Supreme Court overturns Texas abortion law

So the word ni**er has different meaning if a black tongue speaks it? Do we need two different dictionaries then?
denning access by reducing the numbers of providers is in this case unfair and as it turns out ,Unconstitutional.
on the other hand reducing the number of liquor stores in a given area has reduced crime in those by 50%
wonder if that would work on gun stores.

First of all, your premise that there is a gun store on every corner is false.

Second of all, which do you think would lower crime in this country more. Cutting the number of guns in this country in half, or cutting the number of negroes in this country in half? That's a serious question, that we both know the answer to, but you won't have a serious discussion about because cutting crime isn't your goal, and it never will be.

Note, I don't support removing any negroes, I merely make a point.
false! buy making that analogy you do. then there's the blatant racism of saying most blacks are drunks and calling them Negros...

I didn't say anything about negroes drinking . Also, there is nothing racist about the term negro. Hell, for that matter using the word ni**er wouldn't indicate that I think they are inferior to anyone else.

Words have meanings, negro is Spanish for black, thus an appropriate term to call blacks, whom I refuse to call African Americans since most of them can't even trace their lineage directly to Africa.

Thus negro is appropriate.

Be that as it may. More negroes are involved in crime in this country than are guns in any given year. That's just a fact.
false unless Spanish is your first language ( it's not ) unless you were kept in a cryogenic sleep for fifty years the you 'd know that the word negro just like ****** when used by a white person to describe a black person is a racist pejorative .
the words have meaning ploy used by the right to rationalize just about everything is meaningless .

Frankly, I don't give a fuck what you think. They are in fact negroes. Just like I'm a "whitey" , your false sense of outrage is merely another manifestation of your stupidity.
no they are in fact Africans as are you and I ...humans originated there,
you saying I'm stupid is high praise !
First of all, your premise that there is a gun store on every corner is false.

Second of all, which do you think would lower crime in this country more. Cutting the number of guns in this country in half, or cutting the number of negroes in this country in half? That's a serious question, that we both know the answer to, but you won't have a serious discussion about because cutting crime isn't your goal, and it never will be.

Note, I don't support removing any negroes, I merely make a point.
false! buy making that analogy you do. then there's the blatant racism of saying most blacks are drunks and calling them Negros...

I didn't say anything about negroes drinking . Also, there is nothing racist about the term negro. Hell, for that matter using the word ni**er wouldn't indicate that I think they are inferior to anyone else.

Words have meanings, negro is Spanish for black, thus an appropriate term to call blacks, whom I refuse to call African Americans since most of them can't even trace their lineage directly to Africa.

Thus negro is appropriate.

Be that as it may. More negroes are involved in crime in this country than are guns in any given year. That's just a fact.
false unless Spanish is your first language ( it's not ) unless you were kept in a cryogenic sleep for fifty years the you 'd know that the word negro just like ****** when used by a white person to describe a black person is a racist pejorative .
the words have meaning ploy used by the right to rationalize just about everything is meaningless .

Frankly, I don't give a fuck what you think. They are in fact negroes. Just like I'm a "whitey" , your false sense of outrage is merely another manifestation of your stupidity.
no they are in fact Africans as are you and I ...humans originated there,
you saying I'm stupid is high praise !

Humans didn't originate in Africa you moron. And no, NONE of us are Africans. Not even the negroes.
nobody's right are being denied .
if someone needs a gun immediately then there are far more issues that simple gun ownership right involved.

Bullshit, and proof that you don't care about rights. You care about partisanship.

A right is a right. If the government can infringe on mine, they can certainly infringe on yours. And yes both the Texas abortion law and the NYC gun law infringe on rights. PERIOD.

even scalia, in his heller decision said that reasonable gun regulation is not unconstitutional.... only a total ban like the one that was under consideration in that case. and scalia was as far right on this issue as possible.

Then you must also agree that reasonable abortion regulation is not unconstitutional. See, that's how it works. Of course I realize that you are trying to walk a fine line and claim that ANY regulation you are for regarding ANY right is reasonable and any regulation that you don't like is unreasonable, but that kind of partisan bullshit thinking is why our country is heading into the shitter.

there already are reasonable abortion regulations.

they can't be done by back alley hatchet men.

your point?

My point is what is reasonable to you, may not seem reasonable to me and certainly the assholes we have making laws in this country aren't overly concerned with reasonable.

that's why the court makes the determination and you and i don't. there are standards for determining these things. well, unless you're clarence thomas
you think there's time during which one has to buy a gun? they on some kind of deadline?/

that said, i wouldn't ask for 3 to 6 months or even a month.

so there ya go.

it's always funny to see posters whom one can't even agree with without them becoming insulting jerks.

just saying.
No time frame? Tell that to the woman who was murdered while waiting on permission to have a gun for self protection. You think your right to murder children outweighs her right to self protection. Wow

shut up, will ijit.

how about you talk about your love of taking your gun to bed to the parents of the kids murdered at sandy hook or in orlando.

now go whine elsewhere, nutter.
Stfu asshole or do you not believe in free speech. Is stabbed better than shot asshole?

Dear , free speech doesn't mean Jillian can't tell you to shut up LOL. I mean you don't have to listen to her, but she isn't violating your free speech by saying it.

She should be in Sacramento bashing heads in, it's what liberals do.

poor insane nutter
No time frame? Tell that to the woman who was murdered while waiting on permission to have a gun for self protection. You think your right to murder children outweighs her right to self protection. Wow

shut up, will ijit.

how about you talk about your love of taking your gun to bed to the parents of the kids murdered at sandy hook or in orlando.

now go whine elsewhere, nutter.
Stfu asshole or do you not believe in free speech. Is stabbed better than shot asshole?

Dear , free speech doesn't mean Jillian can't tell you to shut up LOL. I mean you don't have to listen to her, but she isn't violating your free speech by saying it.

She should be in Sacramento bashing heads in, it's what liberals do.

poor insane nutter
Stick a cork in it.
false! buy making that analogy you do. then there's the blatant racism of saying most blacks are drunks and calling them Negros...

I didn't say anything about negroes drinking . Also, there is nothing racist about the term negro. Hell, for that matter using the word ni**er wouldn't indicate that I think they are inferior to anyone else.

Words have meanings, negro is Spanish for black, thus an appropriate term to call blacks, whom I refuse to call African Americans since most of them can't even trace their lineage directly to Africa.

Thus negro is appropriate.

Be that as it may. More negroes are involved in crime in this country than are guns in any given year. That's just a fact.
false unless Spanish is your first language ( it's not ) unless you were kept in a cryogenic sleep for fifty years the you 'd know that the word negro just like ****** when used by a white person to describe a black person is a racist pejorative .
the words have meaning ploy used by the right to rationalize just about everything is meaningless .

Frankly, I don't give a fuck what you think. They are in fact negroes. Just like I'm a "whitey" , your false sense of outrage is merely another manifestation of your stupidity.
no they are in fact Africans as are you and I ...humans originated there,
you saying I'm stupid is high praise !

Humans didn't originate in Africa you moron. And no, NONE of us are Africans. Not even the negroes.
Skulls confirm we're all out of Africa
Scientists confirm early humans were from Africa but their route out was via Arabia not Egypt

Modern Humans Came Out of Africa, "Definitive" Study Says
So the word ni**er has different meaning if a black tongue speaks it? Do we need two different dictionaries then?

i guess you don't understand the concept of ... if you say something nasty about your family that's your business. if someone else does then it's not appropriate.


amazing what kind of garbage is justified by bigoted rightwingnut morons.
shut up, will ijit.

how about you talk about your love of taking your gun to bed to the parents of the kids murdered at sandy hook or in orlando.

now go whine elsewhere, nutter.
Stfu asshole or do you not believe in free speech. Is stabbed better than shot asshole?

Dear , free speech doesn't mean Jillian can't tell you to shut up LOL. I mean you don't have to listen to her, but she isn't violating your free speech by saying it.

She should be in Sacramento bashing heads in, it's what liberals do.

poor insane nutter
Stick a cork in it.
still no link to the alleged bashing?
Bullshit, and proof that you don't care about rights. You care about partisanship.

A right is a right. If the government can infringe on mine, they can certainly infringe on yours. And yes both the Texas abortion law and the NYC gun law infringe on rights. PERIOD.

even scalia, in his heller decision said that reasonable gun regulation is not unconstitutional.... only a total ban like the one that was under consideration in that case. and scalia was as far right on this issue as possible.

Then you must also agree that reasonable abortion regulation is not unconstitutional. See, that's how it works. Of course I realize that you are trying to walk a fine line and claim that ANY regulation you are for regarding ANY right is reasonable and any regulation that you don't like is unreasonable, but that kind of partisan bullshit thinking is why our country is heading into the shitter.

there already are reasonable abortion regulations.

they can't be done by back alley hatchet men.

your point?

My point is what is reasonable to you, may not seem reasonable to me and certainly the assholes we have making laws in this country aren't overly concerned with reasonable.

that's why the court makes the determination and you and i don't. there are standards for determining these things. well, unless you're clarence thomas

Oh , I would LOVE to agree with that. But I think SCOTUS has became entirely too political.

Let's take THIS law for example.

IT was a 5-3 decision. it should have been 8-0. 3 judges stuck to their partisan beliefs. And that happens all too often, sometimes to the left sometimes to the right. Human nature obviously, but Supreme Court Justices should be above such nonsense. They should be able to say "okay I personally disagree with abortion/gun ownership, BUT that doesn't change the rights that people have"
even scalia, in his heller decision said that reasonable gun regulation is not unconstitutional.... only a total ban like the one that was under consideration in that case. and scalia was as far right on this issue as possible.

Then you must also agree that reasonable abortion regulation is not unconstitutional. See, that's how it works. Of course I realize that you are trying to walk a fine line and claim that ANY regulation you are for regarding ANY right is reasonable and any regulation that you don't like is unreasonable, but that kind of partisan bullshit thinking is why our country is heading into the shitter.

there already are reasonable abortion regulations.

they can't be done by back alley hatchet men.

your point?

My point is what is reasonable to you, may not seem reasonable to me and certainly the assholes we have making laws in this country aren't overly concerned with reasonable.

that's why the court makes the determination and you and i don't. there are standards for determining these things. well, unless you're clarence thomas

Oh , I would LOVE to agree with that. But I think SCOTUS has became entirely too political.

Let's take THIS law for example.

IT was a 5-3 decision. it should have been 8-0. 3 judges stuck to their partisan beliefs. And that happens all too often, sometimes to the left sometimes to the right. Human nature obviously, but Supreme Court Justices should be above such nonsense. They should be able to say "okay I personally disagree with abortion/gun ownership, BUT that doesn't change the rights that people have"
And that is why no liberal should ever be in the WH. They are amoral.
So the word ni**er has different meaning if a black tongue speaks it? Do we need two different dictionaries then?

i guess you don't understand the concept of ... if you say something nasty about your family that's your business. if someone else does then it's not appropriate.

So we need two dictionaries?
why? you are not using the one you might have ,
would the other just gathered dust or would you use it to balance your dinning table?
Then you must also agree that reasonable abortion regulation is not unconstitutional. See, that's how it works. Of course I realize that you are trying to walk a fine line and claim that ANY regulation you are for regarding ANY right is reasonable and any regulation that you don't like is unreasonable, but that kind of partisan bullshit thinking is why our country is heading into the shitter.

there already are reasonable abortion regulations.

they can't be done by back alley hatchet men.

your point?

My point is what is reasonable to you, may not seem reasonable to me and certainly the assholes we have making laws in this country aren't overly concerned with reasonable.

that's why the court makes the determination and you and i don't. there are standards for determining these things. well, unless you're clarence thomas

Oh , I would LOVE to agree with that. But I think SCOTUS has became entirely too political.

Let's take THIS law for example.

IT was a 5-3 decision. it should have been 8-0. 3 judges stuck to their partisan beliefs. And that happens all too often, sometimes to the left sometimes to the right. Human nature obviously, but Supreme Court Justices should be above such nonsense. They should be able to say "okay I personally disagree with abortion/gun ownership, BUT that doesn't change the rights that people have"
And that is why no liberal should ever be in the WH. They are amoral.

that's funny when you freaks keep breaking everything.


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