Supreme Court Likely Does Follow Federalist 59, V. King George "Donald" III, Shown!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Against this below, linked,

There is this, linked--Federalist 59 commenting on even the National Security problems that Texas created in its claim to have standing versus all the other states:

Even liberal commentators so far have yet to review and enlist the contentions of the original U.S. inhabitants--yet to be citizens of a New Republic--in how elections should be regarded.

State elections are not to be construed an international take-over mechanism, and so none have tried.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30, aside(?)! What do the Republicans expect to be doing in Georgia, Jan 5?!)
More likely on-boarding with the Biden Administration will be names like, "Collins," "Murkowski." and "Romney," and in Georgia names like, "Jimenez," "Garcia," and "Cortez!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30, aside(?)! What do the Republicans expect to be doing in Georgia, Jan 5?!)
Against this below, linked,

There is this, linked--Federalist 59 commenting on even the National Security problems that Texas created in its claim to have standing versus all the other states:

Even liberal commentators so far have yet to review and enlist the contentions of the original U.S. inhabitants--yet to be citizens of a New Republic--in how elections should be regarded.

State elections are not to be construed an international take-over mechanism, and so none have tried.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30, aside(?)! What do the Republicans expect to be doing in Georgia, Jan 5?!)
Texas is welcome to submit first, to lead the way by example.
‘President Donald Trump finally shared his reaction to the Supreme Court dumping the Texas lawsuit challenging the election — and it wasn’t pretty.

He ranted after midnight Friday about getting “screwed,” boasting he “got more votes than any other sitting president in history” — yet “purportedly lost” (because Joe Biden got 7 million more votes).’ ibid


Trump is truly a loser – on so many levels.
Following the problem of Lawful Standing, then Texas is better said as easily lawless and lethal as is the Covid-19 strain. Then Court can regarded a part of the National Security Establishment. The Texas AG published that Texas was the victim of a Plot--created over months--which it was able to "Discover" in just a few days. No evidence litigated evidence was at all provided, or apparently even available.

No one else could validate a source of domestic origin of any such plot.

No one alleged that Texas AG was contending from a foreign influence. The lack of "Standing," shown in the "Elections Clause," articulated in Federalist 59: Precludes even the attempt.

The Court was supportive of the Founding Document.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30, aside(?)! What do the Republicans expect to be doing in Georgia, Jan 5?!)

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