Supreme Court upholds freedom to pray at public meetings


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Washington D.C., May 5, 2014 / 04:38 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- The U.S. Supreme Court on May 5 upheld the practice of voluntary prayer before public meetings by a 5-4 ruling, drawing praise from those who said such prayers are a long American tradition that avoids censoring religion.

This should really anger the atheist Mafia types. And, it apparently includes ALL kinds of prayers so does that mean Jewish and Muslim and other religions?

Read the story @ Supreme Court upholds freedom to pray at public meetings :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Prayer has never been forbidden.

Not anywhere or any time.

Who cares?

The only thing real Americans care about is that religions are not ever allowed to force their dogma inside our schools ad government buildings.

Washington D.C., May 5, 2014 / 04:38 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- The U.S. Supreme Court on May 5 upheld the practice of voluntary prayer before public meetings by a 5-4 ruling, drawing praise from those who said such prayers are a long American tradition that avoids censoring religion.

This should really anger the atheist Mafia types. And, it apparently includes ALL kinds of prayers so does that mean Jewish and Muslim and other religions?

Read the story @ Supreme Court upholds freedom to pray at public meetings :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Up until 1999, the meetings in the town of Greece opened with a moment of silence.
Then began a chaplain of the month. But, there were no guidelines given so they go far beyond the prayer and get into sermon territory AND copped an attitude if you weren't god fearing. One of the women in the Town of Greece v Galloway is Jewish and the other (I think) is an atheist. Now, they had originally requested (repeatedly) for the town to reign this in and were told that they had no control over the content.

The problem is that all the business goes down in these meetings. Therefore, there is a large audience held hostage.

I'm not sure what it is that you find celebratory here. Yay, you can go to a town meeting and act like a jackoff because you don't have the sense to realize that it's not a sermon and there are other people with other faiths or none?

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