Supreme Court Allows Texas Abortion Ban to Stand

Such wonderful news!! :D

Yeah, wonderful news, the government gets to stick its face right in your life and tell you what to do.

Just what conservatives really want.
You just said some abortions are justified. Thank you I think they all are justified it depends on what the situation is and who's it got the fetus. That fetus can be a blessing, it can also be a curse. The second one was a 15 year old girl also at the State hospital another sad case she didn't even know how she got pregnant if they did DNA studies back then I'm sure it would have been a case of incest. And I don't know if you'd call this an abortion or not. This is over 50 years ago now. But when it was delivered, the organs were on the outside of the body, I believe it was missing part of the spine because of the body was malformed posture of the body. It was a blue baby, it was struggling to breathe and barely hanging on. The doctor looked over at me and gently put his fingers over the baby's neck. That ended the torment. You told the girl that the child did not survive and never showed it to her. To this very day I admire that doctor during the hard but necessary job that he did.
In the case where medical technology was in some things extremely lacking, and where things like this happened, then it wasn't considered an abortion in this situation, but rather a merciful act performed by the medical doctor in charge.

However, you said that the teen had no idea how she got pregnant ? Uhh I think she knew how she got pregnant, and who got her pregnant, and the fact that she didn't alert someone in order to get her help immediately (after the event took place against her will), speaks bad on her part unless she was intimidated or threatened by her molester or attacker forcing her to keep quite about it or else. Still there was no abortion here, so what's your point ?
Yeah, wonderful news, the government gets to stick its face right in your life and tell you what to do.

Just what conservatives really want.
Pfffft, what you mad that the conservatives got one up on y'all, otherwise when it comes to trying to control something or someone now ???

At least this is something that saves lives instead of takes lives. Can the leftist say the same ??
Are you anti-abortion people on here are delusional. I am a good and decent person. I am a realist. I support a woman's right to choose. I and not a eugenist. I am not a murderer. I am not a liar. If you do not respect a woman's right to govern her own body, you not I, are more of the type of person that would promote the Holocaust. My mother had two cousins in concentration camps. That suffering was part of my heritage. I'm not going to inflict that on women and make them second class citizens. It's not the same as killing them, but it is a death nonetheless. Shame on you crazy, stupid people. We've gone through this before, you've learned nothing from history.
"Good and decent" people don't exist in G-d's economy. He considers mankind evil and wicked. In fact, Jeremiah writes that the human heart is "deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, who can know it"? G-d knows the reprobate condition of our hearts. This is the reason for the Cross. Jesus Christ died so that man can be reconciled with G-d, be born again, and experience TRUE peace and contentment that no material or worldly thing can accomplish. You are not good and decent and you will never enter heaven based on that, nor based on how many "good deeds" you do. Without Christ, you, as well as every other unbeliever, no matter how "good" they may be, stand condemned already. The ONLY hope for mankind is to be born again (John 3:3)
Yes they can. Time for revivals for young Christians!

And it's time to give charlatan sewer rats like Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, Nadler, Cheney, Schiff, and Harris their pink slips.
I'm happy to live in a small Midwest town where young men are growing up right. They are taught firearms safety from the time they learn to walk and encouraged by high school rifle and trap clubs, and I now feel safe around my town's young men, knowing they are competent shooters.

Last week, when the first snow of the season hit, school was let out early and the members of the high school wrestling team got on their ATV's fitted with blades and plowed the driveways of the town's elderly people. High school students of good character! Imagine what a thrill this is after living in the cesspool of Seattle!

There are quiet pools of good people and I pray that they keep growing.
Are you anti-abortion people on here are delusional. I am a good and decent person. I am a realist. I support a woman's right to choose. I and not a eugenist. I am not a murderer. I am not a liar. If you do not respect a woman's right to govern her own body, you not I, are more of the type of person that would promote the Holocaust. My mother had two cousins in concentration camps. That suffering was part of my heritage. I'm not going to inflict that on women and make them second class citizens. It's not the same as killing them, but it is a death nonetheless. Shame on you crazy, stupid people. We've gone through this before, you've learned nothing from history.
Project much?
Yes they can. Time for revivals for young Christians!

And it's time to give charlatan sewer rats like Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, Nadler, Cheney, Schiff, and Harris their pink slips.
That's the key right there! The Church needs to step up and proclaim the Gospel loud and clear! That is the only true hope for mankind.
Such wonderful news!! :D

I feel an obligation to correct something.The Supreeme Court did not ALLOW the
Texas Abortion Ban to stand.It was a majority of Conservative Supreme Court Jurists
that did.Do not lump all Jurists as if one.
Like a Jury of one's peer all it take is one juror out of 12 to make for a mistrial.
I feel an obligation to correct something.The Supreeme Court did not ALLOW the
Texas Abortion Ban to stand.It was a majority of Conservative Supreme Court Jurists
that did.Do not lump all Jurists as if one.
Like a Jury of one's peer all it take is one juror out of 12 to make for a mistrial.
This is not a trial jury. You do not need a unanimous body for a decision to be rendered here. Majority decision is that the Texas law stands.
This is not a trial jury. You do not need a unanimous body for a decision to be rendered here. Majority decision is that the Texas law stands.
Majority decision is that the Texas law stands.

With the add that if their are those who might be affected negatively by it, then they can therefore sue the official's that enforce the law or they can challenge the law itself, otherwise based upon their lawsuit brought ?

Sounds like the court compromised in order to please both sides. If the law stands, then it should be backed by the courts that allowed it to stand.
The first abortions were performed by the ancient Egyptians. Abortions have occurred throughout history, if they had not, the world will be long dead by now. Overpopulation is the biggest threat we face and it's totally unaddressed by anyone. It creates all the other problems. The population would even out and even decline to five or six billion on the planet we would have a chance to survive. At the current rate of increase we have less than a hundred years to survive. Before that time the planet's ecosystem will be totally destroyed, they'll be more death than life on the planet, the people who survived the first wave of famine, war and pestilence will be at each other's throats. I'm sorry but saving more fetuses is the last thing we need to be talking about. Especially if they're unwanted. There's no solution to this problem for you people. If you win you lose, if you lose you still lose. I really believe it's too late for the human race. I'm glad I'm old and won't be around myself I don't want to see it go down. This world was so beautiful when I was young it keeps getting less and less because people can't control their emotions and can't see the forest for the trees. Good luck to everyone out there, you're going to need it.
Your Cult at Least Wants to Murder Modern Life

Why do Pro-Choicers associate themselves with such wacky depressing ideas? If the undecided hear such sickening crybaby Doom and Gloom negativism, they'll go Pro-Life.

The Earth is underpopulated. If Alaska had the same density as New Jersey, which is not jam-packed, it would have 700 million people. The same ratio applies to natural resources: we develop far less than 1%. Don't believe the inferior IQs who preach scarcity: they are jealous of creative geniuses and want to bloviate that the no hidden resources will ever be developed by anybody.

The same jealousy makes these Diploma Dumbos say that what geniuses have wrought—the modern economy—will poison our air, wiping us off the face of the Earth. That is a primitive superstition. Nature is a crime against humanity; it is not supernatural. The way you describe life on Earth if we don't go Green is the way human existence was throughout history before the Industrial Age.
It takes time to disprove a mob deception who blames others for their crimes. When it dawned on you that you bought the wrong farm due to peer pressure, it made you sorry, and you made up for it by being sure others now know the truth. God is gracious to those who get entangled in a vice only to learn the truth as time slips by. Our God is a good God and always says "I forgive" when someone is sorry. bans the behavior for life and pays more attention to the truth by dusting off the old family bible or picks one up at Good Will. You are forgiven. Believe it and you are making up for it now by defending the lives you now realize are God's little teacher. :thup: God is good. Don't ever doubt it again. :huddle: You will become someone ten times as effective as me because you have seen it for what it is and your experience is smarter than someone who merely reads lugrubiously and learns in that most boring way like me. You are destined to be the one God uses to improve this insidious national misconception and I am barely smart enough to love the ground you now walk on. ♡♡♡
No God Would Want an Unwanted Child to Be Born

God would have specifically made abortion one of the Shall Nots if he opposed it.
No God Would Want an Unwanted Child to Be Born

God would have specifically made abortion one of the Shall Nots if he opposed it.

1. God doesn't make mistakes and no child is unwanted in His eyes because He's the one who made it in the first place.

2. How about thou shall not kill? Ring any bells?
You are gravely mistaken, doll.
Right, your anti-abortion people don't even know me but you think I made it to some kind of terrible mistake I don't think so you're the ones who are making the mistakes we went through this all before if you don't learn from history you're really stupid and making a grave mistake.
No God Would Want an Unwanted Child to Be Born

God would have specifically made abortion one of the Shall Nots if he opposed it.
Their god did far worse, he wasn't satisfied to kill all the men women and children that would include pregnant women too he went on to tell them to kill all their animals too cuz somehow the animals had sinned they were evil bad creatures right this is the god they're listening to. Makes a whole lot of sense if you are mentally ill.
1. God doesn't make mistakes and no child is unwanted in His eyes because He's the one who made it in the first place.

2. How about thou shall not kill? Ring any bells?
1. David wrote in the Psalms that he shall praise G-d for I am "wonderfully and fearfully made" and Jeremiah declares that "Before I formed you in the belly of your mother I knew you, and ordained you as a prophet". G-d's purpose and plan shall not be thwarted, no matter what Satan or man tries to do.

2. The correct translation is "You shall not MURDER" which is what abortion is-legalized murder.

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