Sure hope you like wiping dirty asses...

You don't even know what they do. Perhaps you should discuss your preference between Hostess and Little Debbie's.

What they do is immaterial to the fact that it gets paid by Medicaid and/or Medicare, which you want to cut because you just had to give Bob Corker a personal tax break.
It will be more than made up by those who are disqualified from receiving unemployment and welfare because of their failed drug tests.
Typical liberal, throw your parents in a government run nursing home. Have you ever seen one? My mom will stay with me, before that would ever happen. Go fuck yourself.

Thing is, because of this tax cut you dumbly support, you won't even be able to afford those shitty government nursing homes. So congrats! You and you alone get to take care of your sick and dying parents. All so AT&T could get a tax cut it didn't need.
The middle class will do fine off this tax cut. Quit relying on liberal talking points. Proves how stupid you really are. I bet you said the exact same thing about Bush's tax cuts, where everyone got a cut.
The Democrat's vehement stance against allowing people to keep more of their own money is merely a continuation of their slide into oblivion.

You're not keeping more of your own money:

1. You raised taxes from 10% to 12% for the lowest bracket.

2. You increased premiums by an additional 10% thanks to repealing the mandate.

3. You made the tax cuts that nominally benefit the working class temporary, but made the tax cuts that benefit the rich permanent because your tax plan explodes the deficit.

4. You triggered automatic PayGo cuts to Medicare and Medicaid that Trump waived for 2018, but can't for 2019 because your tax plan explodes the deficit to at least $1T annually.

5. You chained the tax brackets to CPI, which means when they expire and rise beginning in 2025, 80-90 million people will be shifted into higher brackets simply because their wage is subject to a higher rate of inflation than the brackets you chained to CPI.

6. Your emotional argument for selfishness has never once produced any of the economic gains you promise. Never once have tax cuts ever paid for themselves in increased economic activity. Revenue declines or grows at a slower rate than it does if taxes aren't cut or raised.
The Democrat's vehement stance against allowing people to keep more of their own money is merely a continuation of their slide into oblivion.

You're not keeping more of your own money:

1. You raised taxes from 10% to 12% for the lowest bracket.

2. You increased premiums by an additional 10% thanks to repealing the mandate.

3. You made the tax cuts that nominally benefit the working class temporary, but made the tax cuts that benefit the rich permanent because your tax plan explodes the deficit.

4. You triggered automatic PayGo cuts to Medicare and Medicaid that Trump waived for 2018, but can't for 2019 because your tax plan explodes the deficit to at least $1T annually.

5. You chained the tax brackets to CPI, which means when they expire and rise beginning in 2025, 80-90 million people will be shifted into higher brackets simply because their wage is subject to a higher rate of inflation than the brackets you chained to CPI.

6. Your emotional argument for selfishness has never once produced any of the economic gains you promise. Never once have tax cuts ever paid for themselves in increased economic activity. Revenue declines or grows at a slower rate than it does if taxes aren't cut or raised.
And paid for it all with savings accrued by stopping the enabling of drug addicts.
Where I come from, families still take care of their elderly.
How dare you!

You need to be made aware that you must drop them off at some unforsaken facility, in someone elses care, and forget they exist.

Until they pass so you can argue with the family and collect the inheritance.

My wife and I made a promise that we wouldn't place either of our parents into a facility and kept that promise, attending to them with the assistance of healthcare providers, till the end.
This #GOPTaxScam, in addition to adding at least $1.5T to the debt, raising taxes on 80-90 million people by 2027, and increasing health insurance premiums by an additional 10% immediately, the PayGo cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security beginning in 2019 will force millions of seniors out of nursing homes and into your guest rooms.

Since Medicaid pays for 60% of all nursing/convalescent home care, the PayGo cuts that will start 1/1/19 will make that care unaffordable for many (including the poseurs on this board). Which means millions of old, sick people moving in with their kids.

So I sure hope you like cleaning dirty asses, because you're going to be up to your elbows in Depends because you just had to give AT&T a tax cut it didn't need. Ever been face-to-face with dementia, Alzheimer's, or cancer? They're a fucking shitshow. Financially and emotionally draining. I wouldn't wish it on even the most Russian trollish troll on these boards.

The Tax Bill’s Automatic Spending Cuts
NOV. 29, 2017
A law to keep the deficit from growing larger requires cuts to federal spending if the tax bill passes and Congress takes no further action.


If I wanted to be melodramatic, I'd just call myself a Conservative and screech about the debt as I increase it.

Ever dealt face-to-face with a family member suffering dementia? You couldn't handle it.
The middle class will do fine off this tax cut.

No they won't.

1. Their rates go up beginning in 2025.

2. 80-90 million of them will get pushed into a higher bracket because of chained CPI

3. They will have to pay an additional 10% on top of whatever their premium increase would be thanks to repealing the mandate.

4. Because this boondoggle adds trillions to the debt and explodes the deficit, automatic cuts to Medicare and Medicaid -two programs most middle class workers rely on for their parents and themselves- will be cut which will force cost increases for health care for seniors.

5. The corporate tax rate is still higher than that of the rate in nations like Ireland and the Caymans, where many companies relocated their HQ's.

6. You expect Democrats to come to your rescue? Fuck. You. This tax bill is your mess. You passed it without any input from Democrats, without even a CBO score. So why the fuck should anyone lift a finger to help you politically?

Quit relying on liberal talking points. Proves how stupid you really are. I bet you said the exact same thing about Bush's tax cuts, where everyone got a cut.

The Bush Tax Cuts exploded the deficit and caused the housing bubble. We were all right about the Bush Tax Cuts; we said it was going to explode the deficit - it did. We said it wasn't going to pay for itself - it didn't. We said it was going to cause an economic collapse - it did. We said it wasn't going to create any jobs - it didn't.

So fuck off.
I bet the op is outraged, because he is so stupid. He can't wipe his own ass. Much less anyone else's.

If this is the best you can do, you might as well drink a gallon of antifreeze right now.
You need to be made aware that you must drop them off at some unforsaken facility, in someone elses care, and forget they exist.
Until they pass so you can argue with the family and collect the inheritance.
My wife and I made a promise that we wouldn't place either of our parents into a facility and kept that promise, attending to them with the assistance of healthcare providers, till the end.

"Assistance of healthcare providers"...which is paid by Medicaid and Medicare...which you want to cut so you can give a tax break to Wells Fargo.

Fucking idiot.
You need to be made aware that you must drop them off at some unforsaken facility, in someone elses care, and forget they exist.
Until they pass so you can argue with the family and collect the inheritance.
My wife and I made a promise that we wouldn't place either of our parents into a facility and kept that promise, attending to them with the assistance of healthcare providers, till the end.

"Assistance of healthcare providers"...which is paid by Medicaid and Medicare...which you want to cut so you can give a tax break to Wells Fargo.

Fucking idiot.
Fucking idiot.

I used our parents retirement and assets.

Instead of giving them to a long term care facility.

Whining little BITCH.

Fuck off.
That's what will fund those programs.

Medicaid and Medicare are facing automatic cuts starting January 2019 specifically because your shitty tax plan explodes the deficit to $1T for this year.

TListen. You're way too upset about nothing.

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
I mean, I know some who are not happy unless they're angry. They get all worked up and curse and holler. They provide a spectacle for the normals.

As far as being upset about the deficit, get back to me when it reaches $9 trillion.
I used our parents retirement and assets.

So what happens to the middle class worker that doesn't have the benefit of parents with retirements and asset savings? Because less than half of workers have a 401k.

So here's the part of the discussion where you reveal yourself to be simply unable to empathize. That's because only one of two things are true:

1. You're a sociopath


2. You have an unearned sense of entitlement instilled in you by NO ATTACKS ON FAMILY.

Instead of giving them to a long term care facility.Whining little BITCH.Fuck off.

First of all, I call bullshit on that.

Second of all, most middle class workers aren't in the supposed position you were in where your parents had saved enough. But even with your parents saving, Medicaid and Medicare was still paying for their treatment and drugs. That's what you are either unaware of, or are fucking lying about.
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I mean, I know some who are not happy unless they're angry. They get all worked up and curse and holler. They provide a spectacle for the normals.As far as being upset about the deficit, get back to me when it reaches $9 trillion.

So here's an example of you revealing yourself to be nothing more than a troll:

1. You are simply unable to reconcile the fact that the shit tax plan you support is going to cause economic harm on the middle class through cuts to Medicare and Medicaid that you support, just to give Uday Trump a personal tax cut.

2. You conflate the deficit and the debt, revealing yourself to be a deficit peacock, which is someone who feigns concern and outrage over the debt and deficit (two things you clearly aren't able to distinguish) that their policies caused, and then uses that phony baloney concern to impose an unpopular and sadomasochistic agenda of inflicting harm on yourself and others for the sake of corporate profit taxes that you don't even share in, and neither do half of American workers.

3. Pointing out your hypocrisy on the debt and deficit doesn't mean I share your fake deficit and debt concerns. I'm no deficit hawk at all. I'm a hypocrisy hawk, and you're a hypocrite. You're the ones who screeched for 8 years during Obama, like a bunch of barnyard animals, that the debt was going to cause the sky to fall. Now, you're adding at least $1.5T to that debt, and the debt concern? Nowhere to be seen. Which means your debt arguments are, and always have been, disingenuous. And if that argument is disingenuous, what else about you is disingenuous????
I mean, I know some who are not happy unless they're angry. They get all worked up and curse and holler. They provide a spectacle for the normals.As far as being upset about the deficit, get back to me when it reaches $9 trillion.

So here's an example of you revealing yourself to be nothing more than a troll:

1. You are simply unable to reconcile the fact that the shit tax plan you support is going to cause economic harm on the middle class through cuts to Medicare and Medicaid that you support, just to give Uday Trump a personal tax cut.

2. You conflate the deficit and the debt, revealing yourself to be a deficit peacock, which is someone who feigns concern and outrage over the debt and deficit (two things you clearly aren't able to distinguish) that their policies caused, and then uses that phony baloney concern to impose an unpopular and sadomasochistic agenda of inflicting harm on yourself and others for the sake of corporate profit taxes that you don't even share in, and neither do half of American workers.

3. Pointing out your hypocrisy on the debt and deficit doesn't mean I share your fake deficit and debt concerns. I'm no deficit hawk at all. I'm a hypocrisy hawk, and you're a hypocrite. You're the ones who screeched for 8 years during Obama, like a bunch of barnyard animals, that the debt was going to cause the sky to fall. Now, you're adding at least $1.5T to that debt, and the debt concern? Nowhere to be seen. Which means your debt argument are, and always have been, disingenuous. And if that argument is disingenuous, what else about you is disingenuous????
You ignore the positive results of people having more of the money they earn. Relax your soul in peace. Medicaid and Medicare will be fine.
You ignore the positive results of people having more of the money they earn.

You're ignoring the fact that they're not keeping more of what they earned...that they're paying more for less. The money they "keep" goes right back out the door to pay for the increase in premiums you caused by removing the mandate (10% on top of what premiums are already increasing, according to the AARP). You are willfully ignorant because your dogma means more to you than the truth and reality.

YRelax your soul in peace. Medicaid and Medicare will be fine.

No they won't. Trump waived the automatic PayGo cuts for 2018, specifically because the $1T deficit your tax bill produces triggers automatic cuts to Medicaid and Medicare. But he can only do that once. Starting January 2019, Medicare and Medicaid will face cuts. That's gonna increase the costs for everyone who relies on Medicare and Medicaid. Which is pretty much ever senior citizen. All because you just had to give a tax cut to Comcast that they don't need.
You ignore the positive results of people having more of the money they earn. Relax your soul in peace. Medicaid and Medicare will be fine.

Now because your deficit and debt arguments are disingenuous, what else about you is disingenuous????

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