Supremes Rule In Favor Of Baker

Ya know, Bubba....I hate to break it to you, but it is only you and the dwindling numbers of bigots and homophobes who are still ruminating about why people are gay. The courts have not concerned themselves with the issue and have long held that it is an immutable characteristic . You might also want to study up on the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity as well as the well documented, underlying biological factors that have been identified in relation to both sexual orientation and gender identity. I'm sure that you won't though. You are to afraid that you might learn something that challenges your ridiculous beliefs.

What sexual orientations are covered under the US Constitution and which aren't? Please give a detailed list. Thanks. Also are there any other orientated behaviors that are covered there? Would compulsive handwashers have protections for their behaviors that others must accommodate via PA laws? And so on. Please give a detailed answer that the Courts can understand.
Right. Period.

The color of the participants is not a choice. You kind of missed that point.
You kind of presume nonsense then. Glad to see you still sporting that gun control advocate avatar though ;)

Not at all. That would be you.
Sorry you've fallen and can't regain coherence.

I'm the one still standing goofball.
My condolences, if that's your real name.
The color of the participants is not a choice. You kind of missed that point.
You kind of presume nonsense then. Glad to see you still sporting that gun control advocate avatar though ;)

Not at all. That would be you.
Sorry you've fallen and can't regain coherence.

I'm the one still standing goofball.
My condolences, if that's your real name.

I see you've failed to examine the difference between a skin tone and a sex act.

Why am I not surprised?
You kind of presume nonsense then. Glad to see you still sporting that gun control advocate avatar though ;)

Not at all. That would be you.
Sorry you've fallen and can't regain coherence.

I'm the one still standing goofball.
My condolences, if that's your real name.

I see you've failed to examine the difference between a skin tone and a sex act.

Why am I not surprised?
I see you providing zero evidence to back your accumulating smear.

Why am I not surprised?
Well for starters, homosexuals cannot have families.
That is complete horseshit ! Thay can and do have families . I doubt that you believe your own clap trap, but if you do, it does not speak well for you level of intellectual development
What a dumb post. Two people of the same gender cannot reproduce. Stop pretending like you don’t understand.
Jesus fucking Christ you are aggravating! I am not pretending anything. I know perfectly well the two people of the same gender cannot reproduce without-shall we say" third party assistance" JUST LIKE MANY HEEROSEXUAL COUPLES CANNOT for various reasons . YOU are pretending to not understand the fact that that DO HAVE FAMILIES and are parents to the children in their care. By saying that your "pretending to not understand" I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. The alternative is that you're just that fucking stupid.
Not at all. That would be you.
Sorry you've fallen and can't regain coherence.

I'm the one still standing goofball.
My condolences, if that's your real name.

I see you've failed to examine the difference between a skin tone and a sex act.

Why am I not surprised?
I see you providing zero evidence to back your accumulating smear.

Why am I not surprised?

Evidence that skin color is different than an act?

You really require that? What, you in junior high?
Well for starters, homosexuals cannot have families.
That is complete horseshit ! Thay can and do have families . I doubt that you believe your own clap trap, but if you do, it does not speak well for you level of intellectual development
What a dumb post. Two people of the same gender cannot reproduce. Stop pretending like you don’t understand.
Jesus fucking Christ you are aggravating! I am not pretending anything. I know perfectly well the two people of the same gender cannot reproduce without-shall we say" third party assistance" JUST LIKE MANY HEEROSEXUAL COUPLES CANNOT for various reasons . YOU are pretending to not understand the fact that that DO HAVE FAMILIES and are parents to the children in their care. By saying that your "pretending to not understand" I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. The alternative is that you're just that fucking stupid.

Some vs. ALL is a HUGE difference
Jesus fucking Christ you are aggravating! I am not pretending anything. I know perfectly well the two people of the same gender cannot reproduce without-shall we say" third party assistance" JUST LIKE MANY HEEROSEXUAL COUPLES CANNOT for various reasons . YOU are pretending to not understand the fact that that DO HAVE FAMILIES and are parents to the children in their care. By saying that your "pretending to not understand" I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. The alternative is that you're just that fucking stupid.

A little out of sorts today PP?

You didn't answer this vv on the last page so I'll ask again...

Ya know, Bubba....I hate to break it to you, but it is only you and the dwindling numbers of bigots and homophobes who are still ruminating about why people are gay. The courts have not concerned themselves with the issue and have long held that it is an immutable characteristic . You might also want to study up on the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity as well as the well documented, underlying biological factors that have been identified in relation to both sexual orientation and gender identity. I'm sure that you won't though. You are to afraid that you might learn something that challenges your ridiculous beliefs.

What sexual orientations are covered under the US Constitution and which aren't? Please give a detailed list. Thanks. Also are there any other orientated behaviors that are covered there? Would compulsive handwashers have protections for their behaviors that others must accommodate via PA laws? And so on. Please give a detailed answer that the Courts can understand.
The couple filed a charge with the Colorado Civil Rights Commission (Commission) pursuant to the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act (CADA), which prohibits, as relevant here, discrimination based on sexual orientation in a “place of business engaged in any sales to the public and any place offering services . . . to the public.” Under CADA’s administrative review system, the Colorado Civil Rights Division first found probable cause for a violation and referred the case to the Commission. The Commission then referred the case for a formal hearing before a state Administrative Law Judge (ALJ), who ruled in the couple’s favor. In so doing, the ALJ rejected Phillips’ First Amendment claims: that requiring him to create a cake for a same-sex wedding would violate his right to free speech by compelling him to exercise his artistic talents to express a message with which he disagreed and would violate his right to the free exercise of religion. Both the Commission and the Colorado Court of Appeals affirmed.
For the numb, that says the State DID INDEED CONSIDER (and reconsider) the baker's "First Amendment claims" and "rejected" them, ultimately finding in favor of the plaintiffs' cited civil rights, i.e. "discrimination based on sexual orientation". The Supremes then decided, clearly based on zero evidence other than the baker's word for it, that this cake order involved
using his artistic skills to make an expressive statement, a wedding endorsement in his own voice and of his own creation, has a significant First Amendment speech component and implicates his deep and sincere religious beliefs.
Was he asked to endorse anything? Express some message? Make this wedding cake unlike any other? Did they even request that he make the cake himself? Doesn't appear to matter to the bulk of Supremes! Fortunate they end up remanding it back to the State.
For now. But they did say that a man's 1st Amendment protections extend into his shop in the marketplace and cannot be punished by the state. So enjoy the "ambiguity" while it lasts.
For now. But they did say that a man's 1st Amendment protections extend into his shop in the marketplace and cannot be punished by the state. So enjoy the "ambiguity" while it lasts.
There's no actual punishment or ambiguity. There's just religious bigotry which has no place in secular jurisprudence.
For now. But they did say that a man's 1st Amendment protections extend into his shop in the marketplace and cannot be punished by the state. So enjoy the "ambiguity" while it lasts.
There's no actual punishment or ambiguity. There's just religious bigotry which has no place in secular jurisprudence.
The Court recognized that it's one lifestyle vs another (faith). So they're on even playing field as such. Except that lifestyles don't have Constitutional protections and faith does. And the Court says faith does clear into the marketplace.
Ouchies. :itsok:
Ya know, Bubba....I hate to break it to you, but it is only you and the dwindling numbers of bigots and homophobes who are still ruminating about why people are gay. The courts have not concerned themselves with the issue and have long held that it is an immutable characteristic . You might also want to study up on the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity as well as the well documented, underlying biological factors that have been identified in relation to both sexual orientation and gender identity. I'm sure that you won't though. You are to afraid that you might learn something that challenges your ridiculous beliefs.

What sexual orientations are covered under the US Constitution and which aren't? Please give a detailed list. Thanks. Also are there any other orientated behaviors that are covered there? Would compulsive handwashers have protections for their behaviors that others must accommodate via PA laws? And so on. Please give a detailed answer that the Courts can understand.

You might have noticed that I ignore you for the most part because your questions are so idiotic.. However, I will humor you on this one. None one ever claimed that sexual orientation is specifically protected by the Constitution. However, many rights are implied or unremunerated In addition , many state laws provide such protections and undoubtedly would be upheld by the constitution under the equal protection and due process clauses. As for marriage - sexual orientation is clearly protected since Obergefell removed the consideration of the parties respective gender from marriage. Lastly, you bringing up compulsive had washing and comparing it to homosexuality is a moronic logical fallacy in the form of a false equivalency and a red herring and a good example of why you are to aggravating to bother with.
You might have noticed that I ignore you for the most part because your questions are so idiotic.. However, I will humor you on this one. None one ever claimed that sexual orientation is specifically protected by the Constitution. However, many rights are implied or unremunerated In addition , many state laws provide such protections and undoubtedly would be upheld by the constitution under the equal protection and due process clauses. As for marriage - sexual orientation is clearly protected since Obergefell removed the consideration of the parties respective gender from marriage. Lastly, you bringing up compulsive had washing and comparing it to homosexuality is a moronic logical fallacy in the form of a false equivalency and a red herring and a good example of why you are to aggravating to bother with.

And your list of sexual orientations protected is? Excluded? And the reasons for both? I'll await your complete reply. Would you explain what in the eyes of blind justice and equality makes just same-sex sexual orientation special above all others?

Don't forget people oriented towards other compulsive behaviors like OCD handwashing and the like. Do they get covered under PA laws too? Why or why not?
In 2015, the Supreme Court held in a 5–4 decision that the fundamental right to marry is guaranteed to same-sex couples by both the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and required all states to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples and to recognize same-sex marriages validly performed in other jurisdictions.
Oh, how it continues to burn.. some..

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