Sure Glad We Got All Of Those HumVEEs Up-armored So The Iranians Could Be Protected From Israel

There were still troops there while Trump was in office. Try again Sparky......

yes, 2500. That is not enough to bring back all the gear that was left.

Had you bothered to ever serve you would know that the time to do it was when the 12,500 left.
I know that he took 12,500 troops out of the country and left a shit fucking ton of equipment behind...and even you admitted that them leaving was the time to take it out

Simply not true, the agreement between Trump and the Taliban was that EVERY American/NATO troop would be out.
Simply not true. Trump decided not to follow thru with any agreement with the Taliban because they broke the conditions of the agreement.
They have been working for years to replace the Humvee. Fielding of JLTV starts soon.
View attachment 543766

There is only ONE replacement for the HUMVEE... and it comes in black.

Doubt if I make a Rendezvous at the Russian Tea Room.
A workable plan and execution today is better than a perfect plan and execution put off for another 10 years.
Pentagon announced a few days after that the people had targeted incorrectly. Chaotic environment. Not surprising that it happens no matter how shocked you are. Doesn't sound like you've been around.
We're not there to make the bastards pay for the bomber that killed the Marines? I am pretty sure the bomber payed with his life. It was a shitty deal, and we indeed got the short end. They were part of the force with the mission supporting the withdrawal of the US from that country, and that mission was accomplished, heroes every single one of them. You prefer mission failure and keeping troops to seek your vengeance. Shake your fist at God, too, do you(?), saying "I demand vengeance"! Well, vengeance is mine saith the Lord. We rarely get, vengeance, you know? Sometimes seeking it, is a game, only won, by choosing not to play. You need to turn the page. The Bard said "all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death." I'd say he was on to something. Your call for vengeance is "a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing".
And, you accused me, of a narrow minded approach. Jeesh!
The chaotic environment was Biden's fault...not Trump's. Democrats specialize in fucking up a manageable situation and then try to blame it on their predecessors.

For example I was in Mogadishu most of 93' and saw the difference between the way Bush Senior ran the mission and Clinton ran it. Seems Democrats like stirring up a hornet's nest and leaving us ground pounders with nothing but small arms to deal with it. We had no armor. We were the only country with no armor....and Clinton decides he's gonna be a bad-ass and pick a fight with Aideed. Then all Hell breaks loose and what was once a parade turns into a shit storm. Course you folks never heard about much of it because Clinton was a Democrat and the media rarely likes to make a Democrat president look bad.

Clinton turned a humanitarian mission into an small war because he butchered close to 200 tribal leaders that were meeting to sue for peace with the UN. He sent in chopper gunships to level the villa they were meeting in. All he did was piss off every Somali in the city against us.

Biden created the situation in Afghanistan because he essentially left the government to fend for themselves. It wasn't something he was left with. He created the conditions. Most of the time you never hear about all of the bullshit these fuckers pull that caused the mess in the first place.
And I'm not the old fart that made those threats, dumb-ass. I knew they were empty threats the second he uttered them.

I've been around more than you, dirtbag. You need to shut your fucking mouth and only open it when you know what you're talking about.
The chaotic environment was Biden's fault...not Trump's. Democrats specialize in fucking up a manageable situation and then try to blame it on their predecessors.

For example I was in Mogadishu most of 93' and saw the difference between the way Bush Senior ran the mission and Clinton ran it. Seems Democrats like stirring up a hornet's nest and leaving us ground pounders with nothing but small arms to deal with it. We had no armor. We were the only country with no armor....and Clinton decides he's gonna be a bad-ass and pick a fight with Aideed. Then all Hell breaks loose and what was once a parade turns into a shit storm. Course you folks never heard about much of it because Clinton was a Democrat and the media rarely likes to make a Democrat president look bad.

Clinton turned a humanitarian mission into an small war because he butchered close to 200 tribal leaders that were meeting to sue for peace with the UN. He sent in chopper gunships to level the villa they were meeting in. All he did was piss off every Somali in the city against us.

Biden created the situation in Afghanistan because he essentially left the government to fend for themselves. It wasn't something he was left with. He created the conditions. Most of the time you never hear about all of the bullshit these fuckers pull that caused the mess in the first place.
And I'm not the old fart that made those threats, dumb-ass. I knew they were empty threats the second he uttered them.

I've been around more than you, dirtbag. You need to shut your fucking mouth and only open it when you know what you're talking about.
Last I heard, areas of warfare, where our troops get hazard pay or dynamic super fluid environments, hazardous to combatants and non-combatants alike. A chaotic environment par for the course at most any time. Been this way since the beginning of warfare, but now it is Biden's fault. Don't be a melodramatic political whore. We're out and not going back, no matter what you and your little "tea room" think, as your opinions, though stimulating on the internet, really don't matter.
Simply not true. Trump decided not to follow thru with any agreement with the Taliban because they broke the conditions of the agreement.
The agreemeent could not be fully completed until August 31 and Trump left office on Jan 20.
arming and supporting terrorist seems to be the main operative of the Dembots and their cult
correct! he successful pulled most of troops and was able to maintain a presents that keep the people, our troops, and property safe

why did those 89% of the troops not take 89% of the gear with them?

That is what is supposed to happen
and you know they didn’t take gear with them how? can you provide a link saying they didn’t take anything?

what the fuck do you think the Taliban is playing with now? Do you think it all was sent there after Jan?
Biden had months to do something about it if what you spout about Trump was true. Many months!
Lol ok shortbus. Less than 2500 troops in country when Biden took over while being inundated with the vivid need fat ass trump left, all his nominees being slow walked by Congress, failure of Trump to give up hand over information and leaving the white house licked for hand over. Trump is is fucking trash and so are you trump did this and he even bragged about it being unstoppable.

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