Sure hope you like wiping dirty asses...

You ignore the positive results of people having more of the money they earn.

You're ignoring the fact that they're not keeping more of what they earned...that they're paying more for less. The money they "keep" goes right back out the door to pay for the increase in premiums you caused by removing the mandate (10% on top of what premiums are already increasing, according to the AARP). You are willfully ignorant because your dogma means more to you than the truth and reality.

YRelax your soul in peace. Medicaid and Medicare will be fine.

No they won't. Trump waived the automatic PayGo cuts for 2018, specifically because the $1T deficit your tax bill produces triggers automatic cuts to Medicaid and Medicare. But he can only do that once. Starting January 2019, Medicare and Medicaid will face cuts. That's gonna increase the costs for everyone who relies on Medicare and Medicaid. Which is pretty much ever senior citizen. All because you just had to give a tax cut to Comcast that they don't need.
Do you know what a mandate is? It's when the government makes you buy something, or face a fine at a minimum. More money in the family party fund.

When you lose, you lose big.
Do you know what a mandate is? It's when the government makes you buy something, or face a fine at a minimum. More money in the family party fund..

The fewer people who enroll in insurance, the higher insurance premiums will go.

So on top of everything else, you don't even know what insurance is.

What a clown.
Calm yourself. Try some aromatherapy.

Since your argument is disingenuous, then it leads me to believe that the claims you made about your elderly relatives are disingenuous too. Which means you made shit up about yourself, inventing sick people, just to save face on an anonymous message board.
Do you know what a mandate is? It's when the government makes you buy something, or face a fine at a minimum. More money in the family party fund..

The fewer people who enroll in insurance, the higher insurance premiums will go.

So on top of everything else, you don't even know what insurance is.

What a clown.
Competition is the punch to your face. Insurance companies used to beg us to buy their insurance all the time.
Calm yourself. Try some aromatherapy.

Since your argument is disingenuous, then it leads me to believe that the claims you made about your elderly relatives are disingenuous too. Which means you made shit up about yourself, inventing sick people, just to save face on an anonymous message board.
It is a very difficult but ultimately rewarding experience.

Mommy wiped your butt when you were young, you wipe hers when she's old.

Who will wipe your butt when you need it?
This #GOPTaxScam, in addition to adding at least $1.5T to the debt, raising taxes on 80-90 million people by 2027, and increasing health insurance premiums by an additional 10% immediately, the PayGo cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security beginning in 2019 will force millions of seniors out of nursing homes and into your guest rooms.

Since Medicaid pays for 60% of all nursing/convalescent home care, the PayGo cuts that will start 1/1/19 will make that care unaffordable for many (including the poseurs on this board). Which means millions of old, sick people moving in with their kids.

So I sure hope you like cleaning dirty asses, because you're going to be up to your elbows in Depends because you just had to give AT&T a tax cut it didn't need. Ever been face-to-face with dementia, Alzheimer's, or cancer? They're a fucking shitshow. Financially and emotionally draining. I wouldn't wish it on even the most Russian trollish troll on these boards.

The Tax Bill’s Automatic Spending Cuts
NOV. 29, 2017
A law to keep the deficit from growing larger requires cuts to federal spending if the tax bill passes and Congress takes no further action.
Wow a left wing wack job calling for a balanced budget amendment

Will wonders never cease
This #GOPTaxScam, in addition to adding at least $1.5T to the debt, raising taxes on 80-90 million people by 2027, and increasing health insurance premiums by an additional 10% immediately, the PayGo cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security beginning in 2019 will force millions of seniors out of nursing homes and into your guest rooms.

Since Medicaid pays for 60% of all nursing/convalescent home care, the PayGo cuts that will start 1/1/19 will make that care unaffordable for many (including the poseurs on this board). Which means millions of old, sick people moving in with their kids.

So I sure hope you like cleaning dirty asses, because you're going to be up to your elbows in Depends because you just had to give AT&T a tax cut it didn't need. Ever been face-to-face with dementia, Alzheimer's, or cancer? They're a fucking shitshow. Financially and emotionally draining. I wouldn't wish it on even the most Russian trollish troll on these boards.

The Tax Bill’s Automatic Spending Cuts
NOV. 29, 2017
A law to keep the deficit from growing larger requires cuts to federal spending if the tax bill passes and Congress takes no further action.


And it's really fucking sad that you're so glib about something that is an inevitability.

It is inevitable that cuts to Medicaid will start in 2019.

It is inevitable that those cuts will make nursing home care too expensive for millions.

It is inevitable that those cuts will make convalescent care too expensive for millions.

Which means it's inevitable that your parents will suffer and die, and you'll be right there along for the ride becuase you just had to give David Purdue a tax cut.

Think about that when your incontinent parent doesn't recognize your face every day until they whither and die.

Maybe then you'll finally stop being a sociopath.

I haven't spoken to my nut job mother in over a decade and I don't worry about her at all.

I on the other hand have no plans on being an incontinent invalid and if I ever end up one I'll check myself out of this life.
Competition is the punch to your face. Insurance companies used to beg us to buy their insurance all the time.

Premium increases before Obamacare were higher than after Obamacare.

Secondly, the concept of insurance seems entirely lost on you. But that's not surprising since you're a disingenuous person in the first place.
It is a very difficult but ultimately rewarding experience.
Mommy wiped your butt when you were young, you wipe hers when she's old.
Who will wipe your butt when you need it?

How is it rewarding if your elderly parent suffers from dementia and doesn't recognize you? Oh right, you haven't thought of that becuase you never personally experienced it. Which is what makes you a sociopath; your inability to put yourself in someone else's shoes.
Competition is the punch to your face. Insurance companies used to beg us to buy their insurance all the time.

Premium increases before Obamacare were higher than after Obamacare.

Secondly, the concept of insurance seems entirely lost on you. But that's not surprising since you're a disingenuous person in the first place.
Higher yet not forced upon the general population. It becomes an option, and prices go down. The market sets the price rather than the government forcing you to pay.

When they go win, you go lose.
Wow a left wing wack job calling for a balanced budget amendment

Nope. Not calling for that. Calling you out for your debt and deficit hypocrisy doesn't mean I share your fake concerns over the debt and deficit. It just means that your arguments about both are disingenuous.
It is a very difficult but ultimately rewarding experience.
Mommy wiped your butt when you were young, you wipe hers when she's old.
Who will wipe your butt when you need it?

How is it rewarding if your elderly parent suffers from dementia and doesn't recognize you? Oh right, you haven't thought of that becuase you never personally experienced it. Which is what makes you a sociopath; your inability to put yourself in someone else's shoes.
Because you learn about life and witness the ending of your parents. It is both difficult and rewarding. There comes a time when all you can do is make them as comfortable as possible.
Competition is the punch to your face. Insurance companies used to beg us to buy their insurance all the time.

Premium increases before Obamacare were higher than after Obamacare.

Secondly, the concept of insurance seems entirely lost on you. But that's not surprising since you're a disingenuous person in the first place.


First, unlike Adler and Ginsburg's approach, Brookings 2014 study used actual data and found that “enrollment-weighted premiums in the individual health insurance market increased by 24.4 percent beyond what they would have had they simply followed…trends.” Second, S&P Global Institute found that average individual market medical costs increased substantially between 2013 and 2015, up an estimated 69%. Third, 2014 insurer data shows that premiums for individual market Qualified Health Plans (QHPs), ACA-compliant plans certified to be sold on exchanges, were much higher than premiums for individual market non-QHPs, mostly plans in existence before 2014 that did not comply with the ACA. Relative to non-QHPs, insurers collected more than $1,000 per enrollee in higher premiums and more than $2,300 in higher premium revenue per enrollee in 2014 after accounting for large premium subsidy programs for their QHPs.
I haven't spoken to my nut job mother in over a decade and I don't worry about her at all.

Great. So thanks for proving you're a sociopath.

And it's not about you, it's about everyone. Try putting yourself in someone else's shoes for once -oh wait, you can't do that because you're a sociopath.

II on the other hand have no plans on being an incontinent invalid and if I ever end up one I'll check myself out of this life.

Maybe you should just hasten that and drink a gallon of antifreeze now, because it already sounds like you are suffering from early onset dementia based on your garbage posts.
Wow a left wing wack job calling for a balanced budget amendment

Nope. Not calling for that. Calling you out for your debt and deficit hypocrisy doesn't mean I share your fake concerns over the debt and deficit. It just means that your arguments about both are disingenuous.

I don't give a fuck about deficits and debt anymore because no one else does.

So if I can keep more of what I earn I will because I am a better steward of my money than the fucking idiots in governemnt
Higher yet not forced upon the general population. It becomes an option, and prices go down. The market sets the price rather than the government forcing you to pay.

So you don't understand or grasp the concept of insurance. Fine. The more people who enroll in insurance, the lower your premium is.

When they go win, you go lose.

You're going to need health insurance at some point in your life because you will incur medical costs that you cannot afford to pay out of your own pocket. Would you rather pay a little bit now, or pay a lot more later?
I haven't spoken to my nut job mother in over a decade and I don't worry about her at all.

Great. So thanks for proving you're a sociopath.

And it's not about you, it's about everyone. Try putting yourself in someone else's shoes for once -oh wait, you can't do that because you're a sociopath.

II on the other hand have no plans on being an incontinent invalid and if I ever end up one I'll check myself out of this life.

Maybe you should just hasten that and drink a gallon of antifreeze now, because it already sounds like you are suffering from early onset dementia based on your garbage posts.

Yeah you try living with a manic depressive wacko hoarder for 17 years then get back to me
Higher yet not forced upon the general population. It becomes an option, and prices go down. The market sets the price rather than the government forcing you to pay.

So you don't understand or grasp the concept of insurance. Fine. The more people who enroll in insurance, the lower your premium is.

When they go win, you go lose.

You're going to need health insurance at some point in your life because you will incur medical costs that you cannot afford to pay out of your own pocket. Would you rather pay a little bit now, or pay a lot more later?
Not when it's forced. Look at the skyrocketing premiums under Ocare. Not to mention nobody would even provide it to them. It was fail and your argument is fail.
Because you learn about life and witness the ending of your parents.

How is that rewarding? How is it rewarding to watch a parent wither and die from dementia and Alzheimer's?

"Learn about life"? So what is it you're "learning"? By witnessing a parent die from cancer, you learn what that you can't learn anywhere else? Try and articulate your vague and general arguments, if you can.

It is both difficult and rewarding. There comes a time when all you can do is make them as comfortable as possible.

Wait - so now it's difficult and rewarding? So you keep changing and adding qualifiers in. Yeah, no shit it's difficult. How is it rewarding?

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