Supreme Court Allows Texas Abortion Ban to Stand

Well, personally I think we have too many people on this planet. We don't need to be doing something that existed because infant mortality rates were super high. They're not high any more.

We don't need to be bring people into this world and have them be given a bad life.
Thank you.
That is just one of the reasons I support a woman's right to choose.
1. God doesn't make mistakes and no child is unwanted in His eyes because He's the one who made it in the first place.

2. How about thou shall not kill? Ring any bells?
Postmodern Puritans Punishing Heterosexuality

I wrote "specifically." THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ABORTION is specific. What rings your bell is on the dumb side of the Bell Curve. Also, you don't trust God to spell things out and have to have the clerics explain "what He really meant."
Their god did far worse, he wasn't satisfied to kill all the men women and children that would include pregnant women too he went on to tell them to kill all their animals too cuz somehow the animals had sinned they were evil bad creatures right this is the god they're listening to. Makes a whole lot of sense if you are mentally ill.
Pacifism Is Part of the Death Wish

Another Pro-Choicer going off on a tangent that turns off the undecided. The Hebrews were surrounded by corrupt savages, the real Great Satan. God showed them how to treat their natural enemies. The decadent German Jews should have paid more attention to their Scripture.
A person has to exist first, since a fetus is not a person there can be no murder. That most it would be fetuscide if such a word exists. An abortion is a medical procedure. It has no place in the courts, and only doctor should be determining when and how it's used. The Texas law at 16 weeks is not even a fetus yet it's just an embryo so I guess that would be embryocide in that case. In either case it's not murder. Keep your delusions to yourself you are poisoning reason and logic in this country.
The Natural Belief Has Always Been That Life Begins at Birth

Being opposed to abortion is definitely unnatural, or else we would have burials for miscarriages. If a woman were asked how many kids she's had, she'd never say, "Six. Three miscarriages, one abortion, and two children who are still living."

If abortion is murder, then it is illegal for a doctor to perform one "to save the life of the mother." That naturally follows, despite the anti-abortionists' pretending that it is not an article of their faith.
Pacifism Is Part of the Death Wish

Another Pro-Choicer going off on a tangent that turns off the undecided. The Hebrews were surrounded by corrupt savages, the real Great Satan. God showed them how to treat their natural enemies. The decadent German Jews should have paid more attention to their Scripture.
I may be going off on you guys but look at all the hatred and utter disrespect for women coming out of the posts from the anti-abortion people. These are the worst examples of pro-life people I've ever seen anywhere. They must live in their own little world where they imagine they can decide the fate of everyone else in the world.
God has nothing to do with abortion period. He is a pro-life God. How man perverts the earth is on him not on God.

He gave the instructions of how to live a good and holy life, and if we ignore that then it's on us. Consequences of our actions will follow. Fact.
$ermon of a God $ale$man

Then pay
That's the way
To make my day
The Natural Belief Has Always Been That Life Begins at Birth

Being opposed to abortion is definitely unnatural, or else we would have burials for miscarriages. If a woman were asked how many kids she's had, she'd never say, "Six. Three miscarriages, one abortion, and two children who are still living."

If abortion is murder, then it is illegal for a doctor to perform one "to save the life of the mother." That naturally follows, despite the anti-abortionists' pretending that it is not an article of their faith.
I had one of the anti-abortion people agree with me that one of them I spoke of was necessary then went on to continue to support is all out bands that don't allow exceptions. They want to have their cake and eat it too. And remember these people are overly concerned about what other people are doing in their lives. Don't they have a life of their own ?
Probably. States like Cali should put their money where their mouth is. They should fund travel and lodging expenses for women from non-abortion states to come and get their "procedure". Maybe Cali can recoup the outlay by using the PP policy of selling parts to medical research or pharmaceutical companies.

Actually private citizens such as myself are already making plans to assist Women in need of an Abortion. California is also going gun manufacturers with new legislation written in the manner.

You people sick as shit, "We don't want the government making medical decisions" shit. That is exactly what you are doing. You dumb as shit fucks do not give two shits about the fetus, it is about control over Women's bodies. You're not pro-life, you're Anti-Woman.
You keep calling this a child. It isn't even an embryo at 16 weeks. How many times do I have to say this before it sinks in. It doesn't have a brain yet it doesn't have a human heart yet it looks like a tadpole a deformed tadpole a third of its body length is its tail. It weighs a quarter ounce it's a half inch long. Tissues are beginning to differentiate and the major organs are starting to form. It has no eyes it has no ears it is not self aware and will not be self-aware until it is born if that is the outcome that is in its future. I believe it's at 24 weeks when it can sense pain but it cannot understand what it is there's still no cerebral development or higher functions simple motor functions are all that the brain not controls. Can you in your furthest imagination list another such being that you would call a human being. You can't. It could become a human being but it isn't a human being at this time. It is alive that's true, it's simple heart is beating but it is no way a human being. If I took this to the Texas Congress and said this was an endangered animal that was lived in the San Antonio River and we needed to protect those waters from pollution and exploitation by industrial entities I'm sure every Republican in that Congress would voted down they wouldn't try to save it. So much for your human being. Like I said all along the potential is there but that's all just the potential.
This Fake Fetus-Love Makes Them Feel Powerful When It Condemns Other People to Eternal Fire.

The same non-human description goes for sperm cells. So it is inconsistent for anti-abortionists if they don't oppose birth control; they have to make up this issue to feel morally superior. There is no logical difference with the Vatican's control-freak ideology about sex. Also inconsistent is to allow "murder" in the case of rape, incest, or to save the life of the "mother."
I may be going off on you guys but look at all the hatred and utter disrespect for women coming out of the posts from the anti-abortion people. These are the worst examples of pro-life people I've ever seen anywhere. They must live in their own little world where they imagine they can decide the fate of everyone else in the world.
The Scarlet Letter All Over Again

Yes, once again Pro Choicers throw something nasty in and turn off the undecided. The Pro-Lifers are against sex outside of marriage, not against women. They are against human nature, which, through science, is against what Nature condemns us to if we act human. Nature is a crime against humanity; doing something to defend human natural desires is not a crime.

My cousin, when 18 back in the Puritanical dictatorship days, almost had a mental breakdown when he got his girl friend pregnant. The result the law condemned him to was a miserable marriage and an unwanted child.
This Fake Fetus-Love Makes Them Feel Powerful When It Condemns Other People to Eternal Fire.

The same non-human description goes for sperm cells. So it is inconsistent for anti-abortionists if they don't oppose birth control; they have to make up this issue to feel morally superior. There is no logical difference with the Vatican's control-freak ideology about sex. Also inconsistent is to allow "murder" in the case of rape, incest, or to save the life of the "mother."
Correct, it all goes back to tribal religion. In an effort to make the tribe as strong as possible homosexuality, masturbation ( wasting of seed ), abortion and anything else that would reduce pregnancies was forbidden, was an abomination I love that word. It makes it sound so terrible and silly at the same time. The goal was to have more soldiers being born in a bigger tribe so they could better protect themselves from all their enemies. For some reason they were hours surrounded by enemies but she had a murder. The so-called judgmental religions judging everyone else but themselves.
Well, personally I think we have too many people on this planet. We don't need to be doing something that existed because infant mortality rates were super high. They're not high any more.

We don't need to be bring people into this world and have them be given a bad life.
Bringing people into the world isn't the problem. The problem is quality of life based upon the culture that is being run by whom(?), and what it stands for, and what it's standard's and values are. Solve these problem's, and this earth could handle million's more children. The problem these days is greed and selfishness on steroid's. The other problem is allowing idiot's from Hades to get into powerful position's.
all women should be able to choose to murder their children

in or outside the womb

makes sense to me

sarcasm alert

No, any Woman who is in need an Abortion should be able to receive one. Victims of Rape and/or Incest Come To MInd.

You fuck heads keep saying you, "Do Not Want The Government Deciding Health Care" shout, "We Do Not Want The Government In The Doctor's Office'". You are to a person Mother Fucking Liars.

You fuck headed shit for brain fools pass laws doing exactly what you claim you do not want. You fuck head do not give two shits about the "Unborn", you want control over a Woman's Body. Nothing more and nothing less..
The Natural Belief Has Always Been That Life Begins at Birth

Being opposed to abortion is definitely unnatural, or else we would have burials for miscarriages. If a woman were asked how many kids she's had, she'd never say, "Six. Three miscarriages, one abortion, and two children who are still living."

If abortion is murder, then it is illegal for a doctor to perform one "to save the life of the mother." That naturally follows, despite the anti-abortionists' pretending that it is not an article of their faith.
Shows what you know dipstick.... I know families who have had miscarriages in those families, and yes they include the miscarriages when they talk about the sibling's either lost or born. And yep I know a family that actually had a service for a miscarriage child in which they had already named, but unfortunately they lost.
all women should be able to choose to murder their children

in or outside the womb

makes sense to me

sarcasm alert
Give some of them the chance, and make it seem the norm, and they would tell the doctor to take the child and destroy it. How some of them can refuse to even view the child, because they already gave the child up for adoption before it's birth, uhhhh is another amazing thing to me.

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