Supreme Court Nomination Process...for Liberals and MSM

Justice Lee ?

Justice Cruz ?

Justice Gowdy ?

Oh, it's so cooooooooooooooooooooooooooolllll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It'll be someone we've never heard of, I think. Though Trump likes celebrities......I can dream about the idea of Judge Napolitano.
Basic civics lesson...give it’s lost. Like Obama said famously: “Elections have consequences.” You don’t have the votes and you cannot usurp the Constitution. (although your trying with 2016 election).

Basic civic lesson... Congress shall advice and consent on a SCOTUS nominee. Something they refused to do when Obama nominated Garland. It seems to me that you now gloating about elections and it's consequences when the GOP refused to follow through on the SCOTUS nominee when you lost the elections is the hight of cynicism. You are right about the Democrats, they can not stop you, neither should they. On the other hand leave basic civics lessons the out of it. It makes you look like an ass.
You can do that when you own the senate.
Sure, and if somebody on the left then starts an OP citing basic civics and the consequences of elections while at the same time applauding when congress refuses to follow the role the constitution gave it, I will call that person out. If I see it.
Basic civics lesson...give it’s lost. Like Obama said famously: “Elections have consequences.”
You should talk to Mitch about the process. He left a SC seat vacant for more than a year over partisanship, and stole that nomination from its rightful president — Obama.

Democrats should do whatever they can to delay and block this nomination.

Mitch McConnell is a piece of shit.
"Libs going berserk over Kennedy. We finally have gotten to THE CORE OBSESSION of the left, the atomic core about to be split-- ABORTION ON DEMAND.

Forget immigration, nuclear war, border babies -- THIS IS ABORTION. Watch liberals GO BERSERK." - Coulter
Basic civics lesson...give it’s lost. Like Obama said famously: “Elections have consequences.”

Not to nit pick but it would be more accurate in this case to say "Harry Reid's short sighted decisions have consequences", Reid was the one that set the precedent on breaking the Senate cloture rules for Presidential Nominees and at the time he was warned repeatedly by Senate Republicans that he would regret doing it and now we see that regret in full force on the Democrat side of the aisle.

I'm sure at some point the Republicans will regret expanding Reid's precedent to include SCOTUS nominees but I suspect that will be quite a ways down the road.

"for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." -- New Testament, Epistle to the Galatians, 6:7
Basic civics lesson...give it’s lost. Like Obama said famously: “Elections have consequences.”
You should talk to Mitch about the process. He left a SC seat vacant for more than a year over partisanship, and stole that nomination from its rightful president — Obama.

Democrats should do whatever they can to delay and block this nomination.

Mitch McConnell is a piece of shit.
Yeah, that sounds like a great strategery. Block/delay until after the November elections when they...oops, wait a second. The dimocrats have 25 Senate seats in play and it’s simply a matter of how many they’ll lose...3...5...6...8...? Let’s see. There’s gotta be a Plan B somewhere, no?
Democrats should do whatever they can to delay and block this nomination.
Yeah well, unfortunately for the Democrats they can't do diddly squat to delay or block this nomination but don't let that fact stop you folks from producing more of those wonderful "freaking the fuck out because you didn't get your way" YouTube videos. :)
Basic civics lesson...give it’s lost. Like Obama said famously: “Elections have consequences.”
You should talk to Mitch about the process. He left a SC seat vacant for more than a year over partisanship, and stole that nomination from its rightful president — Obama.

Democrats should do whatever they can to delay and block this nomination.

Mitch McConnell is a piece of shit.

That was delicious. McConnell saved our country.
Basic civics lesson...give it’s lost. Like Obama said famously: “Elections have consequences.”
You should talk to Mitch about the process. He left a SC seat vacant for more than a year over partisanship, and stole that nomination from its rightful president — Obama.

Democrats should do whatever they can to delay and block this nomination.

Mitch McConnell is a piece of shit.

That was delicious. McConnell saved our country.
No, he set a dangerous precedent. Be careful what you wish for.
Basic civics lesson...give it’s lost. Like Obama said famously: “Elections have consequences.”
You should talk to Mitch about the process. He left a SC seat vacant for more than a year over partisanship, and stole that nomination from its rightful president — Obama.

Democrats should do whatever they can to delay and block this nomination.

Mitch McConnell is a piece of shit.

That was delicious. McConnell saved our country.
No, he set a dangerous precedent. Be careful what you wish for.

No, he was following Harry Reid's precedent.
It won't matter to me anyway. I'll probably be dead before Trump finishes his second term and by then the court will be set for decades.
Elections have consequences. America elected Trump to make this country great again and by god that is what he is doing. MAGA Baby!.

There is not one damn thing the Democrats can do to stop Trump's nominee as long as they control the Senate.

Trump ran on a platform to put Conservatives on the Supreme Court. If you Moon Bats didn't want that to happen then you shouldn't have nominated that idiot Crooked Hillary bitch that had more baggage than Delta Airlines.
Basic civics lesson...give it’s lost. Like Obama said famously: “Elections have consequences.”
You should talk to Mitch about the process. He left a SC seat vacant for more than a year over partisanship, and stole that nomination from its rightful president — Obama.

Democrats should do whatever they can to delay and block this nomination.

Mitch McConnell is a piece of shit.

That was delicious. McConnell saved our country.
No, he set a dangerous precedent. Be careful what you wish for.

"You’ll regret this, and you may regret this a lot sooner than you think" -- Mitch McConnell, 2013, Warning Harry Reid about using the 'Nuclear Option' for Obama Nominees

Guess what you arrogant, condescending left wing dingbats? It's pay back time.
Basic civics lesson...give it’s lost. Like Obama said famously: “Elections have consequences.”
You should talk to Mitch about the process. He left a SC seat vacant for more than a year over partisanship, and stole that nomination from its rightful president — Obama.

Democrats should do whatever they can to delay and block this nomination.

Mitch McConnell is a piece of shit.

That was delicious. McConnell saved our country.
No, he set a dangerous precedent. Be careful what you wish for.

"You’ll regret this, and you may regret this a lot sooner than you think" -- Mitch McConnell, 2013, Warning Harry Reid about using the 'Nuclear Option' for Obama Nominees

Guess what you arrogant, condescending left wing dingbats? It's pay back time.
Yes, because that’s what you want in government — each party paying back the other, and nothing gets done.

Reid had no choice, because Republicans blocked everything.

I can’t wait to watch Republicans get fucked over this.

Fuck you.
You should talk to Mitch about the process. He left a SC seat vacant for more than a year over partisanship, and stole that nomination from its rightful president — Obama.

That makes a great sound bite - but how accurate is it?

Six months between Obama's nomination and the presidential election. Ten months between Obama's nomination of Garland and Trump's nomination of Gorsuch. So you're close.

Obama nominated, and they were confirmed, two liberal SC Justices. Too bad Garland wasn't nominated at that time. Obama made a calculated political risk, daring Republicans to turn down a somewhat moderate candidate. Obama was never interested in nominating a moderate, he thought it would hurt the Republicans in the 2016 election.

That backfired, and Reid's iron-fisted manipulation of the Senate rules is also backfiring. An argument could be made that during a presidential election year the confirmation process of a SC nominee be delayed until the new president is installed is justified, (none for a mid-term)...remember at the time, Hillary was the favorite and remained so until election day. McConnell & Co could not have known that she would be defeated - therefore their actions were far less partisan and politically calculated than Obama's.

Democrats should do whatever they can to delay and block this nomination.

Mitch McConnell is a piece of shit.

Absolutely - they should pull out all the stops and try to destroy the nominee, no matter who it may be. :2up:
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Basic civics lesson...give it’s lost. Like Obama said famously: “Elections have consequences.”
You should talk to Mitch about the process. He left a SC seat vacant for more than a year over partisanship, and stole that nomination from its rightful president — Obama.

Democrats should do whatever they can to delay and block this nomination.

Mitch McConnell is a piece of shit.

That was delicious. McConnell saved our country.
No, he set a dangerous precedent. Be careful what you wish for.

"You’ll regret this, and you may regret this a lot sooner than you think" -- Mitch McConnell, 2013, Warning Harry Reid about using the 'Nuclear Option' for Obama Nominees

Guess what you arrogant, condescending left wing dingbats? It's pay back time.
Yes, because that’s what you want in government — each party paying back the other, and nothing gets done.
Nope that's not what I want ….

I want both parties and the brainless sheeple that worship them to completely annihilate one another so that us rational folks can finally be left alone to live our lives in peace for change.
You should talk to Mitch about the process. He left a SC seat vacant for more than a year over partisanship, and stole that nomination from its rightful president — Obama.

That makes a great sound bite - but how accurate is it?

Six months between Obama's nomination and the presidential election. Ten months between Obama's nomination of Garland and Trump's nomination of Gorsuch. So you're close.

Obama nominated, and they were confirmed, two liberal SC Justices. Too bad Garland wasn't nominated at that time. Obama made a calculated political risk, daring Republicans to turn down a somewhat moderate candidate. Obama was never interested in nominating a moderate, he thought it would hurt the Republicans in the 2016 election.

That backfired, and Reid's iron-fisted manipulation of the Senate rules is also backfiring. An argument could be made that during a presidential election year the confirmation process of a SC nominee be delayed until the new president is installed is justified, (none for a mid-term)...remember at the time, Hillary was the favorite and remained so until election day. McConnell & Co could not have known that she would be defeated - therefore their actions were far less partisan and politically calculated than Obama's.

Democrats should do whatever they can to delay and block this nomination.

Mitch McConnell is a piece of shit.

Absolutely - they should pull out all the stops and try to destroy the nominee, no matter who it may be. :2up:

There is not a doubt in my mind, had Hillary won, Garland would not have been her nominee for SCOTUS.

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