Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg undergoes more cancer treatment

86 is a ripe old age though. Look at her career. Look how far she has gone and the impact she has had. It's long past her time to go, and it's not wrong to be glad she won't be in that seat anymore. What should worry you is what thenTDS crazed libtards will do to keep the seat from being filled. That thought is what's scarey.

By the GOP's own standards the seat should not be filled till after the election. But we know they will not abide by them.
Just as I thought. Once the Bile Duct stent goes in, it's just a waiting process for the end to come. She'll eventually be put in hospice. Trump should go ahead and call conservative judge Amy Coney Barrett and tell her to get ready to be nominated to take Ginsbergs place.

Analysis: Justice Ginsburg's "Bile Duct Stent" - A Treatment Typically Used in Advanced Cases to Provide End of Life Care

A bile duct stint is palliative care, not end of life care.
stints are not a cure they are used for relief of the disease meaning end of life care.

palliative care is not about a cure, it is about comfort. But comfort does not have to be end of life.
lol end of life care

is different than palliative care
Just as I thought. Once the Bile Duct stent goes in, it's just a waiting process for the end to come. She'll eventually be put in hospice. Trump should go ahead and call conservative judge Amy Coney Barrett and tell her to get ready to be nominated to take Ginsbergs place.

Analysis: Justice Ginsburg's "Bile Duct Stent" - A Treatment Typically Used in Advanced Cases to Provide End of Life Care

A bile duct stint is palliative care, not end of life care.
stints are not a cure they are used for relief of the disease meaning end of life care.

palliative care is not about a cure, it is about comfort. But comfort does not have to be end of life.
lol end of life care

is different than palliative care
Improves Quality of Life
Palliative care teams specialize in treating people suffering from the symptoms and stress of serious illnesses such as cancer, congestive heart failure (CHF), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), kidney disease, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and many more. This type of care treats pain, depression, shortness of breath, fatigue, constipation, nausea, loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, anxiety and any other symptoms that may be causing distress.

The team will help you gain the strength to carry on with daily life. In short, palliative care will help improve your quality of life.
A bile duct stint is palliative care, not end of life care.
stints are not a cure they are used for relief of the disease meaning end of life care.

palliative care is not about a cure, it is about comfort. But comfort does not have to be end of life.
lol end of life care

is different than palliative care
Improves Quality of Life
Palliative care teams specialize in treating people suffering from the symptoms and stress of serious illnesses such as cancer, congestive heart failure (CHF), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), kidney disease, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and many more. This type of care treats pain, depression, shortness of breath, fatigue, constipation, nausea, loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, anxiety and any other symptoms that may be causing distress.

The team will help you gain the strength to carry on with daily life. In short, palliative care will help improve your quality of life.

Thanks for proving I am correct.
No you are off the rails saying leftist cheer about it.

Your solid focus on fake news outlets is clearly showing.
He's referring to the Left's open, public cheering the passing of David Koch.

Your Left wing media no doubt also is cheering so you apparently didn't notice.
He's referring to the Left's open, public cheering the passing of David Koch.
Your Left wing media no doubt also is cheering so you apparently didn't notice.
I haven't seen any discrediting of David Koch on any media, nor any cheering. And certainly not anything like the crowing about the death of Ted Kennedy or John McCain by those like you who claim some sort of moral superiority nobody else can see.
All you need to do is go on Tweeter. And I have not forgotten how leftist reacted to the death of Ronald Reagan.
I HAVE forgotten how leftists reacted to the death of Reagan. I do not remember hearing any. I didn't much like the Reagan years, but I do not recall hearing or reading any of the acid malice so common today. I don't have tweet or facebook either. And maybe I'm not looking in the right places, but while I have heard of David Koch's goals and accomplishment, some unfavorable to many, I have not heard the vitriol you claim leftists spew.
It was there you don't remember it because you ignore it now and go to tweeter read some of the tweets about Koches death
I know it’s hard to imagine the Liberals becoming more unhinged....but when Trump replaces RBG and wins re-election (in whatever order that happens) just imagine the disturbance in the Liberal “force”!!!
I have read that Justice Ginsberg is receiving "Bile Duct Stent" which is a treatment Typically used in advance cases of cancer to provide end of life care. I ask Republican's not to cheer her passing comes and pray that she is prepared to meet God. Don't be like a leftist and cheer about it.

It is a shame and I hope she is not suffering.
This is true. Just a bit disconcerting to watch the vultures have such glee over the impending death of someone. But this is politics and we all know that politics trump morals.
You were probably watching the news coverage of Koch's death and got confused.
I know it’s hard to imagine the Liberals becoming more unhinged....but when Trump replaces RBG and wins re-election (in whatever order that happens) just imagine the disturbance in the Liberal “force”!!!
I am curious just how Democrats will handle having one less seat if Ginsberg resigns? Will they stall by using "let the voters decide"? Or will they allow an appointment to proceed?
I know it’s hard to imagine the Liberals becoming more unhinged....but when Trump replaces RBG and wins re-election (in whatever order that happens) just imagine the disturbance in the Liberal “force”!!!
I am curious just how Democrats will handle having one less seat if Ginsberg resigns? Will they stall by using "let the voters decide"? Or will they allow an appointment to proceed?

The two parties will take the exact opposite position they had 4 years ago...once again proving there is little difference between the parties
She didn't hold a gun to anyone's head and tell them to get an abortion, did she?? NOPE. She merely gave a choice like others on the court to chose if they wanted a medical abortion. Its called democracy.
Great point..

Kinda like nobody put a gun to Democrats' heads and made them buy slaves... Democrats weren't pro-slavery. They were pro-choice.. Right?
I have read that Justice Ginsberg is receiving "Bile Duct Stent" which is a treatment Typically used in advance cases of cancer to provide end of life care. I ask Republican's not to cheer her passing comes and pray that she is prepared to meet God. Don't be like a leftist and cheer about it.

Democrats do not cheer her passing. Its you trampers that want her to pass, the quicker the better. She will die on the bench.

She is a Jew so you cheer it, Sheri

I know she is a Jew, but I do wish her many more years.

So you’re a hypocrite? How interesting.
2016 called they want their news back.


I don't want her dead. Sans terrorists or murderers or rapists, I don't want anyone dead. Hell I never wanted Obama dead when a lot of righties did. I just wanted him gone. These people have families that will grieve their passing. I don't wish that on anyone.

That being said, I do think think shes a left wing radical who should have never made it to the SCOTUS.

If the left's leaders started kicking the bucket, by suicide or other means, many liberals would move to Costa Rica? It would be like the cockroaches scurrying out from under a pallet of garbage.

Imagine an America without liberals for one solid year.
Democrats won't let Ruth be replaced even if she dies. They'd prop her up in a chair and make believe, just like that movie, Psycho,
Democrats won't let Ruth be replaced even if she dies. They'd prop her up in a chair and make believe, just like that movie, Psycho,
What is the difference between alive Ginsberg or a dead one? Nothing
86 is a ripe old age though. Look at her career. Look how far she has gone and the impact she has had. It's long past her time to go, and it's not wrong to be glad she won't be in that seat anymore. What should worry you is what thenTDS crazed libtards will do to keep the seat from being filled. That thought is what's scarey.

By the GOP's own standards the seat should not be filled till after the election. But we know they will not abide by them.
The Repubs should never ever believe the Progs again in anything. The truth is, at this point more Repub judges only delay what you and the Progs want. Frankly we are still moving leftward. But you can't keep things artificially. And that is your achilles heel. All of this needs high taxes. Your best is not good enough in enough numbers and you are emasculating those who are of greatness for diversity.
May the FORCE be with us!
Is this anyway to start a thread?? No commentary? And, no link. What is the point ? You're wishing here dead aren't you? No so fast

Ruth Bader Ginsburg completes radiation therapy for tumor on pancreas

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg completed a three-week course of radiation therapy to treat a tumor on her pancreas, according to a release sent by the Supreme Court Friday. The tumor was treated "definitively," according to the statement, and there is no evidence of disease elsewhere in the body.

The mods messed up the thread.
May the FORCE be with us!
Is this anyway to start a thread?? No commentary? And, no link. What is the point ? You're wishing here dead aren't you? No so fast

Ruth Bader Ginsburg completes radiation therapy for tumor on pancreas

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg completed a three-week course of radiation therapy to treat a tumor on her pancreas, according to a release sent by the Supreme Court Friday. The tumor was treated "definitively," according to the statement, and there is no evidence of disease elsewhere in the body.

The mods messed up the thread.
I had a good thread on her bile stent in the politics forum. They merged it into this one and it's now definitely screwed up.

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