Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg undergoes more cancer treatment

Already off the rails, and unhinged I see. You took all that from what I posted? No wonder you leftist are called snowflakes you are mentally stable in your safe spaces when will melt easily when taken from that safe space.

You are the one posting hoping someone will die so you can put another neanderthal on the bench before we run the lot of you out of office next year.
You took that from this post?
I have read that Justice Ginsberg is receiving "Bile Duct Stent" which is a treatment Typically used in advance cases of cancer to provide end of life care. I ask Republican's not to cheer her passing comes and pray that she is prepared to meet God. Don't be like a leftist and cheer about it.
I won't cheer her death, but I will say she's contributed to America's demise.

Unfortunately, Trump will never appoint a REAL Right Wing Conservative to the court.
All of his appointments generally vote along liberal lines, after the core he is still a NewYork Democrat turned RINO.

I think it's whoever is whispering names into his ear. All that kerfluffle over Kavanaugh, and dime to a dollar he votes just like Kennedy would.
In b4 animatronic Ginsberg!
Will there be another SC appointment before 11/2020? :eek:

She's not dead yet, and I'm not wishing it on her, but she looks too old to be working.
Has been undergoing treatment for recurrence of pancreatic cancer, apparently.
No you are off the rails saying leftist cheer about it.

Your solid focus on fake news outlets is clearly showing.
He's referring to the Left's open, public cheering the passing of David Koch.

Your Left wing media no doubt also is cheering so you apparently didn't notice.

Too late, all the trampers want her dead.
I would like for her to retire I would love for her to be prepared to meet God when she does die.
I won't cheer her death, but I will say she's contributed to America's demise.

Unfortunately, Trump will never appoint a REAL Right Wing Conservative to the court.
All of his appointments generally vote along liberal lines, after the core he is still a NewYork Democrat turned RINO.

I think it's whoever is whispering names into his ear. All that kerfluffle over Kavanaugh, and dime to a dollar he votes just like Kennedy would.
It doesn' matter who Trump appoints he's going to be given resistance.
No you are off the rails saying leftist cheer about it.

Your solid focus on fake news outlets is clearly showing.
He's referring to the Left's open, public cheering the passing of David Koch.

Your Left wing media no doubt also is cheering so you apparently didn't notice.
He's referring to the Left's open, public cheering the passing of David Koch.
Your Left wing media no doubt also is cheering so you apparently didn't notice.
I haven't seen any discrediting of David Koch on any media, nor any cheering. And certainly not anything like the crowing about the death of Ted Kennedy or John McCain by those like you who claim some sort of moral superiority nobody else can see.
Ginsburg holds one of the most important positions in our country shaping policy for generations. She clearly needs to step aside and let someone else take the position. Partisan politics sucks. To bad judges don't just interpret the law which leads to BS like this.
No you are off the rails saying leftist cheer about it.

Your solid focus on fake news outlets is clearly showing.
He's referring to the Left's open, public cheering the passing of David Koch.

Your Left wing media no doubt also is cheering so you apparently didn't notice.

Too late, all the trampers want her dead.
Correction. Want her replaced on the bench. If that occurs due to her rather expected demise given her age; so be it.
No you are off the rails saying leftist cheer about it.

Your solid focus on fake news outlets is clearly showing.
He's referring to the Left's open, public cheering the passing of David Koch.

Your Left wing media no doubt also is cheering so you apparently didn't notice.
He's referring to the Left's open, public cheering the passing of David Koch.
Your Left wing media no doubt also is cheering so you apparently didn't notice.
I haven't seen any discrediting of David Koch on any media, nor any cheering. And certainly not anything like the crowing about the death of Ted Kennedy or John McCain by those like you who claim some sort of moral superiority nobody else can see.
All you need to do is go on Tweeter. And I have not forgotten how leftist reacted to the death of Ronald Reagan.
I have read that Justice Ginsberg is receiving "Bile Duct Stent" which is a treatment Typically used in advance cases of cancer to provide end of life care. I ask Republican's not to cheer her passing comes and pray that she is prepared to meet God. Don't be like a leftist and cheer about it.

Democrats do not cheer her passing. Its you trampers that want her to pass, the quicker the better. She will die on the bench.

She is a Jew so you cheer it, Sheri
I have read that Justice Ginsberg is receiving "Bile Duct Stent" which is a treatment Typically used in advance cases of cancer to provide end of life care. I ask Republican's not to cheer her passing comes and pray that she is prepared to meet God. Don't be like a leftist and cheer about it.

Democrats do not cheer her passing. Its you trampers that want her to pass, the quicker the better. She will die on the bench.

Can you read? And comprehend?
I have read that Justice Ginsberg is receiving "Bile Duct Stent" which is a treatment Typically used in advance cases of cancer to provide end of life care. I ask Republican's not to cheer her passing comes and pray that she is prepared to meet God. Don't be like a leftist and cheer about it.

I reserve "cheering" death for those who were personally responsible for the death of millions, like Hitler, Stalin or Mao. I do blame RGB in part for the death of millions of the unborn. However, I put "cheering" in quotes because it's not that; it's gratitude that it's over. I do not take that relief with RBG because abortion is still not over.

Leftist ghouls are cheering the death of David Koch on Twitter because he disagreed with their politics. That's all it takes for them.

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