Suppression! DNC Charlotte: Identification required, even just near convention site

No, it's a Private Party and there is a Guest List. You've never seen that before? You unaware of this concept?

Racial Discrimination Laws apply to Governments Only! If I wanted to keep black people (or any other race for that matter) out of my house I'm perfectly within my rights to do so as the Home Owner.

Would it be Racist? Yes. Would it be Legal? Yes!

If I'm contracting a group to come over and chop down a tree on my property and I suspect one is an Illegal Alien I CAN ask for "documentation" to prove he's a Citizen or Legal Resident. If he refuses then I can ORDER him off my property.

No one can sue me for that.

But you do also support valid ID requirements in regards to Elections right?

Are you so stone stupid you don't know the difference between a private gathering and a constitutional right? No wonder you're a Ron Paul ass suck.

Just have your ID there numbnuts. Unless your invitation got lost in the mail or something. ;)
The RNC and the DNC are Private Entities, they can check all the I.D.'s they want. They're not Gov't Entities, they're Privately Owned and run.

I can check the I.D. of ANYONE I invite in my house too.

I would say if you stop checking your friends IDs they may come over.
could be other things:eusa_whistle:
So they can be racist because they are private entities?
No, it's a Private Party and there is a Guest List. You've never seen that before? You unaware of this concept?

Racial Discrimination Laws apply to Governments Only! If I wanted to keep black people (or any other race for that matter) out of my house I'm perfectly within my rights to do so as the Home Owner.

Would it be Racist? Yes. Would it be Legal? Yes!

If I'm contracting a group to come over and chop down a tree on my property and I suspect one is an Illegal Alien I CAN ask for "documentation" to prove he's a Citizen or Legal Resident. If he refuses then I can ORDER him off my property.

No one can sue me for that.

The Democratic convention will still look more like America, as opposed to a bunch of middle aged white dudes. Yeah, we'll have our share of middle aged white dudes too.

List the lineup of speakers at the RNC. I double dog dare your stupidy lying racist bigoted ass to do so. We'll wait.
No, it's a Private Party and there is a Guest List. You've never seen that before? You unaware of this concept?

Racial Discrimination Laws apply to Governments Only! If I wanted to keep black people (or any other race for that matter) out of my house I'm perfectly within my rights to do so as the Home Owner.

Would it be Racist? Yes. Would it be Legal? Yes!

If I'm contracting a group to come over and chop down a tree on my property and I suspect one is an Illegal Alien I CAN ask for "documentation" to prove he's a Citizen or Legal Resident. If he refuses then I can ORDER him off my property.

No one can sue me for that.

But you do also support valid ID requirements in regards to Elections right?

Are you so stone stupid you don't know the difference between a private gathering and a constitutional right? No wonder you're a Ron Paul ass suck.

You have a constitutional right to vote in America if you are an American citizen. I can think of only one reason you retared lefties don't want voter ID and that's because you want illegals to vote.
The RNC and the DNC are Private Entities, they can check all the I.D.'s they want. They're not Gov't Entities, they're Privately Owned and run.

I can check the I.D. of ANYONE I invite in my house too.

to get into Eric Holder's DOJ you need an ID
So they can be racist because they are private entities?
No, it's a Private Party and there is a Guest List. You've never seen that before? You unaware of this concept?

Racial Discrimination Laws apply to Governments Only! If I wanted to keep black people (or any other race for that matter) out of my house I'm perfectly within my rights to do so as the Home Owner.

Would it be Racist? Yes. Would it be Legal? Yes!

If I'm contracting a group to come over and chop down a tree on my property and I suspect one is an Illegal Alien I CAN ask for "documentation" to prove he's a Citizen or Legal Resident. If he refuses then I can ORDER him off my property.

No one can sue me for that.

The Democratic convention will still look more like America, as opposed to a bunch of middle aged white dudes. Yeah, we'll have our share of middle aged white dudes too.

dems do not like middle aged white dudes do they?

Come on in, but take a back seat
If it's a private party by invitation only why are the busing people in?? What if they don't have their IDs??
If it's a private party by invitation only why are the busing people in?? What if they don't have their IDs??
Bussed in by Invitation. If they don't have their I.D. they're completely within their rights to "waive" that requirement.
Now before anyone gets their shorts in a knot, this does not say they need a photo id.

Suppression! DNC Charlotte: Identification required, even just near convention site | Twitchy

Suppression! DNC Charlotte: Identification required, even just near convention site

Oh, dear! What will Ellen Barkin, Michael Moore, Joe Biden, the NAACP, Attorney General Eric Holder and his apologists, Rep. Keith Ellison, and other unhinged leftists (redundant) say about this suppress-y turn of events? As they have told us, over and over, there is nothing more bigoted than requiring photo identification. Well, except for maybe “kitchen cabinets” and “chairs.“

What will Rob Delaney say about this latest “suppression?”

One of your fellow rightwing nitwits has already exhibited his ignorance on this non-issue, as you have as well – and your thread is as much a failure as his.

Like the RNC, the DNC is not a governing entity, attending a private convention is not a fundamental right, such as voting.

Consequently, requiring ID is not ‘suppression.’

What a cheap fucking excuse!

What a fucking pussy!

So it's good enough to vote and cancel a military vote but you can't get into the Convention?
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Now before anyone gets their shorts in a knot, this does not say they need a photo id.

Suppression! DNC Charlotte: Identification required, even just near convention site | Twitchy

Suppression! DNC Charlotte: Identification required, even just near convention site

Oh, dear! What will Ellen Barkin, Michael Moore, Joe Biden, the NAACP, Attorney General Eric Holder and his apologists, Rep. Keith Ellison, and other unhinged leftists (redundant) say about this suppress-y turn of events? As they have told us, over and over, there is nothing more bigoted than requiring photo identification. Well, except for maybe “kitchen cabinets” and “chairs.“

What will Rob Delaney say about this latest “suppression?”

So you believe that a constitutional right to vote is the same as being allowed into a convention? Are you really this fucking stupid?

It would seem so.

If nothing else conservatives are at least consistent in their ignorance of the Constitution and law.
If it's a private party by invitation only why are the busing people in?? What if they don't have their IDs??
Bussed in by Invitation. If they don't have their I.D. they're completely within their rights to "waive" that requirement.
Representative Republic.

I was not represented by the people I voted to represent me. It's unclear why the Republicans would want themselves to be seen as a private party and not one that represents voters.

Edit: Got to be careful with that... You don't want the media to catch on to that line of thinking.

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