Supreme Court overturns Texas abortion law

Stuff like this might make a good case for repealing the 14th Amendment - we could get rid of abortion and gay marriage both in one shot.
Thus setting a precedent for getting rid of several other amendments or simply editing them such as removing a comma in the Second Amendment.
Stuff like this might make a good case for repealing the 14th Amendment - we could get rid of abortion and gay marriage both in one shot.

My point is what is reasonable to you, may not seem reasonable to me and certainly the assholes we have making laws in this country aren't overly concerned with reasonable.

that's why the court makes the determination and you and i don't. there are standards for determining these things. well, unless you're clarence thomas

Oh , I would LOVE to agree with that. But I think SCOTUS has became entirely too political.

Let's take THIS law for example.

IT was a 5-3 decision. it should have been 8-0. 3 judges stuck to their partisan beliefs. And that happens all too often, sometimes to the left sometimes to the right. Human nature obviously, but Supreme Court Justices should be above such nonsense. They should be able to say "okay I personally disagree with abortion/gun ownership, BUT that doesn't change the rights that people have"
And that is why no liberal should ever be in the WH. They are amoral.
morality is subjective might want to look that up.
Morality is objective and universal, just like mathematics.
there are no morals in math you thinking there are is subjective. Fail
morality on the other hand The Law of Non-Contradiction, as stated by Aristotle: "One cannot say of something that it is and that it is not in the same respect and at the same time."
making morality relative
sorry for the mx up .

subjectivism is the restriction of knowledge to the knowing subject, it is often used in conjunction with solipsism, especially when used to dispute solipsism by disproving subjectivism. Relativism is not a restriction to the knower, but is 'relative' to whether the knower's mind is the same as other minds.
Objectivism has nothing to do with minds at all, and everything to do with what exists whether there is a mind to know it or not.
Stuff like this might make a good case for repealing the 14th Amendment - we could get rid of abortion and gay marriage both in one shot.

My point is what is reasonable to you, may not seem reasonable to me and certainly the assholes we have making laws in this country aren't overly concerned with reasonable.

that's why the court makes the determination and you and i don't. there are standards for determining these things. well, unless you're clarence thomas

Oh , I would LOVE to agree with that. But I think SCOTUS has became entirely too political.

Let's take THIS law for example.

IT was a 5-3 decision. it should have been 8-0. 3 judges stuck to their partisan beliefs. And that happens all too often, sometimes to the left sometimes to the right. Human nature obviously, but Supreme Court Justices should be above such nonsense. They should be able to say "okay I personally disagree with abortion/gun ownership, BUT that doesn't change the rights that people have"
And that is why no liberal should ever be in the WH. They are amoral.
morality is subjective might want to look that up.
Morality is objective and universal, just like mathematics.

that would be incorrect.

me? i think it's immoral to let children starve.

rightwingnuts don't agree.

i think it's immoral to pass laws that keep minorities from voting.

rightwingnuts think it's perfectly moral.

me? i think it's immoral to force a 10 year old girl to have a child when she was sexually victimized by an adult. we all know for a fact the theocratic rightwingnut extremists think it's perfectly ok.

morality is not a fixed point.

by the way. the court has always been political. you should probably start with marbury v madison and work your way through the major cases. if it wasn't "political" dred scott and plessy would not have been decided the way they were.... same for korematsu.

should i go on?
So denying a right is humorous to you?
nobody's right are being denied .
if someone needs a gun immediately then there are far more issues that simple gun ownership right involved.

Bullshit, and proof that you don't care about rights. You care about partisanship.

A right is a right. If the government can infringe on mine, they can certainly infringe on yours. And yes both the Texas abortion law and the NYC gun law infringe on rights. PERIOD.

even scalia, in his heller decision said that reasonable gun regulation is not unconstitutional.... only a total ban like the one that was under consideration in that case. and scalia was as far right on this issue as possible.

How the hell is a 3-6 month wait and a $1000 fine reasonable.

The Court found the regulations to be too burdensome, and an attempt to limit access in the Texas Abortion case. How is the NYC handgun law any different?

It would actually be hilarious if Texas passed an IDENTICAL law. 3-6 month waiting list and a $1000 application fee to obtain an abortion. Jillian's head would spin, no doubt.

To be fair, Abortion is a bit more time sensitive. I would be happy with a 2 week waiting period, and a $250 fee.

and if you want to have your abortion outside your home, you have to go to the local sheriff and show why you need one.
nobody's right are being denied .
if someone needs a gun immediately then there are far more issues that simple gun ownership right involved.

Bullshit, and proof that you don't care about rights. You care about partisanship.

A right is a right. If the government can infringe on mine, they can certainly infringe on yours. And yes both the Texas abortion law and the NYC gun law infringe on rights. PERIOD.

even scalia, in his heller decision said that reasonable gun regulation is not unconstitutional.... only a total ban like the one that was under consideration in that case. and scalia was as far right on this issue as possible.

Then you must also agree that reasonable abortion regulation is not unconstitutional. See, that's how it works. Of course I realize that you are trying to walk a fine line and claim that ANY regulation you are for regarding ANY right is reasonable and any regulation that you don't like is unreasonable, but that kind of partisan bullshit thinking is why our country is heading into the shitter.
denning access by reducing the numbers of providers is in this case unfair and as it turns out ,Unconstitutional.
on the other hand reducing the number of liquor stores in a given area has reduced crime in those by 50%
wonder if that would work on gun stores.

First of all, your premise that there is a gun store on every corner is false.

Second of all, which do you think would lower crime in this country more. Cutting the number of guns in this country in half, or cutting the number of negroes in this country in half? That's a serious question, that we both know the answer to, but you won't have a serious discussion about because cutting crime isn't your goal, and it never will be.

Note, I don't support removing any negroes, I merely make a point.

Now another question is if the reduction in crime is due to the lack of booze, or were the liquor stores the main target of said crime, and thus their reduction is what reduced the crime levels, not the availability of booze.
nobody's right are being denied .
if someone needs a gun immediately then there are far more issues that simple gun ownership right involved.

Bullshit, and proof that you don't care about rights. You care about partisanship.

A right is a right. If the government can infringe on mine, they can certainly infringe on yours. And yes both the Texas abortion law and the NYC gun law infringe on rights. PERIOD.

even scalia, in his heller decision said that reasonable gun regulation is not unconstitutional.... only a total ban like the one that was under consideration in that case. and scalia was as far right on this issue as possible.

How the hell is a 3-6 month wait and a $1000 fine reasonable.

The Court found the regulations to be too burdensome, and an attempt to limit access in the Texas Abortion case. How is the NYC handgun law any different?

It would actually be hilarious if Texas passed an IDENTICAL law. 3-6 month waiting list and a $1000 application fee to obtain an abortion. Jillian's head would spin, no doubt.

To be fair, Abortion is a bit more time sensitive. I would be happy with a 2 week waiting period, and a $250 fee.

and if you want to have your abortion outside your home, you have to go to the local sheriff and show why you need one.

Piss off
Bullshit, and proof that you don't care about rights. You care about partisanship.

A right is a right. If the government can infringe on mine, they can certainly infringe on yours. And yes both the Texas abortion law and the NYC gun law infringe on rights. PERIOD.

even scalia, in his heller decision said that reasonable gun regulation is not unconstitutional.... only a total ban like the one that was under consideration in that case. and scalia was as far right on this issue as possible.

How the hell is a 3-6 month wait and a $1000 fine reasonable.

The Court found the regulations to be too burdensome, and an attempt to limit access in the Texas Abortion case. How is the NYC handgun law any different?

It would actually be hilarious if Texas passed an IDENTICAL law. 3-6 month waiting list and a $1000 application fee to obtain an abortion. Jillian's head would spin, no doubt.

To be fair, Abortion is a bit more time sensitive. I would be happy with a 2 week waiting period, and a $250 fee.

and if you want to have your abortion outside your home, you have to go to the local sheriff and show why you need one.

Piss off

even scalia, in his heller decision said that reasonable gun regulation is not unconstitutional.... only a total ban like the one that was under consideration in that case. and scalia was as far right on this issue as possible.

How the hell is a 3-6 month wait and a $1000 fine reasonable.

The Court found the regulations to be too burdensome, and an attempt to limit access in the Texas Abortion case. How is the NYC handgun law any different?

It would actually be hilarious if Texas passed an IDENTICAL law. 3-6 month waiting list and a $1000 application fee to obtain an abortion. Jillian's head would spin, no doubt.

To be fair, Abortion is a bit more time sensitive. I would be happy with a 2 week waiting period, and a $250 fee.

and if you want to have your abortion outside your home, you have to go to the local sheriff and show why you need one.

Piss off


No. Just as per usual you're an idiot who cares nothing about the rights of others.

So. I reiterate.
How the hell is a 3-6 month wait and a $1000 fine reasonable.

The Court found the regulations to be too burdensome, and an attempt to limit access in the Texas Abortion case. How is the NYC handgun law any different?

It would actually be hilarious if Texas passed an IDENTICAL law. 3-6 month waiting list and a $1000 application fee to obtain an abortion. Jillian's head would spin, no doubt.

To be fair, Abortion is a bit more time sensitive. I would be happy with a 2 week waiting period, and a $250 fee.

and if you want to have your abortion outside your home, you have to go to the local sheriff and show why you need one.

Piss off


No. Just as per usual you're an idiot who cares nothing about the rights of others.

So. I reiterate.

I actually do care about the rights of others, even rights I don't agree with. That is the difference between me and you.

My main issue is when rights are created out of thin air, that defeat the concept of federalism. People that create fake rights can just as easily deny real ones.
I see! So it's okay for abortion clinics to give substandard care to liberal women. I can handle that.

You really don't believe that garbage do you?
Certainly do. You passed on a gold standard of care to gain access. You won. Congrats.

You no doubt expect every burger stand be built to the same standard as a 5 star restaurant.
Your train just jumped the track. Look! I said you won. Why are you still arguing ? Are you a moron?
I see! So it's okay for abortion clinics to give substandard care to liberal women. I can handle that.

You really don't believe that garbage do you?
Certainly do. You passed on a gold standard of care to gain access. You won. Congrats.

You no doubt expect every burger stand be built to the same standard as a 5 star restaurant.
Your train just jumped the track. Look! I said you won. Why are you still arguing ? Are you a moron?

I'm not, and no.
I see! So it's okay for abortion clinics to give substandard care to liberal women. I can handle that.

You really don't believe that garbage do you?
Certainly do. You passed on a gold standard of care to gain access. You won. Congrats.

You no doubt expect every burger stand be built to the same standard as a 5 star restaurant.

Of course they should be. Health standards are health standards. But that isn't what TX did here. If you want to use a food analogy they just said burger stands must meet the same standards as restaurants, but only burger stands. If they had INSTEAD said "ALL food trucks and food stands must meet the same standards as restaurants, they wouldn't have had a problem, but they fully wanted abortion supporters to know exactly who they were targeting. It was stupid.
nobody's right are being denied .
if someone needs a gun immediately then there are far more issues that simple gun ownership right involved.

Bullshit, and proof that you don't care about rights. You care about partisanship.

A right is a right. If the government can infringe on mine, they can certainly infringe on yours. And yes both the Texas abortion law and the NYC gun law infringe on rights. PERIOD.

even scalia, in his heller decision said that reasonable gun regulation is not unconstitutional.... only a total ban like the one that was under consideration in that case. and scalia was as far right on this issue as possible.

How the hell is a 3-6 month wait and a $1000 fine reasonable.

The Court found the regulations to be too burdensome, and an attempt to limit access in the Texas Abortion case. How is the NYC handgun law any different?

It would actually be hilarious if Texas passed an IDENTICAL law. 3-6 month waiting list and a $1000 application fee to obtain an abortion. Jillian's head would spin, no doubt.

To be fair, Abortion is a bit more time sensitive. I would be happy with a 2 week waiting period, and a $250 fee.

and if you want to have your abortion outside your home, you have to go to the local sheriff and show why you need one.
Fascist much?
I see! So it's okay for abortion clinics to give substandard care to liberal women. I can handle that.

You really don't believe that garbage do you?
Certainly do. You passed on a gold standard of care to gain access. You won. Congrats.

You no doubt expect every burger stand be built to the same standard as a 5 star restaurant.

Of course they should be. Health standards are health standards. But that isn't what TX did here. If you want to use a food analogy they just said burger stands must meet the same standards as restaurants, but only burger stands. If they had INSTEAD said "ALL food trucks and food stands must meet the same standards as restaurants, they wouldn't have had a problem, but they fully wanted abortion supporters to know exactly who they were targeting. It was stupid.
Why wouldn't women and democrats want the very best conditions under which to have their abortions? They must not value themselves, they sure don't value children.
I see! So it's okay for abortion clinics to give substandard care to liberal women. I can handle that.

You really don't believe that garbage do you?
Certainly do. You passed on a gold standard of care to gain access. You won. Congrats.

You no doubt expect every burger stand be built to the same standard as a 5 star restaurant.

Of course they should be. Health standards are health standards. But that isn't what TX did here. If you want to use a food analogy they just said burger stands must meet the same standards as restaurants, but only burger stands. If they had INSTEAD said "ALL food trucks and food stands must meet the same standards as restaurants, they wouldn't have had a problem, but they fully wanted abortion supporters to know exactly who they were targeting. It was stupid.
Why wouldn't women and democrats want the very best conditions under which to have their abortions? They must not value themselves, they sure don't value children.
Your"argument"is meaningless.
You seem to think that hospitals are somehow cleaner then a health clinic.
The fact is they're not.

Why Aren't Hospitals Cleaner?

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