Supremes: Hobby Lobby wins

I agree, although I say that with the caveat that I haven't read the decision in its entirety.

On the other hand, conservatives should be thrilled that it's a small win, in principle,

for Sharia Law


Sharia Law is based on religious beliefs and doctrines. If the Court has held that religious 'laws' can be exempted from having to adhere to other protected rights in the Constitution,

then Sharia law becomes superior to the Constitution.

What ruling are you talking about? We are talking about todays ruling. Contraception is not a protected right.
I don't think corporations should have to cover plan b, but I wish they would be honest on what it is.

No insurance company or corporations have to cover Plan B. Just like they don't have to cover Vitamin C, or Aleve. They don't cover anything sold over the counter.
It is.

It has opened the door to religious discrimination.

This was an extremely stupid ruling.

It's nonsense.

I want you to do me a favor. Take this out of the insurance argument.

Let me ask you this: Lets say that someday a company is founded by a Muslim that becomes, lets say, a nationwide chain of car dealerships. As we know, Muslims have a big problem being subordinate to a woman.

Could a company that is completely privately held by a Muslim family, find religious footing to not promote women?


Now you can answer a question.

Why would a woman, knowing she may not receive a promotion because she is a woman, choose to work for your hypothetical Muslim Company?

Companies get sold all the time; should I have to give up my career if my new employers are Muslim? How would I be able to find out if they are Muslim? I don't know the faith of my current company's owners.... In fact, with the exception of my first job, I haven't known the religious faith of any of my employers.

Partnerships have buy-outs all the time too. What if your family-held-business decides they want to convert to Islam; should I have to quit because of their religious beliefs getting in the way of my career?

I'm really not trying to play "gotcha"; I was curious if this opens the door to the Muslim family to employ this argument for not promoting women.

Can you answer it?
Would anyone be forced to do business with that muslim company? Could it survive with no customers? The free market works, if you don't like Hobby Lobby stay out of their stores.

No, if you're a woman working for the company, does the company NOW have the cause based on their religion to NOT promote you since their faith is very patriarchal?

You're pretty good at asking for answers.

Answering simple questions: Not so much;

I'll ask again:

Why would a woman, knowing she may not receive a promotion because she is a woman, choose to work for your hypothetical Muslim Company?
ill answer, because sometimes that's all they can get at the moment.

Someone on facebook said this was only
" It's fact-specific and applies to BC only."
, but i disagree, people will still try because now they have a foothold to go off of.

Can of worms has been opened, and i for one can't wait for a Muslim centric company to go to court over things like this. So i can watch these same people applauding this loose their heads because of sharia law.
Have to see what the scope of the ruling is

On the surface, it can go well beyond birth control

If my boss is Jehovah's Witness, will the insurance he provides have to cover blood transfusions? If my boss is Southern Baptist and my child needs stem cell therapy, will the insurance he provides be required to cover it?

The Conservatives are crowing about this Hobby Lobby decision. Well, crowing right up until they are forced to realize that the religious knife cuts deeper than contraceptives.

Before this ruling there are people with cancer that purchased obamacare that cannot find a dr to get needed treatment. There are also obamacare policies that are now refusing to cover ms medications because of their cost. Not being able to get abortion drugs is not such a BIG deal to many with much bigger problems.
Where is your outrage when it comes to what is already being done to those that are in need of cancer or ms treatment??
I smell Faux outrage using a what if instead of what already is :cuckoo::cuckoo:
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Now you can answer a question.

Why would a woman, knowing she may not receive a promotion because she is a woman, choose to work for your hypothetical Muslim Company?

If a company doesn't offer adequate wages and benifits then people will not work for the company and the company will fail. Isn't the freemarket wonderful?

If that was true, Walmart would fail.

your premise is flawed. Walmart does offer adequate wages and good benefits. Most walmart employees are shareholders.
That's a profoundly terrible ruling.

No, the terrible ruling was the one that said the federal government could fine us for NOT buying a product.

Well no. And the government does that all the time.

This is an extremely bad ruling because now it opens the floodgates for religious discrimination.

This is just as bad as the "Citizen's United" decision.

Conservatives have shown what they want is a Theocracy with this decision and a government that is ruled by the very rich.. :mad:

So you're twice butthurt now! Loser.

Now you can answer a question.

Why would a woman, knowing she may not receive a promotion because she is a woman, choose to work for your hypothetical Muslim Company?

If a company doesn't offer adequate wages and benifits then people will not work for the company and the company will fail. Isn't the freemarket wonderful?

If that was true, Walmart would fail.

Walmart does offer adequate wages and benifits to their employees. That is why there is no shortage of applicants when a new walmart opens.
Awesome. Now we can all die because a corporation can assert that their religion prevents them from covering blood transfusions and life saving procedures. While they laugh their asses off to the bank knowing they lied, got Americans killed, and take in more profits.

This country is heading to third world status fast.


He's absolutely right.
Sharia Law is based on religious beliefs and doctrines. If the Court has held that religious 'laws' can be exempted from having to adhere to other protected rights in the Constitution,

then Sharia law becomes superior to the Constitution.

Where is the "protected right" of free contraception and morning after pills being provided by corporations in the US Constitution?

The protected right is equal treatment under the law.

Which has nothing to do with contraception.
If a company doesn't offer adequate wages and benifits then people will not work for the company and the company will fail. Isn't the freemarket wonderful?

If that was true, Walmart would fail.

your premise is flawed. Walmart does offer adequate wages and good benefits. Most walmart employees are shareholders.

Then why do so many need state insurance and food stamps?
that pretty well describes you and the rest of the left wing toads. Freedom----what a terrible concept:cuckoo:

The right only wants freedom for themselves, no one else.

Well, you can your ilk can sell yourselves into slavery, for all I care. However, I object if you want to take me with you.

What "freedom" is being denied to you?

The freedom to get the health procedures I want through the health insurance that I pay for.
Awesome. Now we can all die because a corporation can assert that their religion prevents them from covering blood transfusions and life saving procedures. While they laugh their asses off to the bank knowing they lied, got Americans killed, and take in more profits.

This country is heading to third world status fast.


He's absolutely right.

Wrong. He's a numskull and a quack, just like you. As if not having government mandated birth control will turn any country into a "third world nation."

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