Supreme Court shoots itself in the foot.


True rightwing ignorance and idiocy – the Court is supposed to be not partisan at all.

I understand that numb nuts. We all know it’s due to the 4 leftists voting in lock step. Now we have 5 jurists that have shown they can vote differently.

McConnell’s refusal to confirm President Obama’s appointment ran contrary to the will of the people; an act by a Senate not reflecting the will of the people, a Senate whose composition was determined by a non-democratic process.

What kind of drugs are you on? The people gave the senate a republican majority in a very democratic process.

The republicans already packed the courts.

Adding to the court isn't packing it.

Packing it is filling it with only republicans or only democrats.

Right now it's packed with republicans. And the republicans violated their duty according to the constitution to get it packed as badly as it is.

there are 6 republicans and 3 democrats on the Supreme Court.

If adding to the court is packing it then all the presidents who added seats to the Supreme Court packed the court and the court we now have is a packed court.

In fact, adding seats to the court will unpack the court that the republicans packed.

Please, stop with the drama and exaggerations.
You're trying to change definitions, packing the court has always been seen as adding seats to achieve a desired objective. Filling empty seats with candidates acceptable to the sitting president and senate has always been acceptable.
I agreed that we need ed to expand the court by 2 to provide balance. One for the justice that Obama should have been allowed to fill and the one to replace Ginsburg since Republicans lied. However two decisions tell me that we need to remove power from the far right wing fascists that inhabit the court now. One was the decisio0n on voting rights and the other on the Texas abortion law. Both were extreme positions. In addition their decisions on immigration law show a clear bias. They allowed Trump to do whatever he wanted on immigration but they are not treating Biden the same way. Clearly they treat Presidents with a R in front of their name differently than one with a D in front of them..
Democrats just have to cheat, cheat, cheat, cheat, cheat, cheat, cheat don't they.
The republicans already packed the courts.

Adding to the court isn't packing it.

Packing it is filling it with only republicans or only democrats.

Right now it's packed with republicans. And the republicans violated their duty according to the constitution to get it packed as badly as it is.

there are 6 republicans and 3 democrats on the Supreme Court.

If adding to the court is packing it then all the presidents who added seats to the Supreme Court packed the court and the court we now have is a packed court.

In fact, adding seats to the court will unpack the court that the republicans packed.

Please, stop with the drama and exaggerations.

So why wasn't the decision 6-3, which proves your propaganda is just butt hurt bullshit.

The supreme court has just handed out a ton of free ammunition, both for expansion of the court and limiting of it's "shadow docket".

Personally I was firmly against expanding the court. I see that leading to a never ending battle and a court with dozens of possibly even hundreds of justices that can't decide on anything. However this latest shenanigan has pushed me in the other direction. I'm still against it, but I see no alternative to it unless we want to let the current appointees, some of them blatantly illegal BTW, ignore and or circumvent the constitution and pervert our great nation into something it was never meant to be.

The supreme court has just handed out a ton of free ammunition, both for expansion of the court and limiting of it's "shadow docket".

Personally I was firmly against expanding the court. I see that leading to a never ending battle and a court with dozens of possibly even hundreds of justices that can't decide on anything. However this latest shenanigan has pushed me in the other direction. I'm still against it, but I see no alternative to it unless we want to let the current appointees, some of them blatantly illegal BTW, ignore and or circumvent the constitution and pervert our great nation into something it was never meant to be.

Oh please stop with the partisan b******* your definition of illegal is anyone who's not Democrat. The three most recent judges are not Trump appointees by the way they are Harry Reid appointees....don't ever forget that.

You didn't know? There are going to be some community abortion slaughterhouses burned to the ground in protest of murdering unborn citizens. Doh.
Because of this law? I don't think so.

And burning down an abortion clinic will get you imprisoned for arson. This law does not protect or encourage that kind of behavior.
Oh please stop with the partisan b******* your definition of illegal is anyone who's not Democrat. The three most recent judges are not Trump appointees by the way they are Harry Reid appointees....don't ever forget that.

No, they are Trump appointees. Their appointments were confirmed by the Senate.
The non-decision. They refused to act on a law that any idiot who can see lightning and hear thunder knows is unconstitutional.

It's a civil statute that is enforced by individual citizens. Tell the class, what makes that unconstitutional?

Because of this law? I don't think so.

And burning down an abortion clinic will get you imprisoned for arson. This law does not protect or encourage that kind of behavior.
Doh is for dummies and I gotcha. Doh!

I never saw you upset about all the small businesses Miz. Maxine Water"s little minions burned to the ground.
Double doh.

Nope. Court packing is increasing the number of judges, like FDR tried to do.

Read your own link, Dana.

I didn't put any link in my post.

Just text.

You have me mistaken for someone else. Perhaps the OP.

As for packing the court.

I can agree to disagree with you. I just looked it up in Webster's dictionary.

Packing a court is to put people on a court to swing it in one direction, either left or right. It an be done by adding more seats or just replacing former retiring judges with only one political ideology. Whether democratic or republican.

So yes, if Biden adds to the court, he will fit the definition of packing the court.

But trump also packed our courts too.

It's not just one sided. If trump had not packed the courts then something wouldn't need to be done about such a lopsided court that doesn't reflect the will of the people.
I didn't put any link in my post.

Just text.

You have me mistaken for someone else. Perhaps the OP.
I apologize. You are right. I meant read the OP link.

As for packing the court.

I can agree to disagree with you. I just looked it up in Webster's dictionary.

Packing a court is to put people on a court to swing it in one direction, either left or right. It an be done by adding more seats or just replacing former retiring judges with only one political ideology. Whether democratic or republican.

So yes, if Biden adds to the court, he will fit the definition of packing the court.

But trump also packed our courts too.

It's not just one sided. If trump had not packed the courts then something wouldn't need to be done about such a lopsided court that doesn't reflect the will of the people.
The OP link shows that they are talking about the first definition. Increasing the number of seats. It even mentions AOC wants to pack the court by increasing the number of seats.

That is the context. And it was always the context during the 2020 campaign. Biden was repeatedly pressured by the far left to promise to increase the number of Supreme Court seats if he was elected.
The supreme court has just handed out a ton of free ammunition, both for expansion of the court and limiting of it's "shadow docket".

Personally I was firmly against expanding the court. I see that leading to a never ending battle and a court with dozens of possibly even hundreds of justices that can't decide on anything. However this latest shenanigan has pushed me in the other direction. I'm still against it, but I see no alternative to it unless we want to let the current appointees, some of them blatantly illegal BTW, ignore and or circumvent the constitution and pervert our great nation into something it was never meant to be.

Perversion. It's what conservatives do.
The Supreme Court denied an injunction. They could have placed an injuntion on the law until it came before them for review. They chose not to.

That's what has pro-abortionists' bowels in an uproar.

I have little doubt the Supremes will ultimately strike the Texas law down.
I agree, this will be heard and it will go down in flames. The way the injunction was framed made it difficult to hear.

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