Supreme Court allows Pennsylvania transgender bathroom policy to go into effect

The Hill ^ | May 28, 2019

The Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to take up a challenge to a transgender bathroom policy for a Pennsylvania school district, allowing it to go into effect.

The court's unsigned order means that students in the Boyertown district will be allowed to use the bathroom or locker room aligned with their gender identity.


Women/girls are going to get absolutely hammered by the transgender insanity. Sports, privacy, all of it..... I really can't wait until the trannies WIN all the sports titles and put REAL WOMEN on the defensive... especially you liberal to a fault lesbian types! idiots brought it on yourselves, now LIVE with it!
I worked in clubs for several decades and the crossdressers and trannies never once bother any women in the terlit.
Lol you worked at a gay bar!? lol hahah
Nope not yet..
So you worked at a club with men dressed as women but they weren’t gay? Lol
The Hill ^ | May 28, 2019

The Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to take up a challenge to a transgender bathroom policy for a Pennsylvania school district, allowing it to go into effect.

The court's unsigned order means that students in the Boyertown district will be allowed to use the bathroom or locker room aligned with their gender identity.


Women/girls are going to get absolutely hammered by the transgender insanity. Sports, privacy, all of it..... I really can't wait until the trannies WIN all the sports titles and put REAL WOMEN on the defensive... especially you liberal to a fault lesbian types! idiots brought it on yourselves, now LIVE with it!
I worked in clubs for several decades and the crossdressers and trannies never once bother any women in the terlit.
Lol you worked at a gay bar!? lol hahah
Nope not yet..
So you worked at a club with men dressed as women but they weren’t gay? Lol
They were gay but the bar was not a gay bar but a disco for Hispanics.
The Hill ^ | May 28, 2019

The Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to take up a challenge to a transgender bathroom policy for a Pennsylvania school district, allowing it to go into effect.

The court's unsigned order means that students in the Boyertown district will be allowed to use the bathroom or locker room aligned with their gender identity.


Women/girls are going to get absolutely hammered by the transgender insanity. Sports, privacy, all of it..... I really can't wait until the trannies WIN all the sports titles and put REAL WOMEN on the defensive... especially you liberal to a fault lesbian types! idiots brought it on yourselves, now LIVE with it!

What makes no sense, right is how right to the expectation of individual privacy was the precursor to legalized abortion, riding together on a speeding locomotive of so-called Women's Rights protection and emancipation of a woman's body, follow? Now, we see the individual right to privacy of women (young girls in particular) thrown under that same train, all in the name of protecting "rights" of the mentally ill and sexual predators. Does the American Left seriously think no one, women in particular, can see this naked hypocrisy?
Most men that dress as women have no sexual interest in women..
Not true. There is a difference between gays, transgenders, and transvestites. For a long time, the only "female" actors permitted on stage were men dressed as women.
What the hell does acting have to do with taking a piss?
No problems when the actors all used the men's loo. Now, some men feel less manly and think they should use the ladies' loo. Who would have thought that penis envy would have led to this?

Dear TheProgressivePatriot and miketx
Keeping either women or transwomen out of men's restrooms is to protect THEM from harassment or harm.
Keeping either men or transwomen out of women's restrooms is to protect females from potential risk of harm harassment or abuse.
Nothing wrong with people AGREEING on a policy of inclusion, such as a school where it is known
who the transgender students are, and everyone works together so it's safe and inclusive.
But not with public facilities where people don't know each other, and this risks abuse or security issues.

SEE example:
ACLU boss quits after daughters encounter men in bathroom - WND - WND

Maya Dillard Smith, interim director of the Georgia chapter of the ACLU, resigned after her own young daughters were traumatized by having to share a bathroom with grown men.

“I have shared my personal experience of having taken my elementary school age daughters into a women’s restroom when shortly after three transgender young adults, over six feet [tall] with deep voices, entered,” she said in a statement.

“My children were visibly frightened, concerned about their safety and left asking lots of questions for which I, like many parents, was ill-prepared to answer,” she added.

Read more at ACLU boss quits after daughters encounter men in bathroom - WND - WND

the FLIP side is not ALLOWING transmen into the men's restroom
but forcing them to use the women's restroom if that's their "birth certificate gender"
'We just need to pee' transgender protest


Michael Hughes, a transgender man living in Rochester, Minnesota, is one of those using the tactic. On Twitter, he posts selfies with female friends standing behind him in women's public toilets. Hashtags like #weneedtopee and #occupotty (shared around 4,000 and 2,000 times each) have been created for the campaign.

"So I come in, go right to the mirror with a female friend behind me, and we quickly get the selfie, and get back out before anybody comes in and gets startled by my presence in the women's restroom," he told American television network KTTC. "I'm hoping that even the most conservative lawmakers and voters will be able to look at them, take a step back."
Last edited:
The Hill ^ | May 28, 2019

The Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to take up a challenge to a transgender bathroom policy for a Pennsylvania school district, allowing it to go into effect.

The court's unsigned order means that students in the Boyertown district will be allowed to use the bathroom or locker room aligned with their gender identity.


Women/girls are going to get absolutely hammered by the transgender insanity. Sports, privacy, all of it..... I really can't wait until the trannies WIN all the sports titles and put REAL WOMEN on the defensive... especially you liberal to a fault lesbian types! idiots brought it on yourselves, now LIVE with it!

What makes no sense, right is how right to the expectation of individual privacy was the precursor to legalized abortion, riding together on a speeding locomotive of so-called Women's Rights protection and emancipation of a woman's body, follow? Now, we see the individual right to privacy of women (young girls in particular) thrown under that same train, all in the name of protecting "rights" of the mentally ill and sexual predators. Does the American Left seriously think no one, women in particular, can see this naked hypocrisy?

They can't ever figure it out when we say " they are coming for you next" as the morons laugh, clap, and think they are winning the useful idiots will soon learn they too are getting taken down. Stupidity is pretty stupid when your a leftist douche bag Trump hater.
The Hill ^ | May 28, 2019

The Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to take up a challenge to a transgender bathroom policy for a Pennsylvania school district, allowing it to go into effect.

The court's unsigned order means that students in the Boyertown district will be allowed to use the bathroom or locker room aligned with their gender identity.


Women/girls are going to get absolutely hammered by the transgender insanity. Sports, privacy, all of it..... I really can't wait until the trannies WIN all the sports titles and put REAL WOMEN on the defensive... especially you liberal to a fault lesbian types! idiots brought it on yourselves, now LIVE with it!

What makes no sense, right is how right to the expectation of individual privacy was the precursor to legalized abortion, riding together on a speeding locomotive of so-called Women's Rights protection and emancipation of a woman's body, follow? Now, we see the individual right to privacy of women (young girls in particular) thrown under that same train, all in the name of protecting "rights" of the mentally ill and sexual predators. Does the American Left seriously think no one, women in particular, can see this naked hypocrisy?
Except that it is not about privacy. Bathroom restrictions have their root in segregation. The issue is really about discrimination.

Everything You Need to Know About the "Bathroom Bill" Debate

Bathrooms and fights for civil rights go hand-in-hand. In the Jim Crow era, bathrooms—along with water fountains and lunch counters—were places that might be marked with “white only” signs. The bathroom has also been a battleground for women and handicapped workers fighting for equal treatment in the workplace. Because of the nature of things people do in the bathroom, it can be a space where they feel exposed or vulnerable and therefore resist change. It is also, as transgender icon Janet Mock says, “the great equalizer for all of us.”

Dear TheProgressivePatriot and miketx
Keeping either women or transwomen out of men's restrooms is to protect THEM from harassment or harm.
Keeping either men or transwomen out of women's restrooms is to protect females from potential risk of harm harassment or abuse.
Nothing wrong with people AGREEING on a policy of inclusion, such as a school where it is known
who the transgender students are, and everyone works together so it's safe and inclusive.
But not with public facilities where people don't know each other, and this risks abuse or security issues.

SEE example:
ACLU boss quits after daughters encounter men in bathroom - WND - WND

Maya Dillard Smith, interim director of the Georgia chapter of the ACLU, resigned after her own young daughters were traumatized by having to share a bathroom with grown men.

“I have shared my personal experience of having taken my elementary school age daughters into a women’s restroom when shortly after three transgender young adults, over six feet [tall] with deep voices, entered,” she said in a statement.

“My children were visibly frightened, concerned about their safety and left asking lots of questions for which I, like many parents, was ill-prepared to answer,” she added.

Read more at ACLU boss quits after daughters encounter men in bathroom - WND - WND

the FLIP side is not ALLOWING transmen into the men's restroom
but forcing them to use the women's restroom if that's their "birth certificate gender"
'We just need to pee' transgender protest


Michael Hughes, a transgender man living in Rochester, Minnesota, is one of those using the tactic. On Twitter, he posts selfies with female friends standing behind him in women's public toilets. Hashtags like #weneedtopee and #occupotty (shared around 4,000 and 2,000 times each) have been created for the campaign.

"So I come in, go right to the mirror with a female friend behind me, and we quickly get the selfie, and get back out before anybody comes in and gets startled by my presence in the women's restroom," he told American television network KTTC. "I'm hoping that even the most conservative lawmakers and voters will be able to look at them, take a step back."
World Net Daily? Seriously?


World Net Daily (WND) - Media Bias/Fact Check

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate WND Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of conspiracy theories and numerous failed fact checks.
The Hill ^ | May 28, 2019

The Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to take up a challenge to a transgender bathroom policy for a Pennsylvania school district, allowing it to go into effect.

The court's unsigned order means that students in the Boyertown district will be allowed to use the bathroom or locker room aligned with their gender identity.


Women/girls are going to get absolutely hammered by the transgender insanity. Sports, privacy, all of it..... I really can't wait until the trannies WIN all the sports titles and put REAL WOMEN on the defensive... especially you liberal to a fault lesbian types! idiots brought it on yourselves, now LIVE with it!

What makes no sense, right is how right to the expectation of individual privacy was the precursor to legalized abortion, riding together on a speeding locomotive of so-called Women's Rights protection and emancipation of a woman's body, follow? Now, we see the individual right to privacy of women (young girls in particular) thrown under that same train, all in the name of protecting "rights" of the mentally ill and sexual predators. Does the American Left seriously think no one, women in particular, can see this naked hypocrisy?
Except that it is not about privacy. Bathroom restrictions have their root in segregation. The issue is really about discrimination.

Everything You Need to Know About the "Bathroom Bill" Debate

Bathrooms and fights for civil rights go hand-in-hand. In the Jim Crow era, bathrooms—along with water fountains and lunch counters—were places that might be marked with “white only” signs. The bathroom has also been a battleground for women and handicapped workers fighting for equal treatment in the workplace. Because of the nature of things people do in the bathroom, it can be a space where they feel exposed or vulnerable and therefore resist change. It is also, as transgender icon Janet Mock says, “the great equalizer for all of us.”


Dear TheProgressivePatriot
1. Race is genetic. The whole point about gender identity is
NOT going with genetic but with INTERNAL identity.
So that's already different.

2. Half the battle over recovery from racist slavery
that has never been resolved because the poverty cycle is exacerbated
by the incarceration rates affecting POOR MINORITIES.

Totally different dynamics going on with RACE vs. Gender Identity politics.

3. the closest issue I would relate to the LGBT politics
is trying to REMOVE Christian beliefs, practices and expression from schools.

This is trying to INTEGRATE and FORCE INCLUSION of LGBT beliefs into schools
and public institutions.

Those are closer "equivalents" because
LGBT beliefs about internal gender are FAITH BASED
and so are Christian beliefs FAITH BASED.

Race is not faith based but established by genetics.

Sorry TheProgressivePatriot but transgender ID is NOT
genetic and that's why people come out as the other gender

This is a spiritual process of reconciling the internal gender with
external conditions. Forgiveness and healing are equally required
with THOSE conflicts as well as racial conflicts, but the
INTERNAL FACTORS are very different.

As stated before, spiritual healing has allowed people to
CHANGE their orientation or identity, but cannot change their RACE which is GENETIC.

It's more like a faith based identity, that is the person's free choice.

Nobody changes their race by spiritual process,
but people have changed their INTERNAL identity or orientation
by spiritually reconciling conflicts so they restore their natural default selves.
Dear TheProgressivePatriot
1. Race is genetic. The whole point about gender identity is
NOT going with genetic but with INTERNAL identity.
So that's already different.
Clearly you know nothing about the research into the underlying causes of gender dysphoria. Educate yourself and get back to us.

First you post some tripe from WND and now this.? Your credibility in in the crapper

Dear TheProgressivePatriot and miketx
Keeping either women or transwomen out of men's restrooms is to protect THEM from harassment or harm.
Keeping either men or transwomen out of women's restrooms is to protect females from potential risk of harm harassment or abuse.
Nothing wrong with people AGREEING on a policy of inclusion, such as a school where it is known
who the transgender students are, and everyone works together so it's safe and inclusive.
But not with public facilities where people don't know each other, and this risks abuse or security issues.

SEE example:
ACLU boss quits after daughters encounter men in bathroom - WND - WND

Maya Dillard Smith, interim director of the Georgia chapter of the ACLU, resigned after her own young daughters were traumatized by having to share a bathroom with grown men.

“I have shared my personal experience of having taken my elementary school age daughters into a women’s restroom when shortly after three transgender young adults, over six feet [tall] with deep voices, entered,” she said in a statement.

“My children were visibly frightened, concerned about their safety and left asking lots of questions for which I, like many parents, was ill-prepared to answer,” she added.

Read more at ACLU boss quits after daughters encounter men in bathroom - WND - WND

the FLIP side is not ALLOWING transmen into the men's restroom
but forcing them to use the women's restroom if that's their "birth certificate gender"
'We just need to pee' transgender protest


Michael Hughes, a transgender man living in Rochester, Minnesota, is one of those using the tactic. On Twitter, he posts selfies with female friends standing behind him in women's public toilets. Hashtags like #weneedtopee and #occupotty (shared around 4,000 and 2,000 times each) have been created for the campaign.

"So I come in, go right to the mirror with a female friend behind me, and we quickly get the selfie, and get back out before anybody comes in and gets startled by my presence in the women's restroom," he told American television network KTTC. "I'm hoping that even the most conservative lawmakers and voters will be able to look at them, take a step back."
World Net Daily? Seriously?


World Net Daily (WND) - Media Bias/Fact Check

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate WND Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of conspiracy theories and numerous failed fact checks.

Thank you TheProgressivePatriot

The snopes website rated this claim as UNPROVEN.

The Washington Times (conservative) published the story as given
and Fox News (mixed reviews) also posted it

Why a Dem ACLU Leader Resigned Over Obama's Trans Bathroom Policy

Should we track down Maya Dillard and her daughters and ask them to prove this really happened?
Maybe find and interview the men who supposedly confronted them?

This could be a good project for Project Veritas.

I don't doubt the credibility of stories of the transmen trying to use the "women's restrooms
because that matches their birth certificate gender".

If you want to start questioning cases of women claiming harassment or
attacks by men abusing the bathroom policy, then we're back to blaming victims as
guilty of lying until proven they're telling the truth. Do we really want to go there, or prevent that risk?
Not you, but decent people protecting their wives and daughters.
Horseshit!! It is equal parts of pearl clutching hysteria and thinly disguised bigotry

Everything You Need to Know About the "Bathroom Bill" Debate

Conservatives argue that such bills are necessary to protect people’s privacy and public safety. Some social conservatives will say that they think transgender people are deluded. “I don’t want men who think they are women in my bathrooms,” testified a Maryland woman in a 2014 hearing on an LGBT non-discrimination bill. But a more common argument is that allowing transgender women to use the women’s room would open the doors up for sexual predators or peeping teenage boys to use those protections as a dangerous ruse to get into female spaces. GOP politician Mike Huckabee made this point in a much-talked-about joke that made the rounds earlier this summer.

No evidence has been uncovered showing that such fears are warranted. Several states, school districts and corporations have adopted their own policies affirming transgender people’s right to use the bathroom that aligns with their gender identity and have not reported problems, opponents of bathroom bills say. Progressive media watchdog Media Matters called up the 17 largest school districts governed by such policies and asked them if they had experienced any incidents of harassment or inappropriate behavior; they reported none had. Liberal lawmakers and activists say such rhetoric is just fear-mongering cloaking LGBT phobias.
Dear TheProgressivePatriot
1. Race is genetic. The whole point about gender identity is
NOT going with genetic but with INTERNAL identity.
So that's already different.
Clearly you know nothing about the research into the underlying causes of gender dysphoria. Educate yourself and get back to us.

First you post some tripe from WND and now this.? Your credibility in in the crapper

Dear TheProgressivePatriot
and likewise, if you reject the experiences and research
into effective spiritual healing to CURE the causes of ills,
then you deserve to have equal knowledge of this before anyone could judge you.

It's not even a fair situation if you don't have the same information.

Gender dysphoria is different from people of "two spirits" that are
spiritually naturally born that way. It's not genetic but spiritual.

The point of spiritual healing is to restore peace of mind regardless of these conditions.
So it doesn't dictate what is the natural orientation or identity of people.

WHATEVER THE CAUSE of conflicts or unnatural conditions that
a person IS able to resolve and heal or change,
spiritual healing works by FORGIVENESS.

Sorry you do not have the same knowledge, information or experience
of people who do and have healed many people of unwelcome conditions that weren't natural for them.

Not all transgender people have gender dysphoria.
And either way it's not genetically HEREDITARY.

If chemical imbalances or changes happen in the WOMB
that's not the same as inheriting GENES from parents.

I believe these conditions are driven by spiritual causes
generationally but that's not the same as genetic.

Dear TheProgressivePatriot and miketx
Keeping either women or transwomen out of men's restrooms is to protect THEM from harassment or harm.
Keeping either men or transwomen out of women's restrooms is to protect females from potential risk of harm harassment or abuse.
Nothing wrong with people AGREEING on a policy of inclusion, such as a school where it is known
who the transgender students are, and everyone works together so it's safe and inclusive.
But not with public facilities where people don't know each other, and this risks abuse or security issues.

SEE example:
ACLU boss quits after daughters encounter men in bathroom - WND - WND

Maya Dillard Smith, interim director of the Georgia chapter of the ACLU, resigned after her own young daughters were traumatized by having to share a bathroom with grown men.

“I have shared my personal experience of having taken my elementary school age daughters into a women’s restroom when shortly after three transgender young adults, over six feet [tall] with deep voices, entered,” she said in a statement.

“My children were visibly frightened, concerned about their safety and left asking lots of questions for which I, like many parents, was ill-prepared to answer,” she added.

Read more at ACLU boss quits after daughters encounter men in bathroom - WND - WND

the FLIP side is not ALLOWING transmen into the men's restroom
but forcing them to use the women's restroom if that's their "birth certificate gender"
'We just need to pee' transgender protest


Michael Hughes, a transgender man living in Rochester, Minnesota, is one of those using the tactic. On Twitter, he posts selfies with female friends standing behind him in women's public toilets. Hashtags like #weneedtopee and #occupotty (shared around 4,000 and 2,000 times each) have been created for the campaign.

"So I come in, go right to the mirror with a female friend behind me, and we quickly get the selfie, and get back out before anybody comes in and gets startled by my presence in the women's restroom," he told American television network KTTC. "I'm hoping that even the most conservative lawmakers and voters will be able to look at them, take a step back."
World Net Daily? Seriously?


World Net Daily (WND) - Media Bias/Fact Check

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate WND Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of conspiracy theories and numerous failed fact checks.

Thank you TheProgressivePatriot

The snopes website rated this claim as UNPROVEN.

The Washington Times (conservative) published the story as given
and Fox News (mixed reviews) also posted it

Why a Dem ACLU Leader Resigned Over Obama's Trans Bathroom Policy

Should we track down Maya Dillard and her daughters and ask them to prove this really happened?
Maybe find and interview the men who supposedly confronted them?

This could be a good project for Project Veritas.

I don't doubt the credibility of stories of the transmen trying to use the "women's restrooms
because that matches their birth certificate gender".

If you want to start questioning cases of women claiming harassment or
attacks by men abusing the bathroom policy, then we're back to blaming victims as
guilty of lying until proven they're telling the truth. Do we really want to go there, or prevent that risk?
Fox "News" is just a small cut above WND but after reading the account, it's apparent that an incident did occur but it is short on details. The write up says it was an elementary school which made me wonder what the tall young people were doing the . In the interview video Dillard says that it was a public rest room. So which is it.? There is also no information about any interaction between these girls and the transwomen or the ages of the girls. It is unfortunate that the girts may have been frightened but this just one anecdotal story and it does not negate the wider issue of transgender rights. BTW, I was unable to glean anything from the WND because my computer warned me that it is an unsafe site.
The Hill ^ | May 28, 2019

The Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to take up a challenge to a transgender bathroom policy for a Pennsylvania school district, allowing it to go into effect.

The court's unsigned order means that students in the Boyertown district will be allowed to use the bathroom or locker room aligned with their gender identity.


Women/girls are going to get absolutely hammered by the transgender insanity. Sports, privacy, all of it..... I really can't wait until the trannies WIN all the sports titles and put REAL WOMEN on the defensive... especially you liberal to a fault lesbian types! idiots brought it on yourselves, now LIVE with it!

What makes no sense, right is how right to the expectation of individual privacy was the precursor to legalized abortion, riding together on a speeding locomotive of so-called Women's Rights protection and emancipation of a woman's body, follow? Now, we see the individual right to privacy of women (young girls in particular) thrown under that same train, all in the name of protecting "rights" of the mentally ill and sexual predators. Does the American Left seriously think no one, women in particular, can see this naked hypocrisy?
Except that it is not about privacy. Bathroom restrictions have their root in segregation. The issue is really about discrimination.

Everything You Need to Know About the "Bathroom Bill" Debate

Bathrooms and fights for civil rights go hand-in-hand. In the Jim Crow era, bathrooms—along with water fountains and lunch counters—were places that might be marked with “white only” signs. The bathroom has also been a battleground for women and handicapped workers fighting for equal treatment in the workplace. Because of the nature of things people do in the bathroom, it can be a space where they feel exposed or vulnerable and therefore resist change. It is also, as transgender icon Janet Mock says, “the great equalizer for all of us.”

You would not know human rights if they landed on your head. You're a rabid ideologue blinded by the permission you have given yourself to redefine, in your own blurry version of debauched reality, eons of human biological fact. You would justify any perversion no matter how vile so long as you do not have to express guilt for your own self-deception. But no man is an island and without others to hold your hand and assure you those perversions are socially acceptable, you'd lock yourself in a closet rather than face this truth in the mirror. That you would not only champion but protest for the violation of children's privacy and right to feel safe is found by myself and tens of millions of others to be worth going to war.

This backlash you and you're disgusting ilk will discover soon enough, unless by some miraculous occurrence your ideological addictions thaw and you realize the sickness of what you advocate. Lastly, your so-called fallback advocacy for rights, freedom and equality robs the same from any child forced to share a latrine with the opposite sex. So not only do you advocate for perversion and anti-human, anti-civilization cultism, you are a hypocrite of the most dangerous variety on high. I expect no less from your kind than the argument you've forwarded in your above response. Next step: pedophile rights soon to be followed by thrill killer rights and so on . . . because it's an equal treatment issue, right?
Some people in this thread believe this person was not treated fairly. Why did the child force this to occur they ask? What actions should be taken against the child they want to know. They demand the case be re-tried by a more "sensible" judge. Preferably a Liberal one with Leftist "common sense". This poor transgender man has been made a victim by Trumptards and Conservative values.

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom

The Hill ^ | May 28, 2019

The Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to take up a challenge to a transgender bathroom policy for a Pennsylvania school district, allowing it to go into effect.

The court's unsigned order means that students in the Boyertown district will be allowed to use the bathroom or locker room aligned with their gender identity.


Women/girls are going to get absolutely hammered by the transgender insanity. Sports, privacy, all of it..... I really can't wait until the trannies WIN all the sports titles and put REAL WOMEN on the defensive... especially you liberal to a fault lesbian types! idiots brought it on yourselves, now LIVE with it!
I worked in clubs for several decades and the crossdressers and trannies never once bother any women in the terlit.
Lol you worked at a gay bar!? lol hahah
Nope not yet..
So you worked at a club with men dressed as women but they weren’t gay? Lol
They were gay but the bar was not a gay bar but a disco for Hispanics.
So straight men went to see drag queens!? Lol keep digging lol
Dear TheProgressivePatriot
and likewise, if you reject the experiences and research
into effective spiritual healing to CURE the causes of ills,
then you deserve to have equal knowledge of this before anyone could judge you.

It's not even a fair situation if you don't have the same information.

Gender dysphoria is different from people of "two spirits" that are
spiritually naturally born that way. It's not genetic but spiritual.
Do you really want to compare scientific research with superstition? I will acknowledge that some people can benefit from spiritual healing -depending on the issue- if they believe in it. But to pursue it to the exclusion of scientific approaches when the is clear evidence of a biological cause can do more harm than good.

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