Supreme Court shoots itself in the foot.

The right to privacy and substantive due process pursuant to the 14th Amendment concern civil law, not criminal.

That’s why ridiculous statements about abortion being ‘murder’ are wrong – murder is the sole purview of criminal law.

You really are freaking nuts, due process applies to both civil and criminal law and you can call abortion "wrongful death if it makes you feel better.

I'm against anyone, of any party, making appointments to the Supreme Court who has dementia. The poor guy can hardly read his teleprompter and is getting worse rapidly.

That's irrelevant but you could hardly say trump was of sound mind.
You know quite well why he is doing it but won't accept it.. Trump deliberately
stacked it anticipating a challenge after the election and you know it know it.
That aside, the president is guided as to what person is suitable, not his personal preference.

So forget your dementia rubbish. you simply hate democrats.
Wrong. I screamed bloody murder when it happened. Minimum two of tRump's picks are illegitimate. Bart O'kavenaugh lied under oath and either Goresuch or Coney-Barret are illegitimate by the republican's own reasoning.

But Republicans lie, cheat, and steal. President Joe would appoint 3 judges and even out the court. The next republican president will appoint 597 bought and paid for conservitards because they have no scruples or honesty in them.

Why are they illegitimate and where's this evidence kavanagh lied.
Give me some facts.
You truly are stupid. Filling vacancies is not packing the court. Yes YOU should stop with the drama and outright lying.
Holy cow. I see an outta the park post once in a while, but your post is the third one I've seen today. Good job. Thanks for giving the goal post moving, truth-is-optional Democrats a taste of the fury they deserve for gross malpractice of administering the Constitution of the United States of America particularly in the House of misrepresentation, specifically the Speaker's chair that has orchestrated one divisive gangbang afyer another of the American voters shamelessly and with malice. :cranky:
Our voting system has never been checked and scrutinized as much as it is now. It is safer and more secure than it has ever been. Kudos to those good people who dedicate their time to running such an incredible process! God bless America!!
The demleftists destroyed the integrity of our voting system in 2000 with their made up hanging,pregnant and dimpled chads all because they sold climate change to the hysterical lemmings such as yourself. If Algore didn’t win the planet was going to Frye by the year 2010. You morons were a joke then and your a joke now with your racism, masks and income inequality.
I didn’t say what he did was illegal I said the Dems have a legitimate gripe. McConnel set a precedent that would only allow a SCOTUS nominee to pass if the POTUS and Senate are controlled by the same party. I do not believe that hyper partisan method is how the system was intended to work so changes to the system are very warranted.
No, you’re completely wrong. All a President has to do to get a nominee past a Senate controlled by the opposition is to nominate someone acceptable to both parties. Before liberals started trying to load the court, that was a common occurrence.
The problem is we have three Supreme Court justices appointed to the Court by a president who became president contrary to the will of the majority of the people – and those appointments were made contrary to the will of the majority of the people.
The court has determined abortion is a Constitutional right for the last 50 years.

Looks like the new illegitimate court has bent to the will of a few cry babies.
Any precedent can be overturned. There was a time that both slavery and segregation were considered constitutional rights. Both were supported by democratically dominated supreme courts.
Why are they illegitimate and where's this evidence kavanagh lied.
Give me some facts.

"NBC’s reporting was in direct contradiction to Kavanaugh’s testimony, in which he angrily denied the multiple allegations of sexual misconduct brought against him and said he learned of Ramirez’s claim through the original New Yorker story:

SEN. ORRIN HATCH (R-UT): When did you first hear of Ms. Ramirez’s allegations against you?

KAVANAUGH: … In the New Yorker.

HATCH: Did the ranking member [Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)] or any of her colleagues or any of their staffs ask you about Ms. Ramirez’s allegations before they were leaked to the press?


However, two friends of Kavanaugh’s — Kerry Berchem and Karen Yarasavage — were in contact with the Supreme Court nominee and his team, according to text messages obtained by NBC:

In a series of texts before the publication of the New Yorker story, Yarasavage wrote that she had been in contact with “Brett’s guy,” and also with “Brett,” who wanted her to go on the record to refute Ramirez. According to Berchem, Yarasavage also told her friend that she turned over a copy of the wedding party photo to Kavanaugh, writing in a text: “I had to send it to Brett’s team too.”

Lied under oath.

Completely disqualified for any judge's appointment, much less than he supreme court.

"NBC’s reporting was in direct contradiction to Kavanaugh’s testimony, in which he angrily denied the multiple allegations of sexual misconduct brought against him and said he learned of Ramirez’s claim through the original New Yorker story:

SEN. ORRIN HATCH (R-UT): When did you first hear of Ms. Ramirez’s allegations against you?

KAVANAUGH: … In the New Yorker.

HATCH: Did the ranking member [Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)] or any of her colleagues or any of their staffs ask you about Ms. Ramirez’s allegations before they were leaked to the press?


However, two friends of Kavanaugh’s — Kerry Berchem and Karen Yarasavage — were in contact with the Supreme Court nominee and his team, according to text messages obtained by NBC:

In a series of texts before the publication of the New Yorker story, Yarasavage wrote that she had been in contact with “Brett’s guy,” and also with “Brett,” who wanted her to go on the record to refute Ramirez. According to Berchem, Yarasavage also told her friend that she turned over a copy of the wedding party photo to Kavanaugh, writing in a text: “I had to send it to Brett’s team too.”

Lied under oath.

Completely disqualified for any judge's appointment, much less than he supreme court.
That doesn’t say a single word about kavanaugh being contacted by Feinstein or her staffers. He answered the question, if Feinstein had any evidence that he had been contacted by her staff before the leak she would have gleefully produced it. The fact she didn’t refutes your allegations completely.

"NBC’s reporting was in direct contradiction to Kavanaugh’s testimony, in which he angrily denied the multiple allegations of sexual misconduct brought against him and said he learned of Ramirez’s claim through the original New Yorker story:

SEN. ORRIN HATCH (R-UT): When did you first hear of Ms. Ramirez’s allegations against you?

KAVANAUGH: … In the New Yorker.

HATCH: Did the ranking member [Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)] or any of her colleagues or any of their staffs ask you about Ms. Ramirez’s allegations before they were leaked to the press?


However, two friends of Kavanaugh’s — Kerry Berchem and Karen Yarasavage — were in contact with the Supreme Court nominee and his team, according to text messages obtained by NBC:

In a series of texts before the publication of the New Yorker story, Yarasavage wrote that she had been in contact with “Brett’s guy,” and also with “Brett,” who wanted her to go on the record to refute Ramirez. According to Berchem, Yarasavage also told her friend that she turned over a copy of the wedding party photo to Kavanaugh, writing in a text: “I had to send it to Brett’s team too.”

Lied under oath.

Completely disqualified for any judge's appointment, much less than he supreme court.

If he was not found guilty, which he wasn't, he cannot be charged with lying under oath, as you wish.
Believe what you want but that is the law.
You truly are stupid. Filling vacancies is not packing the court. Yes YOU should stop with the drama and outright lying.

I know who is the stupid one.
His figures are accurate and if you believe it wasn't stacked with Republicans, you're as guilty as trump.

McConnell’s refusal to confirm President Obama’s appointment ran contrary to the will of the people; an act by a Senate not reflecting the will of the people, a Senate whose composition was determined by a non-democratic process.
His refusal to give a vote to a nominee did; the Senate is under no obligation to approve a nominee; but one would hope that they would recognize their obligation to at least consider the nominees. If not...there is nothing preventing the Senate from never appointing approving another judge...
Leave it at 9. Stop exploiting what isn't said in the Constitution for political gain. That is what republicans do (far better than the Democrats).

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