Sure Obama loves America..the America he WISHES existed, not the America we are and have been..


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"There’s a lot of populist filler in his patriotism, but in the end it’s always the same: American excellence means a government that acts as the citizenry’s moral center, the engine of its prosperity, and the arbiter of all fairness. This is the president that gives Fourth of July speeches focusing on ”economic patriotism” – a progressive concoction that isn’t distinctly American in any context. In fact, the statist philosophy behind that bogus appeal is by definition pretty “un-American.”

Obama Loves America. His America.
In other words, he despises America and wants it, and us, to change fundamentally into something more like...I dunno..France? Mebbe?
"Rarely do they mention that most Obama’s supposed moderation is a consequence of the checks and balances our system of lawmaking provides: a system Obama has constantly attempted to circumvent, delegitimize, and deride when he fails to get his way. Obama loves his ideological ideals a lot more than the ideals of American governance."

" The president now argues that those who fail to follow his bizarre aversion to dealing with the reality of Islamic terrorism are aiding and legitimatizing enemies who burn innocent people alive. If that’s not questioning our patriotism (and morality), I’m not sure what is. And it’s not new. Democrats have made a nasty habit of framing all political opposition to progressive ideas as unpatriotic assaults on the aspirations of average Americans. For Democrats, patriotism means paying lots of taxes. One liberal after the next stood up at the Democratic National Convention in 2012 and accused Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan of betting against America simply because they engaged in business abroad or made too much money or had different ideas about the welfare state."

Obama Loves America. His America.
the mods need to start another forum ... Bash Obama/Democrats
Oh, you mean like in the old days when the mods moved any of the threads that were critical of Obamacare into the CONSPIRACIES forum?
"There’s a lot of populist filler in his patriotism, but in the end it’s always the same: American excellence means a government that acts as the citizenry’s moral center, the engine of its prosperity, and the arbiter of all fairness. This is the president that gives Fourth of July speeches focusing on ”economic patriotism” – a progressive concoction that isn’t distinctly American in any context. In fact, the statist philosophy behind that bogus appeal is by definition pretty “un-American.”

Obama Loves America. His America.
In other words, he despises America and wants it, and us, to change fundamentally into something more like...I dunno..France? Mebbe?

France in 1789.

What have been?

"There’s a lot of populist filler in his patriotism, but in the end it’s always the same: American excellence means a government that acts as the citizenry’s moral center, the engine of its prosperity, and the arbiter of all fairness. This is the president that gives Fourth of July speeches focusing on ”economic patriotism” – a progressive concoction that isn’t distinctly American in any context. In fact, the statist philosophy behind that bogus appeal is by definition pretty “un-American.”

Obama Loves America. His America.
In other words, he despises America and wants it, and us, to change fundamentally into something more like...I dunno..France? Mebbe?
"There’s a lot of populist filler in his patriotism, but in the end it’s always the same: American excellence means a government that acts as the citizenry’s moral center, the engine of its prosperity, and the arbiter of all fairness. This is the president that gives Fourth of July speeches focusing on ”economic patriotism” – a progressive concoction that isn’t distinctly American in any context. In fact, the statist philosophy behind that bogus appeal is by definition pretty “un-American.”

Obama Loves America. His America.
In other words, he despises America and wants it, and us, to change fundamentally into something more like...I dunno..France? Mebbe?

France in 1789.


That works too.

Sounds like Reagan.....

They didn't call it the Reagan Revolution because the Reaganites loved America just as it was.

They called it the "Reagan Revolution" because it was a process of getting rid of the leftist warping and destruction of American ideals, and restoring America to what it was before the leftist fanatics started contaminating it with their big-govt "transformation".

Thanks for pointing that out.
I get the feeling that Obama doesn't love the America we have today. Instead, he loves the America he thinks he can turn it into: A country where the government forces everybody to "share", and which never blames Islam for the horrible atrocities done in its name by Islamic militant radicals.

The fact that a government forcing its citizens to "share" everything has never worked, and has frequently resulted in complete disaster with thousand or even millions of deaths and the eventual destruction of that government, never bothers him. He believes (as all liberals do) that it will work "this time" if he tries hard enough to make it happen.

BTW, "sharing" is never forced. When you force it, it is simply "theft".

Someone should inform Mr. Obama and his liberal cohorts of this fact.
You think!

I get the feeling that Obama doesn't love the America we have today. Instead, he loves the America he thinks he can turn it into: A country where the government forces everybody to "share", and which never blames Islam for the horrible atrocities done in its name by Islamic militant radicals.

The fact that a government forcing its citizens to "share" everything has never worked, and has frequently resulted in complete disaster with thousand or even millions of deaths and the eventual destruction of that government, never bothers him. He believes (as all liberals do) that it will work "this time" if he tries hard enough to make it happen.

BTW, "sharing" is never forced. When you force it, it is simply "theft".

Someone should inform Mr. Obama and his liberal cohorts of this fact.

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