Sure hope you like wiping dirty asses...

I used our parents retirement and assets.

So what happens to the middle class worker that doesn't have the benefit of parents with retirements and asset savings? Because less than half of workers have a 401k.

So here's the part of the discussion where you reveal yourself to be simply unable to empathize. That's because only one of two things are true:

1. You're a sociopath


2. You have an unearned sense of entitlement instilled in you by your equally entitled shit garbage parents who did a shit garbage job of raising their shit garbage kid.

Instead of giving them to a long term care facility.Whining little BITCH.Fuck off.

First of all, I call bullshit on that.

Second of all, most middle class workers aren't in the supposed position you were in where your parents had saved enough. But even with your parents saving, Medicaid and Medicare was still paying for their treatment and drugs. That's what you are either unaware of, or are fucking lying about.
So what happens to middle class "workers" that don't have the benefit of retirement and asset savings?

What about them?

Are you expecting the rest of the middle class "workers" to work 2 or 3 jobs to provide for themselves and everyone else?

Reveal myself?

Who the fuck are you to tell me how much "empathy" that I am supposed to have?

Do you actually think I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth?

Of course I have empathy for other people. BUT! I wasn't born rich and worked 2 and 3 jobs to provide for my family, and SAVED to ensure that I would not have to be concerned about my future.

Am I obligated to work for their benefit at the expense of my family?

Or should I not have worked and expect someone else to be there to attend to "ME?"


I've been involved in my community as well as served this nation, at the expense of my desire to think about me, me, me.

You are only concerned about what everyone else is going to provide for "YOU."

Sociopath? Yes you are.

Unearned sense of entitlement?

No one has given me anything. I have never received any benefits for my entire life.

Shit garbage parents?

Keep attacking my family. This has been reported.

I call bullshit on your bullshit.

You are getting emotionally upset and verbally offensive and abusive.

Who do you think you are attacking my family and making baseless accusations because you don't like someone's response to your childish and infantile rants.

My parents had medical benefits and income for their entire lives. Both fathers and my mother were veterans.

Why are you so bent out of shape because I was raised to make it on my own and take care of my family in their time of need.

Again. Fuck off.
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Premiums were skyrocketing. Providers were bailing to the point of none available.

No they weren't. There is currently at least one insurer available for every county in the country. You say premiums were skyrocketing and they were -before the ACA. Premium increases before the ACA were higher than premium increases after the ACA.

Why is it that nearly everything you say turns out to be disingenuous, a lie, or inaccurate?
Yes they were. It's nonsense to claim differently. Some states went up over 60%. Arizona was 115% or something equally stultifying.
So 2 years of figures premiums to an estimate of what premiums MIGHT HAVE BEEN if Obammycare wasn't passed is fine right?

When it's outdated, like the link you cherrypicked and posted, it doesn't mean shit. Not when we have additional years of data to examine, which was in the link I provided you.

So I did the courtesy of reading your link, but you couldn't extend that same courtesy to read mine.

That's because you're a fucking fraud.

All you have is a comparison of 2 years of Obamacare premiums that is ALL you have.
Because you learn about life and witness the ending of your parents.

How is that rewarding? How is it rewarding to watch a parent wither and die from dementia and Alzheimer's?

"Learn about life"? So what is it you're "learning"? By witnessing a parent die from cancer, you learn what that you can't learn anywhere else? Try and articulate your vague and general arguments, if you can.

It is both difficult and rewarding. There comes a time when all you can do is make them as comfortable as possible.

Wait - so now it's difficult and rewarding? So you keep changing and adding qualifiers in. Yeah, no shit it's difficult. How is it rewarding?
So you find it wise to abandon them to a long term care facility and pretend they no longer exist?

It didn't matter that they didn't know who I was. I knew who they were and made the decision to take care of them.
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I already told you my taxes are not going up.

Yes, they are going up. For one, the bottom bracket goes up from 10% to 12%. For two, these cuts expire in 2025 and then the rates get raised, and Chained CPI could push you into a higher bracket depending on your wage, like it will for 80-90 million other workers. You're also going to be paying more for health care, thanks to the additional 10% bump on your premiums thanks to the mandate repeal. You're going to end up with less of what you earned to keep because you're going to be paying more in taxes, and you're paying more for health care. All so Jeff Flake could get a personal tax break. So congrats. His tax break is permanent, yours is temporary. So double congrats on that. Good work, dingus. You volunteered to not keep more of what you earned so Bob Corker could get a tax break for himself.

You have no idea what I pay for insurance but I can tell you that I do not buy insurance from the exchanges because I have a small pension that includes an insurance plan.

Great...and that insurance plan attached to your pension will see costs increase an additional 10% above what they already did because the repeal of the mandate affects all insurance markets, according to the AARP.

Also, how about you try thinking of someone who isn't you for once, and prove to me that you're not a sociopath.

And what tax bracket am I in again? You tell me because you obviously think you know more about my finances than I do.

It doesn't matter because the lowest tax bracket went up from 10% to 12%. And true, I don't know your wage, but chances are it's not that high and chances are, you'll probably find yourself in a higher bracket by 2025 because your wage was subject to greater inflation than the tax brackets.

That's right you don't know what I make so don't act like you know and I probably will be in a higher bracket in 8 years if our business continues to grow as it has for the last 10 years but you don't know what that tax bracket will be either do you?

And my pension covers my insurance premiums. It will for many many years to come. I don't use that pension for any of my current expenses and when I turn 65 my insurance becomes Medicare part B and the premiums actually decrease.

So once again we see your assumptions are wrong
Yes they were. It's nonsense to claim differently. Some states went up over 60%. Arizona was 115% or something equally stultifying.

While there may have been some places that saw higher premium increases, the *average* premium increases were less than prior to the ACA.
All you have is a comparison of 2 years of Obamacare premiums that is ALL you have.

No, you lazy asshole...if you bothered to open my link, you'd see that it covers the last enrollment period (2017 Open Enrollment).

So why is it that you didn't open that link?
So you find it wise to abandon them to a long term care facility and pretend they no longer exist?

Who said anything about that? Why is it that there doesn't exist a space between 100% devotion and abject dismissal? How come you can only argue in hypoerbolic extremes? Putting a parent into a home doesn't mean you place them there and forget about them.

Why is it your mind automatically goes there? Probably because that's what you did. And you're pretending you didn't. Remember, Conservatives lack empathy. So when you say that putting a parent in a nursing home is the same as abandoning them, that comes from your own personal experience. Because you lack empathy and the ability to put yourself in someone else's position.

It didn't matter that they didn't know who I was. I knew who they were and made the decision to take care of them.

Take care of them, while relying on Medicare and Medicaid to pay for it. But the tax plan you support cuts Medicare and Medicaid. Which means if you had to take care of them beginning 2019, you're paying more out of pocket to do so.
All you have is a comparison of 2 years of Obamacare premiums that is ALL you have.

No, you lazy asshole...if you bothered to open my link, you'd see that it covers the last enrollment period (2017 Open Enrollment).

So why is it that you didn't open that link?


You are comparing Obammycare premiums to Obammycare premiums and then comparing that to what? Oh an estimate of what might have been if Obammycare wasn't passed?

It's fucking meaningless
Yes they were. It's nonsense to claim differently. Some states went up over 60%. Arizona was 115% or something equally stultifying.

While there may have been some places that saw higher premium increases, the *average* premium increases were less than prior to the ACA.
Projected increases were through the roof. Then people weren't forced to buy it at all so they don't.
So you find it wise to abandon them to a long term care facility and pretend they no longer exist?

Who said anything about that? Why is it that there doesn't exist a space between 100% devotion and abject dismissal? How come you can only argue in hypoerbolic extremes? Putting a parent into a home doesn't mean you place them there and forget about them.

Why is it your mind automatically goes there? Probably because that's what you did. And you're pretending you didn't. Remember, Conservatives lack empathy. So when you say that putting a parent in a nursing home is the same as abandoning them, that comes from your own personal experience. Because you lack empathy and the ability to put yourself in someone else's position.

It didn't matter that they didn't know who I was. I knew who they were and made the decision to take care of them.

Take care of them, while relying on Medicare and Medicaid to pay for it. But the tax plan you support cuts Medicare and Medicaid. Which means if you had to take care of them beginning 2019, you're paying more out of pocket to do so.
I'm not a conservative nor a Republican

Keep projecting

I suggest you obtain mental health services.
That's right you don't know what I make so don't act like you know and I probably will be in a higher bracket in 8 years if our business continues to grow as it has for the last 10 years but you don't know what that tax bracket will be either do you?

And you won't reveal what you make, so all I can do is make a presumption. I'm presuming that you're an average, middle class person who makes the median household income of $53K.

And what if your business doesn't grow? And bracket? huh? So wait a you own a business? Then why are you paying individual rates? You're not making sense because you're making this shit up as you go, aren't you?

And my pension covers my insurance premiums.

???? You mean the money from your pension goes to pay your health insurance? OK, but that still means your health insurance costs will rise by 10% simply because you removed the mandate. So that's an extra 10% more your pension has to pay your insurer because of the mandate repeal.

Secondly, what are you even talking about!? You say you own a business, yet you pay taxes as an individual would from a wage, but you also say the business you own (?) provides you, the owner, with a pension?

I think you're just making shit up.

It will for many many years to come. I don't use that pension for any of my current expenses and when I turn 65 my insurance becomes Medicare part B and the premiums actually decrease.So once again we see your assumptions are wrong

NO! The premiums won't decrease...they will increase because Medicare faces automatic cuts thanks to the tax bill you support that balloons the deficit to $1T.

You don't know anything you're saying, and you're just making shit up as you go.
All you have is a comparison of 2 years of Obamacare premiums that is ALL you have.

No, you lazy asshole...if you bothered to open my link, you'd see that it covers the last enrollment period (2017 Open Enrollment).

So why is it that you didn't open that link?


You are comparing Obammycare premiums to Obammycare premiums and then comparing that to what? Oh an estimate of what might have been if Obammycare wasn't passed?

It's fucking meaningless

Why is it that you didn't open the link? Why is it that you ignore every piece of information given to you?

Simple; you're a insecure fraud.
Projected increases were through the roof. Then people weren't forced to buy it at all so they don't.

*PROJECTED*...not actual.

So once again, we have an instance of a liar (you) trying to misrepresent a topic (premium increases projected vs. actual) in order to save face on an anonymous message board for the sake of your shitty ego.

Get. Over. Yourself.
I'm not a conservative nor a Republican
Keep projecting
I suggest you obtain mental health services.

You're a fucking fraud and this post proves it.

You made a shit argument that I dismantled, and your response isn't to actually defend the bullshit you said, but to cast yourself as some kind of non-partisan, above-it-all, posturing jackass.

You're here defending and arguing on behalf of Conservative and Republican that makes you a Conservative and Republican.
I'm not a conservative nor a Republican
Keep projecting
I suggest you obtain mental health services.

You're a fucking fraud and this post proves it.

You made a shit argument that I dismantled, and your response isn't to actually defend the bullshit you said, but to cast yourself as some kind of non-partisan, above-it-all, posturing jackass.

You're here defending and arguing on behalf of Conservative and Republican that makes you a Conservative and Republican.
You're the fucking fraud DERP!

You didn't dismantle anything.

You're entire thread is an unhinged, childish rant.

You are right, everyone is wrong.

I'm not arguing on behalf of Conservatives and Republicans.

You've made baseless accusations and claim moral superiority.

You've done nothing but make an ass out of yourself.


I'm done with you.


Fuck off.
With all the new federal revenue from the result of the tax cut bringing in more taxes for the government, Medicare will be awash with new income.

So I don't want to hear a Conservative ever say again that they don't know what "trickle down economics" is, and that they don't support it.

I have news for you pal, this tax cut isn't going to trickle down. In fact, the federal deficit is going to balloon up to $1T this year thanks to the tax cut.

You're an angry elf.

You're a fucking fraud.

Somebody needs a hug.
With all the new federal revenue from the result of the tax cut bringing in more taxes for the government, Medicare will be awash with new income.

So I don't want to hear a Conservative ever say again that they don't know what "trickle down economics" is, and that they don't support it.

I have news for you pal, this tax cut isn't going to trickle down. In fact, the federal deficit is going to balloon up to $1T this year thanks to the tax cut.

You're an angry elf.

You're a fucking fraud.

Somebody needs a hug.
Someone needs to pull the plug out of his ass.

It's interfering with his ability to think clearly.
Projected increases were through the roof. Then people weren't forced to buy it at all so they don't.

*PROJECTED*...not actual.

So once again, we have an instance of a liar (you) trying to misrepresent a topic (premium increases projected vs. actual) in order to save face on an anonymous message board for the sake of your shitty ego.

Get. Over. Yourself.
That's what I just said. It fell apart on it's own. No one would sell it to them even if they could afford it. Another fail.
That's right you don't know what I make so don't act like you know and I probably will be in a higher bracket in 8 years if our business continues to grow as it has for the last 10 years but you don't know what that tax bracket will be either do you?

And you won't reveal what you make, so all I can do is make a presumption. I'm presuming that you're an average, middle class person who makes the median household income of $53K.

And what if your business doesn't grow? And bracket? huh? So wait a you own a business? Then why are you paying individual rates? You're not making sense because you're making this shit up as you go, aren't you?

And my pension covers my insurance premiums.

???? You mean the money from your pension goes to pay your health insurance? OK, but that still means your health insurance costs will rise by 10% simply because you removed the mandate. So that's an extra 10% more your pension has to pay your insurer because of the mandate repeal.

Secondly, what are you even talking about!? You say you own a business, yet you pay taxes as an individual would from a wage, but you also say the business you own (?) provides you, the owner, with a pension?

I think you're just making shit up.

It will for many many years to come. I don't use that pension for any of my current expenses and when I turn 65 my insurance becomes Medicare part B and the premiums actually decrease.So once again we see your assumptions are wrong

NO! The premiums won't decrease...they will increase because Medicare faces automatic cuts thanks to the tax bill you support that balloons the deficit to $1T.

You don't know anything you're saying, and you're just making shit up as you go.

I already told you I my insurance is provided with a pension. That insurance covers both my wife and myself for less than I can buy it on an exchange it has no ridiculous deductibles, no out of pocket costs whatsoever. I never once said I was on my business's group insurance plan.

And as I said my pension covers the insurance. I do not use that money for anything else and you don't know that premiums will rise 10% that's just another one of your assumptions

And since you obviously know shit about businesses and how they are taxed I'll tell you that owners of S corps, like me and millions of others, report all their profits and losses on their individual Federal income tax returns via the IRS Form K1.

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