Supreme Court Resignation rumored for summer...

Mere days after Justice Neil Gorsuch was seated on the Supreme Court, restoring the panel to full strength, a top Senate Republican said the court could soon be down a member once again – in turn giving President Trump another big appointment.

“I would expect a resignation this summer,” Sen. Chuck Grassley, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told Iowa’s Muscatine Journal.

Grassley, R-Iowa, said there was a "rumored" retirement in the offing, though he wouldn't disclose which justice was considering stepping down.

Chuck Grassley expects Supreme Court resignation 'this summer'

I am expecting at least TWO Supreme Court resignations in the next two years...Kennedy (probably this summer) and Thomas (who has been and associate justice for 25 years). If RBG or Breyer (84 and 79 years old respectively) resigns as well...the Supreme Court will be 6-3 Conservative for generations.

Thank you Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer and the rest of the Democrats for teeing up that nuclear option. :thup:

Didn't one of the justices say he was retiring??

Ginsberg should as well. Last time I saw her on TV she looked like a corpse.

Not many people are aware of this, but Ginsberg died during the Bush administration and a body double has been sitting in for her while the staff write all the legal decisions.

Just thought you might want to know.
Want to know how Trump could instantly end partisanship (as he promised) in the government and have the liberal attack dogs completely called off, ending all the protests and restarting communication between all Americans across the aisle in one swoop? Nominate and swear in Justice Merrick Garland.
Wouldn't work. The haters would just ramp up their demands to see his tax returns. It's never been about Garland or anything they say they are upset about. it's always been to get rid of Trump out of sheer hatred.
If it doesn't work, rescind the nomination then
Which would just give them more to rant about. That's how it works and why he should simply go about doing what he intended to do all along. Nothing will satisfy them, nothing will ever get them to admit he's doing an okay job, so why try to placate them? You might as well try to calm a hungry shark by dropping pieces of meat in the water. "Why won't he go away and leave us alone? We gave him what he wants."
Well at least you're open about having zero intention to try to change anything about the crippling partisanship in this country.
You see, you're wrong about that.

I think that the GOP is likely to keep right on doing what they are doing. Pushing the Democrat party more and more to the fringe. They are already nothing more than a regional party. Another decade should see them even further reduced.

How do you end partisanship in government? By defeating the opposition party.

Have a nice day.

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