Supreme Court Allows Texas Abortion Ban to Stand

Yawn. Same ole story. The cost if the baby is born. Abortion has become just another birth Control means when people do unsafe sex.

What a fucking lie. Who are YOU to tell a 12-Year Old who has been raped by her Father that she must carry that baby?

You do not give a shit about the baby. You want control over Women's Bodies. Abortion has never been used as birth control.

You fuck head lie about not wanting the Government to decide health care.
What a fucking lie. Who are YOU to tell a 12-Year Old who has been raped by her Father that she must carry that baby?

You do not give a shit about the baby. You want control over Women's Bodies. Abortion has never been used as birth control.

You fuck head lie about not wanting the Government to decide health care.
BS. All of the Red states with harsher abortion laws allow for cases like Rape, Incest, and safety of the mother for Abortion. The Mississippi case allows 15 weeks to get the abortion period. This is just the standard tactic of Pro Abortion types like you to LIE .
BS. All of the Red states with harsher abortion laws allow for cases like Rape, Incest, and safety of the mother for Abortion. The Mississippi case allows 15 weeks to get the abortion period. This is just the standard tactic of Pro Abortion types like you to LIE .
Yep, and there is no reason for that 12 year old to ever go through an abortion, because that pregnancy would be stopped before it ever developes into a pregnancy. They just keep grabbing at straws trying to find one that works with their narratives. Notice how they try to push human shields out in front to try and make their case ?
Yep, and there is no reason for that 12 year old to ever go through an abortion, because that pregnancy would be stopped before it ever developes into a pregnancy. They just keep grabbing at straws trying to find one that works with their narratives. Notice how they try to push human shields out in front to try and make their case ?
For too long they have used this as birth control via Abortion. They justify it in immoral ways.
I feel an obligation to correct something.The Supreeme Court did not ALLOW the
Texas Abortion Ban to stand.It was a majority of Conservative Supreme Court Jurists
that did.Do not lump all Jurists as if one.
Like a Jury of one's peer all it take is one juror out of 12 to make for a mistrial.
The idiot commie Democrat leadership minority has every unarmed Republican peaceful protesters ushered into the halls of Congress by Pelosi-instructed capitol cops are still in jail sans trial, in solitary confinement to teach them the first thing about COMMUNISM--stay home and shut up. I've been too busy to watch television, but the last thing I heard about these innocent captives is that they still are being held against every amendment the Constitution gives them as citizens who merely exercised their right to peaceful assembly in what USED TO BE THE PEOPLE'S HOUSE.

I am very angry about college-indoctrinated, Marxist Commies taking legal power into hostile legislative hands which also want Communism to replace freedom so they can end protests against federalist power grabs which the Constitution discourages in promotion of brotherly love which includes mercy and understanding that other citizens than hell-bent extremists and Republican peaceful protesting citizens have certain inalienable rights. There is no mercy in the wicked, vicious and demonic Nancy Pelosi. Down with her lies and incendiary tearing up of other people's words and deeds given to the the betterment of the American people.

Let my people go!​
Yep, and there is no reason for that 12 year old to ever go through an abortion, because that pregnancy would be stopped before it ever developes into a pregnancy. They just keep grabbing at straws trying to find one that works with their narratives. Notice how they try to push human shields out in front to try and make their case ?
Their human shields are not enough to shield them from murdering the 70 million unborn human beings, they have already taken and disrespecting their bodies with dismemberment and pain before and after their birthrights were removed by backstabbing murderers who get big paydays like mobster hitmen.
I had one of the anti-abortion people agree with me that one of them I spoke of was necessary then went on to continue to support is all out bands that don't allow exceptions. They want to have their cake and eat it too. And remember these people are overly concerned about what other people are doing in their lives. Don't they have a life of their own ?
Keep It in the Faith, Baby

Did Catholics picket restaurants that served meat on Fridays? Do Jews try to outlaw the eating of pork? The antis need to keep their shall-nots within their own congregation. And it is not even one of God's shall-nots.
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Bringing people into the world isn't the problem. The problem is quality of life based upon the culture that is being run by whom(?), and what it stands for, and what it's standard's and values are. Solve these problem's, and this earth could handle million's more children. The problem these days is greed and selfishness on steroid's. The other problem is allowing idiot's from Hades to get into powerful position's.
Your attitude is selfish your attitude ensures that these things won't be resolved and the planet's going to go down in flames. Stop adding to the problem.
Their human shields are not enough to shield them from murdering the 70 million unborn human beings, they have already taken and disrespecting their bodies with dismemberment and pain before and after their birthrights were removed by backstabbing murderers who get big paydays like mobster hitmen.
Calling women who need abortions murderers isn't getting you any points, do you understand that. There's only one good reason to bring a child into this world. There are many, many reasons not to.
Such wonderful news!! :D

Dead people have more body autonomy in Texas than women do.
Keep It in the Faith, Baby

Did Catholics picket restaurants that served meat on Fridays? Do Jews try to outlaw the eating of pork? The antis need to keep their shall-nots within their own congregation. And it is not even one of God's shall-nots.
Murder of the unborn who have no voice is everybody's business, especially if it's done on a whim because one decides all of a sudden that (oh no I can't have this baby, so what was I thinking) ??

But, but, but, the baby has a heart beat now, and it has little legs, arms, hands, and feet, and you want to just snuff it out, and just get rid of it ???

Yes the mother says, just get it out of me, I didn't want it anyway.

But, but, but why did you let a pregnancy develope in the first place, and better yet why did you allow the pregnancy to go to this stage before you decided that you don't want the baby ?

The mother says, hell I don't know, just get it out of me.

Sad situation, and one of the most irresponsible situation's that one could find themselves involved in. Sad modern day culture has caused some tragic things to occur in life these days, and people run around acting all stupid about the most fundamental building blocks of life and a healthy population set to increase that life through good practices, and moral standards kept.

"Thou Shalt Not Kill", remember that one ??
Murder of the unborn who have no voice is everybody's business, especially if it's done on a whim because one decides all of a sudden that (oh no I can't have this baby, so what was I thinking) ??

But, but, but, the baby has a heart beat now, and it has little legs, arms, hands, and feet, and you want to just snuff it out, and just get rid of it ???

Yes the mother says, just get it out of me, I didn't want it anyway.

But, but, but why did you let a pregnancy develope in the first place, and better yet why did you allow the pregnancy to go to this stage before you decided that you don't want the baby ?

The mother says, hell I don't know, just get it out of me.

Sad situation, and one of the most irresponsible situation's that one could find themselves involved in. Sad modern day culture has caused some tragic things to occur in life these days, and people run around acting all stupid about the most fundamental building blocks of life and a healthy population set to increase that life through good practices, and moral standards kept.

"Thou Shalt Not Kill", remember that one ??
Yes Life starts in the womb, but trying to claim that a zygote, and embryo or a fetus is a child is ridiculous. No human being has ever been killed by an abortion.
Yes Life starts in the womb, but trying to claim that a zygote, and embryo or a fetus is a child is ridiculous. No human being has ever been killed by an abortion.
Abortion is still the ultimate in selfish behavior. women killing their offspring for what? 99.99999% convenience. Sorry if responsibility and sacrifice are totally foreign concepts to you.
Funny, no Jew, Pole, Roma, Homosexual, Political adversary, etc. were ever gassed at Treblinka, Auschwitz, Sobibor, or Dachau and thrown into the ovens.
I know you may or may not realize it, but two of my mother's cousins were in concentration camps in Poland. Yes these were real people that were murdered. But you cannot compare a zygote an embryo, or a fetus to any individual human being.
Sure I can. God imparts the soul upon conception.
And that is ironic. Because according to your religion, mankind did not come into existence until your god breathed life into Adam's form. Following that logic, no soul could enter a body until they take their first breath. That is confirmed by the original church decree that unbaptized babies do not go to Heaven directly but must spend time in limbo.
And that is ironic. Because according to your religion, mankind did not come into existence until your god breathed life into Adam's form. Following that logic, no soul could enter a body until they take their first breath. That is confirmed by the original church decree that unbaptized babies do not go to Heaven directly but must spend time in limbo.
And that's a gross misinterpretation of Scripture.

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