Supreme Court Ruling Against Obamacare Would Take Insurance From Millions


Active Member
Dec 4, 2014
Supreme Court Ruling Against Obamacare Would Take Insurance From Millions Reports - NBC News

Supreme Court ruling that strikes down federal subsidies for health insurance would pull coverage away from millions of people who have it now and send premiums soaring, according to two reports issued Thursday.

President Obama said once:
""This law will cut costs and make coverage more affordable for families and small businesses. It’s reform that brings -- that begins to bring down our government’s long-term structural deficit. It’s reform that finally extends the opportunity to purchase coverage to the millions who currently don’t have it -- and includes tough new consumer protections to guarantee greater stability, security and control for the millions who do have health insurance."

I have only one question... Will this law return the money to people which spent it for this?
Of course not. If the SCOTUS rules against the PPACA in this regard, the congress will enact a retroactive patch to fix it.
And it's all obozo's fault. Obamacare was written exactly as he wanted it written. It just hasn't worked out as he hoped. If he want's it changed he needs to go to congress and admit he screwed up yet again and make a deal. Give up something to get something.
It matters not how BOBO spins it. BOBOCARE bottom line takes money from the 'Makers' and 'redistributes' it to the 'Takers'. That is known as Socialism. The US was not founded on Socialism and the 'Makers' are NOT required to support the 'Takers'.
The SCOTUS will rule against BOBOCARE as being unconstitutional.
It matters not how BOBO spins it. BOBOCARE bottom line takes money from the 'Makers' and 'redistributes' it to the 'Takers'. That is known as Socialism. The US was not founded on Socialism and the 'Makers' are NOT required to support the 'Takers'.
The SCOTUS will rule against BOBOCARE as being unconstitutional.

You don't understand. Socialism is NOT the issue in this case and the scotus had a chance to declare obamacare unconstitutional in 2011 and didn't. The issue here is whether words mean what they clearly mean - that federal exchanges cannot give out subsidies. The judges clearly should decide against obozo but who knows? If the bribe is big enough, they'll go with the money.
BTW - a ruling against obozo would NOT take insurance from millions as the OP falsely claimed. It would however end the federal subsidies and presumably many of those people would cancel their insurance.

It's no ones fault but obozo's.
It matters not how BOBO spins it. BOBOCARE bottom line takes money from the 'Makers' and 'redistributes' it to the 'Takers'. That is known as Socialism. The US was not founded on Socialism and the 'Makers' are NOT required to support the 'Takers'.
The SCOTUS will rule against BOBOCARE as being unconstitutional.

Since you are entitled to only your opinions not your own definitions, care to tell us why ACA is "socialism", or taxation for that matter.
Of course not. If the SCOTUS rules against the PPACA in this regard, the congress will enact a retroactive patch to fix it.

They could but why would they? This is obozo's mess.

Because people wanting to be re-elected would hear some choice words from people who got screwed and those people would be red staters.

The repubs should say "hell with cleaning up this mess of obozo's. Let's just get rid of it".
Supreme Court Ruling Against Obamacare Would Take Insurance From Millions Reports - NBC News

Supreme Court ruling that strikes down federal subsidies for health insurance would pull coverage away from millions of people who have it now and send premiums soaring, according to two reports issued Thursday.

President Obama said once:
""This law will cut costs and make coverage more affordable for families and small businesses. It’s reform that brings -- that begins to bring down our government’s long-term structural deficit. It’s reform that finally extends the opportunity to purchase coverage to the millions who currently don’t have it -- and includes tough new consumer protections to guarantee greater stability, security and control for the millions who do have health insurance."

I have only one question... Will this law return the money to people which spent it for this?
I have only one question:
How it my responsibility to provide insurance coverage to others?

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