Supreme Court overturns Texas abortion law

home use ? you mean like an industrial power washer for the home?

You know what I mean, oxygen thief.
I do, and that makes it all the more humorous.

So denying a right is humorous to you?
nobody's right are being denied .
if someone needs a gun immediately then there are far more issues that simple gun ownership right involved.

Bullshit, and proof that you don't care about rights. You care about partisanship.

A right is a right. If the government can infringe on mine, they can certainly infringe on yours. And yes both the Texas abortion law and the NYC gun law infringe on rights. PERIOD.

even scalia, in his heller decision said that reasonable gun regulation is not unconstitutional.... only a total ban like the one that was under consideration in that case. and scalia was as far right on this issue as possible.
I don't understand the vehemence against enhanced health care for women. I just don't get it.

I don't have any vehemence against health care for women. I have vehemence against people lying and saying this was about health care. If it were about health care it would have laid the same requirements on all health care providers that perform similar actions. But it didn't. It targeted abortion clinics with the intent of forcing them to close.

I don't have a problems with the standards if that is what a state wants, go for it, enhance health care. Make the law applicable to all clinics that issue medications or perform outpatient medical procedures.


Which indicates the obvious. The TX legislators wants people to know EXACTLY who they were targeting, and it backfired on them.

they overplayed their hand
And women lose good healthcare!

They do not. Come on now.

Let's look at this objectively.

Let's say you have to have your wisdom teeth removed. They're impacted and surgery is required. Does your state mandate that the facility you use meet the same standards as abortion clinics were required to meet under the TX law? No, of course not. Why not? Isn't that making you lose good health care?

Or are you going to argue that an abortion is a more dangerous to a woman's health than wisdom teeth surgery is?

I argue both. If Texas was prepared to offer women the gold standard in having clinics who perform abortions meet the same standards as surgical center then I am for it. Abortion is not a walk in the park, it is a surgical proce
I don't understand the vehemence against enhanced health care for women. I just don't get it.

I don't have any vehemence against health care for women. I have vehemence against people lying and saying this was about health care. If it were about health care it would have laid the same requirements on all health care providers that perform similar actions. But it didn't. It targeted abortion clinics with the intent of forcing them to close.

I don't have a problems with the standards if that is what a state wants, go for it, enhance health care. Make the law applicable to all clinics that issue medications or perform outpatient medical procedures.


Which indicates the obvious. The TX legislators wants people to know EXACTLY who they were targeting, and it backfired on them.

they overplayed their hand

Yep, bunch of dumb shits, Same thing is going to start happening with all these authoritarian laws. People are getting fed up, and hopefully the court starts kicking more and more of them.

BUT for that to happen, we the people have to stop being partisan about it, either you support ALL rights, or just zip it. Defending rights has NOTHING to do with what you, or I personally believe is good or whatever. I don't like gay marriage , I don't like abortion. Irrelevant, I'm not the judge of what rights we should or should not have in this country. All I can do is say "hey that's a right people who want to exercise it have"

i'm not going to disagree with you. i'm not a libertarian. but at least a true libertarian should know to stay out of others' personal business. there are a lot of things i don't like. some are no one's business but the person who is affected,

You did not mind dictating to us that we had to purchase health care though did ya?
I don't have any vehemence against health care for women. I have vehemence against people lying and saying this was about health care. If it were about health care it would have laid the same requirements on all health care providers that perform similar actions. But it didn't. It targeted abortion clinics with the intent of forcing them to close.

I don't have a problems with the standards if that is what a state wants, go for it, enhance health care. Make the law applicable to all clinics that issue medications or perform outpatient medical procedures.


Which indicates the obvious. The TX legislators wants people to know EXACTLY who they were targeting, and it backfired on them.

they overplayed their hand
And women lose good healthcare!

They do not. Come on now.

Let's look at this objectively.

Let's say you have to have your wisdom teeth removed. They're impacted and surgery is required. Does your state mandate that the facility you use meet the same standards as abortion clinics were required to meet under the TX law? No, of course not. Why not? Isn't that making you lose good health care?

Or are you going to argue that an abortion is a more dangerous to a woman's health than wisdom teeth surgery is?

I argue both. If Texas was prepared to offer women the gold standard in having clinics who perform abortions meet the same standards as surgical center then I am for it. Abortion is not a walk in the park, it is a surgical proce
I don't have any vehemence against health care for women. I have vehemence against people lying and saying this was about health care. If it were about health care it would have laid the same requirements on all health care providers that perform similar actions. But it didn't. It targeted abortion clinics with the intent of forcing them to close.

I don't have a problems with the standards if that is what a state wants, go for it, enhance health care. Make the law applicable to all clinics that issue medications or perform outpatient medical procedures.


Which indicates the obvious. The TX legislators wants people to know EXACTLY who they were targeting, and it backfired on them.

they overplayed their hand

Yep, bunch of dumb shits, Same thing is going to start happening with all these authoritarian laws. People are getting fed up, and hopefully the court starts kicking more and more of them.

BUT for that to happen, we the people have to stop being partisan about it, either you support ALL rights, or just zip it. Defending rights has NOTHING to do with what you, or I personally believe is good or whatever. I don't like gay marriage , I don't like abortion. Irrelevant, I'm not the judge of what rights we should or should not have in this country. All I can do is say "hey that's a right people who want to exercise it have"

i'm not going to disagree with you. i'm not a libertarian. but at least a true libertarian should know to stay out of others' personal business. there are a lot of things i don't like. some are no one's business but the person who is affected,

You did not mind dictating to us that we had to purchase health care though did ya?
calling bullshit on both.
I don't have any vehemence against health care for women. I have vehemence against people lying and saying this was about health care. If it were about health care it would have laid the same requirements on all health care providers that perform similar actions. But it didn't. It targeted abortion clinics with the intent of forcing them to close.

I don't have a problems with the standards if that is what a state wants, go for it, enhance health care. Make the law applicable to all clinics that issue medications or perform outpatient medical procedures.


Which indicates the obvious. The TX legislators wants people to know EXACTLY who they were targeting, and it backfired on them.

they overplayed their hand
And women lose good healthcare!

They do not. Come on now.

Let's look at this objectively.

Let's say you have to have your wisdom teeth removed. They're impacted and surgery is required. Does your state mandate that the facility you use meet the same standards as abortion clinics were required to meet under the TX law? No, of course not. Why not? Isn't that making you lose good health care?

Or are you going to argue that an abortion is a more dangerous to a woman's health than wisdom teeth surgery is?

I argue both. If Texas was prepared to offer women the gold standard in having clinics who perform abortions meet the same standards as surgical center then I am for it. Abortion is not a walk in the park, it is a surgical proce
I don't have any vehemence against health care for women. I have vehemence against people lying and saying this was about health care. If it were about health care it would have laid the same requirements on all health care providers that perform similar actions. But it didn't. It targeted abortion clinics with the intent of forcing them to close.

I don't have a problems with the standards if that is what a state wants, go for it, enhance health care. Make the law applicable to all clinics that issue medications or perform outpatient medical procedures.


Which indicates the obvious. The TX legislators wants people to know EXACTLY who they were targeting, and it backfired on them.

they overplayed their hand

Yep, bunch of dumb shits, Same thing is going to start happening with all these authoritarian laws. People are getting fed up, and hopefully the court starts kicking more and more of them.

BUT for that to happen, we the people have to stop being partisan about it, either you support ALL rights, or just zip it. Defending rights has NOTHING to do with what you, or I personally believe is good or whatever. I don't like gay marriage , I don't like abortion. Irrelevant, I'm not the judge of what rights we should or should not have in this country. All I can do is say "hey that's a right people who want to exercise it have"

i'm not going to disagree with you. i'm not a libertarian. but at least a true libertarian should know to stay out of others' personal business. there are a lot of things i don't like. some are no one's business but the person who is affected,

You did not mind dictating to us that we had to purchase health care though did ya?

except it wasn't the "gold standard" it was intended to infringe on a right.

but keep pretending. the court didn't buy it.
Sure I do. It means dead babies.
Your point?
How is that any different then neglect, abuse and other horrors that of the unwanted babies?

Why do abortion fans pretend like there are only two options. Abortion or having unwanted babies.

I thought liberals liked education? Don't they teach pregnancy PREVENTION any more?

Nothing about the Texas law would have prevented pregnancies.

It isn't liberals who try to deny contraceptives to women- or try to prevent children from learning about pregnancy prevention.
No, you just prevent children from having a life. I think you've done quite enough for children. You're killing them with yer generosity.
being born and having a life are two separate things.
your existence is proof of the effects of not having a life.
Awww can't state your ideas without the personal insults mr pig?

Not a surprise. If Texas had passed a law that says any clinic that provided oral pills and performed outpatient procedures (i.e. oral surgery, liposuction, colonoscopies, cosmetic surgery, etc.) had to have (a) admitting privileges, (c) surgical physical requirements (door size, hallway width, etc. ) and (b) located withing "X" miles from a hospital - then that would have been Constitutional.

But to target only abortion clinics for these new requirements? That it's for the "health of the woman" is hogwash. It was intended to place a burden on the woman and interfere with access.

At least be honest with the purpose of the law.


Spot on post. Informative as well as a Winner!
I don't have any vehemence against health care for women. I have vehemence against people lying and saying this was about health care. If it were about health care it would have laid the same requirements on all health care providers that perform similar actions. But it didn't. It targeted abortion clinics with the intent of forcing them to close.

I don't have a problems with the standards if that is what a state wants, go for it, enhance health care. Make the law applicable to all clinics that issue medications or perform outpatient medical procedures.


Which indicates the obvious. The TX legislators wants people to know EXACTLY who they were targeting, and it backfired on them.

they overplayed their hand
And women lose good healthcare!

They do not. Come on now.

Let's look at this objectively.

Let's say you have to have your wisdom teeth removed. They're impacted and surgery is required. Does your state mandate that the facility you use meet the same standards as abortion clinics were required to meet under the TX law? No, of course not. Why not? Isn't that making you lose good health care?

Or are you going to argue that an abortion is a more dangerous to a woman's health than wisdom teeth surgery is?

I argue both. If Texas was prepared to offer women the gold standard in having clinics who perform abortions meet the same standards as surgical center then I am for it. Abortion is not a walk in the park, it is a surgical proce
I don't have any vehemence against health care for women. I have vehemence against people lying and saying this was about health care. If it were about health care it would have laid the same requirements on all health care providers that perform similar actions. But it didn't. It targeted abortion clinics with the intent of forcing them to close.

I don't have a problems with the standards if that is what a state wants, go for it, enhance health care. Make the law applicable to all clinics that issue medications or perform outpatient medical procedures.


Which indicates the obvious. The TX legislators wants people to know EXACTLY who they were targeting, and it backfired on them.

they overplayed their hand

Yep, bunch of dumb shits, Same thing is going to start happening with all these authoritarian laws. People are getting fed up, and hopefully the court starts kicking more and more of them.

BUT for that to happen, we the people have to stop being partisan about it, either you support ALL rights, or just zip it. Defending rights has NOTHING to do with what you, or I personally believe is good or whatever. I don't like gay marriage , I don't like abortion. Irrelevant, I'm not the judge of what rights we should or should not have in this country. All I can do is say "hey that's a right people who want to exercise it have"

i'm not going to disagree with you. i'm not a libertarian. but at least a true libertarian should know to stay out of others' personal business. there are a lot of things i don't like. some are no one's business but the person who is affected,

You did not mind dictating to us that we had to purchase health care though did ya?

leave it to an ignoramus to conflate two totally unrelated issues.

insurance can be regulated through the commerce clause.

reproductive choice is my constitutionally protected right. now stay the hell out of things you're not smart enough to decide for other people.
Your point?
How is that any different then neglect, abuse and other horrors that of the unwanted babies?

Why do abortion fans pretend like there are only two options. Abortion or having unwanted babies.

I thought liberals liked education? Don't they teach pregnancy PREVENTION any more?

Nothing about the Texas law would have prevented pregnancies.

It isn't liberals who try to deny contraceptives to women- or try to prevent children from learning about pregnancy prevention.
No, you just prevent children from having a life. I think you've done quite enough for children. You're killing them with yer generosity.
being born and having a life are two separate things.
your existence is proof of the effects of not having a life.
Awww can't state your ideas without the personal insults mr pig?

to you?

Which indicates the obvious. The TX legislators wants people to know EXACTLY who they were targeting, and it backfired on them.

they overplayed their hand
And women lose good healthcare!

They do not. Come on now.

Let's look at this objectively.

Let's say you have to have your wisdom teeth removed. They're impacted and surgery is required. Does your state mandate that the facility you use meet the same standards as abortion clinics were required to meet under the TX law? No, of course not. Why not? Isn't that making you lose good health care?

Or are you going to argue that an abortion is a more dangerous to a woman's health than wisdom teeth surgery is?

I argue both. If Texas was prepared to offer women the gold standard in having clinics who perform abortions meet the same standards as surgical center then I am for it. Abortion is not a walk in the park, it is a surgical proce
Which indicates the obvious. The TX legislators wants people to know EXACTLY who they were targeting, and it backfired on them.

they overplayed their hand

Yep, bunch of dumb shits, Same thing is going to start happening with all these authoritarian laws. People are getting fed up, and hopefully the court starts kicking more and more of them.

BUT for that to happen, we the people have to stop being partisan about it, either you support ALL rights, or just zip it. Defending rights has NOTHING to do with what you, or I personally believe is good or whatever. I don't like gay marriage , I don't like abortion. Irrelevant, I'm not the judge of what rights we should or should not have in this country. All I can do is say "hey that's a right people who want to exercise it have"

i'm not going to disagree with you. i'm not a libertarian. but at least a true libertarian should know to stay out of others' personal business. there are a lot of things i don't like. some are no one's business but the person who is affected,

You did not mind dictating to us that we had to purchase health care though did ya?

except it wasn't the "gold standard" it was intended to infringe on a right.

but keep pretending. the court didn't buy it.
Yes it was a gold standard, you libtards in your paronoid knee jerk defense of abortion threw it away for easy access. You gave up surgical centers and doctors with admit privileges to hospitals for easy access to a doctor who when he screws it up has to dump you in an emergency room. What a dumbass way of doing things.
You know what I mean, oxygen thief.
I do, and that makes it all the more humorous.

So denying a right is humorous to you?
nobody's right are being denied .
if someone needs a gun immediately then there are far more issues that simple gun ownership right involved.

Bullshit, and proof that you don't care about rights. You care about partisanship.

A right is a right. If the government can infringe on mine, they can certainly infringe on yours. And yes both the Texas abortion law and the NYC gun law infringe on rights. PERIOD.

even scalia, in his heller decision said that reasonable gun regulation is not unconstitutional.... only a total ban like the one that was under consideration in that case. and scalia was as far right on this issue as possible.

Then you must also agree that reasonable abortion regulation is not unconstitutional. See, that's how it works. Of course I realize that you are trying to walk a fine line and claim that ANY regulation you are for regarding ANY right is reasonable and any regulation that you don't like is unreasonable, but that kind of partisan bullshit thinking is why our country is heading into the shitter.
Which indicates the obvious. The TX legislators wants people to know EXACTLY who they were targeting, and it backfired on them.

they overplayed their hand
And women lose good healthcare!

They do not. Come on now.

Let's look at this objectively.

Let's say you have to have your wisdom teeth removed. They're impacted and surgery is required. Does your state mandate that the facility you use meet the same standards as abortion clinics were required to meet under the TX law? No, of course not. Why not? Isn't that making you lose good health care?

Or are you going to argue that an abortion is a more dangerous to a woman's health than wisdom teeth surgery is?

I argue both. If Texas was prepared to offer women the gold standard in having clinics who perform abortions meet the same standards as surgical center then I am for it. Abortion is not a walk in the park, it is a surgical proce
Which indicates the obvious. The TX legislators wants people to know EXACTLY who they were targeting, and it backfired on them.

they overplayed their hand

Yep, bunch of dumb shits, Same thing is going to start happening with all these authoritarian laws. People are getting fed up, and hopefully the court starts kicking more and more of them.

BUT for that to happen, we the people have to stop being partisan about it, either you support ALL rights, or just zip it. Defending rights has NOTHING to do with what you, or I personally believe is good or whatever. I don't like gay marriage , I don't like abortion. Irrelevant, I'm not the judge of what rights we should or should not have in this country. All I can do is say "hey that's a right people who want to exercise it have"

i'm not going to disagree with you. i'm not a libertarian. but at least a true libertarian should know to stay out of others' personal business. there are a lot of things i don't like. some are no one's business but the person who is affected,

You did not mind dictating to us that we had to purchase health care though did ya?

leave it to an ignoramus to conflate two totally unrelated issues.

insurance can be regulated through the commerce clause.

reproductive choice is my constitutionally protected right. now stay the hell out of things you're not smart enough to decide for other people.
No, dumbass I should have a right to choose to buy a product without being penalized with a tax for punishment.
Your point?
How is that any different then neglect, abuse and other horrors that of the unwanted babies?

Why do abortion fans pretend like there are only two options. Abortion or having unwanted babies.

I thought liberals liked education? Don't they teach pregnancy PREVENTION any more?

Nothing about the Texas law would have prevented pregnancies.

It isn't liberals who try to deny contraceptives to women- or try to prevent children from learning about pregnancy prevention.
No, you just prevent children from having a life. I think you've done quite enough for children. You're killing them with yer generosity.
being born and having a life are two separate things.
your existence is proof of the effects of not having a life.
Awww can't state your ideas without the personal insults mr pig?
ideas are an alien concept to you,
You know what I mean, oxygen thief.
I do, and that makes it all the more humorous.

So denying a right is humorous to you?
nobody's right are being denied .
if someone needs a gun immediately then there are far more issues that simple gun ownership right involved.

Bullshit, and proof that you don't care about rights. You care about partisanship.

A right is a right. If the government can infringe on mine, they can certainly infringe on yours. And yes both the Texas abortion law and the NYC gun law infringe on rights. PERIOD.

even scalia, in his heller decision said that reasonable gun regulation is not unconstitutional.... only a total ban like the one that was under consideration in that case. and scalia was as far right on this issue as possible.

How the hell is a 3-6 month wait and a $1000 fine reasonable.

The Court found the regulations to be too burdensome, and an attempt to limit access in the Texas Abortion case. How is the NYC handgun law any different?
.I do, and that makes it all the more humorous.

So denying a right is humorous to you?
nobody's right are being denied .
if someone needs a gun immediately then there are far more issues that simple gun ownership right involved.

Bullshit, and proof that you don't care about rights. You care about partisanship.

A right is a right. If the government can infringe on mine, they can certainly infringe on yours. And yes both the Texas abortion law and the NYC gun law infringe on rights. PERIOD.

even scalia, in his heller decision said that reasonable gun regulation is not unconstitutional.... only a total ban like the one that was under consideration in that case. and scalia was as far right on this issue as possible.

How the hell is a 3-6 month wait and a $1000 fine reasonable.

The Court found the regulations to be too burdensome, and an attempt to limit access in the Texas Abortion case. How is the NYC handgun law any different?

It would actually be hilarious if Texas passed an IDENTICAL law. 3-6 month waiting list and a $1000 application fee to obtain an abortion. Jillian's head would spin, no doubt.
Why do abortion fans pretend like there are only two options. Abortion or having unwanted babies.

I thought liberals liked education? Don't they teach pregnancy PREVENTION any more?

Nothing about the Texas law would have prevented pregnancies.

It isn't liberals who try to deny contraceptives to women- or try to prevent children from learning about pregnancy prevention.
No, you just prevent children from having a life. I think you've done quite enough for children. You're killing them with yer generosity.
being born and having a life are two separate things.
your existence is proof of the effects of not having a life.
Awww can't state your ideas without the personal insults mr pig?
ideas are an alien concept to you,
You are an alien? Thought so.
So denying a right is humorous to you?
nobody's right are being denied .
if someone needs a gun immediately then there are far more issues that simple gun ownership right involved.

Bullshit, and proof that you don't care about rights. You care about partisanship.

A right is a right. If the government can infringe on mine, they can certainly infringe on yours. And yes both the Texas abortion law and the NYC gun law infringe on rights. PERIOD.

even scalia, in his heller decision said that reasonable gun regulation is not unconstitutional.... only a total ban like the one that was under consideration in that case. and scalia was as far right on this issue as possible.

How the hell is a 3-6 month wait and a $1000 fine reasonable.

The Court found the regulations to be too burdensome, and an attempt to limit access in the Texas Abortion case. How is the NYC handgun law any different?

It would actually be hilarious if Texas passed an IDENTICAL law. 3-6 month waiting list and a $1000 application fee to obtain an abortion. Jillian's head would spin, no doubt.

you think there's time during which one has to buy a gun? they on some kind of deadline?/

that said, i wouldn't ask for 3 to 6 months or even a month.

so there ya go.

it's always funny to see posters whom one can't even agree with without them becoming insulting jerks.

just saying.
.I do, and that makes it all the more humorous.

So denying a right is humorous to you?
nobody's right are being denied .
if someone needs a gun immediately then there are far more issues that simple gun ownership right involved.

Bullshit, and proof that you don't care about rights. You care about partisanship.

A right is a right. If the government can infringe on mine, they can certainly infringe on yours. And yes both the Texas abortion law and the NYC gun law infringe on rights. PERIOD.

even scalia, in his heller decision said that reasonable gun regulation is not unconstitutional.... only a total ban like the one that was under consideration in that case. and scalia was as far right on this issue as possible.

Then you must also agree that reasonable abortion regulation is not unconstitutional. See, that's how it works. Of course I realize that you are trying to walk a fine line and claim that ANY regulation you are for regarding ANY right is reasonable and any regulation that you don't like is unreasonable, but that kind of partisan bullshit thinking is why our country is heading into the shitter.
denning access by reducing the numbers of providers is in this case unfair and as it turns out ,Unconstitutional.
on the other hand reducing the number of liquor stores in a given area has reduced crime in those by 50%
wonder if that would work on gun stores.
Nothing about the Texas law would have prevented pregnancies.

It isn't liberals who try to deny contraceptives to women- or try to prevent children from learning about pregnancy prevention.
No, you just prevent children from having a life. I think you've done quite enough for children. You're killing them with yer generosity.
being born and having a life are two separate things.
your existence is proof of the effects of not having a life.
Awww can't state your ideas without the personal insults mr pig?
ideas are an alien concept to you,
You are an alien? Thought so.

.I do, and that makes it all the more humorous.

So denying a right is humorous to you?
nobody's right are being denied .
if someone needs a gun immediately then there are far more issues that simple gun ownership right involved.

Bullshit, and proof that you don't care about rights. You care about partisanship.

A right is a right. If the government can infringe on mine, they can certainly infringe on yours. And yes both the Texas abortion law and the NYC gun law infringe on rights. PERIOD.

even scalia, in his heller decision said that reasonable gun regulation is not unconstitutional.... only a total ban like the one that was under consideration in that case. and scalia was as far right on this issue as possible.

Then you must also agree that reasonable abortion regulation is not unconstitutional. See, that's how it works. Of course I realize that you are trying to walk a fine line and claim that ANY regulation you are for regarding ANY right is reasonable and any regulation that you don't like is unreasonable, but that kind of partisan bullshit thinking is why our country is heading into the shitter.

there already are reasonable abortion regulations.

they can't be done by back alley hatchet men.

your point?
nobody's right are being denied .
if someone needs a gun immediately then there are far more issues that simple gun ownership right involved.

Bullshit, and proof that you don't care about rights. You care about partisanship.

A right is a right. If the government can infringe on mine, they can certainly infringe on yours. And yes both the Texas abortion law and the NYC gun law infringe on rights. PERIOD.

even scalia, in his heller decision said that reasonable gun regulation is not unconstitutional.... only a total ban like the one that was under consideration in that case. and scalia was as far right on this issue as possible.

How the hell is a 3-6 month wait and a $1000 fine reasonable.

The Court found the regulations to be too burdensome, and an attempt to limit access in the Texas Abortion case. How is the NYC handgun law any different?

It would actually be hilarious if Texas passed an IDENTICAL law. 3-6 month waiting list and a $1000 application fee to obtain an abortion. Jillian's head would spin, no doubt.

you think there's time during which one has to buy a gun? they on some kind of deadline?/

that said, i wouldn't ask for 3 to 6 months or even a month.

so there ya go.

it's always funny to see posters whom one can't even agree with without them becoming insulting jerks.

just saying.

Good grief, I hardly insulted you. Toughen up.

But I'm glad that you agree that a 3-6 month wait to buy a gun is ridiculous.

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