Supreme Court Rejects Final trump Election Challenge fraud at all.


“Peeking” was acceptable. It was when they started taking pictures and videos, which is prohibited, that the windows had to be covered.
Right! They didn't want any proof of what they were doing to get out.

..."peeking" is not what the opposition was allowed by law to do. Observing what the vote counters did was. Observing requires being able to READ WHAT IS ON THE BALLOTS AND VERIFY THAT THE BALLOT WAS COUNTED THE WAY IT WAS SUBMITTED.

Observers were required by the corrupt polling managers to stand so far away from the ballots that they could not read them.

Screw the Democrat Party...the party of lying assholes! fraud at all.


“Peeking” was acceptable. It was when they started taking pictures and videos, which is prohibited, that the windows had to be covered.
Right! They didn't want any proof of what they were doing to get out.

..."peeking" is not what the opposition was allowed by law to do. Observing what the vote counters did was. Observing requires being able to READ WHAT IS ON THE BALLOTS AND VERIFY THAT THE BALLOT WAS COUNTED THE WAY IT WAS SUBMITTED.

Observers were required by the corrupt polling managers to stand so far away from the ballots that they could not read them.

Screw the Democrat Party...the party of lying assholes!
There were observers inside. The people outside were prohibited from recording inside. Sorry reality is such a bitch to ya. fraud at all.


“Peeking” was acceptable. It was when they started taking pictures and videos, which is prohibited, that the windows had to be covered.
Right! They didn't want any proof of what they were doing to get out.

..."peeking" is not what the opposition was allowed by law to do. Observing what the vote counters did was. Observing requires being able to READ WHAT IS ON THE BALLOTS AND VERIFY THAT THE BALLOT WAS COUNTED THE WAY IT WAS SUBMITTED.

Observers were required by the corrupt polling managers to stand so far away from the ballots that they could not read them.

Screw the Democrat Party...the party of lying assholes!
There were observers inside. The people outside were prohibited from recording inside. Sorry reality is such a bitch to ya.
`The observers inside were the ones required to stand yards away from the "counting".

...thanks to the party of lying assholes, the Democrat Party. fraud at all.


“Peeking” was acceptable. It was when they started taking pictures and videos, which is prohibited, that the windows had to be covered.
Right! They didn't want any proof of what they were doing to get out.

..."peeking" is not what the opposition was allowed by law to do. Observing what the vote counters did was. Observing requires being able to READ WHAT IS ON THE BALLOTS AND VERIFY THAT THE BALLOT WAS COUNTED THE WAY IT WAS SUBMITTED.

Observers were required by the corrupt polling managers to stand so far away from the ballots that they could not read them.

Screw the Democrat Party...the party of lying assholes!
There were observers inside. The people outside were prohibited from recording inside. Sorry reality is such a bitch to ya.
`The observers inside were the ones required to stand yards away from the "counting".

...thanks to the party of lying assholes, the Democrat Party.
Not for long as a lawsuit was quickly filed and adjudicated and mandated observers could be as close as 6 feet.

You lost. Deal with it.
The Supreme Court finally put a stop to the court challenges today.

They threw out the last case trump has brought to that court.

So it's 0-4 on the court with his election challenges.

Thank goodness this is finally over. Hopefully the nation can move on from all the many lies.

Not sure the country will ever forgive and forget. If we did, we could end up with another trumpist down the road that could end our constitutional representative republic type of government in this country. You will remember, for the rest of your life, especially if any of the Senators that supported trying to overthrow the election after they lost are stupid enough to run for the presidency. It is time for a 3rd party, as Republicans in general will not be trusted, especially as they continue to make purges of anybody not of the trumpist mindset. You may not believe it Dana, but unless a viable 3rd party is assembled, you are going to miss the Republicans.

I've been a registered Independent since 1978.

I've voted a variety of parties through the decades.

I've posted many times on this board that I don't want the Republican Party to destroy itself. That we need two major parties in our nation for democracy to be able to exist. That the last thing we need is one major political party.

I'm not a democrat.

I'm a liberal. And proud of it. I have been all my life.

I hope that trump doesn't succeed in purging the Republican Party of the few sane people who are left.

I don't agree with much from today's Republican Party. I wish they would get their act together and stop trying to force their disastrous and failed economic and social policies on our nation.
Independence is good, as neither of the two main parties get it right, a lot of the time. As far as elected officials, the trump purges have worked and they appear to be at a tipping point, from which there is no return. With as many republicans that still support trump, even after his insurrection, they are presidential toast for the next 3 presidential elections at least, just to make sure to clear the anti-free election/insurrectionist crowd out, less they try it again.
I am moderate to conservative. I wish there were a rational conservative party to act as a counterbalance to unbridled liberalism, which (in my view) also could destroy the country. Good people are out there, but they would be stupid to try, under the republican banner.

Anyone who has read your posts would call you neither a moderate, nor conservative.
I understand your warped perspective. It is primarily due to the sliding scale of the radical right, and still thinking you are a conservative, while sliding more radically right during the last 12 - 20 years. Certainly nothing conservative about it, just paranoid.
It is conservative to build and take an active leadership role in coalitions of responsible traditional countries allies around the world, working with them to present a united front to guard against bad actors, despots, communists or dictatorial or autocratic regimes around the world, not ordering or demanding they dance strictly to our tune. We certainly should not be supporting rogue nations with unethical leaders such as Saudi Arabia and MLB. Nothing conservative about idolizing or admiring or elevating Putin or Kim on the world stage either, as they are what they are, have not changed and probably never will. Nothing conservative about continuing support of wars in the middle east or southwest Asia, that were blundered into by previous administrations and continued through republican and democrat administrations for a generation. There is not a single country on earth that we need to be conquering or consider conquering, but should simply be holding the line with our allies, so that democracy, self direction and liberty continue unabated for us, our allies and our posterity.
The current litmus tests of conservatism have been exaggerated to the point of stupidity. Free enterprise, private ownership and capitalism are the hallmarks and basis for our economic power and will be, but commitment to government benefit to welfare tax benefits to ultra rich without regard for the middle (almost non existent by current yardstick) and the poor is rediculous and self defeating, especially in healthcare and education. No other modern country is taking this approach, because it simply does not work, not for capitalist or socialist countries. Amazing that American made, patented drugs are cheaper across the border than here at home, isn't it? Amazing someone can get control of something like insulin production and simply spike the price point due to monopoly power, isn't it? Amazing that we used to have emergency rooms to handle emergencies, yet now in many places they are actually over crowded primary care for those that cannot afford healthcare due to lack of insurance and we now have trauma centers for real emergencies. Best healthcare on earth, if you can afford it. If not, well, we certainly do not lead the modern countries of the world in longevity, do we? We're not even in the top 20 or 30, last I looked. Feel free to look, yourself.
There is nothing conservative about blowing off modern inequities of success off to perceived or projected differences of race, either. Just a cheap cop out for white nationalist organizations to use, out of their own fears and inadequacies, in my book. The sudden acceptance of that movement to supposedly conservative politics and politicians is beyond me, unless recognized as part of the divide and conquer tactic du jour. Being secure, myself, I feel no fear or need to put down or conquer on that field of battle.
So, yes, I am somewhat conservative and definitely moderate or a voice for moderation in all things. I make no claim to have all the right answers, but recognize many of the wrong ones as instantly as I ever did. Only sound recommendation I can give, it to seek intelligent moderating leadership, using the best ideas of all people, from all walks of life, avoiding the belligerent rabble-rousers, appealing to our lowest common denominators to inflame their base. Just as I would advise, if flying commercial, avoid student pilots and recent fighter pilots, as radical (sometimes poorly planned) moves endanger everyone on the plane and make for a erratic flight with a lower chance of happy landings.

I'd address this massive, kitchen sink post if I weren't on my phone right now. But, needless to say, the short question for you is, if you're so wonderful, and have such a clear grasp on things, why are you in some anonymous message board, instead of running to foist your magnificence on the rest of us?
You obviously took the Evelyn Woodhead sped reading course, ye comprehension may still be lagging. What part of quote " I make no claim to have all the right answers, but recognize many of the wrong ones as instantly as I ever did.", did you fail to grasp?

Nope I understood it immediately. Just the fact that you say that you recognize wrong instantly means you should serve your country to help. Or, it's symptomatic of a serious narcissistic problem...hard to say.
BS. I already served my country for over twenty years. My dues are paid dude. You do it. The only thing spotting the wrong answers is symptomatic of is how I graduated national honors graduate, as ruling out the most of the wrong answers is the easiest first step.

yeah, yeah, I know. You’re the smartest guy in the room. Why wouldn’t you want to help fix Washington, I’m sure with you’re life experience, and forethought, you’d be shoe in... fraud at all.


“Peeking” was acceptable. It was when they started taking pictures and videos, which is prohibited, that the windows had to be covered.
Right! They didn't want any proof of what they were doing to get out.

..."peeking" is not what the opposition was allowed by law to do. Observing what the vote counters did was. Observing requires being able to READ WHAT IS ON THE BALLOTS AND VERIFY THAT THE BALLOT WAS COUNTED THE WAY IT WAS SUBMITTED.

Observers were required by the corrupt polling managers to stand so far away from the ballots that they could not read them.

Screw the Democrat Party...the party of lying assholes!
There were observers inside. The people outside were prohibited from recording inside. Sorry reality is such a bitch to ya.
`The observers inside were the ones required to stand yards away from the "counting".

...thanks to the party of lying assholes, the Democrat Party.
Not for long as a lawsuit was quickly filed and adjudicated and mandated observers could be as close as 6 feet.

You lost. Deal with it.
You're making up shit now. Sure, we "lost" "legal" inclusion of illegal votes. I can deal with it. You'd best get ready to deal with 2024 election results. fraud at all.


“Peeking” was acceptable. It was when they started taking pictures and videos, which is prohibited, that the windows had to be covered.
Right! They didn't want any proof of what they were doing to get out.

..."peeking" is not what the opposition was allowed by law to do. Observing what the vote counters did was. Observing requires being able to READ WHAT IS ON THE BALLOTS AND VERIFY THAT THE BALLOT WAS COUNTED THE WAY IT WAS SUBMITTED.

Observers were required by the corrupt polling managers to stand so far away from the ballots that they could not read them.

Screw the Democrat Party...the party of lying assholes!
There were observers inside. The people outside were prohibited from recording inside. Sorry reality is such a bitch to ya.
`The observers inside were the ones required to stand yards away from the "counting".

...thanks to the party of lying assholes, the Democrat Party.
Not for long as a lawsuit was quickly filed and adjudicated and mandated observers could be as close as 6 feet.

You lost. Deal with it.
You're making up shit now. Sure, we "lost" "legal" inclusion of illegal votes. I can deal with it. You'd best get ready to deal with 2024 election results.
Oh? What is it you're claiming I made up? That polling observers were allowed to be as close as 6 feet following a Trump lawsuit over that matter? Here it is...

Or are you claiming I made it up when I said you lost? You did. Biden is president now, not Trump.

Or are you claiming I made it up when I said, 'deal with it?' You need to deal with it. There's no proof of widespread voter fraud. You're hallucinating that. As far as 2024, you nutters said the same thing about 2020 until the 2020 election. So who knows why you think anyone gives a shit about your empty bravado now?
Trump is having a big fundraiser at Mara Lago soon for himself and he's using his Republican base.

Yes, poster Surada, I have read that too.

Now, I'm petty neutral on Don Trump.....tho I do sincerely believe he is, at heart, a conman and grifter.....but, still, I can be neutral and judicious in remarking on his actions, statements, and Tweet-stuff.

But, where I do acknowledge sort of a 'lean' in my beliefs it is with.......well, it is with those folks who are willing to send to Don Trump their hard earned money, in the belief that he is the best manager of their money.

I gotta admit, given Don Trump's long track record.......6 bankruptcies, many failed businesses, defendant in thousands of lawsuits alleging theft, misappropriation, malfeasance, and so on........well, given that record Don Trump is NOT the guy I would send my money to for anything.

Now, to be sure I ain't objecting them spending their own money anyway they want. That is 'freedom'.

However, HOW one expresses their 'freedom', HOW one spends their money.......sends a signal, intentional or unintentional......and those decisions signal to people the quality of one's discretion, character, and prudence.

Not my rules.
It's the way our world works.

And I know y'all know that.......don't need my poor avatar to tell you that.
Last edited:
The Supreme Court finally put a stop to the court challenges today.

They threw out the last case trump has brought to that court.

So it's 0-4 on the court with his election challenges.

Thank goodness this is finally over. Hopefully the nation can move on from all the many lies.

Not sure the country will ever forgive and forget. If we did, we could end up with another trumpist down the road that could end our constitutional representative republic type of government in this country. You will remember, for the rest of your life, especially if any of the Senators that supported trying to overthrow the election after they lost are stupid enough to run for the presidency. It is time for a 3rd party, as Republicans in general will not be trusted, especially as they continue to make purges of anybody not of the trumpist mindset. You may not believe it Dana, but unless a viable 3rd party is assembled, you are going to miss the Republicans.

I've been a registered Independent since 1978.

I've voted a variety of parties through the decades.

I've posted many times on this board that I don't want the Republican Party to destroy itself. That we need two major parties in our nation for democracy to be able to exist. That the last thing we need is one major political party.

I'm not a democrat.

I'm a liberal. And proud of it. I have been all my life.

I hope that trump doesn't succeed in purging the Republican Party of the few sane people who are left.

I don't agree with much from today's Republican Party. I wish they would get their act together and stop trying to force their disastrous and failed economic and social policies on our nation.
Independence is good, as neither of the two main parties get it right, a lot of the time. As far as elected officials, the trump purges have worked and they appear to be at a tipping point, from which there is no return. With as many republicans that still support trump, even after his insurrection, they are presidential toast for the next 3 presidential elections at least, just to make sure to clear the anti-free election/insurrectionist crowd out, less they try it again.
I am moderate to conservative. I wish there were a rational conservative party to act as a counterbalance to unbridled liberalism, which (in my view) also could destroy the country. Good people are out there, but they would be stupid to try, under the republican banner.

Anyone who has read your posts would call you neither a moderate, nor conservative.
I understand your warped perspective. It is primarily due to the sliding scale of the radical right, and still thinking you are a conservative, while sliding more radically right during the last 12 - 20 years. Certainly nothing conservative about it, just paranoid.
It is conservative to build and take an active leadership role in coalitions of responsible traditional countries allies around the world, working with them to present a united front to guard against bad actors, despots, communists or dictatorial or autocratic regimes around the world, not ordering or demanding they dance strictly to our tune. We certainly should not be supporting rogue nations with unethical leaders such as Saudi Arabia and MLB. Nothing conservative about idolizing or admiring or elevating Putin or Kim on the world stage either, as they are what they are, have not changed and probably never will. Nothing conservative about continuing support of wars in the middle east or southwest Asia, that were blundered into by previous administrations and continued through republican and democrat administrations for a generation. There is not a single country on earth that we need to be conquering or consider conquering, but should simply be holding the line with our allies, so that democracy, self direction and liberty continue unabated for us, our allies and our posterity.
The current litmus tests of conservatism have been exaggerated to the point of stupidity. Free enterprise, private ownership and capitalism are the hallmarks and basis for our economic power and will be, but commitment to government benefit to welfare tax benefits to ultra rich without regard for the middle (almost non existent by current yardstick) and the poor is rediculous and self defeating, especially in healthcare and education. No other modern country is taking this approach, because it simply does not work, not for capitalist or socialist countries. Amazing that American made, patented drugs are cheaper across the border than here at home, isn't it? Amazing someone can get control of something like insulin production and simply spike the price point due to monopoly power, isn't it? Amazing that we used to have emergency rooms to handle emergencies, yet now in many places they are actually over crowded primary care for those that cannot afford healthcare due to lack of insurance and we now have trauma centers for real emergencies. Best healthcare on earth, if you can afford it. If not, well, we certainly do not lead the modern countries of the world in longevity, do we? We're not even in the top 20 or 30, last I looked. Feel free to look, yourself.
There is nothing conservative about blowing off modern inequities of success off to perceived or projected differences of race, either. Just a cheap cop out for white nationalist organizations to use, out of their own fears and inadequacies, in my book. The sudden acceptance of that movement to supposedly conservative politics and politicians is beyond me, unless recognized as part of the divide and conquer tactic du jour. Being secure, myself, I feel no fear or need to put down or conquer on that field of battle.
So, yes, I am somewhat conservative and definitely moderate or a voice for moderation in all things. I make no claim to have all the right answers, but recognize many of the wrong ones as instantly as I ever did. Only sound recommendation I can give, it to seek intelligent moderating leadership, using the best ideas of all people, from all walks of life, avoiding the belligerent rabble-rousers, appealing to our lowest common denominators to inflame their base. Just as I would advise, if flying commercial, avoid student pilots and recent fighter pilots, as radical (sometimes poorly planned) moves endanger everyone on the plane and make for a erratic flight with a lower chance of happy landings.

I'd address this massive, kitchen sink post if I weren't on my phone right now. But, needless to say, the short question for you is, if you're so wonderful, and have such a clear grasp on things, why are you in some anonymous message board, instead of running to foist your magnificence on the rest of us?
You obviously took the Evelyn Woodhead sped reading course, ye comprehension may still be lagging. What part of quote " I make no claim to have all the right answers, but recognize many of the wrong ones as instantly as I ever did.", did you fail to grasp?

Nope I understood it immediately. Just the fact that you say that you recognize wrong instantly means you should serve your country to help. Or, it's symptomatic of a serious narcissistic problem...hard to say.
BS. I already served my country for over twenty years. My dues are paid dude. You do it. The only thing spotting the wrong answers is symptomatic of is how I graduated national honors graduate, as ruling out the most of the wrong answers is the easiest first step.

yeah, yeah, I know. You’re the smartest guy in the room. Why wouldn’t you want to help fix Washington, I’m sure with you’re life experience, and forethought, you’d be shoe in...
Thank, I'll pass it along to my steering committee (my wife). If you like you can start sending campaign donations now whether I run or not (big emphasis no the not). fraud at all.


“Peeking” was acceptable. It was when they started taking pictures and videos, which is prohibited, that the windows had to be covered.
Right! They didn't want any proof of what they were doing to get out.

..."peeking" is not what the opposition was allowed by law to do. Observing what the vote counters did was. Observing requires being able to READ WHAT IS ON THE BALLOTS AND VERIFY THAT THE BALLOT WAS COUNTED THE WAY IT WAS SUBMITTED.

Observers were required by the corrupt polling managers to stand so far away from the ballots that they could not read them.

Screw the Democrat Party...the party of lying assholes!
There were observers inside. The people outside were prohibited from recording inside. Sorry reality is such a bitch to ya.
`The observers inside were the ones required to stand yards away from the "counting".

...thanks to the party of lying assholes, the Democrat Party.
Not for long as a lawsuit was quickly filed and adjudicated and mandated observers could be as close as 6 feet.

You lost. Deal with it.
You're making up shit now. Sure, we "lost" "legal" inclusion of illegal votes. I can deal with it. You'd best get ready to deal with 2024 election results.
Oh? What is it you're claiming I made up? That polling observers were allowed to be as close as 6 feet following a Trump lawsuit over that matter? Here it is...

Or are you claiming I made it up when I said you lost? You did. Biden is president now, not Trump.

Or are you claiming I made it up when I said, 'deal with it?' You need to deal with it. There's no proof of widespread voter fraud. You're hallucinating that. As far as 2024, you nutters said the same thing about 2020 until the 2020 election. So who knows why you think anyone gives a shit about your empty bravado now?
I already said I can deal with it. Try a reading comprehension course. As far as boasting we would win by a landslide in 2020, we underestimated the magnitude of the "voter fraud organization" that your own Joe Biden stated you had in place. (That's on tape also.)

Your court order applies on to Pennsylvania only. Similar denials to effectively observe the counting went on in other states. In Georgia, the observers were told to go home as the claimed intent was to stop counting until the next day. After the observers and most of the counters left, some other counters stayed behind, pulled boxes of ballots from beneath a table and continued scanning ballots...with no observers present. I'm not going to dig up the video of that as it has been in the news many times.

Hundreds of sworn affidavits were never presented as evidence in many of the court cases that were dismissed without a hearing. Several witnesses claim to have seen ballots scanned multiple times.

I know the lying liberals technically won the election and the incompetent asshole, Joe Biden is in the Oval Office with Cumalot Harris getting wetter by the minute waiting for that cognitively challenged idiot to be removed.

The election was "won" with illegal votes, illegal counting procedures and a chickenshit SCOTUS.

Argue all you want. You fuckers cheated. fraud at all.


“Peeking” was acceptable. It was when they started taking pictures and videos, which is prohibited, that the windows had to be covered.
Right! They didn't want any proof of what they were doing to get out.

..."peeking" is not what the opposition was allowed by law to do. Observing what the vote counters did was. Observing requires being able to READ WHAT IS ON THE BALLOTS AND VERIFY THAT THE BALLOT WAS COUNTED THE WAY IT WAS SUBMITTED.

Observers were required by the corrupt polling managers to stand so far away from the ballots that they could not read them.

Screw the Democrat Party...the party of lying assholes!
There were observers inside. The people outside were prohibited from recording inside. Sorry reality is such a bitch to ya.
`The observers inside were the ones required to stand yards away from the "counting".

...thanks to the party of lying assholes, the Democrat Party.
Not for long as a lawsuit was quickly filed and adjudicated and mandated observers could be as close as 6 feet.

You lost. Deal with it.
You're making up shit now. Sure, we "lost" "legal" inclusion of illegal votes. I can deal with it. You'd best get ready to deal with 2024 election results.
Oh? What is it you're claiming I made up? That polling observers were allowed to be as close as 6 feet following a Trump lawsuit over that matter? Here it is...

Or are you claiming I made it up when I said you lost? You did. Biden is president now, not Trump.

Or are you claiming I made it up when I said, 'deal with it?' You need to deal with it. There's no proof of widespread voter fraud. You're hallucinating that. As far as 2024, you nutters said the same thing about 2020 until the 2020 election. So who knows why you think anyone gives a shit about your empty bravado now?
I already said I can deal with it. Try a reading comprehension course. As far as boasting we would win by a landslide in 2020, we underestimated the magnitude of the "voter fraud organization" that your own Joe Biden stated you had in place. (That's on tape also.)

Your court order applies on to Pennsylvania only. Similar denials to effectively observe the counting went on in other states. In Georgia, the observers were told to go home as the claimed intent was to stop counting until the next day. After the observers and most of the counters left, some other counters stayed behind, pulled boxes of ballots from beneath a table and continued scanning ballots...with no observers present. I'm not going to dig up the video of that as it has been in the news many times.

Hundreds of sworn affidavits were never presented as evidence in many of the court cases that were dismissed without a hearing. Several witnesses claim to have seen ballots scanned multiple times.

I know the lying liberals technically won the election and the incompetent asshole, Joe Biden is in the Oval Office with Cumalot Harris getting wetter by the minute waiting for that cognitively challenged idiot to be removed.

The election was "won" with illegal votes, illegal counting procedures and a chickenshit SCOTUS.

Argue all you want. You fuckers cheated.
Is that you,..... Q?
The Supreme Court finally put a stop to the court challenges today.

They threw out the last case trump has brought to that court.

So it's 0-4 on the court with his election challenges.

Thank goodness this is finally over. Hopefully the nation can move on from all the many lies.

I'm sure the Court is saying the same thing. But if I'm not mistaken, they still have a pile of his whining-to-mama challenges about a number of issues they have to work through.
The Supreme Court finally put a stop to the court challenges today.

They threw out the last case trump has brought to that court.

So it's 0-4 on the court with his election challenges.

Thank goodness this is finally over. Hopefully the nation can move on from all the many lies.

I'm sure the Court is saying the same thing. But if I'm not mistaken, they still have a pile of his whining-to-mama challenges about a number of issues they have to work through.

Has the fat lady sung yet? I thought not.
The Supreme Court finally put a stop to the court challenges today.

They threw out the last case trump has brought to that court.

So it's 0-4 on the court with his election challenges.

Thank goodness this is finally over. Hopefully the nation can move on from all the many lies.

I'm sure the Court is saying the same thing. But if I'm not mistaken, they still have a pile of his whining-to-mama challenges about a number of issues they have to work through.

Has the fat lady sung yet? I thought not.
The election fraud aria is over, I thought it said?
The Supreme Court finally put a stop to the court challenges today.

They threw out the last case trump has brought to that court.

So it's 0-4 on the court with his election challenges.

Thank goodness this is finally over. Hopefully the nation can move on from all the many lies.

I'm sure the Court is saying the same thing. But if I'm not mistaken, they still have a pile of his whining-to-mama challenges about a number of issues they have to work through.

Has the fat lady sung yet? I thought not.
The election fraud aria is over, I thought it said?

Nope. The Kraken hasn't been released and the Fat Lady is warming up.
Cumalot Harris getting wetter by the minute waiting
You fuckers cheated.


Anger much?
Misogyny much?
This forum is a challenge for your civil discourse ain't it, poster Aaratis?

Settle down, son. Let the game come to you.
The Kraken hasn't been released and the Fat Lady is warming up.

What I've observed of Krakenpot Powell.......well, she seems to inhabit both roles. No? fraud at all.


“Peeking” was acceptable. It was when they started taking pictures and videos, which is prohibited, that the windows had to be covered.
Right! They didn't want any proof of what they were doing to get out.

..."peeking" is not what the opposition was allowed by law to do. Observing what the vote counters did was. Observing requires being able to READ WHAT IS ON THE BALLOTS AND VERIFY THAT THE BALLOT WAS COUNTED THE WAY IT WAS SUBMITTED.

Observers were required by the corrupt polling managers to stand so far away from the ballots that they could not read them.

Screw the Democrat Party...the party of lying assholes!
There were observers inside. The people outside were prohibited from recording inside. Sorry reality is such a bitch to ya.
`The observers inside were the ones required to stand yards away from the "counting".

...thanks to the party of lying assholes, the Democrat Party.
Not for long as a lawsuit was quickly filed and adjudicated and mandated observers could be as close as 6 feet.

You lost. Deal with it.
You're making up shit now. Sure, we "lost" "legal" inclusion of illegal votes. I can deal with it. You'd best get ready to deal with 2024 election results.
Oh? What is it you're claiming I made up? That polling observers were allowed to be as close as 6 feet following a Trump lawsuit over that matter? Here it is...

Or are you claiming I made it up when I said you lost? You did. Biden is president now, not Trump.

Or are you claiming I made it up when I said, 'deal with it?' You need to deal with it. There's no proof of widespread voter fraud. You're hallucinating that. As far as 2024, you nutters said the same thing about 2020 until the 2020 election. So who knows why you think anyone gives a shit about your empty bravado now?
I already said I can deal with it. Try a reading comprehension course. As far as boasting we would win by a landslide in 2020, we underestimated the magnitude of the "voter fraud organization" that your own Joe Biden stated you had in place. (That's on tape also.)

Your court order applies on to Pennsylvania only. Similar denials to effectively observe the counting went on in other states. In Georgia, the observers were told to go home as the claimed intent was to stop counting until the next day. After the observers and most of the counters left, some other counters stayed behind, pulled boxes of ballots from beneath a table and continued scanning ballots...with no observers present. I'm not going to dig up the video of that as it has been in the news many times.

Hundreds of sworn affidavits were never presented as evidence in many of the court cases that were dismissed without a hearing. Several witnesses claim to have seen ballots scanned multiple times.

I know the lying liberals technically won the election and the incompetent asshole, Joe Biden is in the Oval Office with Cumalot Harris getting wetter by the minute waiting for that cognitively challenged idiot to be removed.

The election was "won" with illegal votes, illegal counting procedures and a chickenshit SCOTUS.

Argue all you want. You fuckers cheated.
Nutcase, the election was not won with illegal votes.

“To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election.” ~ William Barr

A witness who said she saw ballots being scanned multiple times was shown to be a fool. And you've never seen hundreds of affidavits. You don't know what's in the vast majority of them and you don't even know they actually exist.
The Supreme Court finally put a stop to the court challenges today.

They threw out the last case trump has brought to that court.

So it's 0-4 on the court with his election challenges.

Thank goodness this is finally over. Hopefully the nation can move on from all the many lies.

Not sure the country will ever forgive and forget. If we did, we could end up with another trumpist down the road that could end our constitutional representative republic type of government in this country. You will remember, for the rest of your life, especially if any of the Senators that supported trying to overthrow the election after they lost are stupid enough to run for the presidency. It is time for a 3rd party, as Republicans in general will not be trusted, especially as they continue to make purges of anybody not of the trumpist mindset. You may not believe it Dana, but unless a viable 3rd party is assembled, you are going to miss the Republicans.

I've been a registered Independent since 1978.

I've voted a variety of parties through the decades.

I've posted many times on this board that I don't want the Republican Party to destroy itself. That we need two major parties in our nation for democracy to be able to exist. That the last thing we need is one major political party.

I'm not a democrat.

I'm a liberal. And proud of it. I have been all my life.

I hope that trump doesn't succeed in purging the Republican Party of the few sane people who are left.

I don't agree with much from today's Republican Party. I wish they would get their act together and stop trying to force their disastrous and failed economic and social policies on our nation.
Independence is good, as neither of the two main parties get it right, a lot of the time. As far as elected officials, the trump purges have worked and they appear to be at a tipping point, from which there is no return. With as many republicans that still support trump, even after his insurrection, they are presidential toast for the next 3 presidential elections at least, just to make sure to clear the anti-free election/insurrectionist crowd out, less they try it again.
I am moderate to conservative. I wish there were a rational conservative party to act as a counterbalance to unbridled liberalism, which (in my view) also could destroy the country. Good people are out there, but they would be stupid to try, under the republican banner.

Anyone who has read your posts would call you neither a moderate, nor conservative.
I understand your warped perspective. It is primarily due to the sliding scale of the radical right, and still thinking you are a conservative, while sliding more radically right during the last 12 - 20 years. Certainly nothing conservative about it, just paranoid.
It is conservative to build and take an active leadership role in coalitions of responsible traditional countries allies around the world, working with them to present a united front to guard against bad actors, despots, communists or dictatorial or autocratic regimes around the world, not ordering or demanding they dance strictly to our tune. We certainly should not be supporting rogue nations with unethical leaders such as Saudi Arabia and MLB. Nothing conservative about idolizing or admiring or elevating Putin or Kim on the world stage either, as they are what they are, have not changed and probably never will. Nothing conservative about continuing support of wars in the middle east or southwest Asia, that were blundered into by previous administrations and continued through republican and democrat administrations for a generation. There is not a single country on earth that we need to be conquering or consider conquering, but should simply be holding the line with our allies, so that democracy, self direction and liberty continue unabated for us, our allies and our posterity.
The current litmus tests of conservatism have been exaggerated to the point of stupidity. Free enterprise, private ownership and capitalism are the hallmarks and basis for our economic power and will be, but commitment to government benefit to welfare tax benefits to ultra rich without regard for the middle (almost non existent by current yardstick) and the poor is rediculous and self defeating, especially in healthcare and education. No other modern country is taking this approach, because it simply does not work, not for capitalist or socialist countries. Amazing that American made, patented drugs are cheaper across the border than here at home, isn't it? Amazing someone can get control of something like insulin production and simply spike the price point due to monopoly power, isn't it? Amazing that we used to have emergency rooms to handle emergencies, yet now in many places they are actually over crowded primary care for those that cannot afford healthcare due to lack of insurance and we now have trauma centers for real emergencies. Best healthcare on earth, if you can afford it. If not, well, we certainly do not lead the modern countries of the world in longevity, do we? We're not even in the top 20 or 30, last I looked. Feel free to look, yourself.
There is nothing conservative about blowing off modern inequities of success off to perceived or projected differences of race, either. Just a cheap cop out for white nationalist organizations to use, out of their own fears and inadequacies, in my book. The sudden acceptance of that movement to supposedly conservative politics and politicians is beyond me, unless recognized as part of the divide and conquer tactic du jour. Being secure, myself, I feel no fear or need to put down or conquer on that field of battle.
So, yes, I am somewhat conservative and definitely moderate or a voice for moderation in all things. I make no claim to have all the right answers, but recognize many of the wrong ones as instantly as I ever did. Only sound recommendation I can give, it to seek intelligent moderating leadership, using the best ideas of all people, from all walks of life, avoiding the belligerent rabble-rousers, appealing to our lowest common denominators to inflame their base. Just as I would advise, if flying commercial, avoid student pilots and recent fighter pilots, as radical (sometimes poorly planned) moves endanger everyone on the plane and make for a erratic flight with a lower chance of happy landings.

I'd address this massive, kitchen sink post if I weren't on my phone right now. But, needless to say, the short question for you is, if you're so wonderful, and have such a clear grasp on things, why are you in some anonymous message board, instead of running to foist your magnificence on the rest of us?
You obviously took the Evelyn Woodhead sped reading course, ye comprehension may still be lagging. What part of quote " I make no claim to have all the right answers, but recognize many of the wrong ones as instantly as I ever did.", did you fail to grasp?

Nope I understood it immediately. Just the fact that you say that you recognize wrong instantly means you should serve your country to help. Or, it's symptomatic of a serious narcissistic problem...hard to say.
BS. I already served my country for over twenty years. My dues are paid dude. You do it. The only thing spotting the wrong answers is symptomatic of is how I graduated national honors graduate, as ruling out the most of the wrong answers is the easiest first step.

yeah, yeah, I know. You’re the smartest guy in the room. Why wouldn’t you want to help fix Washington, I’m sure with you’re life experience, and forethought, you’d be shoe in...
Thank, I'll pass it along to my steering committee (my wife). If you like you can start sending campaign donations now whether I run or not (big emphasis no the not).

Better get with Stacy Abrams on that...only way you’ll win.
The Supreme Court finally put a stop to the court challenges today.

They threw out the last case trump has brought to that court.

So it's 0-4 on the court with his election challenges.

Thank goodness this is finally over. Hopefully the nation can move on from all the many lies.

Not sure the country will ever forgive and forget. If we did, we could end up with another trumpist down the road that could end our constitutional representative republic type of government in this country. You will remember, for the rest of your life, especially if any of the Senators that supported trying to overthrow the election after they lost are stupid enough to run for the presidency. It is time for a 3rd party, as Republicans in general will not be trusted, especially as they continue to make purges of anybody not of the trumpist mindset. You may not believe it Dana, but unless a viable 3rd party is assembled, you are going to miss the Republicans.

I've been a registered Independent since 1978.

I've voted a variety of parties through the decades.

I've posted many times on this board that I don't want the Republican Party to destroy itself. That we need two major parties in our nation for democracy to be able to exist. That the last thing we need is one major political party.

I'm not a democrat.

I'm a liberal. And proud of it. I have been all my life.

I hope that trump doesn't succeed in purging the Republican Party of the few sane people who are left.

I don't agree with much from today's Republican Party. I wish they would get their act together and stop trying to force their disastrous and failed economic and social policies on our nation.
Independence is good, as neither of the two main parties get it right, a lot of the time. As far as elected officials, the trump purges have worked and they appear to be at a tipping point, from which there is no return. With as many republicans that still support trump, even after his insurrection, they are presidential toast for the next 3 presidential elections at least, just to make sure to clear the anti-free election/insurrectionist crowd out, less they try it again.
I am moderate to conservative. I wish there were a rational conservative party to act as a counterbalance to unbridled liberalism, which (in my view) also could destroy the country. Good people are out there, but they would be stupid to try, under the republican banner.

Anyone who has read your posts would call you neither a moderate, nor conservative.
I understand your warped perspective. It is primarily due to the sliding scale of the radical right, and still thinking you are a conservative, while sliding more radically right during the last 12 - 20 years. Certainly nothing conservative about it, just paranoid.
It is conservative to build and take an active leadership role in coalitions of responsible traditional countries allies around the world, working with them to present a united front to guard against bad actors, despots, communists or dictatorial or autocratic regimes around the world, not ordering or demanding they dance strictly to our tune. We certainly should not be supporting rogue nations with unethical leaders such as Saudi Arabia and MLB. Nothing conservative about idolizing or admiring or elevating Putin or Kim on the world stage either, as they are what they are, have not changed and probably never will. Nothing conservative about continuing support of wars in the middle east or southwest Asia, that were blundered into by previous administrations and continued through republican and democrat administrations for a generation. There is not a single country on earth that we need to be conquering or consider conquering, but should simply be holding the line with our allies, so that democracy, self direction and liberty continue unabated for us, our allies and our posterity.
The current litmus tests of conservatism have been exaggerated to the point of stupidity. Free enterprise, private ownership and capitalism are the hallmarks and basis for our economic power and will be, but commitment to government benefit to welfare tax benefits to ultra rich without regard for the middle (almost non existent by current yardstick) and the poor is rediculous and self defeating, especially in healthcare and education. No other modern country is taking this approach, because it simply does not work, not for capitalist or socialist countries. Amazing that American made, patented drugs are cheaper across the border than here at home, isn't it? Amazing someone can get control of something like insulin production and simply spike the price point due to monopoly power, isn't it? Amazing that we used to have emergency rooms to handle emergencies, yet now in many places they are actually over crowded primary care for those that cannot afford healthcare due to lack of insurance and we now have trauma centers for real emergencies. Best healthcare on earth, if you can afford it. If not, well, we certainly do not lead the modern countries of the world in longevity, do we? We're not even in the top 20 or 30, last I looked. Feel free to look, yourself.
There is nothing conservative about blowing off modern inequities of success off to perceived or projected differences of race, either. Just a cheap cop out for white nationalist organizations to use, out of their own fears and inadequacies, in my book. The sudden acceptance of that movement to supposedly conservative politics and politicians is beyond me, unless recognized as part of the divide and conquer tactic du jour. Being secure, myself, I feel no fear or need to put down or conquer on that field of battle.
So, yes, I am somewhat conservative and definitely moderate or a voice for moderation in all things. I make no claim to have all the right answers, but recognize many of the wrong ones as instantly as I ever did. Only sound recommendation I can give, it to seek intelligent moderating leadership, using the best ideas of all people, from all walks of life, avoiding the belligerent rabble-rousers, appealing to our lowest common denominators to inflame their base. Just as I would advise, if flying commercial, avoid student pilots and recent fighter pilots, as radical (sometimes poorly planned) moves endanger everyone on the plane and make for a erratic flight with a lower chance of happy landings.

I'd address this massive, kitchen sink post if I weren't on my phone right now. But, needless to say, the short question for you is, if you're so wonderful, and have such a clear grasp on things, why are you in some anonymous message board, instead of running to foist your magnificence on the rest of us?
You obviously took the Evelyn Woodhead sped reading course, ye comprehension may still be lagging. What part of quote " I make no claim to have all the right answers, but recognize many of the wrong ones as instantly as I ever did.", did you fail to grasp?

Nope I understood it immediately. Just the fact that you say that you recognize wrong instantly means you should serve your country to help. Or, it's symptomatic of a serious narcissistic problem...hard to say.
BS. I already served my country for over twenty years. My dues are paid dude. You do it. The only thing spotting the wrong answers is symptomatic of is how I graduated national honors graduate, as ruling out the most of the wrong answers is the easiest first step.

yeah, yeah, I know. You’re the smartest guy in the room. Why wouldn’t you want to help fix Washington, I’m sure with you’re life experience, and forethought, you’d be shoe in...
Thank, I'll pass it along to my steering committee (my wife). If you like you can start sending campaign donations now whether I run or not (big emphasis no the not).

Better get with Stacy Abrams on that...only way you’ll win.
Wrong state, dude.
More proof of the Democrat filth stealing the election.

The Wisconsin House of Representatives on Wednesday held a hearing to review election irregularities after newly revealed documents obtained by Wisconsin Spotlight revealed that Democrat activists, funded by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, were able to infiltrate the 2020 presidential election in Wisconsin’s five largest cities.

In Green Bay, a Democrat activist was actually given keys to the room where absentee ballots were stored before the 2020 presidential election.

Another Election Bombshell: New Emails Reveal Democrat Activists Infiltrated Election, Were Given Access To Room Where Absentee Ballots Were Stored

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