Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg undergoes more cancer treatment

I have read that Justice Ginsberg is receiving "Bile Duct Stent" which is a treatment Typically used in advance cases of cancer to provide end of life care. I ask Republican's not to cheer her passing comes and pray that she is prepared to meet God. Don't be like a leftist and cheer about it.

Democrats do not cheer her passing. Its you trampers that want her to pass, the quicker the better. She will die on the bench.

She is a Jew so you cheer it, Sheri

I know she is a Jew, but I do wish her many more years.
Biden is the best you got. That's all i got to say.

Far better than the Game Show host you have.

The ironic thing is you had half a dozen really qualified guys in 2016, and you went with the crazed game show host.
Oh I know, and it still wasn't enough to call off the leftist ghouls. They're still railing about how glad they are he's dead just cause they heard he's rich and conservative

No, we are glad he's dead because he contributed to the despoiling of the environment to make himself richer.

Thousands of real people are going to die because we aren't addressing Global Warming.
There should be an age limit for all government positions including the Supreme Court. Ginsburg is 86 way past her prime. Set the Government Mandatory Retirement age at 75
Just as I thought. Once the Bile Duct stent goes in, it's just a waiting process for the end to come. She'll eventually be put in hospice. Trump should go ahead and call conservative judge Amy Coney Barrett and tell her to get ready to be nominated to take Ginsbergs place.

Analysis: Justice Ginsburg's "Bile Duct Stent" - A Treatment Typically Used in Advanced Cases to Provide End of Life Care

A bile duct stint is palliative care, not end of life care.
My closest friend evah had a bile stent installed, a mere three months before she died of pancreatic cancer.

Spin it any way you want, this is not a good sign for anyone.
Just as I thought. Once the Bile Duct stent goes in, it's just a waiting process for the end to come. She'll eventually be put in hospice. Trump should go ahead and call conservative judge Amy Coney Barrett and tell her to get ready to be nominated to take Ginsbergs place.

Analysis: Justice Ginsburg's "Bile Duct Stent" - A Treatment Typically Used in Advanced Cases to Provide End of Life Care

A bile duct stint is palliative care, not end of life care.
My closest friend evah had a bile stent installed, a mere three months before she died of pancreatic cancer.

Spin it any way you want, this is not a good sign for anyone.

This is true. Just a bit disconcerting to watch the vultures have such glee over the impending death of someone. But this is politics and we all know that politics trump morals.
Just as I thought. Once the Bile Duct stent goes in, it's just a waiting process for the end to come. She'll eventually be put in hospice. Trump should go ahead and call conservative judge Amy Coney Barrett and tell her to get ready to be nominated to take Ginsbergs place.

Analysis: Justice Ginsburg's "Bile Duct Stent" - A Treatment Typically Used in Advanced Cases to Provide End of Life Care

A bile duct stint is palliative care, not end of life care.
My closest friend evah had a bile stent installed, a mere three months before she died of pancreatic cancer.

Spin it any way you want, this is not a good sign for anyone.

A second round of pancreatic cancer on top of some lung cancer and Colon cancer is not a good sign for anyone. Many have said she is tough. I would opine one who keeps trucking after all this is a bad ass. That said, she should quit politics and go rest.
Just as I thought. Once the Bile Duct stent goes in, it's just a waiting process for the end to come. She'll eventually be put in hospice. Trump should go ahead and call conservative judge Amy Coney Barrett and tell her to get ready to be nominated to take Ginsbergs place.

Analysis: Justice Ginsburg's "Bile Duct Stent" - A Treatment Typically Used in Advanced Cases to Provide End of Life Care

A bile duct stint is palliative care, not end of life care.
My closest friend evah had a bile stent installed, a mere three months before she died of pancreatic cancer.

Spin it any way you want, this is not a good sign for anyone.

This is true. Just a bit disconcerting to watch the vultures have such glee over the impending death of someone. But this is politics and we all know that politics trump morals.
I'm not one of those vultures....This is not good news for her longevity.
Just as I thought. Once the Bile Duct stent goes in, it's just a waiting process for the end to come. She'll eventually be put in hospice. Trump should go ahead and call conservative judge Amy Coney Barrett and tell her to get ready to be nominated to take Ginsbergs place.

Analysis: Justice Ginsburg's "Bile Duct Stent" - A Treatment Typically Used in Advanced Cases to Provide End of Life Care

A bile duct stint is palliative care, not end of life care.
stints are not a cure they are used for relief of the disease meaning end of life care.
No you are off the rails saying leftist cheer about it.

Your solid focus on fake news outlets is clearly showing.
He's referring to the Left's open, public cheering the passing of David Koch.

Your Left wing media no doubt also is cheering so you apparently didn't notice.
He's referring to the Left's open, public cheering the passing of David Koch.
Your Left wing media no doubt also is cheering so you apparently didn't notice.
I haven't seen any discrediting of David Koch on any media, nor any cheering. And certainly not anything like the crowing about the death of Ted Kennedy or John McCain by those like you who claim some sort of moral superiority nobody else can see.
All you need to do is go on Tweeter. And I have not forgotten how leftist reacted to the death of Ronald Reagan.
I HAVE forgotten how leftists reacted to the death of Reagan. I do not remember hearing any. I didn't much like the Reagan years, but I do not recall hearing or reading any of the acid malice so common today. I don't have tweet or facebook either. And maybe I'm not looking in the right places, but while I have heard of David Koch's goals and accomplishment, some unfavorable to many, I have not heard the vitriol you claim leftists spew.
Just as I thought. Once the Bile Duct stent goes in, it's just a waiting process for the end to come. She'll eventually be put in hospice. Trump should go ahead and call conservative judge Amy Coney Barrett and tell her to get ready to be nominated to take Ginsbergs place.

Analysis: Justice Ginsburg's "Bile Duct Stent" - A Treatment Typically Used in Advanced Cases to Provide End of Life Care

A bile duct stint is palliative care, not end of life care.
stints are not a cure they are used for relief of the disease meaning end of life care.

palliative care is not about a cure, it is about comfort. But comfort does not have to be end of life.
Just as I thought. Once the Bile Duct stent goes in, it's just a waiting process for the end to come. She'll eventually be put in hospice. Trump should go ahead and call conservative judge Amy Coney Barrett and tell her to get ready to be nominated to take Ginsbergs place.

Analysis: Justice Ginsburg's "Bile Duct Stent" - A Treatment Typically Used in Advanced Cases to Provide End of Life Care

A bile duct stint is palliative care, not end of life care.
My closest friend evah had a bile stent installed, a mere three months before she died of pancreatic cancer.

Spin it any way you want, this is not a good sign for anyone.

This is true. Just a bit disconcerting to watch the vultures have such glee over the impending death of someone. But this is politics and we all know that politics trump morals.
I'm not one of those vultures....This is not good news for her longevity.

86 is a ripe old age though. Look at her career. Look how far she has gone and the impact she has had. It's long past her time to go, and it's not wrong to be glad she won't be in that seat anymore. What should worry you is what thenTDS crazed libtards will do to keep the seat from being filled. That thought is what's scarey.
Just as I thought. Once the Bile Duct stent goes in, it's just a waiting process for the end to come. She'll eventually be put in hospice. Trump should go ahead and call conservative judge Amy Coney Barrett and tell her to get ready to be nominated to take Ginsbergs place.

Analysis: Justice Ginsburg's "Bile Duct Stent" - A Treatment Typically Used in Advanced Cases to Provide End of Life Care

A bile duct stint is palliative care, not end of life care.
stints are not a cure they are used for relief of the disease meaning end of life care.

palliative care is not about a cure, it is about comfort. But comfort does not have to be end of life.
It does when it pertains to her!
Just as I thought. Once the Bile Duct stent goes in, it's just a waiting process for the end to come. She'll eventually be put in hospice. Trump should go ahead and call conservative judge Amy Coney Barrett and tell her to get ready to be nominated to take Ginsbergs place.

Analysis: Justice Ginsburg's "Bile Duct Stent" - A Treatment Typically Used in Advanced Cases to Provide End of Life Care

A bile duct stint is palliative care, not end of life care.
stints are not a cure they are used for relief of the disease meaning end of life care.

palliative care is not about a cure, it is about comfort. But comfort does not have to be end of life.
lol end of life care

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