Supreme Court Nomination Process...for Liberals and MSM

"Libs going berserk over Kennedy. We finally have gotten to THE CORE OBSESSION of the left, the atomic core about to be split-- ABORTION ON DEMAND.

Forget immigration, nuclear war, border babies -- THIS IS ABORTION. Watch liberals GO BERSERK." - Coulter

True..........but to be fair, it's a core obsession of the Right, also. I didn't realize that till I started reading these threads --- constant hopeful talk from the rightwing men that they can get women back under their control. Sort of detracts from my pleasure at Trump's constant winning!

There is another obsession the two sides share, guns --- The Left wants to confiscate them all, except for those in the possession of all the violent criminals, so that everyone will be helpless, and the Right has finally turned to fight for what we need to keep access to so we can protect ourselves. This isn't coming up in connection with the Kennedy retirement because the Right is currently dominant so the Left can't get our guns, for now.
The Left wants to confiscate them all, except for those in the possession of all the violent criminals, so that everyone will be helpless
Complete and utter partisan bullshit
Basic civics lesson...give it’s lost. Like Obama said famously: “Elections have consequences.” You don’t have the votes and you cannot usurp the Constitution. (although your trying with 2016 election).

The GOP need 51 votes to confirm. The GOP has 51 members in the Senate, but one of them is on sick leave. That means that at least on Dem will have to vote yes as well.

Assuming people like Collins or Flake or Murkowski also vote yes.
Basic civics lesson...give it’s lost. Like Obama said famously: “Elections have consequences.” You don’t have the votes and you cannot usurp the Constitution. (although your trying with 2016 election).

The GOP need 51 votes to confirm. The GOP has 51 members in the Senate, but one of them is on sick leave. That means that at least on Dem will have to vote yes as well.

Assuming people like Collins or Flake or Murkowski also vote yes.

Bush92 is a moron, but I think it's really more of hyperbole. If you look at this list of possible issues, mostly a 5-4 non Kennedy Court will defer less to precedent, at least post-1930, and more to direct democracy in terms of state legislatures controlling more issues. And of course it will be anti-consumer and pro-business, but Kennedy was solidly with the other 4 republicans.

It’s not just abortion: 5 issues likely to be affected by Kennedy’s exit

The issue that makes me wonder is affirm action. The republicans seem wary or even hostile to deferring to state legislatures and even private universities in controlling their own admission policies. The republicans are actually activists on this issue.
Basic civics lesson...give it’s lost. Like Obama said famously: “Elections have consequences.”
You should talk to Mitch about the process. He left a SC seat vacant for more than a year over partisanship, and stole that nomination from its rightful president — Obama.

Democrats should do whatever they can to delay and block this nomination.

Mitch McConnell is a piece of shit.

That was delicious. McConnell saved our country.
No, he set a dangerous precedent. Be careful what you wish for.

"You’ll regret this, and you may regret this a lot sooner than you think" -- Mitch McConnell, 2013, Warning Harry Reid about using the 'Nuclear Option' for Obama Nominees

Guess what you arrogant, condescending left wing dingbats? It's pay back time.
Yes, because that’s what you want in government — each party paying back the other, and nothing gets done.

Reid had no choice, because Republicans blocked everything.

I can’t wait to watch Republicans get fucked over this.

Fuck you.
The Democrats had the majority in the Senate when Reid did the nuclear option. He Majority Leader.
Basic civics lesson...give it’s lost. Like Obama said famously: “Elections have consequences.” You don’t have the votes and you cannot usurp the Constitution. (although your trying with 2016 election).

The GOP need 51 votes to confirm. The GOP has 51 members in the Senate, but one of them is on sick leave. That means that at least on Dem will have to vote yes as well.

Assuming people like Collins or Flake or Murkowski also vote yes.

Manchin, Heidkamp cannot afford to vote no. They are up for re-election in red states. It’s a done deal.
Basic civics lesson...give it’s lost. Like Obama said famously: “Elections have consequences.” You don’t have the votes and you cannot usurp the Constitution. (although your trying with 2016 election).

The GOP need 51 votes to confirm. The GOP has 51 members in the Senate, but one of them is on sick leave. That means that at least on Dem will have to vote yes as well.

Assuming people like Collins or Flake or Murkowski also vote yes.

Bush92 is a moron, but I think it's really more of hyperbole. If you look at this list of possible issues, mostly a 5-4 non Kennedy Court will defer less to precedent, at least post-1930, and more to direct democracy in terms of state legislatures controlling more issues. And of course it will be anti-consumer and pro-business, but Kennedy was solidly with the other 4 republicans.

It’s not just abortion: 5 issues likely to be affected by Kennedy’s exit

The issue that makes me wonder is affirm action. The republicans seem wary or even hostile to deferring to state legislatures and even private universities in controlling their own admission policies. The republicans are actually activists on this issue.

Bush92 knows more about the Constitution and American government and politics than you do...guaranteed. There is a pro-life case already on its way to the Court. Your right, they might toss it to the states. Then roughly 40 of 50 States will ban infanticide unless life of woman is in jeopardy, or rape and incest. Something that should of been done in 1973. Rehnquist dissent was correct. You should read the arguments.

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