them at your own peril and continued weenie-ness.

Facts? Your a retard with no life, if you don't even support an independent Kurdistan, then why are you jumping around in this thread? Go get a social life instead of being a retarded Internet troll.

You probably don't even know how to use a knife, I bet you get someone to cut your meat for you. :lol:
Really a pussywarrior?

My uncle died protecting his family and city,
you think you'r cool because you are a internet warrior all you can do is play the tough guy on internet

and what's the difference between Iran and Iraq?

i mean if we look at Iraq-Iran war both sides couldn't beat each other.
so we can do the same thing in Iran as we did in Iraq,
but there are too many kurdish politicians in prison in Iran if komala attacks Iran the prisoners will be immediately executed so all we can do is wait for the right time,

why don't you stop trolling this thread?
If by "we" you mean Kurds, you're absolutely bonkers. The Kurds could not withstand a crippled Saddam after the first Gulf War. Through cooperation with the US, they were able to establish an autonomous area in the north of Iraq. It seems to me the Kurds on this site think that they can say whatever they want with impunity and cry racism or whatever else comes to mind when they are corrected. Kurds on this thread have spouted so much bull shit it boggles the mind.

What are you talking about we were always fighting alone in Iraq before the U.S invasion without any support from U.S. infact U.S was always helping Saddam during that time, he couldn't beat us during the revolution of Mustafa Barzani.

Saddam's Army of 100.000 men was defeated when he fought 20.000 kurdish peshmerga's with only AK-70's that's why he tried establishing a peace plan for autonomy in 1970,
Maybe you should study the source of the Iran-Iraq war because the war started because of the Kurds.]First Kurdish?Iraqi War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/url]

Also another thing during the U.S Invasion it was the Kurds who Captured Saddam Hussein and gave him to the U.S troops.

H t t t p:
We all understand that sites like these are magnets for lunatic fringers of all types. However, to make arguments devoid of anything but innuendo and unsubstantiated and hacked information trying to convince each other that Kurds are powerful and a force which could threaten even the weakest of Asia Minor states is pretty damn feeble.

I next expect to hear that Kurds rode on magic carpets and captured and killed bin Laden. Your energies would be better spent on charitable work to benefit your people instead of trying to encourage their wholesale slaughter of your nation.
That's all you can say. CheeseKurds, Pussy, anything else you often say?

It's not about being pussies, you dumb bitch. I have had relatives who fought for Kurdistan.

I'm just having a good laugh at you pussy warriors who are waiting for others to fight Iran, Iraq, and Syria. Turkey you'll never get because it's a NATO country. Iran will slice you pussies up into small pieces. Iraq and Syria are maybes because someone else has weakened them for you, but I doubt that Syrians, once Assad is gone, will ever give you shit.

Actually all the Kurds really need is for their airforce to be taken out, then Kurds could easily defend Kurdish areas. But you see the enemies, they start to bomb Kurdish civilians, when Kurds humiliate their army, just like Saddam. :D
These contries in the past, they always worked together to keep their own Kurdish population. With against less than 20000 ill-equipped Kurdish guerillas. :D

You keep saying Iran will slice us up, but I posted two videos, where we sliced those pussies, who had golden colored paradise keys to heaven, but you refused to watch them. We are no different now, just more determined and better weapons. We sliced them in 100 pieces 30 years ago, now it will be in 1000 pieces. :D

No, Syrians cannot take that land back. Kurds are in control. They've lost it now. Kurds will in no way lose what they've achieved.

heyy guys all fascist Kurdish people here , what a coincidence :) Now my Kurdish friends here swear these fascists ..

Heyy FckingAmazing! :) What a coincidence to meet a Turk that is not fascist! :)

Btw, I like your quote "All mankind... being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions. ". Turks really believes in those values!

Oh and by the way. I have a story to tell. Back in 2005, Kurds went to the Qandil mountains. Took their magic carpet, started the carpet engine, and rode all the way to Pakistan and killed OSAMA BIN LADEN! But the Americans, they took all the credit for it and said that they killed bin Laden in 2011. :mad:
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If by "we" you mean Kurds, you're absolutely bonkers. The Kurds could not withstand a crippled Saddam after the first Gulf War. Through cooperation with the US, they were able to establish an autonomous area in the north of Iraq. It seems to me the Kurds on this site think that they can say whatever they want with impunity and cry racism or whatever else comes to mind when they are corrected. Kurds on this thread have spouted so much bull shit it boggles the mind.

What are you talking about we were always fighting alone in Iraq before the U.S invasion without any support from U.S. infact U.S was always helping Saddam during that time, he couldn't beat us during the revolution of Mustafa Barzani.

Saddam's Army of 100.000 men was defeated when he fought 20.000 kurdish peshmerga's with only AK-70's that's why he tried establishing a peace plan for autonomy in 1970,
Maybe you should study the source of the Iran-Iraq war because the war started because of the Kurds.]First Kurdish?Iraqi War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/url]

Also another thing during the U.S Invasion it was the Kurds who Captured Saddam Hussein and gave him to the U.S troops.

H t t t p:
We all understand that sites like these are magnets for lunatic fringers of all types. However, to make arguments devoid of anything but innuendo and unsubstantiated and hacked information trying to convince each other that Kurds are powerful and a force which could threaten even the weakest of Asia Minor states is pretty damn feeble.

I next expect to hear that Kurds rode on magic carpets and captured and killed bin Laden. Your energies would be better spent on charitable work to benefit your people instead of trying to encourage their wholesale slaughter of your nation.

Look, with such a high population nothing is impossible, we will eventually gain our freedom, it's all about remaining strong, no matter what our shameless enemies has to say.
That's all you can say. CheeseKurds, Pussy, anything else you often say?

It's not about being pussies, you dumb bitch. I have had relatives who fought for Kurdistan.

I'm just having a good laugh at you pussy warriors who are waiting for others to fight Iran, Iraq, and Syria. Turkey you'll never get because it's a NATO country. Iran will slice you pussies up into small pieces. Iraq and Syria are maybes because someone else has weakened them for you, but I doubt that Syrians, once Assad is gone, will ever give you shit.

Actually all the Kurds really need is for their airforce to be taken out, then Kurds could easily defend Kurdish areas. But you see the enemies, they start to bomb Kurdish civilians, when Kurds humiliate their army, just like Saddam. :D
These contries in the past, they always worked together to keep their own Kurdish population. With against less than 20000 ill-equipped Kurdish guerillas. :D

You keep saying Iran will slice us up, but I posted two videos, where we sliced those pussies, who had golden colored paradise keys to heaven, but you refused to watch them. We are no different now, just more determined and better weapons. We sliced them in 100 pieces 30 years ago, now it will be in 1000 pieces. :D

No, Syrians cannot take that land back. Kurds are in control. They've lost it now. Kurds will in no way lose what they've achieved.

heyy guys all fascist Kurdish people here , what a coincidence :) Now my Kurdish friends here swear these fascists ..

Heyy FckingAmazing! :) What a coincidence to meet a Turk that is not fascist! :)

Btw, I like your quote "All mankind... being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions. ". Turks really believes in those values!

Oh and by the way. I have a story to tell. Back in 2005, Kurds went to the Qandil mountains. Took their magic carpet, started the carpet engine, and rode all the way to Pakistan and killed OSAMA BIN LADEN! But the Americans, they took all the credit for it and said that they killed bin Laden in 2011. :mad:
Grow some balls and do the job yourselves. The ONLY areas you MIGHT get to keep are the ones that someone else has done the fighting for. Man, what a bunch of douchesacks you folks are.
I'm just having a good laugh at you pussy warriors who are waiting for others to fight Iran, Iraq, and Syria. Turkey you'll never get because it's a NATO country. Iran will slice you pussies up into small pieces. Iraq and Syria are maybes because someone else has weakened them for you, but I doubt that Syrians, once Assad is gone, will ever give you shit.

Actually all the Kurds really need is for their airforce to be taken out, then Kurds could easily defend Kurdish areas. But you see the enemies, they start to bomb Kurdish civilians, when Kurds humiliate their army, just like Saddam. :D
These contries in the past, they always worked together to keep their own Kurdish population. With against less than 20000 ill-equipped Kurdish guerillas. :D

You keep saying Iran will slice us up, but I posted two videos, where we sliced those pussies, who had golden colored paradise keys to heaven, but you refused to watch them. We are no different now, just more determined and better weapons. We sliced them in 100 pieces 30 years ago, now it will be in 1000 pieces. :D

No, Syrians cannot take that land back. Kurds are in control. They've lost it now. Kurds will in no way lose what they've achieved.

heyy guys all fascist Kurdish people here , what a coincidence :) Now my Kurdish friends here swear these fascists ..

Heyy FckingAmazing! :) What a coincidence to meet a Turk that is not fascist! :)

Btw, I like your quote "All mankind... being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions. ". Turks really believes in those values!

Oh and by the way. I have a story to tell. Back in 2005, Kurds went to the Qandil mountains. Took their magic carpet, started the carpet engine, and rode all the way to Pakistan and killed OSAMA BIN LADEN! But the Americans, they took all the credit for it and said that they killed bin Laden in 2011. :mad:
Grow some balls and do the job yourselves. The ONLY areas you MIGHT get to keep are the ones that someone else has done the fighting for. Man, what a bunch of douchesacks you folks are.

And you are nothing but a troll with no life.

We will liberate our lands, no matter what bullsh*t you Turks have to say. So here's another article for you and the Meathead;)

Border matters: Possible emergence of independent Kurdistan in Mideast expected to have bearing on Armenia

The events currently unfolding in the Middle East could lead to a major redrawing of the boundaries in the region, with the emergence of a new state, Kurdistan, in the Kurdish-populated areas of Iraq, Syria and Turkey. Some international experts already speak openly about such a possibility. And such a prospect will have a bearing on Armenia as well, since potentially it may get a new neighbor.

Iraqi Kurdistan is de facto independent, Syria’s Kurdish-populated areas are also close to achieving independence from Damascus, and their reunion is no longer deemed as a fancy scenario. At present, the Turkish government is doing everything to prevent the Turkish Kurds from joining the growing national-liberation movement of Kurds in the Middle East.

The Kurdistan Workers’ Party, better known as PKK, has long been fighting for autonomy in Turkey, and for 40 years Ankara has waged an uncompromising struggle against Kurdish separatism.

Sensing the danger recently, however, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has decided to resume talks with the PKK leader, Abdullah Ocalan, who is now serving a life sentence in a Turkish jail. According to Turkish media, Ocalan allegedly assured Ankara that his party was fighting not for independence and establishment of Kurdistan, but only for autonomy within Turkey.

Apparently, Turkey can grant autonomy to its Kurds and facilitate the creation of Kurdistan on the territories of Syria and Iraq. Some reports indicate that Erdogan contemplates a visit to Washington next month for the lobbying of this issue.

However, the killing of three Kurdish female activists in Paris, France, a few days ago was, apparently, aimed at disrupting the Turkish-Kurdish reconciliation plan. More and more experts now are inclined to believe that eventually Turkey will be divided.

It is not completely clear now on what areas a possible Kurdish autonomy in Turkey could be established – if it could at all – or what lands an emerging independent Kurdistan could claim from Turkey, but some Armenian experts already now fear that the plans may also affect the territories of historical Armenia that are now under Turkish control. Technically, Kurdish lands are situated south of so-called Western Armenia, but the issue of historical Armenian lands in Turkey will not be avoided in the event of a major revision of borders in the region.

Officials in Ankara acknowledge that Turkey is in for hard times in view of the approaching year 2015 – the centennial of the Ottoman-era Armenian Genocide that successive Turkish governments have refused to admit. The possible recognition of the Armenian Genocide on its 100th anniversary by the United States will inevitably lead to territorial claims to Turkey from Armenia.

Turkey clearly understands this and the tide of what look like ethnically motivated attacks against Armenians in Turkey in recent days is more proof to this point. Three ethnic Armenians have fallen victim to apparent racist attacks in Istanbul lately. An elderly woman and a man who taught at a local Armenian school have been brutally murdered, with their throats cut, while another woman escaped with a severe injury after a taxi driver attacked her only because she spoke Armenian.

This is likely to lead to an exacerbation in Armenian-Turkish relations as well. Official Yerevan has not made any statement in this regard yet, but Armenia is seeing large-scale preparations for the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, which in itself is a strong message and challenge to the more powerful neighbor.

Director of the Yerevan-based Modus Vivendi think tank, former Ambassador to Canada Ara Papian thinks that Armenia needs to be developing its relations with Kurds. This alliance, he says, is needed in any case – no matter if the Kurds manage to dismember Turkey, if they achieve autonomy in Turkish territory or will just continue fighting for independence as they are now.

Yerevan has never made any formal territorial claims to Turkey, but Armenia still does not recognize the current borders of the Turkish Republic formed under the 1921 Treaty of Moscow. This is also enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia.

Meanwhile, voices in support of another international document, the Treaty of Sevres that was signed between the Ottoman Empire and the Allies at the end of World War I, are getting louder within the public and political circles of Armenia. Turkey subsequently refused to ratify the treaty that implied the establishment of so-called Wilsonian Armenia, the boundary configuration of the Armenian state drawn by the then U.S. President Woodrow Wilson to incorporate some of the formerly Armenian-populated areas of the Ottoman Empire and provide democratic Armenia with an outlet to the Black Sea.

Source: Border matters: Possible emergence of independent Kurdistan in Mideast expected to have bearing on Armenia - Analysis |
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I'm not turkish, but don't let facts stand in your way, you haven't so far, you pussy CheeseKurd hiding behind your computer.

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