Supreme Court shoots itself in the foot.

SO you admit you’re stupid too. It’s a start. Filling vacancies and having them voted on is not court packing dumbfuck.

I don't doubt the vacancies were filled but not by judges of equivalent persuasion.
You know he stacked it with republicans . Why are you denying and defending it.
If Biden had done that, you would be screaming about it.
I hope bidrn stacks it with democrats then see how silent you are.
The process by which Supreme Court justices are appointed is fundamentally non-democratic – both the president and Senate reflect the will of the states, not the majority of the people.

At times the president and Senate might reflect the will of the majority of the people, but not as a consequence of the democratic process.

In theory this shouldn’t be an issue as justices should rule consistent with settled, accepted Constitutional case law – such as the right to privacy.

When the justices both deviate from that settled, accepted case law – as have five conservative justices in the Texas case – and act contrary to the will of the majority of the people, it becomes a legitimate issue.
Again, the will of your supposed “majority” means jack and shit. The court rules on the constitutionality of the law in question. Every person in the country can want the same outcome, but if it’s unconstitutional you aren’t going to get what you want. Period.
Something is indeed wrong, and it’s not just the Supreme Court; no, the United States is not a democracy, but it was also not meant to be anti-democratic.
It's a flawed democracy. Its antediluvian - in political terms - founding documents will keep it as such.
I don't doubt the vacancies were filled but not by judges of equivalent persuasion.
You know he stacked it with republicans . Why are you denying and defending it.
If Biden had done that, you would be screaming about it.
I hope bidrn stacks it with democrats then see how silent you are.
Gee dummy, Trump picked people who think like the person they are replacing. With the exception of Ginsberg. He even selected a woman to replace Ginsberg. You had no problem with Obozo replacing Scalia with a totally unqualified Dim hack so STFU. Again, filling vacancies is not court packing no matter how much you howl at the moon about it.
The court has determined abortion is a Constitutional right for the last 50 years.

Looks like the new illegitimate court has bent to the will of a few cry babies.
No, a liberal court made that up out of thin air. Show the class in the Constitution where abortion is a guaranteed right. We’ll wait......

"NBC’s reporting was in direct contradiction to Kavanaugh’s testimony, in which he angrily denied the multiple allegations of sexual misconduct brought against him and said he learned of Ramirez’s claim through the original New Yorker story:

SEN. ORRIN HATCH (R-UT): When did you first hear of Ms. Ramirez’s allegations against you?

KAVANAUGH: … In the New Yorker.

HATCH: Did the ranking member [Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)] or any of her colleagues or any of their staffs ask you about Ms. Ramirez’s allegations before they were leaked to the press?


However, two friends of Kavanaugh’s — Kerry Berchem and Karen Yarasavage — were in contact with the Supreme Court nominee and his team, according to text messages obtained by NBC:

In a series of texts before the publication of the New Yorker story, Yarasavage wrote that she had been in contact with “Brett’s guy,” and also with “Brett,” who wanted her to go on the record to refute Ramirez. According to Berchem, Yarasavage also told her friend that she turned over a copy of the wedding party photo to Kavanaugh, writing in a text: “I had to send it to Brett’s team too.”

Lied under oath.

Completely disqualified for any judge's appointment, much less than he supreme court.
VOX? Damn boy, you better find some legitimate sources if you’re going to spew this much bullshit. So you have no proof, just a bunch of claims.
The Constitution does not limit the number of judges. It actually grants the power to establish the number of judges to Congress. So Congressional legislation to pack the court would be completely within the bounds of the Constitution.

But it won't happen.
Don’t count on it
Thanks for explaining that…

Sued? That’s strange. If it’s a law then why not arrested?

I’m not super familiar with current law… if a pregnant woman has a baby that is viable, meaning could be born and survive outside of the womb, is it still legal for a woman to abort? Say at like 9 months??

The law doesn't let the government impose any consequences.

The law directs private people to sue someone they believe the person has violated the law.

It's not legal to abort a fetus at 9 months.

In Texas right now a woman can have an abortion up to the 6th week.

Roe V. Wade makes it legal for a woman to have an abortion up until the 24th week.

Roe V. Wade makes it illegal to have an abortion once the fetus is viable. Which is around the 24th week.

There are exceptions for the life of the woman or there is a very serious problem with the fetus. Such as what happened to the sister in law of my best friend. The fetus didn't have a brain.

Or what happened to my cousin's wife. The cord got wrapped around the neck of the fetus and strangled it. So my cousin's wife had to have the late term abortion to save her own life. Leaving it inside her to spontaneously abort is cruel and would have caused infection that could have killed her or left her infertile.

If the fetus is healthy with no threat to a woman's life it's illegal to perform an abortion after the 24th week and no doctor is going to risk his license by illegally performing them.
I don't doubt the vacancies were filled but not by judges of equivalent persuasion.
You know he stacked it with republicans . Why are you denying and defending it.
If Biden had done that, you would be screaming about it.
I hope bidrn stacks it with democrats then see how silent you are.
Where is it written that vacancy must or should be filled by someone of the same political views?

It seems to have worked quite well all these years. Both sides seem to complain about the same amount. The philosophy of the court seems to wander back and forth as well. It leaned liberal for a while, failed former President Obama tried to make that bent last a lot longer, he failed. Now we have a slight slant toward supporting our Constitution.

We can only pray that happens.
Gee dummy, Trump picked people who think like the person they are replacing. With the exception of Ginsberg. He even selected a woman to replace Ginsberg. You had no problem with Obozo replacing Scalia with a totally unqualified Dim hack so STFU. Again, filling vacancies is not court packing no matter how much you howl at the moon about it.

You're the dummy if you think I'm gonna believe that cock and bull story.
If it was true, how comes the obvious imbalance is there now.

He selected them firstly on their political persuasions and secondly , he thought they would be sympathetic to him because he selected them.
They threw him out anyway. Well done.
You're the dummy if you think I'm gonna believe that cock and bull story.
If it was true, how comes the obvious imbalance is there now.
If there is an imbalance now, were you just as concerned with the imbalance before President Trump took office?
If there is an imbalance now, were you just as concerned with the imbalance before President Trump took office?
In my opinion judges should be screened for their politics before any other criteria.
There should be 8 judges, 4 of each. Tied votes can be solved with negotiation according to what the law states. Not personal opinion.
It is disgraceful that any president elected them according to his politics.
That cannot possibly be fair undrr no circumstances.
Politics cannot be eliminated because of the extreme partisanship of it here and judges are no different.
So, if trump stacked it in his favour, Biden is entitled to do the same. Stop squeeling
because the boot is now on the other foot.
Where is it written that vacancy must or should be filled by someone of the same political views?

It seems to have worked quite well all these years. Both sides seem to complain about the same amount. The philosophy of the court seems to wander back and forth as well. It leaned liberal for a while, failed former President Obama tried to make that bent last a lot longer, he failed. Now we have a slight slant toward supporting our Constitution.

We can only pray that happens.

The court never varied away from the constitution because Obama was there. That is a lie. You fabricated that to shore up your the ignorant opinion Obama was ignoring the constitution. Its simply not true.

You can pray until the sun rises in the West and it will have no effect whatsoever. Its even absurd to think prayers will help they have never performed in the history of the world.
Get a more reliable source if assistance.
Democrats say Republicans don't have a leg to stand on, so how the hell can they shoot themselves in the foot?

They don't have a leg to stand on. They are bleating foul play when they openly participated in it under trump. Its normally called hypocrisy and that is their bread and butter.
That doesn’t say a single word about kavanaugh being contacted by Feinstein or her staffers. He answered the question, if Feinstein had any evidence that he had been contacted by her staff before the leak she would have gleefully produced it. The fact she didn’t refutes your allegations completely.
Lol, you didn't read it.

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