Supremes: Hobby Lobby wins

Closely held corporations can have a religious viewpoint.
The lawyers are going to love this one. We still have ED drugs, blood transfusions, pregnancy, abortion, mental illness, drugs for mental illness, addiction, and a whole host of other things an employer might find offensive. Here we go kiddos...
wrong again, the right wants freedom for everyone. Opportunity for everyone, Equality for everyone--------------and, personal responsibility for everyone.

What scarres you libs is that real freedom includes both the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail. It scares you because deep down inside you know that if the scales are balanced you will always lose, so you need a nanny govt to wipe your sorry ass.

Are you for same sex marriage? You pro choice? How about shorter sentences for non violent crimes? Legalizing marijuana? Or any drug for that matter?

not sure what that has to do with this thread---but






It has to do with your claim you are for freedom. I am yes on all of them. Who is really for freedom here?

Of course it could.

This is why this decision is so shockingly bad.

Would anyone be forced to do business with that muslim company? Could it survive with no customers? The free market works, if you don't like Hobby Lobby stay out of their stores.

No, if you're a woman working for the company, does the company NOW have the cause based on their religion to NOT promote you since their faith is very patriarchal?

You're pretty good at asking for answers.

Answering simple questions: Not so much;

I'll ask again:

Why would a woman, knowing she may not receive a promotion because she is a woman, choose to work for your hypothetical Muslim Company?
I'd love to read the actual ruling, but it was a no brainer for anyone familiar with the First amendment. The idea that the Federal Government can force people to act contrary to their religious beliefs is absurd.
People or corporations? Suddenly, through this ruling, we find that corporations have religious rights. Have you ever seen a corporation in your church sanctuary?

The ruling applies only to closely held corporations. Not all corporations. If Hobby Lobby ever put out an IPO, this ruling would no longer apply to them.
Well that's a start...
It is.

It has opened the door to religious discrimination.

This was an extremely stupid ruling.

It's nonsense.

I want you to do me a favor. Take this out of the insurance argument.

Let me ask you this: Lets say that someday a company is founded by a Muslim that becomes, lets say, a nationwide chain of car dealerships. As we know, Muslims have a big problem being subordinate to a woman.

Could a company that is completely privately held by a Muslim family, find religious footing to not promote women?


Now you can answer a question.

Why would a woman, knowing she may not receive a promotion because she is a woman, choose to work for your hypothetical Muslim Company?

If a company doesn't offer adequate wages and benifits then people will not work for the company and the company will fail. Isn't the freemarket wonderful?

Of course it could.

This is why this decision is so shockingly bad.

Would anyone be forced to do business with that muslim company? Could it survive with no customers? The free market works, if you don't like Hobby Lobby stay out of their stores.

No, if you're a woman working for the company, does the company NOW have the cause based on their religion to NOT promote you since their faith is very patriarchal?

Oh, for sure. Gee, never thought of that. Oh my oh my.......let's all wring our hands and worry about that because we care.....we really care.....
People or corporations? Suddenly, through this ruling, we find that corporations have religious rights. Have you ever seen a corporation in your church sanctuary?

Family owned businesses, not Corporations.
Again I ask, if you are employed by a Jehovah Witness, is he required to provide an insurance policy covering blood transfusions? If you are employed by a Southern Baptist, and your child needs stem cell therapy, does the insurance he provides adequate, or can he deny your child life saving medical attention due to his 'religious' beliefs?

Do all your strutting now. Some day, and that day is coming, this tragic decision will kill someone in your own family and call that death regrettable but 'religious'. Ironic, ain't it?

This ruling does not pertain to any of those things. It might if the ruling were that a company may not provide any form of birth control. It didn't so you are wrong. Right now, today, and before this ruling came down, insurance companies limited coverage. Your doctor prescribes Lipitor. Your insurance coverage does not cover brand medications only generic. (Many insurance companies have this rule) Your doctor can prescribe generic equivalent. If there is none you have to pay for it yourself. Or you can apply for a waiver claiming that there is no generic equivalent. Why have you not protested this before?

This has absolutely nothing to do with lifesaving treatment.
Every citizen has the right to have every medical treatment covered by the taxpayers...they are owed ! Lol
Awesome. Now we can all die because a corporation can assert that their religion prevents them from covering blood transfusions and life saving procedures. While they laugh their asses off to the bank knowing they lied, got Americans killed, and take in more profits.

This country is heading to third world status fast.


Sharia Law is based on religious beliefs and doctrines. If the Court has held that religious 'laws' can be exempted from having to adhere to other protected rights in the Constitution,

then Sharia law becomes superior to the Constitution.

Where is your constitutional right to free birth control paid by your employer?

when the government stated the government can mandate you to have to buy insurance in some fashion. In which that Healthcare must cover everything and you can't be denied.
Maybe when Republicans win, we can amend ObamaCare so that you have to start the day by exercising and praying?
I want you to do me a favor. Take this out of the insurance argument.

Let me ask you this: Lets say that someday a company is founded by a Muslim that becomes, lets say, a nationwide chain of car dealerships. As we know, Muslims have a big problem being subordinate to a woman.

Could a company that is completely privately held by a Muslim family, find religious footing to not promote women?


Now you can answer a question.

Why would a woman, knowing she may not receive a promotion because she is a woman, choose to work for your hypothetical Muslim Company?

If a company doesn't offer adequate wages and benifits then people will not work for the company and the company will fail. Isn't the freemarket wonderful?

If that was true, Walmart would fail.
People or corporations? Suddenly, through this ruling, we find that corporations have religious rights. Have you ever seen a corporation in your church sanctuary?

The ruling applies only to closely held corporations. Not all corporations. If Hobby Lobby ever put out an IPO, this ruling would no longer apply to them.

And that's not going to last.

Narrow decisions like this are bad decisions.

Awww, poor sallow-----------the supremes ruled against him. :lol::lol:

better get ready, liberalism is losing. The people are waking up. You had your chance and obozo killed it. :D

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