Supreme Court Allows Texas Abortion Ban to Stand

I assisted the doctor -- preparing instruments and passing them, as well as cleaning up equipment after each murder.

Well,.. it's all in the past. I used to be a bully/cyber bully but I'm not now. We all make mistakes, but as long as we learn from them and don't make the same ones that's all that counts. :)
No---not wonderful news-

This is a blow to the republicans and will cost votes in 2022 and 2024.

This will unite the left and INDEPENDENTS against the republicans grab to target and control women. Trying to ban Abortions is why so many women hate the fuck out of the republicans---and making this an issue again will hurt the republicans voting.

The supreme court did you no favors--they set you up.
Femininny Nah Nah

Worn-out scare story. In reality any woman who is that concerned about her Roe rights has been voting Democrat for a long time. So this imaginary stampede to the Democrats won't happen at all. As for the undecided, they've got more important issues to worry about.
Insanity is murdering your own child when it is developing inside of you and someone eggs you on by comparing the tiniest human being to an amoeboid group of cells. To me that is the equivalency as an accessory to murder because it is EXACTLY THAT.
Whatever, like I said you people are sick, sticking your noses and other people's business where it doesn't belong and calling them murders. This is disgusting, this is beyond disgusting. You have my condolences when you go back to hell.
I wish I could tell you some of the horrors I experienced when I worked at a clinic where abortions were performed many years ago, may God forgive me.
I know it's terrible some clinics were bombed, doctors and nurses murdered. These anti-abortion people are insane.
Such wonderful news!! :D

The law stands, but the court allows the provider's to sue over the law ??? Sounds counter productive to me. Otherwise who has the most funds to carry a lawsuit forward ?? The provider's, so it sounds like the court tried to counter the law by allowing the provider's to sue over the law. Sneaky stuff.
I wish I could tell you some of the horrors I experienced when I worked at a clinic where abortions were performed many years ago, may God forgive me.
I never worked in an abortion clinic, in the course of my nursing education and employment I've observed three of them. The first one I will never forget. It was during my rotation training in ER on nights. A bunch of hookers brought in one of their younger members who was very very pregnant. The girl was totally out of it. The girls said, " The bitch is 2 weeks overdue and now she's starting to smell. Besides she's crazy. " Upon examination it was determined the fetus was dead and beginning to decay. Blood test revealed she went septic, the fetus has multiple problems and it was a down syndrome baby. Due to the woman's condition a C-section was out of the question. They use crusher forceps and removed the what remained of the fetus vaginally. The stench was unbelievable. Two of the female students passed out. I wanted to vomit but I didn't. The state hospital where I was training had too many cases like this. Do any of you want to hear about the other two ?
Whatever, like I said you people are sick, sticking your noses and other people's business where it doesn't belong and calling them murders. This is disgusting, this is beyond disgusting. You have my condolences when you go back to hell.
Not in to protecting life eh ? Oh and it's definitely life once that heart starts beating, but even after allowing a pregnancy to go beyond the finding out that one is pregnant, and then just deciding many weeks later to snuff the child out is just being a monster IMHO. How a person can consciously do such a thing is unbelievable to me.
I never worked in an abortion clinic, in the course of my nursing education and employment I've observed three of them. The first one I will never forget. It was during my rotation training in ER on nights. A bunch of hookers brought in one of their younger members who was very very pregnant. The girl was totally out of it. The girls said, " The bitch is 2 weeks overdue and now she's starting to smell. Besides she's crazy. " Upon examination it was determined the fetus was dead and beginning to decay. Blood test revealed she went septic, the fetus has multiple problems and it was a down syndrome baby. Due to the woman's condition a C-section was out of the question. They use crusher forceps and removed the what remained of the fetus vaginally. The stench was unbelievable. Two of the female students passed out. I wanted to vomit but I didn't. The state hospital where I was training had too many cases like this. Do any of you want to hear about the other two ?
That was a justified case, next one ?
The law stands, but the court allows the provider's to sue over the law ??? Sounds counter productive to me. Otherwise who has the most funds to carry a lawsuit forward ?? The provider's, so it sounds like the court tried to counter the law by allowing the provider's to sue over the law. Sneaky stuff.
There are going to be multiple multiple lawsuits. This law is out of Nazi Germany or something it's it's not fit to be an American law.
You're welcome but I wasn't trying to be gentle. I don't mince my words.

He will,.. but forgive you for what? Are you saying that you performed abortions yourself?

Not in to protecting life eh ? Oh and it's definitely life once that heart starts beating, but even after allowing a pregnancy to go beyond the finding out that one is pregnant, and then just deciding many weeks later to snuff the child out is just being a monster IMHO. How a person can consciously do such a thing is unbelievable to me.
Point of view, you would want the child no matter what the circumstances. I guess you had a very good life never been in a bad place never lost all hope never thought that there's nothing to live for let alone bring another life into this crazy world. Good for you. Other people aren't so lucky.
That was a justified case, next one ?
You just said some abortions are justified. Thank you I think they all are justified it depends on what the situation is and who's it got the fetus. That fetus can be a blessing, it can also be a curse. The second one was a 15 year old girl also at the State hospital another sad case she didn't even know how she got pregnant if they did DNA studies back then I'm sure it would have been a case of incest. And I don't know if you'd call this an abortion or not. This is over 50 years ago now. But when it was delivered, the organs were on the outside of the body, I believe it was missing part of the spine because of the body was malformed posture of the body. It was a blue baby, it was struggling to breathe and barely hanging on. The doctor looked over at me and gently put his fingers over the baby's neck. That ended the torment. You told the girl that the child did not survive and never showed it to her. To this very day I admire that doctor during the hard but necessary job that he did.
I never worked in an abortion clinic, in the course of my nursing education and employment I've observed three of them. The first one I will never forget. It was during my rotation training in ER on nights. A bunch of hookers brought in one of their younger members who was very very pregnant. The girl was totally out of it. The girls said, " The bitch is 2 weeks overdue and now she's starting to smell. Besides she's crazy. " Upon examination it was determined the fetus was dead and beginning to decay. Blood test revealed she went septic, the fetus has multiple problems and it was a down syndrome baby. Due to the woman's condition a C-section was out of the question. They use crusher forceps and removed the what remained of the fetus vaginally. The stench was unbelievable. Two of the female students passed out. I wanted to vomit but I didn't. The state hospital where I was training had too many cases like this. Do any of you want to hear about the other two ?
Cool story bro. :rolleyes:
A "fetus" is a description of a STAGE OF GROWTH OF A HUMAN BEING.

It's the same stupidity as saying "That's not a human being, that's a "senior citizen."

Or, "that's not a human being, that's a teenager."

Or, "That's not a human being, that's an adolescent"

Liberals really are this stupid folks
Reminds you of how Nazi Germany classified who was a person and who wasn't. Abortion mills are the modern Dachau Death camps.
Agreed, murdering a person is a crime. Unfortunately a fetus is not a person. In fact at 16 weeks it isn't even a fetus yet. So having an abortion wouldn't even be feticide, maybe it could be classified as embryocide. I don't know but it definitely isn't murder. In fact, murder has to be proven in a court of law. So what most it's only killing an embryo.
Hitler said the same thing about Jews, Roma, homosexuals, etc. You are a eugenist. And abortion is the epitome of selfishness.
Hitler said the same thing about Jews, Roma, homosexuals, etc. You are a eugenist. And abortion is the epitome of selfishness.
Are you anti-abortion people on here are delusional. I am a good and decent person. I am a realist. I support a woman's right to choose. I and not a eugenist. I am not a murderer. I am not a liar. If you do not respect a woman's right to govern her own body, you not I, are more of the type of person that would promote the Holocaust. My mother had two cousins in concentration camps. That suffering was part of my heritage. I'm not going to inflict that on women and make them second class citizens. It's not the same as killing them, but it is a death nonetheless. Shame on you crazy, stupid people. We've gone through this before, you've learned nothing from history.
Reminds you of how Nazi Germany classified who was a person and who wasn't. Abortion mills are the modern Dachau Death camps.
The first abortions were performed by the ancient Egyptians. Abortions have occurred throughout history, if they had not, the world will be long dead by now. Overpopulation is the biggest threat we face and it's totally unaddressed by anyone. It creates all the other problems. The population would even out and even decline to five or six billion on the planet we would have a chance to survive. At the current rate of increase we have less than a hundred years to survive. Before that time the planet's ecosystem will be totally destroyed, they'll be more death than life on the planet, the people who survived the first wave of famine, war and pestilence will be at each other's throats. I'm sorry but saving more fetuses is the last thing we need to be talking about. Especially if they're unwanted. There's no solution to this problem for you people. If you win you lose, if you lose you still lose. I really believe it's too late for the human race. I'm glad I'm old and won't be around myself I don't want to see it go down. This world was so beautiful when I was young it keeps getting less and less because people can't control their emotions and can't see the forest for the trees. Good luck to everyone out there, you're going to need it.
I wish I could tell you some of the horrors I experienced when I worked at a clinic where abortions were performed many years ago, may God forgive me.
It takes time to disprove a mob deception who blames others for their crimes. When it dawned on you that you bought the wrong farm due to peer pressure, it made you sorry, and you made up for it by being sure others now know the truth. God is gracious to those who get entangled in a vice only to learn the truth as time slips by. Our God is a good God and always says "I forgive" when someone is sorry. bans the behavior for life and pays more attention to the truth by dusting off the old family bible or picks one up at Good Will. You are forgiven. Believe it and you are making up for it now by defending the lives you now realize are God's little teacher. :thup: God is good. Don't ever doubt it again. :huddle: You will become someone ten times as effective as me because you have seen it for what it is and your experience is smarter than someone who merely reads lugrubiously and learns in that most boring way like me. You are destined to be the one God uses to improve this insidious national misconception and I am barely smart enough to love the ground you now walk on. ♡♡♡
Are you anti-abortion people on here are delusional. I am a good and decent person. I am a realist. I support a woman's right to choose. I and not a eugenist. I am not a murderer. I am not a liar. If you do not respect a woman's right to govern her own body, you not I, are more of the type of person that would promote the Holocaust. My mother had two cousins in concentration camps. That suffering was part of my heritage. I'm not going to inflict that on women and make them second class citizens. It's not the same as killing them, but it is a death nonetheless. Shame on you crazy, stupid people. We've gone through this before, you've learned nothing from history.
You are gravely mistaken, doll.

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