Supremes Rule In Favor Of Baker

That's not how the law reads, nor what you are defending.

A person cannot be discriminated against because of his/her sexual preference. There is no "as long as" addition to the law.

His sexual preference is to marry as many wives as he likes, regardless of the spouse's opinion.

Why would you deny him this most crucial civil right?

We know why. We just want you to say it. Because to you, the law only applies to homos.

again, I have no problem with polygamy as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult.

the thing is, there probably aren't enough polygamist or polygamist wannabees to create a movement for it.
Plus the baker isn't asking each customer what they're going to do with that cookie or that eclaire or that sheet cake. It's when two men walk in & tell him they want a cake for their "wedding". At that moment the baker knows his talents will be utilized to promote a forbidden spiritual abomination. He cannot participate in the spread of homo values in any culture or he faces eternal fire for the mortal sin. (Jude 1). Marriage is THE epitome of a social icon. So long story short he can't be clipped from the public/marketplace for knowing if he participates in certain aspects of it his eternal soul will perish. People must be "respectful" of his passive refusal according to the edicts of his faith.

So I am a worshiper of Quezacoatl, the Winged Serpent of Aztec belief.

Do I have a right to go around cutting out the hearts of my enemies, in my belief that we need to do so to keep the Sun God happy? Clearly by not doing so I risk the threat of being consigned to rivers of blood in Mictlan... so your silly murder laws should not apply to me, as my beliefs take precedence.

See how silly your argument sounds now?
Get rid of all PA laws...and any business can reject anyone based on religion, race, handicap or gender. Wooot!
Your position is that you want to control people you disagree with… You are not fooling anybody
Plus the baker isn't asking each customer what they're going to do with that cookie or that eclaire or that sheet cake. It's when two men walk in & tell him they want a cake for their "wedding". At that moment the baker knows his talents will be utilized to promote a forbidden spiritual abomination. He cannot participate in the spread of homo values in any culture or he faces eternal fire for the mortal sin. (Jude 1). Marriage is THE epitome of a social icon. So long story short he can't be clipped from the public/marketplace for knowing if he participates in certain aspects of it his eternal soul will perish. People must be "respectful" of his passive refusal according to the edicts of his faith.

So I am a worshiper of Quezacoatl, the Winged Serpent of Aztec belief.

Do I have a right to go around cutting out the hearts of my enemies, in my belief that we need to do so to keep the Sun God happy? Clearly by not doing so I risk the threat of being consigned to rivers of blood in Mictlan... so your silly murder laws should not apply to me, as my beliefs take precedence.

See how silly your argument sounds now?

Talking about silly, you are equating murder with an effing wedding cake that any other bakery would bake.
The commission is going to have inspect the inference that the bakers were interpreting their religious belief.

What happens if the government provides evidence of other Christian bakers who happily make cakes for gay and lesbian couples?
You misunderstand the whole issue, it’s not about baking cakes for whoever. It’s all about control. Why do you want to control everybody you disagree with? Are you fucked up in the head that way or just mentally unstable?
Opens up a can of worms allowing business to use religious beliefs to discriminate against anyone ....not just gays
That is the right to refuse service to anybody is good policy, that way no one can control someone else
Talking about silly, you are equating murder with an effing wedding cake that any other bakery would bake.

Not at all.

We have laws against murder.
We have laws against discrimination.

If someone was an atheist baker who just hated gays because they think the butt-sex is icky, we would not be having an argument here.

So what you guys are arguing is that there should be a right to ignore a law you don't like because you believe in an imaginary friend in the sky who is going to do horrible things to you in an unproven afterlife if you obey the law.

Quezacoatl wants his fucking hearts, man! How dare you oppress my sincerely held beliefs?
Talking about silly, you are equating murder with an effing wedding cake that any other bakery would bake.

Not at all.

We have laws against murder.
We have laws against discrimination.

If someone was an atheist baker who just hated gays because they think the butt-sex is icky, we would not be having an argument here.

So what you guys are arguing is that there should be a right to ignore a law you don't like because you believe in an imaginary friend in the sky who is going to do horrible things to you in an unproven afterlife if you obey the law.

Quezacoatl wants his fucking hearts, man! How dare you oppress my sincerely held beliefs?
Why do you want to control people you disagree with? Why do you want to force your shit on other people? Why do you worship the federal government/deep state?
You misunderstand the whole issue, it’s not about baking cakes for whoever. It’s all about control. Why do you want to control everybody you disagree with? Are you fucked up in the head that way or just mentally unstable?

No, it isn't about cakes, and it isn't about control.

It's about the right of people to utilize public accommodations regardless of their race, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

I really can't fix what is wrong with people like Sil whose hatred of gay people clearly occupies every waking moment of his life. But we can protect gay folks from him abusing them when they seek to live their lives.
Why do you want to control people you disagree with? Why do you want to force your shit on other people? Why do you worship the federal government/deep state?

Do you have some reading comprehension deficiency.

Here's the thing. I really, really, really fucking hate Mormons. something about their cult being started by a child molesting con man and trying to pass their crazy off as a legitimate religion.

But if a Mormon comes into my place of business, he or she should expect the same courteous service everyone else gets at my place of business because that's the law!

If you don't like the law in Colorado, then get the law changed. The reality, though is that a lot of people think the law is just fine as written.
You misunderstand the whole issue, it’s not about baking cakes for whoever. It’s all about control. Why do you want to control everybody you disagree with? Are you fucked up in the head that way or just mentally unstable?

No, it isn't about cakes, and it isn't about control.

It's about the right of people to utilize public accommodations regardless of their race, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

I really can't fix what is wrong with people like Sil whose hatred of gay people clearly occupies every waking moment of his life. But we can protect gay folks from him abusing them when they seek to live their lives.
The best way to protect anyone on this issue is to have “the right to refuse service to anyone” that way no one is controlling anyone else. Getting along is way overrated...

Why force anyone to bake an Adolf Hitler cake, Carl Marx cake, a Saddam Hussein cake, a Jimmy Carter cake, a Muslim cake, a Islam cake, a Buddhist cake, a transgender cake, a Christian cake, a gay cake.... etc?
What you speak of serves no purpose
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What gays are asking Christian bakers to do by participating in their "weddings" is the spiritual equivalent of asking Christians to take a shit on the altar during the middle of mass. And actually that isn't quite accurate because taking the shit would be a venial sin, still forgivable.

Again, how is that any different than backing a cake for people who are cohabiting outside of marriage? Isn't that also a mortal sin?

If asked to bake a cake celebrating cohabitation outside of Marriage, I think he should have every right to deny.

Why do you want to control people you disagree with? Why do you want to force your shit on other people? Why do you worship the federal government/deep state?

Do you have some reading comprehension deficiency.

Here's the thing. I really, really, really fucking hate Mormons. something about their cult being started by a child molesting con man and trying to pass their crazy off as a legitimate religion.

But if a Mormon comes into my place of business, he or she should expect the same courteous service everyone else gets at my place of business because that's the law!

If you don't like the law in Colorado, then get the law changed. The reality, though is that a lot of people think the law is just fine as written.
I agree with you about Mormons they are a cult of child rapist/molesters.. mitt Romney is one of them.
Why even have a law that forces people into shit they want nothing to do with?
The collective has never known what is best for the individual… In fact the opposite is true.
Now if someone wants to serve everybody, so be it it’s none of the federal governments business…
The teaching is about charging interest, not making payment. The customer AGREES to the sin. He is not being forced to it.

Except all the 'teachings' about the gay sex are about the guys involved in it... not the guys they interact with in business.

See how that works? You can pull anything out of your ass using the bible.

They could just not offer a reason.

They could... but they'd look stupid doing it. And if they suddenly "discovered" that they didn't want to provide the service only after they found out the client was gay, one can draw ones own conclusions.

The interest is not forced on the person, it is agreed to. The customer is participating in the sin WILLINGLY.


if you don’t see the difference, you are a whacko!
The teaching is about charging interest, not making payment. The customer AGREES to the sin. He is not being forced to it.

Except all the 'teachings' about the gay sex are about the guys involved in it... not the guys they interact with in business.

See how that works? You can pull anything out of your ass using the bible.

They could just not offer a reason.

They could... but they'd look stupid doing it. And if they suddenly "discovered" that they didn't want to provide the service only after they found out the client was gay, one can draw ones own conclusions.

The interest is not forced on the person, it is agreed to. The customer is participating in the sin WILLINGLY.


if you don’t see the difference, you are a whacko!
See that’s the problem with the collective they think they know what’s best for the individual when they never have... ever!!!!
Well discovering someone is gay means a behavior is being pushed in your face. And by the way, nobody can be forced to condone or promote behaviors. Did you know that? That's the state establishing an official ideology; which is prohibited by Law.

uh, no, when your state has a law that says you can't discriminate based on sexual orientation, you can't discriminate based on sexual orientation.


This isn't complicated.
Why are you force your shit on to somebody else?
That's not how the law reads, nor what you are defending.

A person cannot be discriminated against because of his/her sexual preference. There is no "as long as" addition to the law.

His sexual preference is to marry as many wives as he likes, regardless of the spouse's opinion.

Why would you deny him this most crucial civil right?

We know why. We just want you to say it. Because to you, the law only applies to homos.

again, I have no problem with polygamy as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult.

the thing is, there probably aren't enough polygamist or polygamist wannabees to create a movement for it.
The law is already in place. You can't discriminate based on sexual preference.

Somebody's sexual preference is towards pedophilia. There is no "as long as everyone involved" appendix.
Paying the credit card bill makes you the consumer, not the bank, dimwit.

But that's the point. I can claim that usury is against my religion, therefore i'm not obligated to pay back interest.

See how that works, when you can pull something out of your ass like that?
The teaching is about charging interest, not making payment. The customer AGREES to the sin. He is not being forced to it.
As neither is the baker who first AGREES to sell to THE PUBLIC then reneges selectively claiming Jesus. Seriously. Get help. You are dangerously pigheaded and dim.
Paying the credit card bill makes you the consumer, not the bank, dimwit.

But that's the point. I can claim that usury is against my religion, therefore i'm not obligated to pay back interest.

See how that works, when you can pull something out of your ass like that?
The teaching is about charging interest, not making payment. The customer AGREES to the sin. He is not being forced to it.
As neither is the baker who first AGREES to sell to THE PUBLIC then reneges selectively claiming Jesus. Seriously. Get help. You are dangerously pigheaded and dim.

It’s ok g-nuts.

Some can, and will, actively participate in Sin.

Others refuse too.

What a beautiful world.

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