Supreme Court rules 8th Amendment applies to states

So, what "afterlife" do you think is awaiting you? And what do you base the view that one must be unhappy in this life to be happy in the next?

I believe this life is nothing more than a rest for the Soul, to determine if it will live the proper life instead of the easy life. At the end the Soul is judged to have passed and allowed to move on to a better place, condemned as irredeemable and sentenced to an eternity of torture, or if only marginally failed, offered another opportunity to get it right.

Who is doing the judging?

Is it Odin?


Is there a panel of many gods and they vote sort of like the SCOTUS?
As it should be. There's no reason for women to be excluded from the draft. We have just as much at stake, and we have just as much to contribute.

Well there is the reason that women can't fight and cause more trouble than it's worth.

Talk to Israel about women in the military....they would all kick your sorry little ass.
Israeli women are stationed in stand alone bases. And some are tough. You belittle men who died and have died for your sorry llittle azz.

I spent 20 years serving this country in the Marines, so bite me you loser.

You belittle the women that died in service to this country long before this judge made this ruling.

You belittle the women that have served this nation proudly for most of its existence.
Who is doing the judging?

Is it Odin? Ra? Is there a panel of many gods and they vote sort of like the SCOTUS?

No. I see it as simply a Divine power without a personification. I tend to refer to it as The Divine and nothing more. Kind of like a Standardized Test scoring machine for the Soul.
We must keep everything fair. Congratulations all you women. Equality is finally coming your way.
Long overdue

It is just symbolic since there is no draft, but women should have to serve too
As it should be. There's no reason for women to be excluded from the draft. We have just as much at stake, and we have just as much to contribute.

Well there is the reason that women can't fight and cause more trouble than it's worth.

Talk to Israel about women in the military....they would all kick your sorry little ass.
Israeli women are stationed in stand alone bases. And some are tough. You belittle men who died and have died for your sorry llittle azz.

I spent 20 years serving this country in the Marines, so bite me you loser.

You belittle the women that died in service to this country long before this judge made this ruling.

You belittle the women that have served this nation proudly for most of its existence.
I do not believe you. I do not belittle women. I belittle the system that uplifts anyone for political purposes over those who really put their lives on the line and paid the price in any way. You make a mockery of that. You have succeeded into turning men into emasculated drones and and hetero families struggling to survive into breeders. If you were true you would accept what I spouted. And accept that there are differences between men and women. And women end up getting a free ride. I do not demean them as there are tough ladies. Everyone has roles and we blurred the crap out of them as social justice went insane.
I do not believe you. I do not belittle women. I belittle the system that uplifts anyone for political purposes over those who really put their lives on the line and paid the price in any way. You make a mockery of that. You have succeeded into turning men into emasculated drones and and hetero families struggling to survive into breeders. If you were true you would accept what I spouted. And accept that there are differences between men and women. And women end up getting a free ride. I do not demean them as there are tough ladies. Everyone has roles and we blurred the crap out of them as social justice went insane.

Women have been servings this country for its entire existence, yet your ignore them due to some sort of hatred of women.

Yes, men and women are different, I never said otherwise. What you ignore is that every man is different than other men and every woman is different than other women. Not all men are cut out to be front line infantry, just like not all women are.

We should judge people on who they are individually, not on the entirety of their sex,

I served with many a female Marine and I would bet my house everyone of them I know would kick your sorry ass till you begged for mercy.
Yes, men and women are different, I never said otherwise. What you ignore is that every man is different than other men and every woman is different than other women. Not all men are cut out to be front line infantry, just like not all women are.

What I think you miss Gator, either intentionally or not, is that many of us believe there should be an expected standard for each gender. For us it’s not about what an individual CAN do but what they SHOULD do. I think a lot of people miss that distinction.
The days of the evil patriarchy are coming to a close as we make the law equal for both genders.

"Judge Gray H. Miller of Federal District Court in the Southern District of Texas took note of the Supreme Court’s 1981 ruling that the exclusion of women from the draft was “fully justified” because women then were not allowed to serve in combat. But the Pentagon abolished those restrictions in 2015, opening the way for women to serve in any military role for which they could qualify.

“While historical restrictions on women in the military may have justified past discrimination, men and women are now ‘similarly situated for purposes of a draft or registration for a draft,’” Judge Miller wrote in his ruling. “If there ever was a time to discuss ‘the place of women in the Armed Services,’ that time has passed.”

Drafting Only Men for the Military Is Unconstitutional, Judge Rules

The feminists will love the equal opportunities.
We have a Second Amendment; the People have a right to keep and bear Arms for their State or the Union.
Yes, men and women are different, I never said otherwise. What you ignore is that every man is different than other men and every woman is different than other women. Not all men are cut out to be front line infantry, just like not all women are.

What I think you miss Gator, either intentionally or not, is that many of us believe there should be an expected standard for each gender. For us it’s not about what an individual CAN do but what they SHOULD do. I think a lot of people miss that distinction.

But your "expected standard for each sex" is total bullshit based upon nothing but your own personal biases and views.

There is no logic or reason to these expected standard for each sex, they are based upon your life, when and where you grew up.

If you grew up in a different place or time you would have different expected standard for each sex.

What an individual should matter their sex, is what the hell ever they want to what some moron thinks they should do.
But your "expected standard for each sex" is total bullshit based upon nothing but your own personal biases and views

No, they are based on morals, values, and traditions that have been passed down from our earliest human civilizations. The ideas that were scavenged and distorted to create human religion.
I do not believe you. I do not belittle women. I belittle the system that uplifts anyone for political purposes over those who really put their lives on the line and paid the price in any way. You make a mockery of that. You have succeeded into turning men into emasculated drones and and hetero families struggling to survive into breeders. If you were true you would accept what I spouted. And accept that there are differences between men and women. And women end up getting a free ride. I do not demean them as there are tough ladies. Everyone has roles and we blurred the crap out of them as social justice went insane.

Women have been servings this country for its entire existence, yet your ignore them due to some sort of hatred of women.

Yes, men and women are different, I never said otherwise. What you ignore is that every man is different than other men and every woman is different than other women. Not all men are cut out to be front line infantry, just like not all women are.

We should judge people on who they are individually, not on the entirety of their sex,

I served with many a female Marine and I would bet my house everyone of them I know would kick your sorry ass till you begged for mercy.
I would watch areas of this nation become wastelands if knowledge was given to me because of azzes like you. Women control men and can be liars worse then men. In today's world they screw over men. Getting even is vendetta. I live in a world in what it is. I am not winning anything. I experienced changes in rules and lowering of standards of people in jobs all my life.
I do not believe you. I do not belittle women. I belittle the system that uplifts anyone for political purposes over those who really put their lives on the line and paid the price in any way. You make a mockery of that. You have succeeded into turning men into emasculated drones and and hetero families struggling to survive into breeders. If you were true you would accept what I spouted. And accept that there are differences between men and women. And women end up getting a free ride. I do not demean them as there are tough ladies. Everyone has roles and we blurred the crap out of them as social justice went insane.

Women have been servings this country for its entire existence, yet your ignore them due to some sort of hatred of women.

Yes, men and women are different, I never said otherwise. What you ignore is that every man is different than other men and every woman is different than other women. Not all men are cut out to be front line infantry, just like not all women are.

We should judge people on who they are individually, not on the entirety of their sex,

I served with many a female Marine and I would bet my house everyone of them I know would kick your sorry ass till you begged for mercy.
I would watch areas of this nation become wastelands if knowledge was given to me because of azzes like you. Women control men and can be liars worse then men. In today's world they screw over men. Getting even is vendetta. I live in a world in what it is. I am not winning anything. I experienced changes in rules and lowering of standards of people in jobs all my life.

Damn, so you are just one more woman hating dude that has been beaten out by women that were your betters so you whine about it on the internet.

Got to suck living a life hating women, but I guess hate will keep you warm in the winter since clearly no woman will.
Yes, men and women are different, I never said otherwise. What you ignore is that every man is different than other men and every woman is different than other women. Not all men are cut out to be front line infantry, just like not all women are.

What I think you miss Gator, either intentionally or not, is that many of us believe there should be an expected standard for each gender. For us it’s not about what an individual CAN do but what they SHOULD do. I think a lot of people miss that distinction.

But your "expected standard for each sex" is total bullshit based upon nothing but your own personal biases and views.

There is no logic or reason to these expected standard for each sex, they are based upon your life, when and where you grew up.

If you grew up in a different place or time you would have different expected standard for each sex.

What an individual should matter their sex, is what the hell ever they want to what some moron thinks they should do.

Women birth life. Can we at least agree upon that or is that already too much expectations and facts for you?

I do not believe you. I do not belittle women. I belittle the system that uplifts anyone for political purposes over those who really put their lives on the line and paid the price in any way. You make a mockery of that. You have succeeded into turning men into emasculated drones and and hetero families struggling to survive into breeders. If you were true you would accept what I spouted. And accept that there are differences between men and women. And women end up getting a free ride. I do not demean them as there are tough ladies. Everyone has roles and we blurred the crap out of them as social justice went insane.

Women have been servings this country for its entire existence, yet your ignore them due to some sort of hatred of women.

Yes, men and women are different, I never said otherwise. What you ignore is that every man is different than other men and every woman is different than other women. Not all men are cut out to be front line infantry, just like not all women are.

We should judge people on who they are individually, not on the entirety of their sex,

I served with many a female Marine and I would bet my house everyone of them I know would kick your sorry ass till you begged for mercy.
I would watch areas of this nation become wastelands if knowledge was given to me because of azzes like you. Women control men and can be liars worse then men. In today's world they screw over men. Getting even is vendetta. I live in a world in what it is. I am not winning anything. I experienced changes in rules and lowering of standards of people in jobs all my life.

Damn, so you are just one more woman hating dude that has been beaten out by women that were your betters so you whine about it on the internet.

Got to suck living a life hating women, but I guess hate will keep you warm in the winter since clearly no woman will.

Not wanting women to get blown to pieces = women hate.

Golfing gator's usual moralizing fagotry.
Women birth life. Can we at least agree upon that or is that already too much expectations and facts for you?

yes, women can give birth. Can you now explain how that relates to their ability to defend this nation? Or do you think that is all women are good for?

Not wanting women to get blown to pieces = women hate.

Golfing gator's usual moralizing fagotry.

Why do you think that you are so special that it is your place to tell the women of this country what they can and cannot do?
I do not believe you. I do not belittle women. I belittle the system that uplifts anyone for political purposes over those who really put their lives on the line and paid the price in any way. You make a mockery of that. You have succeeded into turning men into emasculated drones and and hetero families struggling to survive into breeders. If you were true you would accept what I spouted. And accept that there are differences between men and women. And women end up getting a free ride. I do not demean them as there are tough ladies. Everyone has roles and we blurred the crap out of them as social justice went insane.

Women have been servings this country for its entire existence, yet your ignore them due to some sort of hatred of women.

Yes, men and women are different, I never said otherwise. What you ignore is that every man is different than other men and every woman is different than other women. Not all men are cut out to be front line infantry, just like not all women are.

We should judge people on who they are individually, not on the entirety of their sex,

I served with many a female Marine and I would bet my house everyone of them I know would kick your sorry ass till you begged for mercy.
I would watch areas of this nation become wastelands if knowledge was given to me because of azzes like you. Women control men and can be liars worse then men. In today's world they screw over men. Getting even is vendetta. I live in a world in what it is. I am not winning anything. I experienced changes in rules and lowering of standards of people in jobs all my life.

Damn, so you are just one more woman hating dude that has been beaten out by women that were your betters so you whine about it on the internet.

Got to suck living a life hating women, but I guess hate will keep you warm in the winter since clearly no woman will.
No. Being screwed over is a difference using men. It is hate to you, but justice to me. You better understand that it is it just two sides.
The days of the evil patriarchy are coming to a close as we make the law equal for both genders.

"Judge Gray H. Miller of Federal District Court in the Southern District of Texas took note of the Supreme Court’s 1981 ruling that the exclusion of women from the draft was “fully justified” because women then were not allowed to serve in combat. But the Pentagon abolished those restrictions in 2015, opening the way for women to serve in any military role for which they could qualify.

“While historical restrictions on women in the military may have justified past discrimination, men and women are now ‘similarly situated for purposes of a draft or registration for a draft,’” Judge Miller wrote in his ruling. “If there ever was a time to discuss ‘the place of women in the Armed Services,’ that time has passed.”

Drafting Only Men for the Military Is Unconstitutional, Judge Rules

The feminists will love the equal opportunities.
This was coming...I predicted it quite a while doubles the draft pool.
No. Being screwed over is a difference using men. It is hate to you, but justice to me. You better understand that it is it just two sides.

There are not two sides, we are all Americans...both men and side.

Women are not the enemy.

It is not men vs women.
Women birth life. Can we at least agree upon that or is that already too much expectations and facts for you?

yes, women can give birth. Can you now explain how that relates to their ability to defend this nation? Or do you think that is all women are good for?

Not wanting women to get blown to pieces = women hate.

Golfing gator's usual moralizing fagotry.

Why do you think that you are so special that it is your place to tell the women of this country what they can and cannot do?

Where did I say women's ability to give birth relates to their ability to defend their nation? I was talking about gender expectation, and the expectation of course is that, WOMEN give birth and men don't... Unless you are one of the readers of Gator's favorite publication:

Men can be called 'mothers' as it's no longer a gender-specific term | Daily Mail Online

You are the one who is saying that women must be drafted, not me. What in the fuck are you blabbering about?

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