Supremes Rule In Favor Of Baker

You might have noticed that I ignore you for the most part because your questions are so idiotic.. However, I will humor you on this one. None one ever claimed that sexual orientation is specifically protected by the Constitution. However, many rights are implied or unremunerated In addition , many state laws provide such protections and undoubtedly would be upheld by the constitution under the equal protection and due process clauses. As for marriage - sexual orientation is clearly protected since Obergefell removed the consideration of the parties respective gender from marriage. Lastly, you bringing up compulsive had washing and comparing it to homosexuality is a moronic logical fallacy in the form of a false equivalency and a red herring and a good example of why you are to aggravating to bother with.

And your list of sexual orientations protected is? Excluded? And the reasons for both? I'll await your complete reply. Would you explain what in the eyes of blind justice and equality makes just same-sex sexual orientation special above all others?

Don't forget people oriented towards other compulsive behaviors like OCD handwashing and the like. Do they get covered under PA laws too? Why or why not?
Well for starters, homosexuals cannot have families.
That is complete horseshit ! Thay can and do have families . I doubt that you believe your own clap trap, but if you do, it does not speak well for you level of intellectual development
What a dumb post. Two people of the same gender cannot reproduce. Stop pretending like you don’t understand.
Jesus fucking Christ you are aggravating! I am not pretending anything. I know perfectly well the two people of the same gender cannot reproduce without-shall we say" third party assistance" JUST LIKE MANY HEEROSEXUAL COUPLES CANNOT for various reasons . YOU are pretending to not understand the fact that that DO HAVE FAMILIES and are parents to the children in their care. By saying that your "pretending to not understand" I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. The alternative is that you're just that fucking stupid.

Some vs. ALL is a HUGE difference
Should heterosexuals who cannot or just do not reproduce children have fewer rights than those who do?
Well for starters, homosexuals cannot have families.
That is complete horseshit ! Thay can and do have families . I doubt that you believe your own clap trap, but if you do, it does not speak well for you level of intellectual development
What a dumb post. Two people of the same gender cannot reproduce. Stop pretending like you don’t understand.
Jesus fucking Christ you are aggravating! I am not pretending anything. I know perfectly well the two people of the same gender cannot reproduce without-shall we say" third party assistance" JUST LIKE MANY HEEROSEXUAL COUPLES CANNOT for various reasons . YOU are pretending to not understand the fact that that DO HAVE FAMILIES and are parents to the children in their care. By saying that your "pretending to not understand" I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. The alternative is that you're just that fucking stupid.

Some vs. ALL is a HUGE difference
Should heterosexuals who cannot or just do not reproduce children have fewer rights than those who do?

Cannot would indicate a disability, and we do not hold disability against those that with a disability. As far as rights go, no one is denying homosexuals any different rights than heterosexuals.

As I stated before, the Baker in this thread would have denied the cake to a same sex heterosexual couple as well.

His right to practice his Religion is just as compelling as the couples right to a cake.
So, why would you want a person who is "hostile" (as you call it) to make cakes for individuals that they pity?

Pity ? Really? Actually that is a pretty good point. But that does not change the fact that it is discrimination and that they are not entitled to a religious exemption

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Actually, the question of an entitlement to a religious exemption has not yet been adjudicated. We have here an issue of someone's right to equal treatment vs someone else's right to freedom of expression and freedom of religion.
I addressed that earlier. There is the traditional interpretation of religious freedom and the new , contrived view that religious freedom means imposing your religious views on others.

Since homosexuality is not a scientific fact (there is no 3rd sex) then it is only a belief. Belief can be construed as religion so, apparently, the gay couple were trying to impose their gay, religious dogma on the baker.
Ya know, Bubba....I hate to break it to you, but it is only you and the dwindling numbers of bigots and homophobes who are still ruminating about why people are gay. The courts have not concerned themselves with the issue and have long held that it is an immutable characteristic . You might also want to study up on the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity as well as the well documented, underlying biological factors that have been identified in relation to both sexual orientation and gender identity. I'm sure that you won't though. You are to afraid that you might learn something that challenges your ridiculous beliefs.

So there is no 3rd sex. Thanks
austin-wedding-cakes-the-cake-plate-.jpg Point of sale means all the items you sell are described on a menu or are all identical to others in that brand or category on that shelf. "CUSTOM DESIGNED ARTISTIC" hand crafted by an ARTIST is not point of sale GrumbleBernie. Also: weddings have NOT been all "secular" as there is a very long tradition of weddings being both religious AND mostly heterosexual for thousands of years.
"Btw, someone early on claimed this was not a point of sale (POS) transaction. I've seen nothing to indicate it was anything but. The couple walked walked into the shop and the baker refused to bake them a wedding cake. No writing ordered on the cake. Nothing indicating delivery or any need for personal involvement in their particular ceremony whatsoever. Just a baker being asked to bake a cake for an every day secular ceremony."
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Gay woman walks into a bake shop.
Orders a generic wedding cake.
Baker asks "Are you gay?"
Woman replies "Does it matter?"
Baker says "Does to me!"
Woman asks "How so?"
Baker says "I don't bake cakes for gay weddings."
"Religious thing, you understand!"
Woman says "K, got it. In that case I'm not gay."
Baker bakes her a wedding cake.
Woman pays the baker then adds on her way out:
"Thanks, but it's for my son's wedding and he is."
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Point of sale means all the items you sell are described on a menu or are all identical to others in that brand or category on that shelf. "CUSTOM DESIGNED ARTISTIC" hand crafted by an ARTIST is not point of sale GrumbleBernie.
Because you say so. Understood. Meanwhile..
The point of sale is often referred to as the point of service because it is not just a point of sale but also a point of return or customer order.
austin-wedding-cakes-the-cake-plate-.jpg Grumbe: Do they normally have cakes like this as "point of sale" items at your Vermont grocery store in quantities of several just waiting to go into the grocery store cart??? or could this be an ARTISTIC creation?
Gay woman walks into a bake shop.
Orders a generic wedding cake.
Baker asks "Are you gay?"
Woman replies "Does it matter?"
Baker says "Does to me!"
Woman asks "How so?"
Baker says "I don't bake cakes for gay weddings."
"Religious thing, you understand!"
Woman says "K, got it. In that case I'm not gay."
Baker bakes her a wedding cake.
Woman pays the baker then adds on her way out:
"Thanks, but it's for my son's wedding and he is."

Is there a point?
View attachment 197132 Grumbe: Do they normally have cakes like this as "point of sale" items at your Vermont grocery store in quantities of several just waiting to go into the grocery store cart??? or could this be an ARTISTIC creation?
Could be fancy. Could be plain. I think most would want theirs fresh as possible though so no thanks on the shelf stuff.

The point of sale is often referred to as the point of service because it is not just a point of sale but also a point of return or customer order.
{As in, ya know, where the baker takes the order, possibly bakes the cake and all. Point being, where the baker refused to serve the gay couple in question... and wasn't being asked to go anywhere else necessarily as some here have clearly imagined}
"Phillips too was entitled to a neutral and respectful consideration of his claims in all the circumstances of the case.That consideration was compromised, however, by the Commission’s treatment of Phillips’ case, which showed elements of a clear and impermissible hostility toward the sincere religious beliefs motivating his objection. As the record shows, some of the commissioners at the Commission’s formal, public hearings endorsed the view that religious beliefs cannot legitimately be carried into the public sphere or commercial domain, disparaged Phillips’ faith as despicable and characterized it as merely rhetorical, and compared his invocation of his sincerely held religious beliefs to defenses of slavery and the Holocaust. No commissioners objected to the comments. Nor were they mentioned in the later state-court ruling or disavowed in the briefs filed here. The comments thus cast doubt on the fairness and impartiality of the Commission’s adjudication of Phillips’ case."
Are they sketching designs and baking the custom wedding cakes right there at the point of sale cash registers now in Vermont meanwhile offering the unhappy couple a stiff drink to distract them from all the quick frenzy....oh yeah- it is like a Food Network competition: bake that custom cake and sell it in under an hour!
I'm with the fuckin baker, damit if the guy don't want your fuckin business, move on......I'm sick of gays thinking they have to have their way....take your hard earned money and spend it else where...same with black people....white anti gay/black mf's don't want your fuckin money find a place that does....this shit should have never made it to the supreme courts.
Are they sketching designs and baking the custom wedding cakes right there at the point of sale cash registers now in Vermont meanwhile offering the unhappy couple a stiff drink to distract them from all the quick frenzy....oh yeah- it is like a Food Network competition: bake that custom cake and sell it in under an hour!
Generic wedding cakes.
and they take as long as they take. The customer may then pick them up FRESH at the POS. But never let logic stifle such an overachieving imagination!

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