Supreme Court once again rules Dem. Gov Gavin Newsome's covid restrictions on religion unconstitutional.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
How many times has this clown violated the Constitution with his dictator like edicts?

A truly stupid dissenting opinion:

"Justice Elena Kagan, who ruled against easing restrictions along with Justices Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and John Roberts, wrote in a dissenting opinion that the state has complied with the First Amendment because it also restricts secular at-home gatherings to three households.

California "has adopted a blanket restriction on at-home gatherings of all kinds, religious and secular alike," she wrote in the dissent joined by Sotomayor and Breyer.

"The law does not require that the State equally treat apples and watermelons," Kagan wrote, saying that in-home gatherings shouldn’t be compared to businesses."


Her rationalizations are stupid as hell since an in home worship group could not be more than 20 people in it, while businesses such as stores and malls can have HUNDREDS of people in it at a time and for many hours a day too.

This ridiculous kowtowing to any moron who claims a "religion" has gone way too far. No decent person of any religion would deliberately put their fellow citizens in danger.
This ridiculous kowtowing to any moron who claims a "religion" has gone way too far. No decent person of any religion would deliberately put their fellow citizens in danger.

You realize don't you know they often use masks in those home gatherings? They are going to worship at a house WILLINGLY, they are aware of the situation they get into.

Meanwhile you are willing to ignore the obvious anti-religion thinking because you dislike the constitution so much to the point that you would be willing to screw over small religious gatherings while overlooking hundreds milling around in large stores and malls where it can be over 1,000 people. This is an absurd and narrow decision making by the anti-religion leftists retards of the court.

You understand now?
This ridiculous kowtowing to any moron who claims a "religion" has gone way too far. No decent person of any religion would deliberately put their fellow citizens in danger.
The only ones in danger are you Panic Porn addicts.
This ridiculous kowtowing to any moron who claims a "religion" has gone way too far. No decent person of any religion would deliberately put their fellow citizens in danger.

How are you in danger if Jews go to Temple any more than if you go to the grocery store?
This ridiculous kowtowing to any moron who claims a "religion" has gone way too far. No decent person of any religion would deliberately put their fellow citizens in danger.

You realize don't you know they often use masks in those home gatherings? They are going to worship at a house WILLINGLY, they are aware of the situation they get into.

Meanwhile you are willing to ignore the obvious anti-religion thinking because you dislike the constitution so much to the point that you would be willing to screw over small religious gatherings while overlooking hundreds milling around in large stores and malls where it can be over 1,000 people. This is an absurd and narrow decision making by the anti-religion leftists retards of the court.

You understand now?
This ridiculous kowtowing to any moron who claims a "religion" has gone way too far. No decent person of any religion would deliberately put their fellow citizens in danger.
The only ones in danger are you Panic Porn addicts.
View attachment 478523

The wearing of masks prevents the spread of the disease from the person wearing a mask to everyone around them. There should be no place in the country that allows people to be indoors without a mask, no matter the venue, be it a religious institution, store, mall, theater, or anywhere else. There are states that are governed by moronic, ignorant politicians who refuse to pass laws mandating this. All of the businesses that I go to, and I don't go shopping much, require that all persons wear masks. If they didn't, I wouldn't patronize them.

There is no "anti-religious thinking" or "dislike of the constitution" involved. However, I do dislike religionists who endanger others, interfere with others in any way, including abusing abusing the law-making process to do so, fail to obey laws that apply to everyone, and/or engage in public look-at-me theatrics. This is not "anti-religion," it's an objection to these sorts of public behaviors. Millions of people in the U.S. practicing hundreds of religions, do not do these things. I occasionally attend services on Zoom. It keeps everybody safe.
This ridiculous kowtowing to any moron who claims a "religion" has gone way too far. No decent person of any religion would deliberately put their fellow citizens in danger.

How are you in danger if Jews go to Temple any more than if you go to the grocery store?
This ridiculous kowtowing to any moron who claims a "religion" has gone way too far. No decent person of any religion would deliberately put their fellow citizens in danger.

You realize don't you know they often use masks in those home gatherings? They are going to worship at a house WILLINGLY, they are aware of the situation they get into.

Meanwhile you are willing to ignore the obvious anti-religion thinking because you dislike the constitution so much to the point that you would be willing to screw over small religious gatherings while overlooking hundreds milling around in large stores and malls where it can be over 1,000 people. This is an absurd and narrow decision making by the anti-religion leftists retards of the court.

You understand now?
This ridiculous kowtowing to any moron who claims a "religion" has gone way too far. No decent person of any religion would deliberately put their fellow citizens in danger.
The only ones in danger are you Panic Porn addicts.
View attachment 478523

The wearing of masks prevents the spread of the disease from the person wearing a mask to everyone around them. There should be no place in the country that allows people to be indoors without a mask, no matter the venue, be it a religious institution, store, mall, theater, or anywhere else. There are states that are governed by moronic, ignorant politicians who refuse to pass laws mandating this. All of the businesses that I go to, and I don't go shopping much, require that all persons wear masks. If they didn't, I wouldn't patronize them.

There is no "anti-religious thinking" or "dislike of the constitution" involved. However, I do dislike religionists who endanger others, interfere with others in any way, including abusing abusing the law-making process to do so, fail to obey laws that apply to everyone, and/or engage in public look-at-me theatrics. This is not "anti-religion," it's an objection to these sorts of public behaviors. Millions of people in the U.S. practicing hundreds of religions, do not do these things. I occasionally attend services on Zoom. It keeps everybody safe.
States with mask requirements are seeing more cases than common sense States that have opened.
Unbelievable how much hoax bullshit people have either been forced under or just complied with. I was asked to leave a restaurant last night when I went to front counter to get pick up. Their tune changed big time when they realized I had not paid yet
Working toward putting yourself out of business over Hoax virtue signaling is really dumb.
Unbelievable how much hoax bullshit people have either been forced under or just complied with. I was asked to leave a restaurant last night when I went to front counter to get pick up. Their tune changed big time when they realized I had not paid yet
Working toward putting yourself out of business over Hoax virtue signaling is really dumb.
I assume you were not wearing your mask? Dont you live in california and don’t they have the fucked up logic there you got to wear a mask between bites?

I totally hear what your saying,a couple months ago I was at this pizza resteraunt and after I finished eating my meal and paid and everything,I took my mask off cause I was leaving and even though the lady cashier KNEW I was leaving and I was just a short walking distance away from the exit door about to go out,she told me to put my mask on. :cuckoo: My friend apologized to her but had it been me all by myself,I would have given her the middle finger,I’m not going back there again.
This ridiculous kowtowing to any moron who claims a "religion" has gone way too far. No decent person of any religion would deliberately put their fellow citizens in danger.

How are you in danger if Jews go to Temple any more than if you go to the grocery store?
This ridiculous kowtowing to any moron who claims a "religion" has gone way too far. No decent person of any religion would deliberately put their fellow citizens in danger.

You realize don't you know they often use masks in those home gatherings? They are going to worship at a house WILLINGLY, they are aware of the situation they get into.

Meanwhile you are willing to ignore the obvious anti-religion thinking because you dislike the constitution so much to the point that you would be willing to screw over small religious gatherings while overlooking hundreds milling around in large stores and malls where it can be over 1,000 people. This is an absurd and narrow decision making by the anti-religion leftists retards of the court.

You understand now?
This ridiculous kowtowing to any moron who claims a "religion" has gone way too far. No decent person of any religion would deliberately put their fellow citizens in danger.
The only ones in danger are you Panic Porn addicts.
View attachment 478523

The wearing of masks prevents the spread of the disease from the person wearing a mask to everyone around them. There should be no place in the country that allows people to be indoors without a mask, no matter the venue, be it a religious institution, store, mall, theater, or anywhere else. There are states that are governed by moronic, ignorant politicians who refuse to pass laws mandating this. All of the businesses that I go to, and I don't go shopping much, require that all persons wear masks. If they didn't, I wouldn't patronize them.

There is no "anti-religious thinking" or "dislike of the constitution" involved. However, I do dislike religionists who endanger others, interfere with others in any way, including abusing abusing the law-making process to do so, fail to obey laws that apply to everyone, and/or engage in public look-at-me theatrics. This is not "anti-religion," it's an objection to these sorts of public behaviors. Millions of people in the U.S. practicing hundreds of religions, do not do these things. I occasionally attend services on Zoom. It keeps everybody safe.
The wearing of masks prevents the spread of the disease from the person wearing a mask to everyone around them.

Sez who? The CDC doesn't make that claim.
The wearing of masks prevents the spread of the disease from the person wearing a mask to everyone around them. There should be no place in the country that allows people to be indoors without a mask, no matter the venue, be it a religious institution, store, mall, theater, or anywhere else. There are states that are governed by moronic, ignorant politicians who refuse to pass laws mandating this. All of the businesses that I go to, and I don't go shopping much, require that all persons wear masks. If they didn't, I wouldn't patronize them.

There is no "anti-religious thinking" or "dislike of the constitution" involved. However, I do dislike religionists who endanger others, interfere with others in any way, including abusing abusing the law-making process to do so, fail to obey laws that apply to everyone, and/or engage in public look-at-me theatrics. This is not "anti-religion," it's an objection to these sorts of public behaviors. Millions of people in the U.S. practicing hundreds of religions, do not do these things. I occasionally attend services on Zoom. It keeps everybody safe.


Donald Trump brought about a vaccine.

Take it.

Problem solved.
If he isn't compromised I'd be shocked.

I'm sure the FBI is blackmailing him on behalf of the Reich. But he is like Fauci, he loves to the elite life, he fears if he stands up for America he won't be invited to swank Georgetown parties with all the celebs.
This ridiculous kowtowing to any moron who claims a "religion" has gone way too far. No decent person of any religion would deliberately put their fellow citizens in danger.

How are you in danger if Jews go to Temple any more than if you go to the grocery store?
This ridiculous kowtowing to any moron who claims a "religion" has gone way too far. No decent person of any religion would deliberately put their fellow citizens in danger.

You realize don't you know they often use masks in those home gatherings? They are going to worship at a house WILLINGLY, they are aware of the situation they get into.

Meanwhile you are willing to ignore the obvious anti-religion thinking because you dislike the constitution so much to the point that you would be willing to screw over small religious gatherings while overlooking hundreds milling around in large stores and malls where it can be over 1,000 people. This is an absurd and narrow decision making by the anti-religion leftists retards of the court.

You understand now?
This ridiculous kowtowing to any moron who claims a "religion" has gone way too far. No decent person of any religion would deliberately put their fellow citizens in danger.
The only ones in danger are you Panic Porn addicts.
View attachment 478523

The wearing of masks prevents the spread of the disease from the person wearing a mask to everyone around them. There should be no place in the country that allows people to be indoors without a mask, no matter the venue, be it a religious institution, store, mall, theater, or anywhere else. There are states that are governed by moronic, ignorant politicians who refuse to pass laws mandating this. All of the businesses that I go to, and I don't go shopping much, require that all persons wear masks. If they didn't, I wouldn't patronize them.

There is no "anti-religious thinking" or "dislike of the constitution" involved. However, I do dislike religionists who endanger others, interfere with others in any way, including abusing abusing the law-making process to do so, fail to obey laws that apply to everyone, and/or engage in public look-at-me theatrics. This is not "anti-religion," it's an objection to these sorts of public behaviors. Millions of people in the U.S. practicing hundreds of religions, do not do these things. I occasionally attend services on Zoom. It keeps everybody safe.
>This ridiculous kowtowing to any moron who claims a "religion" has gone way too far. No decent person of any religion would deliberately put their fellow citizens in danger.

You went your whole life without a mask, occasionally spreading germs and killing grandmothers. It's natural.

Practicing religion as one wishes, is not only a fundamental right, to some people it is as essential as food or exercise.

>The wearing of masks prevents the spread of the disease from the person wearing a mask to everyone around them.

According to the CDC, which now has plenty of data, masks are ineffective...

You would think everyone would know this by now, even without a study, as masks are uncorrelated with surges, and lockdowns have similarly not worked. Silly humans thinking they can control another respiratory virus. We can't even control the flu, and we've had vaccines for decades, and COVID seems to be even more transmissible than influenza.

Take comfort in your silly mask if you want, but Science says it does not work...

>There should be no place in the country that allows people to be indoors without a mask, no matter the venue, be it a religious institution, store, mall, theater, or anywhere else. There are states that are governed by moronic, ignorant politicians who refuse to pass laws mandating this.

Quit being a nazi and pushing your flawed opinions on others. Ever hear of freedom? You are welcome to wear an ineffective medical device on your face for as long as you want. Shoot, wear two or three; the less you can breathe the better. If you are praticularly scared or vulnerable, you are welcome to stay home huddled in your basement forever. Leave the rest of us alone. Some of us had COVID, some of us are vaccinated, most of us have functioning immune systems, some of us value being human and pursuing happiness over living in fear of yet another respiratory virus.

If you think your stupid mask works, then wear one. Now you are protected. Leave other people alone and quit being so selfish, thinking your opinion is the right one.

You do you, and I'll do me.
This ridiculous kowtowing to any moron who claims a "religion" has gone way too far. No decent person of any religion would deliberately put their fellow citizens in danger.

How are you in danger if Jews go to Temple any more than if you go to the grocery store?
This ridiculous kowtowing to any moron who claims a "religion" has gone way too far. No decent person of any religion would deliberately put their fellow citizens in danger.

You realize don't you know they often use masks in those home gatherings? They are going to worship at a house WILLINGLY, they are aware of the situation they get into.

Meanwhile you are willing to ignore the obvious anti-religion thinking because you dislike the constitution so much to the point that you would be willing to screw over small religious gatherings while overlooking hundreds milling around in large stores and malls where it can be over 1,000 people. This is an absurd and narrow decision making by the anti-religion leftists retards of the court.

You understand now?
This ridiculous kowtowing to any moron who claims a "religion" has gone way too far. No decent person of any religion would deliberately put their fellow citizens in danger.
The only ones in danger are you Panic Porn addicts.
View attachment 478523

The wearing of masks prevents the spread of the disease from the person wearing a mask to everyone around them. There should be no place in the country that allows people to be indoors without a mask, no matter the venue, be it a religious institution, store, mall, theater, or anywhere else. There are states that are governed by moronic, ignorant politicians who refuse to pass laws mandating this. All of the businesses that I go to, and I don't go shopping much, require that all persons wear masks. If they didn't, I wouldn't patronize them.

There is no "anti-religious thinking" or "dislike of the constitution" involved. However, I do dislike religionists who endanger others, interfere with others in any way, including abusing abusing the law-making process to do so, fail to obey laws that apply to everyone, and/or engage in public look-at-me theatrics. This is not "anti-religion," it's an objection to these sorts of public behaviors. Millions of people in the U.S. practicing hundreds of religions, do not do these things. I occasionally attend services on Zoom. It keeps everybody safe.
>This ridiculous kowtowing to any moron who claims a "religion" has gone way too far. No decent person of any religion would deliberately put their fellow citizens in danger.

You went your whole life without a mask, occasionally spreading germs and killing grandmothers. It's natural.

Practicing religion as one wishes, is not only a fundamental right, to some people it is as essential as food or exercise.

>The wearing of masks prevents the spread of the disease from the person wearing a mask to everyone around them.

According to the CDC, which now has plenty of data, masks are ineffective...

You would think everyone would know this by now, even without a study, as masks are uncorrelated with surges, and lockdowns have similarly not worked. Silly humans thinking they can control another respiratory virus. We can't even control the flu, and we've had vaccines for decades, and COVID seems to be even more transmissible than influenza.

Take comfort in your silly mask if you want, but Science says it does not work...

>There should be no place in the country that allows people to be indoors without a mask, no matter the venue, be it a religious institution, store, mall, theater, or anywhere else. There are states that are governed by moronic, ignorant politicians who refuse to pass laws mandating this.

Quit being a nazi and pushing your flawed opinions on others. Ever hear of freedom? You are welcome to wear an ineffective medical device on your face for as long as you want. Shoot, wear two or three; the less you can breathe the better. If you are praticularly scared or vulnerable, you are welcome to stay home huddled in your basement forever. Leave the rest of us alone. Some of us had COVID, some of us are vaccinated, most of us have functioning immune systems, some of us value being human and pursuing happiness over living in fear of yet another respiratory virus.

If you think your stupid mask works, then wear one. Now you are protected. Leave other people alone and quit being so selfish, thinking your opinion is the right one.

You do you, and I'll do me.

The religion of Leftardism has the mask Nazis on a holy inquisition.
How many times has this clown violated the Constitution with his dictator like edicts?

There might be something good to come out of this.
Unbelievable how much hoax bullshit people have either been forced under or just complied with. I was asked to leave a restaurant last night when I went to front counter to get pick up. Their tune changed big time when they realized I had not paid yet
Working toward putting yourself out of business over Hoax virtue signaling is really dumb.
I live in a very restrictive dem state where they are barely balancing being open. The governor has been using punitive measures for months against conservative parts of the state. I went to a nearby state over spring break and being used to masking when entering a public establishment, I was surprised to enter many restaurants where NOBODY was masking. The open state covid numbers are very low while our emperor is presiding over failed policies that have been some of the worst in the nation. IT IS A BS GLOBALIST/DEMOCRAT HOAX

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