Supreme Court justices RIP ruling forcing states to recognize same-sex marriages - 'Threat To Religious Freedom!'

What constitutional problems? If marriage went back to where it was as a religious rite, then the Constitution has nothing to do with it. Furthermore there are a lot of people like myself who never wanted to be married so I never got married. I have lived with a woman and children on several occasions. The only way for us to get marital benefits would have been for us to get married, and those women (like myself) objected to any kind of marriage religious or otherwise.

Unless you are planning to have children to carry out your name, marriage to me is stupid. How does that conversation go anyway? "Honey, I love you, and you love me. We have this great thing going, and the only possible way to make it better is getting government involved in our relationship!" :eusa_shhh:

So a social contract replacing government marriage preserves marriage for normal people and gives anti-marry people like myself the ability to have the government benefits married people get.
Well marriage is not going back to just a religious rite which makes that line discussing a waste of time.

There are of course advantages and disadvantages to marriage. When children come into picture, marriage is much more important. Medical research has convincingly showed that children who are raised by their married, biological parents enjoy better physical, cognitive, and emotional outcomes, on average, than children who are raised in other circumstances.

On the legal front, however, breaking up can be a lot easier for unmarried couples than going through a divorce. However, if there are children and the parents can't resolve their disputes, things can be very messy because the codified divorce procedures that apply to married couples do not apply to unmarried folks.
All SCOTUS does is rule on the Constitutionality of laws.
No, the supreme court is final arbitrator of law which may or may not involve the constitution. The court also does judicial review which, is the power to decide the validity of acts of the legislative and executive branches of government. It may seem like the court just interprets the constitution because those are highly publicized cases. The court hears 100 to a`150 cases a year, but only a few end up in the news media.
If a friend of yours lost his apartment and you let him move in with you, got into a fight a month later, you cannot legally force him to leave. If the police are involved, they may ask one of you to leave to keep the peace, but you cannot throw him out until you follow eviction procedures.

Any guest, is just that, a guest. Whether in a home, an apartment. They have to be invited, and their remaining is contingent on that grant not being revoked.

If they refuse to leave, you just have to call the police, and say there is a trespasser.

How Do I Get Rid of a House Guest Who Won't Leave?

Technically, in most situations a houseguest who remains after being asked to leave is trespassing. ... If you have made crystal clear that a guest is not welcome, but the guest continues to stay, call the police and report the person for trespassing.

Any guest, is just that, a guest. Whether in a home, an apartment. They have to be invited, and their remaining is contingent on that grant not being revoked.

If they refuse to leave, you just have to call the police, and say there is a trespasser.

How Do I Get Rid of a House Guest Who Won't Leave?

Technically, in most situations a houseguest who remains after being asked to leave is trespassing. ... If you have made crystal clear that a guest is not welcome, but the guest continues to stay, call the police and report the person for trespassing.

That's for somebody visiting, not somebody that moved in. Once somebody moves in, that is their place of residence. If that person who moved in gives you anything of value in exchange for living there, even cooking dinner one night, that legally makes that person a tenant.

Can I lock a guest out and put the guest’s property on the street?

The safest way to remove a guest from your property is to use the court process. There are several reasons why it may be a bad idea to use self-help eviction to remove a guest from your home.

You may be risking your personal safety if the guest becomes angry or violent during or after the eviction.

If the police need to be called because the eviction is causing a disturbance, they may stop the eviction and direct you to let the guest move back into your home. The police may also direct you to go to court to evict the guest.

In many cases, you cannot be sure whether a person is a guest or a tenant. If you are wrong and a judge decides that your guest actually is a tenant, you may be ordered to let that person move back into your home and you might have to pay that person money for wrongfully evicting him or her.

Judgments for wrongful eviction can be a large amount of money and can include: reimbursement for living costs while the guest was out of the property, lost or stolen personal property, pain and suffering, and, if the tenant can prove that you acted recklessly or maliciously, additional damages to punish you for the illegal eviction.

You can protect yourself from these problems by using the court process to evict your guest.

The same thing normal couples that don't want to marry would do to have marital benefits, and that is replace government marriage with a social contract.
A marriage license is a social contract. A couple can create their own contract and if done proper, it is legal and if filed with the county clerk there will be permanent record. However, for the marriage to be legal there are a number of requirements depending on state that must be met such as:
Proof of identity of each with state approved identification.
State approved proof of age
Proof of 24 hr. waiting prior the signing of marriage license, where require by law
Evidence of a verbal agreement that each party is willing to entering into the marriage
Evidence that both parties understand the marriage contract, where require by law
Evidence of passing a blood test, where require by law
Opportunity of others to state reasons why the marriage should not be allowed, depending on state law

For most people a Social Contract in place of marriage license is impractical. Most social contract are in addition to the marriage license such as prenup agreements.
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That's for somebody visiting, not somebody that moved in. Once somebody moves in, that is their place of residence. If that person who moved in gives you anything of value in exchange for living there, even cooking dinner one night, that legally makes that person a tenant.

Can I lock a guest out and put the guest’s property on the street?

The safest way to remove a guest from your property is to use the court process. There are several reasons why it may be a bad idea to use self-help eviction to remove a guest from your home.

You may be risking your personal safety if the guest becomes angry or violent during or after the eviction.

If the police need to be called because the eviction is causing a disturbance, they may stop the eviction and direct you to let the guest move back into your home. The police may also direct you to go to court to evict the guest.

In many cases, you cannot be sure whether a person is a guest or a tenant. If you are wrong and a judge decides that your guest actually is a tenant, you may be ordered to let that person move back into your home and you might have to pay that person money for wrongfully evicting him or her.

Judgments for wrongful eviction can be a large amount of money and can include: reimbursement for living costs while the guest was out of the property, lost or stolen personal property, pain and suffering, and, if the tenant can prove that you acted recklessly or maliciously, additional damages to punish you for the illegal eviction.

You can protect yourself from these problems by using the court process to evict your guest.

Agreed but laws are different from state to state and the covid-19 thing is making it a bit different. Most of the time, you can sue to evict a guest as soon as you have asked the person to leave and they have refused to move out. However, as you said, if that guest gave you money or anything of value to stay in your dwelling, then that's a different situation. Right now in Seattle it is damn near impossible to evict anyone.
That's for somebody visiting, not somebody that moved in. Once somebody moves in, that is their place of residence. If that person who moved in gives you anything of value in exchange for living there, even cooking dinner one night, that legally makes that person a tenant.
Now you're moving the bar. You said the friend lost his apartment and was staying at your place. Well first there would be a general agreement how long they intended to stay, which as until they found another place, with an expectation of a certain number of days

Any guest staying in the property more than two weeks in any six-month period will be considered a tenant, rather than a guest, and must be added in the lease agreement. Landlord may also increase the rent at any such time that a new tenant is added to the lease or premise.
And? If it isn't mandated in the Constitution, it shouldn't be mandated on the population it governs. It matters not who passes the mandate. Trump or Obama.

Being a part of the LGBT community now, I can tell that the majority of the community do not want to force itself onto society, we just want equal treatment under law. But what is there to gain from our equal status in society if it comes by trampling the rights of others? If my rights come at the cost of other's rights, I don't want them.

Tell me, how is that fair? My grandmother is a devout Christian. She also knows I'm gay as well, as she was the one I came out to first. But I will not force her to change her beliefs to accept me. That is wrong. Just as wrong as someone trying to change me because of my sexual affiliation.
Well now Templar, you’ve provided more evidence that you are indeed a healthy minded individual. I suspected as such from your previous posts:) You’re spot on that it’s all about the force aspect that’s caused so much friction. Specific groups, unfortunately, have jumped on the friction wagon. Some of the extreme messages are on social media, while others support a much less aggressive message of wanting fair treatment.

Those who are yelling will not be heard, while those who are having respectful dialogue, like with your close bond with your grandma, will continue to be heard and accepted as individuals just doing their best and living their lives.
Which is why marriage should be contained to the religion only and not involve government at all. If you are a Catholic, get married in the Catholic church, you are married in the eyes of that religion and the people who are also part of that religion.
If the only marriage are religious marriages, about half of the country would not get married. That would be bad for everyone.
And I answered that multiple times.
No you have not! You might think that you did but you have not. All that I am getting is that you oppose marriage in general. But this all started with your opposition specifically to gay marriage and you have not explained that at all. It appears that your anti marriage crap is intended to avoint the issue of gay marriage . Throw the baby out with the bath water. Prove me wrong
Now you're moving the bar. You said the friend lost his apartment and was staying at your place. Well first there would be a general agreement how long they intended to stay, which as until they found another place, with an expectation of a certain number of days

Any guest staying in the property more than two weeks in any six-month period will be considered a tenant, rather than a guest, and must be added in the lease agreement. Landlord may also increase the rent at any such time that a new tenant is added to the lease or premise.

Not moving the bar at all. Once a person establishes residency at a dwelling, that is the persons home whether considered a guest or tenant by law. It's illegal to remove a person from their home. Even if they say they'll be gone in four months, you still need to evict the person past that verbal deadline.

Trust me, I've had to discuss this with my lawyer before. I had a guy move in a friend and didn't tell me about it. When I found out, I told him his friend had to move. He didn't so I contacted my lawyer. My lawyer advised not to address the guest in any way or form. Advise the tenant they are in violation of the lease, and unless they get back into compliance (get rid of their friend) then you will proceed to the eviction process and they'll both be gone. His friend left.

I also had a friend who was in a busted marriage and they split up. She was scared to death at nights being alone, so she found some player to move in to replace her husband against my advice. He was a classic loser, didn't work, ate all her food, didn't pay her anything, and she asked him to leave repeatedly which he didn't. I don't know what happened, but one day she called the police to have him removed. The police told her they couldn't do a thing. It's not a police matter, it's a civil matter that only the court can settle. She had to file for an eviction to get him out of there. Once he received it, he finally left.

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