Supreme Court hears arguments on Trump's Tax Records

From the link:

The US Supreme Court has heard arguments on whether President Donald Trump should be allowed to keep his financial records secret, in a major showdown over presidential powers.

Mr Trump declines to share documents that could shed light on his fortune and the work of his family company.

Two congressional committees and New York prosecutors demand the release of his tax returns and other information.

Mr Trump's private lawyers argue he enjoys total immunity while in office.

The judges will hear the cases remotely because of the coronavirus pandemic. The Supreme Court has a 5-4 conservative majority and includes two Trump appointees - Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.

The rule of law, and a guiding principle in our nation's jurisprudence is no man is above the law. The efficacy of the Supreme Court justices to dispense justice will be judged in this matter. If they decide in favor of President Trump, it will give carte blanche to him, and to every future POTUS.
The ruling should be a slam dunk against Trump. No one is above the law. Time to see those tax returns Donald. Gosh, can you imagine the money laundering?
How is not turning over tax returns you were never required to turnover make anyone above the law?
Because Trump is already implicated in tax evasion, and breaking campaign finance laws.
Tax evasion because Stone did? Breaking campaign finance laws because he wrote a check to Stormy?

Look, it won't surprise me if they find Trump did all sorts of illegal shit during his campaign. He plays to win, not by the rules. It's obvious with the June '16 Trump Tower meeting, paying off Stormy, the Ukraine affair, etc. etc. I'm sure he did a lot more. But it's going to have to wait 'til he's out of office, and then.....campaign finance violations aren't going to put him in jail, are they? Once he's out of office, let the guy fade into history like a bad nightmare. Don't keep parading this shit in front of us. It will be time for us to forget him. Enough.
It is possible Trump has also been laundering money for Russians. That's a serious crime.
Wait--isn't that the So.. District of New York subpoena, not Congress's?

I think Trump was in on something like that--I've been saying it since Trump did an about face, abruptly fired Preet Bharara, and suddenly Sessions insisted So. District of NY prosecutors settle a Russian money laundering case--which Bharara was locked and loaded to prosecute--for so cheap even the Russians couldn't believe their good fortune. That stunk to the high heaven. If Trump wasn't in on it himself, it sure smells like the Russians were calling in a favor from the new Pres.

From the link:

The US Supreme Court has heard arguments on whether President Donald Trump should be allowed to keep his financial records secret, in a major showdown over presidential powers.

Mr Trump declines to share documents that could shed light on his fortune and the work of his family company.

Two congressional committees and New York prosecutors demand the release of his tax returns and other information.

Mr Trump's private lawyers argue he enjoys total immunity while in office.

The judges will hear the cases remotely because of the coronavirus pandemic. The Supreme Court has a 5-4 conservative majority and includes two Trump appointees - Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.

The rule of law, and a guiding principle in our nation's jurisprudence is no man is above the law. The efficacy of the Supreme Court justices to dispense justice will be judged in this matter. If they decide in favor of President Trump, it will give carte blanche to him, and to every future POTUS.
You are one major dumb piece of shit if you think the IRS would allow anyone to get away with not paying one cent they owe.

From the link:

The US Supreme Court has heard arguments on whether President Donald Trump should be allowed to keep his financial records secret, in a major showdown over presidential powers.

Mr Trump declines to share documents that could shed light on his fortune and the work of his family company.

Two congressional committees and New York prosecutors demand the release of his tax returns and other information.

Mr Trump's private lawyers argue he enjoys total immunity while in office.

The judges will hear the cases remotely because of the coronavirus pandemic. The Supreme Court has a 5-4 conservative majority and includes two Trump appointees - Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.

The rule of law, and a guiding principle in our nation's jurisprudence is no man is above the law. The efficacy of the Supreme Court justices to dispense justice will be judged in this matter. If they decide in favor of President Trump, it will give carte blanche to him, and to every future POTUS.
The ruling should be a slam dunk against Trump. No one is above the law. Time to see those tax returns Donald. Gosh, can you imagine the money laundering?
How is not turning over tax returns you were never required to turnover make anyone above the law?
Because Trump is already implicated in tax evasion, and breaking campaign finance laws.
Tax evasion because Stone did? Breaking campaign finance laws because he wrote a check to Stormy?

Look, it won't surprise me if they find Trump did all sorts of illegal shit during his campaign. He plays to win, not by the rules. It's obvious with the June '16 Trump Tower meeting, paying off Stormy, the Ukraine affair, etc. etc. I'm sure he did a lot more. But it's going to have to wait 'til he's out of office, and then.....campaign finance violations aren't going to put him in jail, are they? Once he's out of office, let the guy fade into history like a bad nightmare. Don't keep parading this shit in front of us. It will be time for us to forget him. Enough.

Sorry, not enough. Trump is not only corrupt and a damn liar, he is continuing to put people in harms way.
IMO, this partisan ripping and tearing is putting our country in harm's way.
What would it hurt to release the records. You want to be elected every last aspect of your finances should be made public.
His financial statements to the FEC should be sufficient.
Nope. Not even close. You clearly do not understand the nature of the investigations.
What are they investigating, then? In simple terms.
The House has two cases which have been combined into one. That's Trump v. Mazars. The House is seeking Trump's tax records so they can investigate Michael Cohen's claims that Trump lied about the values of his assets with insurance companies and the IRS. That is why Admiral Rockwell Tory's notion that Trump's FEC filings should be enough is so patently ridiculous and exposes his ignorance.

The second House investigation is into Deutche Bank and Capital One laundering money, with Trump participating in the scheme. The House is seeking the records of those banks. These are the "third parties" you keep hearing references to in the arguments today. Trump is trying to block Congress from accessing the banks' records.

Finally, there is a third investigation, Trump v. Vance. That is a case by the state of New York which is investigating Trump's payoffs to McDougal and Daniels. They want access to Trump's tax records.

From the link:

The US Supreme Court has heard arguments on whether President Donald Trump should be allowed to keep his financial records secret, in a major showdown over presidential powers.

Mr Trump declines to share documents that could shed light on his fortune and the work of his family company.

Two congressional committees and New York prosecutors demand the release of his tax returns and other information.

Mr Trump's private lawyers argue he enjoys total immunity while in office.

The judges will hear the cases remotely because of the coronavirus pandemic. The Supreme Court has a 5-4 conservative majority and includes two Trump appointees - Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.

The rule of law, and a guiding principle in our nation's jurisprudence is no man is above the law. The efficacy of the Supreme Court justices to dispense justice will be judged in this matter. If they decide in favor of President Trump, it will give carte blanche to him, and to every future POTUS.
You are one major dumb piece of shit if you think the IRS would allow anyone to get away with not paying one cent they owe.
You are one dumb shit if you think people don't evade taxes and lie on their tax returns.

Michael Cohen described exactly how Trump did it and how to prove he committed a crime.
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The most common way that crooks launder their money is through real estate manipulation.

Trump's main man Manafort is in prison for laundering money in just this way.

And real estate is what Trump is all about.

That's why Trump is terrified of Congress getting hold of the banks' records.
Trump undervalued his assets on his taxes, and overvalued his assets with the insurance companies. He signed documents during these frauds which put him on the hook. You can't say your house is worth a million dollars to the IRS and say it is worth two million dollars to the insurance company and not know you are committing fraud.

Undervaluing assets is precisely the way you launder ill-gotten money.
What would it hurt to release the records. You want to be elected every last aspect of your finances should be made public.
His financial statements to the FEC should be sufficient.
Nope. Not even close. You clearly do not understand the nature of the investigations.
What are they investigating, then? In simple terms.
The House has two cases which have been combined into one. That's Trump v. Mazars. The House is seeking Trump's tax records so they can investigate Michael Cohen's claims that Trump lied about the values of his assets with insurance companies and the IRS. That is why Admiral Rockwell Tory's notion that Trump's FEC filings should be enough is so patently ridiculous and exposes his ignorance.

The second House investigation is into Deutche Bank and Capital One laundering money, with Trump participating in the scheme. The House is seeking the records of those banks. These are the "third parties" you keep hearing references to in the arguments today. Trump is trying to block Congress from accessing the banks' records.

Finally, there is a third investigation, Trump v. Vance. That is a case by the state of New York which is investigating Trump's payoffs to McDougal and Daniels. They want access to Trump's tax records.
Thank you! How is the House involved in the Deutche Bank case? Oversight? Who is prosecuting it? Is that the So District of NY case?
What would it hurt to release the records. You want to be elected every last aspect of your finances should be made public.
His financial statements to the FEC should be sufficient.
Nope. Not even close. You clearly do not understand the nature of the investigations.
What are they investigating, then? In simple terms.
The House has two cases which have been combined into one. That's Trump v. Mazars. The House is seeking Trump's tax records so they can investigate Michael Cohen's claims that Trump lied about the values of his assets with insurance companies and the IRS. That is why Admiral Rockwell Tory's notion that Trump's FEC filings should be enough is so patently ridiculous and exposes his ignorance.

The second House investigation is into Deutche Bank and Capital One laundering money, with Trump participating in the scheme. The House is seeking the records of those banks. These are the "third parties" you keep hearing references to in the arguments today. Trump is trying to block Congress from accessing the banks' records.

Finally, there is a third investigation, Trump v. Vance. That is a case by the state of New York which is investigating Trump's payoffs to McDougal and Daniels. They want access to Trump's tax records.
Thank you! How is the House involved in the Deutche Bank case? Oversight? Who is prosecuting it? Is that the So District of NY case?
See the last paragraph of my post you just quoted.
Is Congress saying the President is refusing to honor a Congressional subpoena? There is a law about that, I believe. But the Congress has to show good cause to want the documents, and they haven't got it, imo.

From the link:

The US Supreme Court has heard arguments on whether President Donald Trump should be allowed to keep his financial records secret, in a major showdown over presidential powers.

Mr Trump declines to share documents that could shed light on his fortune and the work of his family company.

Two congressional committees and New York prosecutors demand the release of his tax returns and other information.

Mr Trump's private lawyers argue he enjoys total immunity while in office.

The judges will hear the cases remotely because of the coronavirus pandemic. The Supreme Court has a 5-4 conservative majority and includes two Trump appointees - Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.

The rule of law, and a guiding principle in our nation's jurisprudence is no man is above the law. The efficacy of the Supreme Court justices to dispense justice will be judged in this matter. If they decide in favor of President Trump, it will give carte blanche to him, and to every future POTUS.
The ruling should be a slam dunk against Trump. No one is above the law. Time to see those tax returns Donald. Gosh, can you imagine the money laundering?
How is not turning over tax returns you were never required to turnover make anyone above the law?
Because Trump is already implicated in tax evasion, and breaking campaign finance laws.

Implicated in tax evasion? Seems kind of a loose accusation. The documents that are being requested are all before he was elected to the Presidency and that seems to be the rub with Sotomeyer, from her questioning she indicated that what Congress is asking for is unprecedented, I’m not sure of her thinking however her line of questioning was an interesting take. The issue might be the evidence that NY and Congress have is weak at best and there is a worry of another hunting expedition. Tough to figure the SC. It does make for an interesting news line.
Trump v. Mazars.

Trump v. Vance

Mazars is Trump's accounting firm. Vance is New York County District Attorney Cyrus Vance.
Is Congress saying the President is refusing to honor a Congressional subpoena? There is a law about that, I believe. But the Congress has to show good cause to want the documents, and they haven't got it, imo.

From the link:

The US Supreme Court has heard arguments on whether President Donald Trump should be allowed to keep his financial records secret, in a major showdown over presidential powers.

Mr Trump declines to share documents that could shed light on his fortune and the work of his family company.

Two congressional committees and New York prosecutors demand the release of his tax returns and other information.

Mr Trump's private lawyers argue he enjoys total immunity while in office.

The judges will hear the cases remotely because of the coronavirus pandemic. The Supreme Court has a 5-4 conservative majority and includes two Trump appointees - Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.

The rule of law, and a guiding principle in our nation's jurisprudence is no man is above the law. The efficacy of the Supreme Court justices to dispense justice will be judged in this matter. If they decide in favor of President Trump, it will give carte blanche to him, and to every future POTUS.
The ruling should be a slam dunk against Trump. No one is above the law. Time to see those tax returns Donald. Gosh, can you imagine the money laundering?
How is not turning over tax returns you were never required to turnover make anyone above the law?
Because Trump is already implicated in tax evasion, and breaking campaign finance laws.

Implicated in tax evasion? Seems kind of a loose accusation. The documents that are being requested are all before he was elected to the Presidency and that seems to be the rub with Sotomeyer, from her questioning she indicated that what Congress is asking for is unprecedented.
Nope. The Republican Congress investigated Whitewater, which was a business dealing before Clinton was president.

The Republicans set the precedent.

Whitewater was brought up several times today. Sotomayor's questions were asking why is this case not just like Whitewater.
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Cohen Pleaded guilty to crimes not committed just as Flynn did.
That will go no where.
Cohen went to prison for a non-existent crime?
Why would he do that?

Michael Cohen sentenced to 3 years in prison

"NEW YORK — A contrite Michael Cohen on Wednesday received three years in prison for a series of tax fraud and lying charges, sending another former Donald Trump associate to jail.

They needed a special prosecutor to find the dirt.

My question remains the same what was the I.R.S
Doing? What are we paying them for?
Now let's look at the real world.
Trump has filed tax returns, they have been reviewed by the IRS.
No one has shown that he has illegal income that he could be hit with tax evasion.
That IRS review consisted of little more than certifying Trump filed his returns.
Compare that limited audit to the one congress and the Manhattan DA would pursue.
If Trump has nothing to hide, he would have already revealed these returns and relevant documents.
Lol. You really don't think that 44 and his squad did just a cursory review of his tax returns? How is the air on your planet?
Is Congress saying the President is refusing to honor a Congressional subpoena? There is a law about that, I believe. But the Congress has to show good cause to want the documents, and they haven't got it, imo.
Campaign finance laws being broken is a great start.
But don't you have to have some evidence of that before issuing a subpoena? I don't know, I'm just asking.

I believe that is one of the issues. I think the judges feel the request is weak because of lack of evidence, at least by the questioning. I’m no expert, just my thoughts.
I would like every poster who feels it is imperative to see Trumps tax records to post theirs here. There is no legal requirement for you to do so you have done nothing illegal as far as we know even so if you have nothing to hide no reason not to post them that is logic being used for wanting to see Trumps. I look forward to seeing people put their records where their mouth is except they won’t.
What you fail to see is the difference between a private citizen and a politician with executive powers. Except for Trump, everybody running for president since the 1970's has released their tax returns. All presidents since the 1970's except for Trump has put their assets into a blind trust.

This was to ensure that their political decisions would not be based on personal financial gain.

There is no current law that requires a presidential candidate to release their taxes. So in that regard there is no difference between a private citizen or a politician running for office. Until that changes, then no one running needs to be required to show their taxes.

Now, Congress has a wide latitude on subpoenas however the issue in front of the Supreme Court is asking a third party to turnover documents pertaining to activity of a President, prior to them becoming President. This would seem like Congress is making a power grab and asking for information outside of their powers. We will see what happens but this could maybe be a 7-2 decision in favor of Trump.
Once reason is Trump keeps promoting his businesses while in public office.
I've seen Trumps returns and so should you.

Law professor says founders would have wanted his returns released.

That's great, but it unless it is a law, he is under no obligation to show them. So, until a law has been passed, there is no legal standing on forcing him to show his returns.

One is a law, one is not, guess Wich one is in the Constitution?
I would like every poster who feels it is imperative to see Trumps tax records to post theirs here. There is no legal requirement for you to do so you have done nothing illegal as far as we know even so if you have nothing to hide no reason not to post them that is logic being used for wanting to see Trumps. I look forward to seeing people put their records where their mouth is except they won’t.
What you fail to see is the difference between a private citizen and a politician with executive powers. Except for Trump, everybody running for president since the 1970's has released their tax returns. All presidents since the 1970's except for Trump has put their assets into a blind trust.

This was to ensure that their political decisions would not be based on personal financial gain.

There is no current law that requires a presidential candidate to release their taxes. So in that regard there is no difference between a private citizen or a politician running for office. Until that changes, then no one running needs to be required to show their taxes.

Now, Congress has a wide latitude on subpoenas however the issue in front of the Supreme Court is asking a third party to turnover documents pertaining to activity of a President, prior to them becoming President. This would seem like Congress is making a power grab and asking for information outside of their powers. We will see what happens but this could maybe be a 7-2 decision in favor of Trump.
Once reason is Trump keeps promoting his businesses while in public office.
I've seen Trumps returns and so should you.

Law professor says founders would have wanted his returns released.
Lol. I got to hand it to that guy he doesn't even know that the founders did not even have any idea of tax returns. That's just funny as hell.

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