Supremes: Hobby Lobby wins

Have to see what the scope of the ruling is

On the surface, it can go well beyond birth control

If my boss is Jehovah's Witness, will the insurance he provides have to cover blood transfusions? If my boss is Southern Baptist and my child needs stem cell therapy, will the insurance he provides be required to cover it?

The Conservatives are crowing about this Hobby Lobby decision. Well, crowing right up until they are forced to realize that the religious knife cuts deeper than contraceptives.
Surely some care bleeding heart fascists will pool their funds and cover abortion pills for these oppressed women. Not need for them to suffer. Lol

Libs losing double. It's a good day.

Liberals are the only ones to lose? So liberals are the only ones who want to exercise birth control through the health insurance they pay for at their workplace. Oh, I didn't know that.
I'd love to read the actual ruling, but it was a no brainer for anyone familiar with the First amendment. The idea that the Federal Government can force people to act contrary to their religious beliefs is absurd.
If you don't like the the insurance your employer provides then buy your own on the Obamacare exchange.

Exactly... It's not that big a deal whereas HL will still pay for most types of contraception to even their own employees. Look for whatever these 4 types of contraception are to be included in Title X...
Have to see what the scope of the ruling is

On the surface, it can go well beyond birth control

If my boss is Jehovah's Witness, will the insurance he provides have to cover blood transfusions? If my boss is Southern Baptist and my child needs stem cell therapy, will the insurance he provides be required to cover it?

The Conservatives are crowing about this Hobby Lobby decision. Well, crowing right up until they are forced to realize that the religious knife cuts deeper than contraceptives.

Because you are wrong. You would be right of ALL forms of contraception was denied. But it doesn't and you aren't.
A national corporate chain doesn't have to pay their employees a decent wage or health benefits.

Great ruling, Supreme Court! You've made morons happy.

It is a great ruling. Only servile government toadies believe otherwise.
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It's worse than that.

Much worse.

Possibly, but I doubt it.

It is.

It has opened the door to religious discrimination.

This was an extremely stupid ruling.

It's nonsense.

So how exactly does preventing the government from religious discrimination open the door for religious discrimination?

Here's a crazy idea: Stop trying to outlaw people's religious behavior and you don't have rulings like this.
Have to see what the scope of the ruling is

On the surface, it can go well beyond birth control

If my boss is Jehovah's Witness, will the insurance he provides have to cover blood transfusions? If my boss is Southern Baptist and my child needs stem cell therapy, will the insurance he provides be required to cover it?

The Conservatives are crowing about this Hobby Lobby decision. Well, crowing right up until they are forced to realize that the religious knife cuts deeper than contraceptives.

They are too shortsighted and myopic to realize anything.
Have to see what the scope of the ruling is

On the surface, it can go well beyond birth control

See but because repubs dont think beyond 1 step they think this will not affect them....just like they thought with Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, TSA agents, Wiretapping etc.

Just tell them its for the terrorist and they will gladly give it away to beat "the libs" :lol:
Awesome. Now we can all die because a corporation can assert that their religion prevents them from covering blood transfusions and life saving procedures. While they laugh their asses off to the bank knowing they lied, got Americans killed, and take in more profits.

This country is heading to third world status fast.

omg.. EPIC meltdown starting.. :badgrin::badgrin:

I know this is hard for you but think about it.

You get cancer, you expect your company's insurance plan to cover it. However, the corporation says it's against their religion to cover any cancer treatments. Well now they have legal precedent to do that. So they save money and you die. How is that okay? I am shocked how so many conservatives are excited about this. Your company now has legal precedent to let you die. Did you even think about that?

Our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves.

Why are you depending on someone else to make your health decisions for you?

Do they make your auto care decisions for you? No. You buy your own auto insurance.

Do they make your home care decisions for you? No. You buy your own home insurance.

So why the ever loving fuck do you let someone else make decisions for you that are far more important, like health care decisions?

You should be getting nothing more than a paycheck from your employer, and you should be deciding for yourself what kind of health insurance you need. What kind of dumb shit willingly gives up power over his own life and turns it over to the GOVERNMENT?


What kind of retard does that?

And then you double down on your retardation and get all mystified and upset when someone manages to capture the government agencies who control your life and proceeds to fuck you over? Really?

The solution should be as obvious as the nose on your idiot face. Take responsibility for your own life. Take it back from the corrupt fucks you handed it over to.
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Awesome. Now we can all die because a corporation can assert that their religion prevents them from covering blood transfusions and life saving procedures. While they laugh their asses off to the bank knowing they lied, got Americans killed, and take in more profits.

This country is heading to third world status fast.

omg.. EPIC meltdown starting.. :badgrin::badgrin:

I know this is hard for you but think about it.

You get cancer, you expect your company's insurance plan to cover it. However, the corporation says it's against their religion to cover any cancer treatments. Well now they have legal precedent to do that. So they save money and you die. How is that okay? I am shocked how so many conservatives are excited about this. Your company now has legal precedent to let you die. Did you even think about that?

Our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves.

Why would "Founding fathers" care?

How much health insurance did they have?

A company's decision to offer employee benefits has nothing, and never has had anything to do with government. If labor doesn't like Hobby Lobby benefits, then don't fucking work for Hobby Lobby!

I'm certain that the "founding fathers" wouldn't have nearly the difficulty grasping the concept of individual responsibility as nanny-state-free-cheese-eating-whiners.

Libs losing double. It's a good day.

Liberals are the only ones to lose? So liberals are the only ones who want to exercise birth control through the health insurance they pay for at their workplace. Oh, I didn't know that.

Correction, it's a win for everyone who believes in paying for what they receive rather than forcing others to pay for it.
Have to see what the scope of the ruling is

On the surface, it can go well beyond birth control

If my boss is Jehovah's Witness, will the insurance he provides have to cover blood transfusions? If my boss is Southern Baptist and my child needs stem cell therapy, will the insurance he provides be required to cover it?

The Conservatives are crowing about this Hobby Lobby decision. Well, crowing right up until they are forced to realize that the religious knife cuts deeper than contraceptives.

They are too shortsighted and myopic to realize anything.

that pretty well describes you and the rest of the left wing toads. Freedom----what a terrible concept:cuckoo:
It's worse than that.

Much worse.

Possibly, but I doubt it.

It is.

It has opened the door to religious discrimination.

This was an extremely stupid ruling.

It's nonsense.

I want you to do me a favor. Take this out of the insurance argument.

Let me ask you this: Lets say that someday a company is founded by a Muslim that becomes, lets say, a nationwide chain of car dealerships. As we know, Muslims have a big problem being subordinate to a woman.

Could a company that is completely privately held by a Muslim family, find religious footing to not promote women?
I'd love to read the actual ruling, but it was a no brainer for anyone familiar with the First amendment. The idea that the Federal Government can force people to act contrary to their religious beliefs is absurd.
People or corporations? Suddenly, through this ruling, we find that corporations have religious rights. Have you ever seen a corporation in your church sanctuary?

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