Supreme Court hears arguments on Trump's Tax Records

And of course a conservative – and partisan – majority will rule in favor of further empowering the Imperial Presidency.

I believe the state of New York has a better legal standing than the House. The House issue will 7-2 for Trump, the New York case may wind up 5-4 Trump.

The problem SCOTUS has is it tries to appear to not be political. Roberts is keen on that. I agree, the House will probably lose. But a lower court already ruled on the NY demand for the taxes and chances are, SCOTUS will bounce it back to the lower court. In essence, NY can turn that information over to the House so the house gets what it wants anyway and more.

It's already known that most of Rumps writeoffs are rounds of golf. He is in deep trouble trying to explain that a round of golf costs 10,000 bucks or more. Yes, it was done for a Charity and the writeoff for that particular Charity event was for hundreds of thousands of dollars but claiming that each round for each participant cost over 10,000 dollars is normally Charity Fraud to anyone else. And it continues even today. Rump makes Al Capone look like a Law Abiding Citizen.

Then NY state has the right to file suit using his NY taxes. That is NOT the case at hand.

His entire income is used for his NY taxes. That means that the same information is also used for his Federal Taxes. Sorry, no cherry picking on this one. And if NY gets the info, it becomes public record hence the House can get access to it with a simple subpoena and I doubt if NY will bounce it to the courts. Rump has no control.

From the link:

The US Supreme Court has heard arguments on whether President Donald Trump should be allowed to keep his financial records secret, in a major showdown over presidential powers.

Mr Trump declines to share documents that could shed light on his fortune and the work of his family company.

Two congressional committees and New York prosecutors demand the release of his tax returns and other information.

Mr Trump's private lawyers argue he enjoys total immunity while in office.

The judges will hear the cases remotely because of the coronavirus pandemic. The Supreme Court has a 5-4 conservative majority and includes two Trump appointees - Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.

The rule of law, and a guiding principle in our nation's jurisprudence is no man is above the law. The efficacy of the Supreme Court justices to dispense justice will be judged in this matter. If they decide in favor of President Trump, it will give carte blanche to him, and to every future POTUS.
You are one major dumb piece of shit if you think the IRS would allow anyone to get away with not paying one cent they owe.
You are one dumb shit if you think people don't evade taxes and lie on their tax returns.

Michael Cohen described exactly how Trump did it and how to prove he committed a crime.
You are one dumb piece of shit if you think the IRS doesn’t perform audits.
So, if Trump is supposed to be immune to any prosecution, and he's above the law, then why is the non-existent Obamagate being brought up by Trump then?
I think Obamagate is Trump's latest distraction technique; he knows he will likely find himself in a courtroom if he loses in November, so he will do whatever is necessary to prevent his "Individual One" moment:

Supreme court grills Trump lawyers over president's unreleased tax returns

"Appellate courts in Washington and New York have ruled that the documents should be turned over.

"Those courts brushed aside the president’s broad arguments, focusing on the fact that the subpoenas were addressed to third parties asking for records of Trump’s business and financial dealings as a private citizen, not as president.

"Rulings against Trump could result in the release of damaging information during his campaign for re-election."

One of Bill Barr's first actions was to shutdown the SDNY's investigation into Michael Cohen-related matters; once Trump is out of office, that protection evaporates; hopefully, he will die in prison.
Bullshit. Prove it or retract.
Proof of Trump's tax frauds requires an examination of his financial evidence that's beyond my ability to produce or understand. The best source I've found on this subject, David Cay Johnston, has followed Trump's career for thirty years.

This is how he would go about finding any proof of Trump's tax fraud that may exist:

We need tax police – and they should go after the likes of Donald Trump | David Cay Johnston

"Where was the Internal Revenue Service? How did the Trumps get away with decades of schemes the Times said allowed them to evade close to a half-billion dollars of income and gift taxes? Is Donald Trump continuing these practices? Is that why he refuses to make his own tax returns public? Can anything be done about it?..."

"The answers to the first and second questions are as easy as they are awful.

"Congress, which makes tax law, has never properly supported the IRS, which I like calling the Tax Police Department.

"Since 1992, the American population has grown 27% but the IRS staff has shrunk by 34%, to less than 78,000 people. At the same time, Congress has added enormous complexity to the tax code.

"On top of this, the big accounting and law firms have devised all manner of complex new tax shelters.

"A few years ago, the IRS told Congress it lacks the expertise to thoroughly investigate such shelters and determine which are within the law and which are frauds that should be demolished."
He just like every other American citizen has the right to be secure in his person and his papers. That means his taxes are none of yours or anyone else's fucking business. It's just that simple.

Tell that to Al Capone*** and these other persons convicted of Tax Fraud:

***Assistant Attorney General Mabel Walker Willebrandt recognized that mob figures publicly led lavish lifestyles yet never filed tax returns, and thus could be convicted of tax evasion without requiring hard evidence to get testimony about their other crimes. She tested this approach by prosecuting a South Carolina bootlegger, Manley Sullivan.[70] In 1927, the Supreme Court ruled in United States v. Sullivan that the approach was legally sound: illegally earned income was subject to income tax; Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. rejected the argument that the Fifth Amendment protected criminals from reporting illegal income.[71]
Trump hasn't been convicted of tax fraud you simple minded shitforbrains. If he had the IRS would have seen to it years and years ago. Now sit down and STFU asshole.
Lol. You really don't think that 44 and his squad did just a cursory review of his tax returns? How is the air on your planet?
Since you raised the claim, do you have any evidence Obama violated Trump's privacy relative to his tax returns?

There's no shortage of evidence in the public realm that alleges Trump owes much of his fortune to tax dodges and evasions

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"Mr. Trump won the presidency proclaiming himself a self-made billionaire, and he has long insisted that his father, the legendary New York City builder Fred C. Trump, provided almost no financial help.

"But The Times’s investigation, based on a vast trove of confidential tax returns and financial records, reveals that Mr. Trump received the equivalent today of at least $413 million from his father’s real estate empire, starting when he was a toddler and continuing to this day.

"Much of this money came to Mr. Trump because he helped his parents dodge taxes. He and his siblings set up a sham corporation to disguise millions of dollars in gifts from their parents, records and interviews show."
Neither had a leg to stand on and that's why it's dying a slow death. You can't be guilty of lying to the FBI for a bogus interview that had the sole purpose of trying to get you to lie. Just like you can't be required to show your tax returns for the sole purpose of politics.
A POTUS whose past includes possible money laundering with citizens of a hostile state would seek to hide any evidence of his criminality, especially if he never expected to "win" the White House.

That is precisely why congress and US voters need to examine Trump's tax history BEFORE next November.
Rich families like Trump's have deliberately chipped away at IRS enforcement capabilities over the past few decades to such an extent the government no longer has the resources to audit all complex tax returns:

We need tax police – and they should go after the likes of Donald Trump | David Cay Johnston

"So if the Times is right and some of the Trump tactics were criminal, why weren’t they indicted?

"In the US last year, just 865 people were pursued for tax cheating that did not involve drug dealing, bribing politicians or criminal enterprise profits.

"That means the odds of being pursued were one in 377,000.

"Add in those crooks and the risk of prosecution rises, but only to about one in 100,000.

"Those figures, from the latest IRS Data Book, concern IRS recommendations for prosecution, not actual indictments. That number would be smaller, though just how much smaller is unclear."
People like Trump are audited every year because of the size of their return. When you pay tens of millions in taxes the IRS is going to watch you like a hawk.
People like Trump depend on ignorant trolls like you to conceal the fact that the rich are far less likely to face an audit today than middle class tax payers:

We need tax police – and they should go after the likes of Donald Trump | David Cay Johnston

"The IRS also focuses heavily on the working poor who collected the Earned Income Tax Credit, a get a kind of negative income tax that Ronald Reagan championed.

"At the turn of the century the working poor were more likely to be audited than those prosperous enough to enjoy incomes of more than $100,000, or almost $150,000 in today’s money.

"It’s not that bad now, but the working poor still get extra scrutiny under a 1994 deal between Bill Clinton and the then House speaker, Newt Gingrich, now a Trump supporter..."

"The Times’ masterly, 14,000-word investigative report was based on more than 100,000 documents, many leaked from Trump family files, and interviews over 18 months by three top reporters.

"Every arcane aspect of accounting, business practice and tax was explained with exquisite accuracy."
Lol. You really don't think that 44 and his squad did just a cursory review of his tax returns? How is the air on your planet?
Since you raised the claim, do you have any evidence Obama violated Trump's privacy relative to his tax returns?

There's no shortage of evidence in the public realm that alleges Trump owes much of his fortune to tax dodges and evasions

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"Mr. Trump won the presidency proclaiming himself a self-made billionaire, and he has long insisted that his father, the legendary New York City builder Fred C. Trump, provided almost no financial help.

"But The Times’s investigation, based on a vast trove of confidential tax returns and financial records, reveals that Mr. Trump received the equivalent today of at least $413 million from his father’s real estate empire, starting when he was a toddler and continuing to this day.

"Much of this money came to Mr. Trump because he helped his parents dodge taxes. He and his siblings set up a sham corporation to disguise millions of dollars in gifts from their parents, records and interviews show."
You mean other then the IRS took up looking at tax returns as a way to stifle opposition?
Or the fact that since he does turn in taxes each year that he was not at least given more then a cursory glance?
He just like every other American citizen has the right to be secure in his person and his papers. That means his taxes are none of yours or anyone else's fucking business. It's just that simple.

Tell that to Al Capone*** and these other persons convicted of Tax Fraud:

***Assistant Attorney General Mabel Walker Willebrandt recognized that mob figures publicly led lavish lifestyles yet never filed tax returns, and thus could be convicted of tax evasion without requiring hard evidence to get testimony about their other crimes. She tested this approach by prosecuting a South Carolina bootlegger, Manley Sullivan.[70] In 1927, the Supreme Court ruled in United States v. Sullivan that the approach was legally sound: illegally earned income was subject to income tax; Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. rejected the argument that the Fifth Amendment protected criminals from reporting illegal income.[71]
Trump hasn't been convicted of tax fraud you simple minded shitforbrains. If he had the IRS would have seen to it years and years ago. Now sit down and STFU asshole.

Calling me or anyone "shitforbrains" and calling me an asshole while hiding behind a keyboard proves what a punk and coward you are.

BTW, records recovered by the FBI when they used a search warrant on Michael Cohen recovered documents which the IRS never received.
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You mean other then the IRS took up looking at tax returns as a way to stifle opposition?
Or the fact that since he does turn in taxes each year that he was not at least given more then a cursory glance?
Given the amount of apparent fraud in Trump crime family history, I doubt very much if Don the Con has ever been subject to a thorough audit much less the sort of forensic analysis Congress or the Manhattan DA would apply.

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"The most overt fraud was All County Building Supply & Maintenance, a company formed by the Trump family in 1992.

"All County’s ostensible purpose was to be the purchasing agent for Fred Trump’s buildings, buying everything from boilers to cleaning supplies.

"It did no such thing, records and interviews show.

"Instead All County siphoned millions of dollars from Fred Trump’s empire by simply marking up purchases already made by his employees.

"Those millions, effectively untaxed gifts, then flowed to All County’s owners — Donald Trump, his siblings and a cousin. Fred Trump then used the padded All County receipts to justify bigger rent increases for thousands of tenants."
Rich families like Trump's have deliberately chipped away at IRS enforcement capabilities over the past few decades to such an extent the government no longer has the resources to audit all complex tax returns:

We need tax police – and they should go after the likes of Donald Trump | David Cay Johnston

"So if the Times is right and some of the Trump tactics were criminal, why weren’t they indicted?

"In the US last year, just 865 people were pursued for tax cheating that did not involve drug dealing, bribing politicians or criminal enterprise profits.

"That means the odds of being pursued were one in 377,000.

"Add in those crooks and the risk of prosecution rises, but only to about one in 100,000.

"Those figures, from the latest IRS Data Book, concern IRS recommendations for prosecution, not actual indictments. That number would be smaller, though just how much smaller is unclear."
Progs have had power the last few decades. There was a 39% top Federal Tax rate. The loopholes could have been eliminated at any time. But for some reason they never were. Many people with money used what they could. And many were Progs also. I am not making excuses for Trump. What existed.....was to be used.
Progs have had power the last few decades. There was a 39% top Federal Tax rate. The loopholes could have been eliminated at any time. But for some reason they never were.
If you're saying Democrats like Clinton, Biden, and Obama were progressives, you are sadly mistaken. Along with corporate whores like Pelosi and Schumer they are as committed to serving the interests of the shareholder class (richest ten percent) of Americans as Trump is.

Neither one of us will live long to see Republicans OR Democrats change their economic stripes. That said, Trump is a particularly loathsome crony-capitalist and tax cheat who has spent a lifetime cheating government, workers, and his wives. He deserves to be held accountable before he dies (preferably in prison).

We need tax police – and they should go after the likes of Donald Trump | David Cay Johnston

"The Trumps benefited from complex ownership structures that, among other strategies, let them inflate invoices for such things as new stoves in rental units.

"This meant they got bigger income tax deductions than were lawful.

"It also helped Fred Trump, Donald’s father, pass money to his children without incurring income and gift taxes or reducing the amount paid.

"Fred Trump created 295 separate revenue streams to funnel money to his children without incurring gift or income taxes.

"They did it with buildings too, reducing the value of more than a thousand apartments by more than 94%"
You mean other then the IRS took up looking at tax returns as a way to stifle opposition?
Or the fact that since he does turn in taxes each year that he was not at least given more then a cursory glance?
Given the amount of apparent fraud in Trump crime family history, I doubt very much if Don the Con has ever been subject to a thorough audit much less the sort of forensic analysis Congress or the Manhattan DA would apply.

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"The most overt fraud was All County Building Supply & Maintenance, a company formed by the Trump family in 1992.

"All County’s ostensible purpose was to be the purchasing agent for Fred Trump’s buildings, buying everything from boilers to cleaning supplies.

"It did no such thing, records and interviews show.

"Instead All County siphoned millions of dollars from Fred Trump’s empire by simply marking up purchases already made by his employees.

"Those millions, effectively untaxed gifts, then flowed to All County’s owners — Donald Trump, his siblings and a cousin. Fred Trump then used the padded All County receipts to justify bigger rent increases for thousands of tenants."
I don't think you understand. Trump does not sit down at his kitchen table and do his tax returns. He has accountants that do it for him. Do you really think that they are going to take a chance that they are going to jail over his taxes? You might get one person on board with fraud but I don't think you are going to have a number that are going to do that even if they had to quit. If they did quit I would think at least one would have stepped forward to say something.
Mueller and his team also had accountants on board.
Yeah I can believe that New York and the house would do more then just an audit. They would televise any thing that they could find that might be twisted into some embarrassment. I would not put it above Schiff to claim he owed taxes even if no other person could find a problem.
I don't think you understand. Trump does not sit down at his kitchen table and do his tax returns. He has accountants that do it for him. Do you really think that they are going to take a chance that they are going to jail over his taxes? You might get one person on board with fraud but I don't think you are going to have a number that are going to do that even if they had to quit. If they did quit I would think at least one would have stepped forward to say something.
Mueller and his team also had accountants on board.
I think accountants have pretty well established they will do whatever their clients want since the client will simply hire a competitor if they don't. Enron had no problem finding pliable bean counters, so I don't think Trump would find it difficult to get the legal/accounting opinions he desired.

Mueller did have accountants; however, it's my understanding he did not cross Trump's "red line" around his personal and business financial records. For all the propaganda about his integrity and honesty, Mueller has been a life-long Republican fixer for most of his adult life. There are some serious questions of his handling of the BCCI and 911 investigations, but there seems little chance of getting a bipartisan investigation of any of that.
What would it hurt to release the records. You want to be elected every last aspect of your finances should be made public.
His financial statements to the FEC should be sufficient.
Nope. Not even close. You clearly do not understand the nature of the investigations.
What are they investigating, then? In simple terms.
The House has two cases which have been combined into one. That's Trump v. Mazars. The House is seeking Trump's tax records so they can investigate Michael Cohen's claims that Trump lied about the values of his assets with insurance companies and the IRS. That is why Admiral Rockwell Tory's notion that Trump's FEC filings should be enough is so patently ridiculous and exposes his ignorance.

The second House investigation is into Deutche Bank and Capital One laundering money, with Trump participating in the scheme. The House is seeking the records of those banks. These are the "third parties" you keep hearing references to in the arguments today. Trump is trying to block Congress from accessing the banks' records.

Finally, there is a third investigation, Trump v. Vance. That is a case by the state of New York which is investigating Trump's payoffs to McDougal and Daniels. They want access to Trump's tax records.

So let me ask you, what did you think of Sotomeyer’s questions surrounding her believing Congress might be out of bounds with the President because the President does not have the documents and that this is investigating the President, before he was President and it has no legislative value?

The NY case I think has some merit, no so sure on the Congressional cases.
What was the legislative value of the Republican Whitewater investigation?

Very good point. I wonder why Sotomeyer brought that Congress requesting for the information was unprecedented.
I found the NPR story on the matter much more interesting. I learned that the subpoenas for Trump's financial records were not issued to Trump but rather to Deutsche Bank and Mazars USA. The two banks have not objected to complying with the subpoenas however Trump stepped in to ask the courts to block them from complying.

As far as the subpoenas go, I'm on Trump's side regarding those brought by congress for purpose of congressional oversight. However the one brought by New York state, on whether a state can subpoena a sitting president's personal records in a criminal investigation is another story. On the surface I would lean towards New York state's side of the matter. But reading that, "The subpoena issued by a New York grand jury involves a broad investigation that includes an investigation of alleged hush money payments by Trump to adult film star Stormy Daniels and another woman during the 2016 presidential campaign." I'm seeing this as a fishing expedition as well and I'm agreeing with Trump's side on the matter.

Good article, I actually agree with you on Congress and it’s issue, however with the NY issue, I believe they should have the power to subpoena the President’s record. I do agree it seems to be a fishing expedition and that makes the NY investigation just like the Republican’s Whitewater fiasco and will look bad in most the electorate’s eye.

All in all it is petty politics and if NY and Congress prevails, we will see these sort of petty cases reoccur more and more frequently, thus ruining the pool of those that would run for President.

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