Supreme Court overturns Texas abortion law

Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton
SCOTUS's decision is a victory for women in Texas and across America. Safe abortion should be a right—not just on paper, but in reality. -H

10:12 AM - 27 Jun 2016
The decision is about abortion, not safe abortion. Safe abortion would be a surgical outpatient center by a qualified doctor. A doctor that has no admitting privileges has usually had some serious problems.
This is as ridiculous as it is wrong.

You and others on the right look just as ridiculous trying to defend this idiotic law.
You really don't believe that garbage do you?
Certainly do. You passed on a gold standard of care to gain access. You won. Congrats.

You no doubt expect every burger stand be built to the same standard as a 5 star restaurant.

Of course they should be. Health standards are health standards. But that isn't what TX did here. If you want to use a food analogy they just said burger stands must meet the same standards as restaurants, but only burger stands. If they had INSTEAD said "ALL food trucks and food stands must meet the same standards as restaurants, they wouldn't have had a problem, but they fully wanted abortion supporters to know exactly who they were targeting. It was stupid.
Why wouldn't women and democrats want the very best conditions under which to have their abortions? They must not value themselves, they sure don't value children.
Your"argument"is meaningless.
You seem to think that hospitals are somehow cleaner then a health clinic.
The fact is they're not.

Why Aren't Hospitals Cleaner?

More than that she's a liar. The court found there was zero evidence that any women were harmed in a clinic, as opposed to a hospital, setting. This is the last gasp of thwarted theocratic rightwingnuts who overplayed their hand
I still haven't figured out why libtards are so thrilled to have abortions in places that don't meet surgical standards? Weird.
No, what's weird is conservatives seeking to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
You have been free to murder your babies since roe v wade,. The question is why don't you want to do it in a nice place?
You know the world is freaking upside down when the left calls it a victory when Abortion clinics in Texas no longer have to adhere to medical standards we take for granted. Abortion clinics like Dr. Kermit Gosnell's house of horrors are free to conduct business with lower medical standards than veterinary clinics. Justice Breyer who wrote the majority opinion is 77 years old and lives in a world so removed from the real women who are impacted by his bad decision that it is incredible that democrats call it a victory.
You know the world is freaking upside down when the left calls it a victory when Abortion clinics in Texas no longer have to adhere to medical standards we take for granted. Abortion clinics like Dr. Kermit Gosnell's house of horrors are free to conduct business with lower medical standards than veterinary clinics. Justice Breyer who wrote the majority opinion is 77 years old and lives in a world so removed from the real women who are impacted by his bad decision that it is incredible that democrats call it a victory.
It's because they know they are slaughter houses and you don't need standards of medical quality for the purpose of slaughter.

JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: Can I walk through the burden a moment? There's two types of early abortion at at play here. The medical abortion, that doesn't involve any hospital procedure. A doctor prescribes two pills, and the women take the pills at home, correct?

22 MS. TOTI: Under Texas law, she must take them at the facility, but but that is otherwise correct.


JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: I'm sorry. 18 Is there any other medical condition by 19 taking the pills that are required to be done in 20 hospital, not as a prelude to a procedure in hospital, 21 but an independent, you know I know there are cancer 22 treatments by pills now. How many of those are required 23 to be done in front of a doctor?

MS. TOTI: None, Your Honor. There there 25 are are no other medication requirements and no other outpatient procedures that are required by law to be 2 performed in an ASC.

Transcripts of Oral Arguments -->>

I was hoping to see the Texas law that says pills must be taken in front of a doctor. Are you talking about the morning after pill or something else?

The morning after pill isn't an abortion pill, it is a contraceptive meant to prevent pregnancy not end an existing pregnancy.

Medically induced abortions, such as RU-486, is a pill which ends and existing pregnancy.

Sounds awful

RU-486 | National Right to Life

A condom would make more sense.
Try minding your own business.

JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: Can I walk through the burden a moment? There's two types of early abortion at at play here. The medical abortion, that doesn't involve any hospital procedure. A doctor prescribes two pills, and the women take the pills at home, correct?

22 MS. TOTI: Under Texas law, she must take them at the facility, but but that is otherwise correct.


JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: I'm sorry. 18 Is there any other medical condition by 19 taking the pills that are required to be done in 20 hospital, not as a prelude to a procedure in hospital, 21 but an independent, you know I know there are cancer 22 treatments by pills now. How many of those are required 23 to be done in front of a doctor?

MS. TOTI: None, Your Honor. There there 25 are are no other medication requirements and no other outpatient procedures that are required by law to be 2 performed in an ASC.

Transcripts of Oral Arguments -->>

I was hoping to see the Texas law that says pills must be taken in front of a doctor. Are you talking about the morning after pill or something else?

The morning after pill isn't an abortion pill, it is a contraceptive meant to prevent pregnancy not end an existing pregnancy.

Medically induced abortions, such as RU-486, is a pill which ends and existing pregnancy.

Sounds awful

RU-486 | National Right to Life

A condom would make more sense.
Try minding your own business.
A condom makes more sense.
Bullshit, and proof that you don't care about rights. You care about partisanship.

A right is a right. If the government can infringe on mine, they can certainly infringe on yours. And yes both the Texas abortion law and the NYC gun law infringe on rights. PERIOD.

even scalia, in his heller decision said that reasonable gun regulation is not unconstitutional.... only a total ban like the one that was under consideration in that case. and scalia was as far right on this issue as possible.

How the hell is a 3-6 month wait and a $1000 fine reasonable.

The Court found the regulations to be too burdensome, and an attempt to limit access in the Texas Abortion case. How is the NYC handgun law any different?

It would actually be hilarious if Texas passed an IDENTICAL law. 3-6 month waiting list and a $1000 application fee to obtain an abortion. Jillian's head would spin, no doubt.

To be fair, Abortion is a bit more time sensitive. I would be happy with a 2 week waiting period, and a $250 fee.

and if you want to have your abortion outside your home, you have to go to the local sheriff and show why you need one.
Fascist much?

Hey, to get a revolver in NYC for keeping at home its $1000 and 3-6 months. I'm being more than fair.
You know the world is freaking upside down when the left calls it a victory when Abortion clinics in Texas no longer have to adhere to medical standards we take for granted. Abortion clinics like Dr. Kermit Gosnell's house of horrors are free to conduct business with lower medical standards than veterinary clinics. Justice Breyer who wrote the majority opinion is 77 years old and lives in a world so removed from the real women who are impacted by his bad decision that it is incredible that democrats call it a victory.

Another red herring fallacy, more irrelevant demagoguery from the right, and more lies.

No one is saying women's health care facilities shouldn't be subject to inspection and regulation.

But any regulation must be appropriate and warranted, where the Texas regulations were not; they were enacted in bad faith seeking to deny women their right to privacy.
Stuff like this might make a good case for repealing the 14th Amendment - we could get rid of abortion and gay marriage both in one shot.

My point is what is reasonable to you, may not seem reasonable to me and certainly the assholes we have making laws in this country aren't overly concerned with reasonable.

that's why the court makes the determination and you and i don't. there are standards for determining these things. well, unless you're clarence thomas

Oh , I would LOVE to agree with that. But I think SCOTUS has became entirely too political.

Let's take THIS law for example.

IT was a 5-3 decision. it should have been 8-0. 3 judges stuck to their partisan beliefs. And that happens all too often, sometimes to the left sometimes to the right. Human nature obviously, but Supreme Court Justices should be above such nonsense. They should be able to say "okay I personally disagree with abortion/gun ownership, BUT that doesn't change the rights that people have"
And that is why no liberal should ever be in the WH. They are amoral.
morality is subjective might want to look that up.
Morality is objective and universal, just like mathematics.
Spoken like a true authorization conservative.
Stuff like this might make a good case for repealing the 14th Amendment - we could get rid of abortion and gay marriage both in one shot.

that's why the court makes the determination and you and i don't. there are standards for determining these things. well, unless you're clarence thomas

Oh , I would LOVE to agree with that. But I think SCOTUS has became entirely too political.

Let's take THIS law for example.

IT was a 5-3 decision. it should have been 8-0. 3 judges stuck to their partisan beliefs. And that happens all too often, sometimes to the left sometimes to the right. Human nature obviously, but Supreme Court Justices should be above such nonsense. They should be able to say "okay I personally disagree with abortion/gun ownership, BUT that doesn't change the rights that people have"
And that is why no liberal should ever be in the WH. They are amoral.
morality is subjective might want to look that up.
Morality is objective and universal, just like mathematics.
Spoken like a true authorization conservative.

As opposed to the left wing authoritarians who want to tax people for drinking soda LOL
I still haven't figured out why libtards are so thrilled to have abortions in places that don't meet surgical standards? Weird.
No, what's weird is conservatives seeking to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
You have been free to murder your babies since roe v wade,. The question is why don't you want to do it in a nice place?
Abortion has been practiced since ancient times.
"Freedom"has fuck all to do with it.
JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: Can I walk through the burden a moment? There's two types of early abortion at at play here. The medical abortion, that doesn't involve any hospital procedure. A doctor prescribes two pills, and the women take the pills at home, correct?

22 MS. TOTI: Under Texas law, she must take them at the facility, but but that is otherwise correct.


JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: I'm sorry. 18 Is there any other medical condition by 19 taking the pills that are required to be done in 20 hospital, not as a prelude to a procedure in hospital, 21 but an independent, you know I know there are cancer 22 treatments by pills now. How many of those are required 23 to be done in front of a doctor?

MS. TOTI: None, Your Honor. There there 25 are are no other medication requirements and no other outpatient procedures that are required by law to be 2 performed in an ASC.

Transcripts of Oral Arguments -->>

I was hoping to see the Texas law that says pills must be taken in front of a doctor. Are you talking about the morning after pill or something else?

The morning after pill isn't an abortion pill, it is a contraceptive meant to prevent pregnancy not end an existing pregnancy.

Medically induced abortions, such as RU-486, is a pill which ends and existing pregnancy.

Sounds awful

RU-486 | National Right to Life

A condom would make more sense.
Try minding your own business.
A condom makes more sense.
in your case it would have.
even scalia, in his heller decision said that reasonable gun regulation is not unconstitutional.... only a total ban like the one that was under consideration in that case. and scalia was as far right on this issue as possible.

How the hell is a 3-6 month wait and a $1000 fine reasonable.

The Court found the regulations to be too burdensome, and an attempt to limit access in the Texas Abortion case. How is the NYC handgun law any different?

It would actually be hilarious if Texas passed an IDENTICAL law. 3-6 month waiting list and a $1000 application fee to obtain an abortion. Jillian's head would spin, no doubt.

To be fair, Abortion is a bit more time sensitive. I would be happy with a 2 week waiting period, and a $250 fee.

and if you want to have your abortion outside your home, you have to go to the local sheriff and show why you need one.
Fascist much?

Hey, to get a revolver in NYC for keeping at home its $1000 and 3-6 months. I'm being more than fair.
Major false comparison.

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