Supreme Court shoots itself in the foot.

Bart O'kavenaugh needs to be removed for cause. He lied under oath during his confirmation hearings.

Either Goresuch or Coney-Barret are illegitimate by the republican's own reasoning so one or the other has to go.

The non-decision. They refused to act on a law that any idiot who can see lightning and hear thunder knows is unconstitutional.
As you know, Roe v Wade was never an issue for the Supreme Court. Abortion is, without question, a states rights issue. Hopefully, we'll return soon to our Constitution guiding our country and not whatever feels warm and fuzzy.
If you have a point to make, make it.
I made my point when I said dodge dodge dodge thanks for playing. You took issue by pointing out a statement you made that wasn’t the one I was responding to. We both know that. My new point is grow up and do better
What you really mean is you're against Biden getting the court back to an equaliberum after trump stacked it with republicans.
You said nothing when that was happening yet you bellow about being fair.
I'm against anyone, of any party, making appointments to the Supreme Court who has dementia. The poor guy can hardly read his teleprompter and is getting worse rapidly.
The Court has also handed the Dems a victory in 2022 and 2024

Dems will run on “Republicans are going to end Roe v Wade”
While they have always threatened it, now it is a reality.

Dems will get out the vote
Agreed. Republican men are still living in the past. Dems are sure to pick a good chunk of the women's vote.
If a person is found to be talking about having had an abortion past the 6 week mark, they can be sued.

If a person is found to be advising a person how to or where to go to have an abortion past the 6 week mark, they can be sued.

If a person gives another person a ride in a car to go get an abortion past the 6 week mark, they can be sued.

If a person gives a person the money to pay for an abortion past the 6 week mark, they can be sued.

It violates the 4th amendment right to privacy with our body. The government can't tell us what we can or can't do with our body against our will.

It violates the 4th amendment of privacy with our papers and property.

It violates the 14 amendment of equal justice under the law since the law states that the person who is sued for an abortion and loses the case, has to pay the court costs of the person or entity that sued them but if the person who is sued for an abortion wins that case, the person who sued them doesn't have to pay the court costs of the person they sued.

Only one party can recover their court costs if they win.

That is not equal protection under the law.
And the dodge that because private citizens are threatening lawsuits is meritless, there is sufficient 4th Amendment case law holding that because private citizens are acting at the behest of the state, they are in fact agents of the state, whose actions are just as un-Constitutional.

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