Sure Glad We Got All Of Those HumVEEs Up-armored So The Iranians Could Be Protected From Israel

So basically what you're saying is everything that happens after a president leaves office is completely that former president's fault.
If that's the case then Trump can blame Obama for COVID.

When you intentionally screw something up that was border security and energy are accountable for it.
Same goes for screwing up the pull out. Biden refused to pay attention to intel and chose to pull everyone out before Sept 11th so he could hold a big party. Trump was planning on keeping air-support and intel in Afghanistan and Biden fucked that up royally.
Now we have zero assets on the ground in Afghanistan to keep an eye on Iran and Pakistan. Biden has weakened our strategic capabilities in the ME.
This was trump's doing and Trump's fault by his own words. The video proves it. Trump's own big fat fucking mouth takes credit for it dumb fuck.
This was trump's doing and Trump's fault by his own words. The video proves it. Trump's own big fat fucking mouth takes credit for it dumb fuck.
Post the video or STFU!~!

Here's my video of Biden mouthing off like an asshole.

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He intentionally armed them....because he was told around the first of the year that the Afghan government would fold as soon as he pulled everything out. He lied to us about it till it became a reality and then lied to us that he wouldn't leave till every American was out. Instead of admitting his "mistake" he congratulated himself for a job well-done.

Sure...well-done if your job was arming the enemy and pumping 120,000 Muslim infiltrators into the US.
Intentionally armed them, my butt. You're really out there. Yep, never had small arms and trucks before now, strictly camel, slings and arrows.
Intentionally armed them, my butt. You're really out there. Yep, never had small arms and trucks before now, strictly camel, slings and arrows.
Clearly facts don't matter to you.

They were telling him the day he walked in the WH door for the first time as POTUS that if we pulled out of Afghanistan completely that the country would fold and the Taliban would take over.

He was going around telling everyone that wasn't the case. He lied about the situation till the day the Taliban took the country back. He said they had 300,000 well armed 75,000 Taliban.
Within days of us leaving Bagram in the dead of night the Afghan president left the country. Biden didn't even bother to sign the base over to the Afghan government. They said they walked into the place and it was deserted.
Then he swore he wasn't leaving till every American was out of the country.
This turned out to be another lie. A responsible leader doesn't do this kind of shit....unless they're doing it on purpose. I don't think he's just lazy. Maybe he's not even in the loop when it comes to decisions.
Clearly they left all of that shit behind because his administration didn't want to bother with bringing it back. Clearly it was intentional...maybe an attempt to blame Trump for something his administration is guilty of. Either that or you'll have to be willing to admit that Biden is as incompetent a president as there ever was. He thinks the surrender was a great success. Sure.....if you're Iran.
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Clearly facts don't matter to you.

They were telling him the day he walked in the WH door for the first time as POTUS that if we pulled out of Afghanistan completely that the country would fold and the Taliban would take over.

He was going around telling everyone that wasn't the case. He lied about the situation till the day the Taliban took the country back. He said they had 300,000 well armed 75,000 Taliban.
Within days of us leaving Bagram in the dead of night the Afghan president left the country. Biden didn't even bother to sign the base over to the Afghan government. They said they walked into the place and it was deserted.
Then he swore he wasn't leaving till every American was out of the country.
This turned out to be another lie.
Clearly he left all of that shit behind because he didn't want to bother with bringing it back. Clearly it was intentional. Either that or you'll have to be willing to admit that Biden is as incompetent a president as there ever was. He thinks the surrender was a great success. Sure.....if you're Iran.
Look, you believe in the ability of the US to effectively nation build governments to our liking, if we stay long enough, at whatever cost in lives, money, and material and leave an occupying force to enforce our will. I don't. You should re-read Sun Tzu's The Art of War. It has been known to be a bad idea for 6,000 years. It is good, we gave up this futile effort, and it was a case of the quicker, the better, as we should not have been there, 2 months past killing Osama, mission accomplished. Biden was right to get us out. We're saving hundreds of millions daily and American troops are not in harms way there.
Look, you believe in the ability of the US to effectively nation build governments to our liking, if we stay long enough, at whatever cost in lives, money, and material and leave an occupying force to enforce our will. I don't. You should re-read Sun Tzu's The Art of War. It has been known to be a bad idea for 6,000 years. It is good, we gave up this futile effort, and it was a case of the quicker, the better, as we should not have been there, 2 months past killing Osama, mission accomplished. Biden was right to get us out. We're saving hundreds of millions daily and American troops are not in harms way there.
That's a very narrow-minded approach.
And we aren't saving a cent if we constantly have to give foreign aid to the victims of this massive screw up. Biden wants to give the God Damned Taliban foreign aid....(a bribe to not kill deserted Americans)
If you were to say this stupid shit you're saying in my teamroom they'd stuff you in a garbage can and dump you and your shit outside.

Biden was right to get out....sure...but there's a right way and a wrong way....and he couldn't have screwed it up any worse.....and to top it off he murders 7 kids and 3 aid-workers and claimed it was an ISIS-K Planner. Now that we're completely out of the country we'll never make the bastards who killed our Marines pay for it.
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They have been working for years to replace the Humvee. Fielding of JLTV starts soon.

There you go! Another 500 billion to spend to replace the 28 billion we just gave away, so that soon, Joe can give these away, to who, maybe North Korea next time?

First the Clintons armed the Chinese with our missile technology now Joe comes along to arm the Middle East!

UNITED STATES: only country on the planet to build up, finance and arm all of our worst enemies with our own money and gear from treasonous democrats!
Yeah....that's why the Taliban sold them to Iran can turn around and kill Taliban with American equipment.
Russia Can't Allow Either Psycho Sect on the Borders of Its Alliance

Just as in the Cold War, when the Chinese had hated the Russians since 1930 and the CIA conveniently denied it, we are not taking advantage of the fight-to-the-death between the Sunnis and Shiites. Way back when Winston Churchill fought in Afghanistan, he mentioned that the two sects hated each other even more than they hated the British imperialists.
These people are unaware that once the US ships weapons and equipment to a war zone it is not shipped back because of cost.
And you and fatso keep forgetting to mention that upon a military withdrawal, Trump would have gathered those vehicles up and blown them up to keep them out of enemy hands.
Yep, we sure did. You can thank every president this century for that....but you are not capable of seeing in bad in your party, so you will not
Just who was in charge of that disastrous withdrawal? Here’s a hint. Every other President this century didn’t leave weapons for the enemy. But you and yours aren’t capable of telling the the truth so you won’t.
This is so much fun.

You could not bring yourself to say something bad about Trump if you were paid a million dollars.
Here’s real fun. Hey dumbfuck, the withdrawal has ZERO to do with Trump you TDS suffering lying leftard. You are incapable of honesty about any of this.
One major problem with that statement....Trump wasn't president when the pullout was you have no fucking idea how he would have handled it.

I know that he took 12,500 troops out of the country and left a shit fucking ton of equipment behind...and even you admitted that them leaving was the time to take it out

He was planning on leaving 2500-4500 of them behind indefinitely.

Simply not true, the agreement between Trump and the Taliban was that EVERY American/NATO troop would be out.
That's a very narrow-minded approach.
And we aren't saving a cent if we constantly have to give foreign aid to the victims of this massive screw up. Biden wants to give the God Damned Taliban foreign aid....(a bribe to not kill deserted Americans)
If you were to say this stupid shit you're saying in my teamroom they'd stuff you in a garbage can and dump you and your shit outside.

Biden was right to get out....sure...but there's a right way and a wrong way....and he couldn't have screwed it up any worse.....and to top it off he murders 7 kids and 3 aid-workers and claimed it was an ISIS-K Planner. Now that we're completely out of the country we'll never make the bastards who killed our Marines pay for it.
Doubt if I make a Rendezvous at the Russian Tea Room.
A workable plan and execution today is better than a perfect plan and execution put off for another 10 years.
Pentagon announced a few days after that the people had targeted incorrectly. Chaotic environment. Not surprising that it happens no matter how shocked you are. Doesn't sound like you've been around.
We're not there to make the bastards pay for the bomber that killed the Marines? I am pretty sure the bomber payed with his life. It was a shitty deal, and we indeed got the short end. They were part of the force with the mission supporting the withdrawal of the US from that country, and that mission was accomplished, heroes every single one of them. You prefer mission failure and keeping troops to seek your vengeance. Shake your fist at God, too, do you(?), saying "I demand vengeance"! Well, vengeance is mine saith the Lord. We rarely get, vengeance, you know? Sometimes seeking it, is a game, only won, by choosing not to play. You need to turn the page. The Bard said "all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death." I'd say he was on to something. Your call for vengeance is "a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing".
And, you accused me, of a narrow minded approach. Jeesh!
Here’s real fun. Hey dumbfuck, the withdrawal has ZERO to do with Trump you TDS suffering lying leftard.

Simply not true, Trump withdrew 12500 troops prior to leaving office. And he did not have them take any equipment with them. Why is that?

You are incapable of honesty about any of this.

Biden fucked up his part, that is for sure. I have been very clear about that

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