Supreme Court: Coach Can Pray on the Sidelines. Ruling 6-3

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Yeah. They pared down all the extraneous garbage liberals attempted to add to it for decades. Such as the right to an abortion. That goes back to the states. That's all Roe does. Such as making the govt "officially secular" which is not a requirement. Etc etc etc. Trump ignores Constitution in assertion that his " authority is total ". April 14th, 2020 exactly what he said was, " When somebody is present of the United States, The authority is total. " Nope, that would be the definition of totalitarianism. Trump ignores Constitution in assertion that his " authority is total ". April 14th, 2020 exactly what he said was, " When somebody is present of the United States, The authority is total. " Nope, that would be the definition of totalitarianism.
Didn't catch that typo, when somebody is president...
Because I've been asked this question many many times and it's all over everywhere. But it's projection, because Lefties had a problem with the Christian praying, so they ASSUME we would have a problem with people of other faiths praying.

Well you’re not talking to Lefties you are talking to me and I’ve already explained my personal feelings about the coach praying. Trump ignores Constitution in assertion that his " authority is total ". April 14th, 2020 exactly what he said was, " When somebody is present of the United States, The authority is total. " Nope, that would be the definition of totalitarianism.

Yeah, I disagree with him. What does that have to do with the thread topic of prayer and the SC? Or is this about your TDS
Well you’re not talking to Lefties you are talking to me and I’ve already explained my personal feelings about the coach praying.

You asked me the same question Lefties have asked me dozens of times in the last however many hours. Now why is that?

Oh yeah. Projection.
You asked me the same question Lefties have asked me dozens of times in the last however many hours. Now why is that?

Oh yeah. Projection.
I asked because I was curious to see what you would say. You dodged and stereotyped twice. You do not disappoint, I’ll give you that :)
This was the coach's idea. Children respect their coaches and adore them, whether the coach realizes it or not, he is using his position to endear the idea to the children. It's a mild form of coercion, but it still is coercion. I feel much better if it was the other way around if the students wanted their coach to join them, no pressure there.
How is praying coercion? Frankly I think not allowing praying is coercion.
Yeah, I disagree with him. What does that have to do with the thread topic of prayer and the SC? Or is this about your TDS
Which passed because trump appointed three supreme Court justices of like mind. All three lied during their testimony. Do you think liars make good supreme Court justices. I don't. None of this garbage would be going on if it weren't for them.
Which passed because trump appointed three supreme Court justices of like mind. All three lied during their testimony. Do you think liars make good supreme Court justices. I don't. None of this garbage would be going on if it weren't for them.
Restoring the 2nd Amendment, now restoring the 1st Amendment?

democrats must be livid.
Yeah it kinda messes up their long held ambitions of destroying this country with a long drawn out plan, and then as they went happily along their merry ways, they were working to replace our long held institutions, value's and standard's with their twisted screwed up agenda's.

I likes this court, A LOT... Didn't think that it was going to come through, but I got fooled.
What article? There are lot of articles.

Show me the one where they polled all the kids.

Also, there are lots of kkid. In 4 years, they will all be different kids.

So no matter what article you read, you don't ACTUALLY know that, now or in the future.

Now, admit it like an honest person. Admit you just think that's a chance we should take.
Semantics... and regardless who complained - I don't give a shit.
He was hurting no one, and broke no laws. And there shouldn't be a law where a guy isn't allowed to pray after a ballgame.
Nope, that's your projection. The 2nd does not specifically define any body, federal or otherwise. Whereas the 1st clearly defines a specific body in regards to the establishment of religions. A state could establish a state religion so long as they did not prohibit other religions or interfere with the practices of said religions. All theoretical of course, as the potential of such is virtually zero.

Why could the states not prohibit other religions or interfere with the practices of said religions, since the 1st does not apply to the states at all?
Which passed because trump appointed three supreme Court justices of like mind. All three lied during their testimony. Do you think liars make good supreme Court justices. I don't. None of this garbage would be going on if it weren't for them.

Quote their lies. Should be easy enough to find.
No. Because the coach said in post-ruling interviews that he CHOSE players as team captains (2 of them) that did NOT participate in the silent prayers. Because he said -- it showed leadership and decision making abilities.

The media SUCKS SO BADLY because the majority of Americans are getting their news strained and purified to their snowflakeyness that you cant even have an "informed debate" anymore with most people.
He did?

So it seems he is aware of which players participate and which don’t
John works for a reatail store and prays before he eats his lunch.

A highscool football coach is not allowed to pray before he eats his lunch.

Who’s religious freedoms are being denied?
What is a REATAIL store?

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