Sure hope you like wiping dirty asses...

First, unlike Adler and Ginsburg's approach, Brookings 2014 study used actual data and found that “enrollment-weighted premiums in the individual health insurance market increased by 24.4 percent beyond what they would have had they simply followed…trends.” Second, S&P Global Institute found that average individual market medical costs increased substantially between 2013 and 2015, up an estimated 69%. Third, 2014 insurer data shows that premiums for individual market Qualified Health Plans (QHPs), ACA-compliant plans certified to be sold on exchanges, were much higher than premiums for individual market non-QHPs, mostly plans in existence before 2014 that did not comply with the ACA. Relative to non-QHPs, insurers collected more than $1,000 per enrollee in higher premiums and more than $2,300 in higher premium revenue per enrollee in 2014 after accounting for large premium subsidy programs for their QHPs.

So as usual, you have to redefine narrow parameters in order for your garbage argument to make sense.

Why is it that nothing you say turns out to be true, and every source you use is outdated? Because you're a fraud.
Because you learn about life and witness the ending of your parents.

How is that rewarding? How is it rewarding to watch a parent wither and die from dementia and Alzheimer's?

"Learn about life"? So what is it you're "learning"? By witnessing a parent die from cancer, you learn what that you can't learn anywhere else? Try and articulate your vague and general arguments, if you can.

It is both difficult and rewarding. There comes a time when all you can do is make them as comfortable as possible.

Wait - so now it's difficult and rewarding? So you keep changing and adding qualifiers in. Yeah, no shit it's difficult. How is it rewarding?
It's as rewarding as delivering your children. I suppose you must develop a loving family over the course of your lifetime. It works for us.
I don't give a fuck about deficits and debt anymore because no one else does.

LOL! So now here you are, abandoning the one consistent position you had throughout Obama for the sake of political expediency and to save face on a message board.

So your beliefs seem kinda fluid then...that you don't really have a set of principles. You just make it all up as you go.

So if I can keep more of what I earn I will because I am a better steward of my money than the fucking idiots in governemnt

For the thousandth time -YOU'RE NOT KEEPING ANYTHING MORE. Your taxes are going up. Your health insurance costs are going up an addition 10%. You're going to have to spend more of what you got to keep on health care because your dumb tax cut explodes the deficit to $1T annually, which forces automatic cuts to Medicare and Medicaid. Your tax bracket is chained to CPI which rises at a rate of inflation lower than your wage does.

Why are you ignoring all that?
Yeah you try living with a manic depressive wacko hoarder for 17 years then get back to me

I am very sorry to hear that your mother was terrible. That sucks. Like, really sucks. I can't imagine having a parent that inflicts that kind of psychological toll on you. But you're going to condemn other people to die in poverty because your mother was bad to you? Come on.
Yeah you try living with a manic depressive wacko hoarder for 17 years then get back to me

I am very sorry to hear that your mother was terrible. That sucks. Like, really sucks. I can't imagine having a parent that inflicts that kind of psychological toll on you. But you're going to condemn other people to die in poverty because your mother was bad to you? Come on.
This is where The Don's policies are improving lives. Black unemployment, that harbinger of poverty and injustice, has dropped to record lows. Thus, future generations will be able to pay for help, rather than be enslaved into the poverty levels they have been for too long.
First, unlike Adler and Ginsburg's approach, Brookings 2014 study used actual data and found that “enrollment-weighted premiums in the individual health insurance market increased by 24.4 percent beyond what they would have had they simply followed…trends.” Second, S&P Global Institute found that average individual market medical costs increased substantially between 2013 and 2015, up an estimated 69%. Third, 2014 insurer data shows that premiums for individual market Qualified Health Plans (QHPs), ACA-compliant plans certified to be sold on exchanges, were much higher than premiums for individual market non-QHPs, mostly plans in existence before 2014 that did not comply with the ACA. Relative to non-QHPs, insurers collected more than $1,000 per enrollee in higher premiums and more than $2,300 in higher premium revenue per enrollee in 2014 after accounting for large premium subsidy programs for their QHPs.

So as usual, you have to redefine narrow parameters in order for your garbage argument to make sense.

Why is it that nothing you say turns out to be true, and every source you use is outdated? Because you're a fraud.

So 2 years of figures premiums to an estimate of what premiums MIGHT HAVE BEEN if Obammycare wasn't passed is fine right?
It must suck to be as miserable as you are on a daily basis. How do you find the strength to go on?

You can project whatever insecurities you want on me, it's not going to matter when you're up at 4:00AM, wiping the dirty ass of your mother or father who can't do it themselves because they're suffering from dementia. Sure hope you think of AT&T's share price as you do it.
My parents are both gone.
Yeah you try living with a manic depressive wacko hoarder for 17 years then get back to me

I am very sorry to hear that your mother was terrible. That sucks. Like, really sucks. I can't imagine having a parent that inflicts that kind of psychological toll on you. But you're going to condemn other people to die in poverty because your mother was bad to you? Come on.

I'm not condemning anyone to anything you idiot.

No one is stopping anyone from saving their money for retirement like I do.

I am first and foremost responsible for myself then my wife everyone else is a distant third place. So yes I will always always always opt to keep more of my own money to meet my obligations.

IMO it's people like you who think that somehow the money I earn belongs to the fucking government that are forcing me to live at a lower standard than possible
Not when it's forced. Look at the skyrocketing premiums under Ocare. Not to mention nobody would even provide it to them. It was fail and your argument is fail.

Premiums increased at higher rates before Obamacare than after it.

Secondly, the more people who enroll in insurance, the lower the premiums. So to achieve the lowest possible premiums, everyone should be on the same insurance plan.
I hear they have some nice nursing homes in India. Cheap too!

And if the old folks are that far gone, they won't know where they are anyway.
It's as rewarding as delivering your children.

HOW is it rewarding? Seems like you're saying it's "rewarding" because you can't think of anything else to say. "Rewarding" is vague enough for you to establish a set of fluid parameters. Why go to such ridiculous efforts when you can simply just admit that there isn't anything rewarding about taking care of your parents at the end of their lives, watching them suffer from things like cancer and dementia.

I I suppose you must develop a loving family over the course of your lifetime. It works for us.

So when in doubt, just act vague and obtuse. How is watching your parent die from Alzheimer's "rewarding"?
This is where The Don's policies are improving lives. Black unemployment, that harbinger of poverty and injustice, has dropped to record lows. Thus, future generations will be able to pay for help, rather than be enslaved into the poverty levels they have been for too long.

Thanks to Obama. You're welcome.
I don't give a fuck about deficits and debt anymore because no one else does.

LOL! So now here you are, abandoning the one consistent position you had throughout Obama for the sake of political expediency and to save face on a message board.

So your beliefs seem kinda fluid then...that you don't really have a set of principles. You just make it all up as you go.

So if I can keep more of what I earn I will because I am a better steward of my money than the fucking idiots in governemnt

For the thousandth time -YOU'RE NOT KEEPING ANYTHING MORE. Your taxes are going up. Your health insurance costs are going up an addition 10%. You're going to have to spend more of what you got to keep on health care because your dumb tax cut explodes the deficit to $1T annually, which forces automatic cuts to Medicare and Medicaid. Your tax bracket is chained to CPI which rises at a rate of inflation lower than your wage does.

Why are you ignoring all that?

I already told you my taxes are not going up.
You have no idea what I pay for insurance but I can tell you that I do not buy insurance from the exchanges because I have a small pension that includes an insurance plan.

And what tax bracket am I in again? You tell me because you obviously think you know more about my finances than I do.
Not when it's forced. Look at the skyrocketing premiums under Ocare. Not to mention nobody would even provide it to them. It was fail and your argument is fail.

Premiums increased at higher rates before Obamacare than after it.

Secondly, the more people who enroll in insurance, the lower the premiums. So to achieve the lowest possible premiums, everyone should be on the same insurance plan.
Premiums were skyrocketing. Providers were bailing to the point of none available.
This is where The Don's policies are improving lives. Black unemployment, that harbinger of poverty and injustice, has dropped to record lows. Thus, future generations will be able to pay for help, rather than be enslaved into the poverty levels they have been for too long.

Thanks to Obama. You're welcome.
You admit it is happening. That is the first step.
So 2 years of figures premiums to an estimate of what premiums MIGHT HAVE BEEN if Obammycare wasn't passed is fine right?

When it's outdated, like the link you cherrypicked and posted, it doesn't mean shit. Not when we have additional years of data to examine, which was in the link I provided you.

So I did the courtesy of reading your link, but you couldn't extend that same courtesy to read mine.

That's because you're a fucking fraud.
It must suck to be as miserable as you are on a daily basis. How do you find the strength to go on?

You can project whatever insecurities you want on me, it's not going to matter when you're up at 4:00AM, wiping the dirty ass of your mother or father who can't do it themselves because they're suffering from dementia. Sure hope you think of AT&T's share price as you do it.
My parents are both gone.

That sucks. Mine too.

But I am capable of thinking about others, not just myself. That's what makes me a functional person, and you a sociopath.
I'm not condemning anyone to anything you idiot.

Yes you are. By supporting the Trump Tax Plan, you condemn millions of people to die in poverty because of the automatic cuts to Medicare and Medicaid your trillion dollar, deficit-inducing tax bill triggers.

At its core, Conservatism simply cannot exist in the same space as empathy. Being Conservative means being unable to think about others. That's antisocial behavior that sociopaths have.

No one is stopping anyone from saving their money for retirement like I do.

Most American workers don't save for retirement because they can't. They simply don't make enough money because their wages are too low. Less than half of American workers have a 401k, and the average 401k balance for someone age 55-64 is only $178K. Which isn't going to be enough to pay the increased costs of health care your tax bill causes because it triggers cuts to Medicare and Medicaid.

Why do you have such a hard time understanding that? Is it a physical condition where your brain simply scrambles specific pieces of information or what?

I am first and foremost responsible for myself then my wife everyone else is a distant third place. So yes I will always always always opt to keep more of my own money to meet my obligations.
IMO it's people like you who think that somehow the money I earn belongs to the fucking government that are forcing me to live at a lower standard than possible

Stop this whiny, entitled, victimhood bullshit. You pay taxes because the government provides a platform on which the free market can thrive. So you are very immature, juvenile, and childish. And besides YOU'RE NOT KEEPING MORE OF WHAT YOU EARNED. You're spending more because of the increases to health insurance premiums and cuts to Medicare and Medicaid.
I already told you my taxes are not going up.

Yes, they are going up. For one, the bottom bracket goes up from 10% to 12%. For two, these cuts expire in 2025 and then the rates get raised, and Chained CPI could push you into a higher bracket depending on your wage, like it will for 80-90 million other workers. You're also going to be paying more for health care, thanks to the additional 10% bump on your premiums thanks to the mandate repeal. You're going to end up with less of what you earned to keep because you're going to be paying more in taxes, and you're paying more for health care. All so Jeff Flake could get a personal tax break. So congrats. His tax break is permanent, yours is temporary. So double congrats on that. Good work, dingus. You volunteered to not keep more of what you earned so Bob Corker could get a tax break for himself.

You have no idea what I pay for insurance but I can tell you that I do not buy insurance from the exchanges because I have a small pension that includes an insurance plan.

Great...and that insurance plan attached to your pension will see costs increase an additional 10% above what they already did because the repeal of the mandate affects all insurance markets, according to the AARP.

Also, how about you try thinking of someone who isn't you for once, and prove to me that you're not a sociopath.

And what tax bracket am I in again? You tell me because you obviously think you know more about my finances than I do.

It doesn't matter because the lowest tax bracket went up from 10% to 12%. And true, I don't know your wage, but chances are it's not that high and chances are, you'll probably find yourself in a higher bracket by 2025 because your wage was subject to greater inflation than the tax brackets.
Premiums were skyrocketing. Providers were bailing to the point of none available.

No they weren't. There is currently at least one insurer available for every county in the country. You say premiums were skyrocketing and they were -before the ACA. Premium increases before the ACA were higher than premium increases after the ACA.

Why is it that nearly everything you say turns out to be disingenuous, a lie, or inaccurate?

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