Sure hope you like wiping dirty asses...

Would you stop being so pretentious, please. Yes, in my own home with my own parents. Also my inlaws, so cut the holy suffering about to be endured. Your doomsday Armageddon nonsense has been exposed. Now run along with a clean butt.

I don't believe you.

And it's not nonsense, it's fact.

It's fact that Medicaid will face cuts on 1/1/19.

It's fact that Medicaid currently pays 60% of all nursing home, hospice, convalescent care.

What you're saying, about how you took care of your dying family, is bullshit here because you know there's no way you can prove it on the message board.

So why lie about something like that? Simple; you can't face reality so you invent imaginary people and circumstances.
Believe it. It's not a rarity here, everyone does so.

We don't put our elderly into homes.
I took care of both of my parents before they passed and Trump had nothing to do with it. And would you direct me to your threads on Obama spending trillionS?

You comment as though you have actually read the tax plan. Have you read the tax plan?
This #GOPTaxScam, in addition to adding at least $1.5T to the debt, raising taxes on 80-90 million people by 2027, and increasing health insurance premiums by an additional 10% immediately, the PayGo cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security beginning in 2019 will force millions of seniors out of nursing homes and into your guest rooms.

Since Medicaid pays for 60% of all nursing/convalescent home care, the PayGo cuts that will start 1/1/19 will make that care unaffordable for many (including the poseurs on this board). Which means millions of old, sick people moving in with their kids.

So I sure hope you like cleaning dirty asses, because you're going to be up to your elbows in Depends because you just had to give AT&T a tax cut it didn't need. Ever been face-to-face with dementia, Alzheimer's, or cancer? They're a fucking shitshow. Financially and emotionally draining. I wouldn't wish it on even the most Russian trollish troll on these boards.

The Tax Bill’s Automatic Spending Cuts
NOV. 29, 2017
A law to keep the deficit from growing larger requires cuts to federal spending if the tax bill passes and Congress takes no further action.

When you start out by making deceptive claims like 80 or 90 Million people by 2027 will see a tax increase --- Then anything else that follows is just not worth reading or investigating or figuring out how you TWISTED REALITY to get a talking point..
I took care of both of my parents before they passed and Trump had nothing to do with it.

Trump didn't become President until January last year, so what does this have to do with anything?

And would you direct me to your threads on Obama spending trillionS?

I don't care about Obama's spending and don't know what that has to do with the PayGo cuts to Medicaid that are triggered by this stupid tax plan.

You comment as though you have actually read the tax plan. Have you read the tax plan?


That's how I know that it results in tax increases beginning in 2025.

That's how I know that there are automatic PayGo cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security that Trump waived for 2018, but can't for 2019.

That's how I know that the tax brackets are chained to CPI, which means when the tax cuts expire 80-90 million will get pushed into a higher bracket simply because of inflation.

That's how I know that it adds $1.5T to the deficit.

Have you read it? Doesn't seem like it.
When you start out by making deceptive claims like 80 or 90 Million people by 2027 will see a tax increase --- Then anything else that follows is just not worth reading or investigating or figuring out how you TWISTED REALITY to get a talking point..

It's not a deceptive claim -it's a fucking fact- one that comes directly from the non-partisan Tax Policy Center. The reason 80-90 million people will see a tax increase by 2027 is because a) the tax cuts expire in 2025, and b) you doofuses chained the tax brackets to CPI, which means simply because of inflation about 80-90 million people will end up in a higher tax bracket by 2027. You clowns meddle in things in which you have no business:

The chained CPI: Another secret tax hike for the middle class slipped into the GOP tax bills

What Republicans really like about the chained CPI is that it tends to show a lower inflation rate than the alternative, typically by 0.3 percentage point a year. The difference pencils out to significant dollars: Changing the inflation index immediately would raise about $125 billion over the next decade and nearly $500 billion in the decade after that, according to the Tax Policy Center.

Most of that money would come out of the pockets of middle- and working-class taxpayers. Most important, it would slow inflation adjustments to tax brackets. This would hurt those taxpayers because more of them would move into higher tax brackets purely because of inflation in their wages. High-income taxpayers who already pay the top tax rate wouldn’t be affected the same way.

See, your problem is that you don't do the things you demand of others: "Then anything else that follows is just not worth reading or investigating or figuring out how you TWISTED REALITY to get a talking point."

I didn't twist reality at all. You're the ones who do that by pretending that this isn't going to raise your taxes, when that's all it's going to do.
When you start out by making deceptive claims like 80 or 90 Million people by 2027 will see a tax increase --- Then anything else that follows is just not worth reading or investigating or figuring out how you TWISTED REALITY to get a talking point..

Must be why there hasn't been a single analysis of this bill that shows any of the wild claims you fools make of it.
Do you actually expect to be taken seriously after that hysterical, nonsensical diatribe? Lighten up, Francis.

You're in denial and your lack of experience is showing. You're probably at that stage in your life where you think your parents will live forever and/or you can passively be involved in their end-of-life care.

Well, thanks to this GOP Tax Scam, you're gonna be embedded with your relatives as they slowly lose the battle with dementia, Alzheimer's, cancer, any awful late-stage disease you can think of.

There's no way someone whose ego is as fragile as yours could handle it.

No. Way.

Wow! I'm impressed! Derpass is the only person in the world who "may" have had a family member go thru hard times due to age and health. How did you and you alone as the only individual in the world to experience it go on? I'm simply in awe. You're my fucking hero Sally. Last year, my 87 year old mother went from driving her car to losing the use of her legs. Know what that means cumstain? Someone had to pick her up out of a chair and set her on the toilet multiple times a day and help her clean herself up. Then because of her lack of mobility, she had a blood clot. In and out of hospitals, skilled nursing and rehab for months and months before she endured an 8 hour surgery to fuse 9 vertebra. Now she walks with the use of a walker. I didn't see your ass at her house every day putting her on the toilet. I would have known if you had because I was there every day. Take your sanctimonious attitude and shove it up your crusty ass.

The fact that middle class Americans will begin to keep more of their hard earned dollars instead of having to forfeit them in taxes in no way would have changed what happened to my mom or the care that our family provided.
Wow! I'm impressed! Derpass is the only person in the world who "may" have had a family member go thru hard times due to age and health. How did you and you alone as the only individual in the world to experience it go on? I'm simply in awe. You're my fucking hero Sally. Last year, my 87 year old mother went from driving her car to losing the use of her legs. Know what that means cumstain? Someone had to pick her up out of a chair and set her on the toilet multiple times a day and help her clean herself up. Then because of her lack of mobility, she had a blood clot. In and out of hospitals, skilled nursing and rehab for months and months before she endured an 8 hour surgery to fuse 9 vertebra. Now she walks with the use of a walker. I didn't see your ass at her house every day putting her on the toilet. I would have known if you had because I was there every day. Take your sanctimonious attitude and shove it up your crusty ass.

So right mentioned two things that will face cuts, making them unaffordable to you, thanks to the PayGo Medicaid and Medicare cuts you stupidly support; skilled nursing and rehab. That shit gets paid by both Medicaid and Medicare. So square this circle; since both will be cut beginning 1/1/19, what does that mean for the skilled nursing and rehab? It means you gotta either spend more out of pocket, or you don't do it at all. That's what it means. So yes, your inexperience is showing. So those months and months of rehab that got your "relative" to the place where she could walk with a walker...YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO AFFORD THAT SHIT NOW, THANKS TO THE CUTS THE TAX BILL YOU SUPPORT CAUSES.

The fact that middle class Americans will begin to keep more of their hard earned dollars instead of having to forfeit them in taxes in no way would have changed what happened to my mom or the care that our family provided.

They're not keeping more. By 2025, the cuts expire. By 2027, chained CPI will push millions into higher tax brackets. And the real kicker is that because you removed the mandate, health insurance premiums will increase by an additional 10% on top of what they're already increasing.

Anyone who thinks this tax plan benefits them and lets them "keep more of what they earned" is a fucking idiot. Full stop.

And yes, the tax plan isn't going to retroactively change what happened with your mother before the plan was passed...but it sure as shit is going to change what will happen with your mother moving forward...namely that she (or you) will have to spend more of that "money you got to keep" to make up for the cut to Medicare and Medicaid funding this dumb tax plan triggers.

Wanna bet that the amount more you will have to pay out of your pocket to care for your mother will be higher than the amount you "got to keep" from the tax cut? Because the PayGo cuts are going to happen as soon as January 1, 2019. They're automatically triggered because your stupid tax plan explodes the deficit to $1T.
And yet it's you behaving like chicken little making overly exaggerated generalizations. Nobody else.

Nothing I'm saying is an exaggeration. Nothing.

It is a fact that this tax plan automatically triggers PayGo cuts to Medicare and Medicaid.

It is a fact that health care for seniors is Medicare and Medicaid.

It is a fact that Medicaid alone pays for 60% of all nursing and convalescent and hospice care.

What do you think is going to happen for people on Medicaid and Medicare when those PayGo cuts that you support are triggered one year from now?
It must suck to be as miserable as you are on a daily basis. How do you find the strength to go on?

You can project whatever insecurities you want on me, it's not going to matter when you're up at 4:00AM, wiping the dirty ass of your mother or father who can't do it themselves because they're suffering from dementia. Sure hope you think of AT&T's share price as you do it.
I suppose you are going to kill your mammy and pappy?
Do you actually expect to be taken seriously after that hysterical, nonsensical diatribe? Lighten up, Francis.

You're in denial and your lack of experience is showing. You're probably at that stage in your life where you think your parents will live forever and/or you can passively be involved in their end-of-life care.

Well, thanks to this GOP Tax Scam, you're gonna be embedded with your relatives as they slowly lose the battle with dementia, Alzheimer's, cancer, any awful late-stage disease you can think of.

There's no way someone whose ego is as fragile as yours could handle it.

No. Way.
With all the new federal revenue from the result of the tax cut bringing in more taxes for the government, Medicare will be awash with new income.

Now run along doom sayer.
With all the new federal revenue from the result of the tax cut bringing in more taxes for the government, Medicare will be awash with new income.


The only thing that "trickles down" is the Russian hooker pee onto Trump's fat, orange face.
With all the new federal revenue from the result of the tax cut bringing in more taxes for the government, Medicare will be awash with new income.

So I don't want to hear a Conservative ever say again that they don't know what "trickle down economics" is, and that they don't support it.

I have news for you pal, this tax cut isn't going to trickle down. In fact, the federal deficit is going to balloon up to $1T this year thanks to the tax cut.
With all the new federal revenue from the result of the tax cut bringing in more taxes for the government, Medicare will be awash with new income.

So I don't want to hear a Conservative ever say again that they don't know what "trickle down economics" is, and that they don't support it.

I have news for you pal, this tax cut isn't going to trickle down. In fact, the federal deficit is going to balloon up to $1T this year thanks to the tax cut.

Sounds like we'd better cut spending then. Where are the democrats demanding spending cuts?
So I don't want to hear a Conservative ever say again that they don't know what "trickle down economics" is, and that they don't support it.

I have news for you pal, this tax cut isn't going to trickle down. In fact, the federal deficit is going to balloon up to $1T this year thanks to the tax cut.

Sure, it will, despite the fact that when Bush, Reagan, JFK, and Harding cut taxes federal revenues increased.......
With all the new federal revenue from the result of the tax cut bringing in more taxes for the government, Medicare will be awash with new income.

So I don't want to hear a Conservative ever say again that they don't know what "trickle down economics" is, and that they don't support it.

I have news for you pal, this tax cut isn't going to trickle down. In fact, the federal deficit is going to balloon up to $1T this year thanks to the tax cut.

You're an angry elf.

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