Supreme Court Allows Texas Abortion Ban to Stand

And yet you overlook the reason BEHIND G-d's judgement. And that is because of disobedient man, his sin, and the destruction we cause. Again, the ONLY way to escape G-d's wrath is at the Cross, but you're too stubborn, stupid, or both to understand that.
Wake up already ! The message of a vengeful evil tribal god means nothing to me. If a GOD / CREATOR being actually exists, and I believe one does. He has nothing in common with any of the religious gods that man has created.
Such a disgrace ! Women in Texas are now second class citizens ; they don't even have control over their own bodies. May as well be slaves to the man.

Demleftist are taking away control of the body of every man, woman and child in American.
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Agreed, murdering a person is a crime. Unfortunately a fetus is not a person. In fact at 16 weeks it isn't even a fetus yet. So having an abortion wouldn't even be feticide, maybe it could be classified as embryocide. I don't know but it definitely isn't murder. In fact, murder has to be proven in a court of law. So what most it's only killing an embryo.
It already has been proven when a pregnant mother is murdered.
Wake up already ! The message of a vengeful evil tribal god means nothing to me. If a GOD / CREATOR being actually exists, and I believe one does. He has nothing in common with any of the religious gods that man has created.
Yet you overlook that G-d is much more than just "love and tolerance" He is also Holy, Righteous, and Just. He cannot, nor will not allow sin into His presence. This "evil tribal" god you refer to doesn't exist. The Sovereign G-d of Creation does, however. And He is Yeshua Moshiach. Jesus the Messiah! And He provided the ONLY way to Him, and that's through the Cross.
Scripture book, chapter, and verse, plz. Ain't there, is it. But "lean not unto thine own understanding" is, doll. So is "thou shalt not kill."
You're talking about your man-made religious god ; referring to his book to find advice on GOD's wisdom is blasphemy to the real natural GOD.
That prove nothing. The only thing that proved is that mother wanted that child and the man took it away from her. There is no equivalency at all to abortion.

You asked for judicial proof. I gave it to you.
Your opinion is not proof.
A person has to exist first, since a fetus is not a person there can be no murder. That most it would be fetuscide if such a word exists. An abortion is a medical procedure. It has no place in the courts, and only doctor should be determining when and how it's used. The Texas law at 16 weeks is not even a fetus yet it's just an embryo so I guess that would be embryocide in that case. In either case it's not murder. Keep your delusions to yourself you are poisoning reason and logic in this country.
Mankind has many stages of LIFE. Conception not only is the first stage, it has EVERYTHING NEEDED to folloe a specific task or organization of DNA for a human being that is neither its mother nor its father following stage I of development. Fetal development, unlike you say, is total organization of not only a plan, but also its journey through a million details, each a stage of such a complex undertaking you cannot wrap your mind around that it most certainly a human being that is worth being here. You need to get your brain unlocked from lala demmieland, grow up to those of us who know that scientifically, development of a human being doesn't begin with inhaling and exhaling.

Only a nutcase toady would think development starts with a stage that is way past a million tasks marks, and development stages continue through life. Ending a life in its formative years is not a natural death, it is called a kill, a murder, an execution, and scientific evidence shows that the fetus is not only a living human being, uterine photographic evidence shows fetuses will dart away from the killing equipment of abortion including coathangers, tongs, forceps, and vaccuums and cutting equipment such as knives, scissors, and sticks. Their only defense of avoidance is not affective against those who would murder these poor little ol cuties who WANT TO LIVE, WANT TO LIVE FREE OF KILLERS, WANT TO ESCAPE THE WOMB WHEN THE TIME IS RIGHT, AND WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE FROM PEOPLE WHO MAKE A LIVING KILLING INNOCENT HUMAN BEINGS. And when they get here they want to eat, they want to learn to talk to others and to learn good manners that others like them to have.

How could someone kill a part of themselves by one so dependent and needing adult care as an unborn future citizen of this great country?
And yet you overlook the reason BEHIND G-d's judgement. And that is because of disobedient man, his sin, and the destruction we cause. Again, the ONLY way to escape G-d's wrath is at the Cross, but you're too stubborn, stupid, or both to understand that.
I think he understands, but he feels that he has screwed up so bad in life, that he has switched over to the dark side.
Nice try. Epic fail.
Epic fail is you guys you're pathetic. Grasping that straws to support the faulty premise ; in the end you will regret ever even trying this b******* it's been done before and it's a no-go. Women represent the majority now and most men support the women. You're extremist minority is trying to shove this down America's throat and we don't want it. Been there done that it didn't work the first time around it's not going to work now. A total waste of time and effort, mostly yours.
Pfffft, what you mad that the conservatives got one up on y'all, otherwise when it comes to trying to control something or someone now ???

At least this is something that saves lives instead of takes lives. Can the leftist say the same ??

I'm not mad, no. I've long ago realized that human beings are generally assholes and make decisions based on image and others manipulating them with ease.

My comment was just pointing out the massive hypocrisy on this issue by the right.

That your comment was just an emotion brain fart, shows me that you don't have an argument other than "nah, nah, ni nah nah, we won, fuck you." Childish nonsense.

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