'Supreme Court Sharply Divided Over Trump DACA Repeal' - WHY?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"The Supreme Court on Tuesday appeared sharply divided over President Trump's move to end Obama-era protections for undocumented immigrants who arrived in the U.S. as children, as the justices heard oral arguments in one of the most closely watched cases of the term."


The division is obviously along POLIICALLY PARTISAN and IDEOLOGICAL lines, not anything to do with the CONSTITUTION or actual LAW.

"The justices’ questions during oral arguments suggested that the court may break down along familiar ideological lines in the case."

President Obama ADMITTED he did not have the Constitutional authority to alter / amend / change existing US Immigration Law, that frustration over the difference in opinion between the 2 parties and their inability to pass proposed DACA was NOT - NOT - justification for him to impose it on his own....then the SOB did it anyway.

Much like his personal TREATY with Iran, 'DACA' was a product of Obama's own personal Presidential pen with which he used to violate the Constitution's Separation of Powers to impose his own personal law pushing his own personal ideology that was not supported by actual existing law.

President Trump took an oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution, uphold and enforce the Law and EXISTING LAWS. He did not take an oath to uphold and enforce a former President's Un-Constitutional Presidential Edict. Unlike actual laws passed by Congress, the former President's own personal 'edicts' created and imposed by him and his personal Presidential pen can be voided / wiped away by the new President's own Presidential pen. (President Trump has all but wiped out President Obama's 'Legacy' 'edicts' without this level of epic liberal butt-hurt and whining.)


Unless the USSC is going to set precedence by declaring ALL such Presidential 'edicts' penciled into existence by a Temp (4/8 years) President can NOT be edited or repealed / deleted, they are declaring political parties / Presidents can cherry-pick specific 'edicts' penned into law by a 'Temp President' that support / push their own specific ideology and declare THESE can NOT be eliminated...AND that the next President / country is BOUND by them...forever.

Divided Supreme Court leans toward allowing Trump to end DACA
"At issue is the fate of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which grants deferral from deportation to nearly 700,000 undocumented young adult immigrants."

WHY is the fact that these illegals were dragged as children into the US illegally and have been here for years 'at issue'...WHY does it matter?

1. Sucks to be them. Blame their parents.

2. Living here illegally for decades does not change their illegal status. At any point they could have made an effort to adhere to existing US Immigration law.

3. Obama's own admitted Un-Constitutional act of personally imposing 'DACA' does not change their legal status because DACA is Un-Constitutional / is not LAW.

The USSC is responsible for enforcing / upholding the Constitution / Constitutional Law, NOT to attempt to infuse 'social justice' into the Constitution, NOT reward illegals in this country - illegals whose education / healthcare / etc... legal American citizens were forced to pay for...

'Empathy', what is 'fair' or not, has NOTHING to do with the LIBERAL 'NON-LEGAL' / 'NON-Constitutional' concern for how Illegals will 'FEEL' or what 'hardships' they may face if US Immigration Law was ACTUALLY enforced for a change.
President Obama ADMITTED he did not have the Constitutional authority to alter / amend / change existing US Immigration Law
Then it's a good thing Obama did not alter, amend, or change existing US immigration law.

Have you ever even bothered to read Obama's EO?

Didn't think so.

Hint: It's not an EO.
I’m not sure it matters much...this whole thing will turn out to be yet another dog and pony show funded by the best people in this nation. I believe that Liberal piece of shit that lurks inside of Donaldo Trumptinez will ultimately bow at the feet of Chuck, Nancy and the wetbacks of this nation on this issue. For that, I will be the first to tell Trump to go fuck himself.
"At issue is the fate of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which grants deferral from deportation to nearly 700,000 undocumented young adult immigrants."

WHY is the fact that these illegals were dragged as children into the US illegally and have been here for years 'at issue'...WHY does it matter?

1. Sucks to be them. Blame their parents.

2. Living here illegally for decades does not change their illegal status. At any point they could have made an effort to adhere to existing US Immigration law.

3. Obama's own admitted Un-Constitutional act of personally imposing 'DACA' does not change their legal status because DACA is Un-Constitutional / is not LAW.

The USSC is responsible for enforcing / upholding the Constitution / Constitutional Law, NOT to attempt to infuse 'social justice' into the Constitution, NOT reward illegals in this country - illegals whose education / healthcare / etc... legal American citizens were forced to pay for...

'Empathy', what is 'fair' or not, has NOTHING to do with the LIBERAL 'NON-LEGAL' / 'NON-Constitutional' concern for how Illegals will 'FEEL' or what 'hardships' they may face if US Immigration Law was ACTUALLY enforced for a change.
I cannot imagine even a liberal of conscience (if there are any left) ruling against the White House on this.
President Obama ADMITTED he did not have the Constitutional authority to alter / amend / change existing US Immigration Law
Then it's a good thing Obama did not alter, amend, or change existing US immigration law.

Have you ever even bothered to read Obama's EO?

Didn't think so.

Hint: It's not an EO.

Haha...it’s an “executive action”.
And you dumbmotherfuckers who claim to love the constitution and all it stands for love the clever work around...right?
Remember Bush's "signing statements"?

Now there's a guy who altered/amended/changed US law!
"At issue is the fate of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which grants deferral from deportation to nearly 700,000 undocumented young adult immigrants."

WHY is the fact that these illegals were dragged as children into the US illegally and have been here for years 'at issue'...WHY does it matter?

1. Sucks to be them. Blame their parents.

2. Living here illegally for decades does not change their illegal status. At any point they could have made an effort to adhere to existing US Immigration law.

3. Obama's own admitted Un-Constitutional act of personally imposing 'DACA' does not change their legal status because DACA is Un-Constitutional / is not LAW.

The USSC is responsible for enforcing / upholding the Constitution / Constitutional Law, NOT to attempt to infuse 'social justice' into the Constitution, NOT reward illegals in this country - illegals whose education / healthcare / etc... legal American citizens were forced to pay for...

'Empathy', what is 'fair' or not, has NOTHING to do with the LIBERAL 'NON-LEGAL' / 'NON-Constitutional' concern for how Illegals will 'FEEL' or what 'hardships' they may face if US Immigration Law was ACTUALLY enforced for a change.
I cannot imagine even a liberal of conscience (if there are any left) ruling against the White House on this.

Do not be surprised if Gorsuch does and maybe even Kav
Here's the memorandum: https://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets...on-individuals-who-came-to-us-as-children.pdf

By the way. Even though Trump has allegedly repealed that memo, he still is exercising prosecutorial discretion for the Dreamers. He still isn't deporting them, even though DACA provided all the information he needs to do so. They had to provide their names, addresses, places of employment, etc. It would be like shooting fish in a barrel if Trump really wanted to deport them.

But he hasn't.

So even though DACA is repealed, Trump is still honoring it.
In all honesty... EO's have been rising for one very good reason - the legislative branch is basically defunct.
All they do is suck in and gorge on U.S. taxpayer funds while not doing anything else but investigate each other and get on camera to blame each other for whatever.
For anything to get done...at all... the President is the only one who can anymore.
President Obama ADMITTED he did not have the Constitutional authority to alter / amend / change existing US Immigration Law
Then it's a good thing Obama did not alter, amend, or change existing US immigration law.

Have you ever even bothered to read Obama's EO?

Didn't think so.

Hint: It's not an EO.

Haha...it’s an “executive action”.
And you dumbmotherfuckers who claim to love the constitution and all it stands for love the clever work around...right?


How many times have we heard since trump took office no legislation through executive order. So if that's so, then how is it the SCOTUS would say it's constitutional. That sets all kinds of precedence I don't think anyone actually is thinking about. That makes an EO legislation. The mere fact that a judge undermined the cancellation of the EO is of grave concern.



In all honesty... EO's have been rising for one very good reason - the legislative branch is basically defunct.
All they do is suck in and gorge on U.S. taxpayer funds while not doing anything else but investigate each other and get on camera to blame each other for whatever.
For anything to get done...at all... the President is the only one who can anymore.
It's NOT an EO. (G5000 already gave you the "hint.")
Trump's already signed 133 Executive Orders.

That's 25 more than Obama issued in the same period.

"It's Okay When Trump Does It!"

Executive Orders

EO’s are actually encouraged IF they clearly benefit GOOD, REAL AMERICANS.
See, the one the Kenyan wrote was intended to benefit those of foreign nations while fucking our people over.
The fact that you can’t make the distinction is very telling.
Problem for them is …. if Obama did it, it's wrong ….. but wait, Trumpy wants to do it to. It's an intellectual death spiral for them.
Except the DEMOCRATS are the ones proven to have done it, the Democrats are accusing Trump of doing it, yet they have zero evidence to present because it never happened.
Hint: "Prosecutorial discretion".
Problem for them is …. if Obama did it, it's wrong ….. but wait, Trumpy wants to do it to. It's an intellectual death spiral for them.
Trump is doing the exact same thing Obama did. He is not prosecuting Dreamers.

I wonder why the tard herd isn't whining about that.

Hmmm ....
Problem for them is …. if Obama did it, it's wrong ….. but wait, Trumpy wants to do it to. It's an intellectual death spiral for them.
Except the DEMOCRATS are the ones proven to have done it, the Democrats are accusing Trump of doing it, yet they have zero evidence to present because it never happened.
Trump has been exercising, and is still exercising, prosecutorial discretion with the Dreamers.

EXACTLY like Obama did.

How is it possible you are completely ignorant of this???

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