Surge Of Sheriff Groups Opposed To Obama Gun Control Rises To 10

Their opposition is partisan, having nothing to do with Second Amendment rights. And the sheriffs’ statements alone indicate their failure to uphold the Constitution, and a violation of their oath.

It is partisan, genius. They believe in the Second Amendment. Obama believes in trouncing our rights.

I agree that there is something behind this. Did the Sheriffs believe in the 2nd Amendment less, back in '94 when the original ban on assault style weapons went into effect? Where was the hew and cry then? Where was the surge of sheriff groups mounting an opposition?

Why now, I ask? Certainly they couldn't have approved of it when Clinton did it. A Liberal Democrat trying to take decent citizen's guns away.

Well damn, maybe it's because this time we've got a Black man in office. And that there makes all the difference.

And yeah, I pulled out the race card. Sue me.

You are pulling the race card, but your reasoning is flawed.

Clinton didn't call for some silly rule on the size of clips that could be legally owned and used.

Obama, Biden, Pelosi and the remaining bleeding heart liberals are completely stupid on that move. Totally and completely STUPID!
Yeah, it couldn't be because we have a marxist gun-grabbing commie in the White House who has made it abundantly clear that he has NO intention of honoring his Oath of Office unless it is convenient to further promoting his agenda. Nah, couldn't be that. But a racist like you will never understand that.

"...marxist gun-grabbing commie in the White House who has made it abundantly clear that he has NO intention of honoring his Oath of Office unless it is convenient to further promoting his agenda."

Really? You can prove that?

History will not be kind to those that spread or believe disinfo.
Yeah, it couldn't be because we have a marxist gun-grabbing commie in the White House who has made it abundantly clear that he has NO intention of honoring his Oath of Office unless it is convenient to further promoting his agenda. Nah, couldn't be that. But a racist like you will never understand that.

"...marxist gun-grabbing commie in the White House who has made it abundantly clear that he has NO intention of honoring his Oath of Office unless it is convenient to further promoting his agenda."

Really? You can prove that?

History will not be kind to those that spread or believe disinfo.

Of course he can’t, it’s rightist idiocy.

And it’s that sort of hyperbolic nonsense that contributed to the GOP’s losses last year.
It is partisan, genius. They believe in the Second Amendment. Obama believes in trouncing our rights.

I agree that there is something behind this. Did the Sheriffs believe in the 2nd Amendment less, back in '94 when the original ban on assault style weapons went into effect? Where was the hew and cry then? Where was the surge of sheriff groups mounting an opposition?

Why now, I ask? Certainly they couldn't have approved of it when Clinton did it. A Liberal Democrat trying to take decent citizen's guns away.

Well damn, maybe it's because this time we've got a Black man in office. And that there makes all the difference.

And yeah, I pulled out the race card. Sue me.

You are pulling the race card, but your reasoning is flawed.

Clinton didn't call for some silly rule on the size of clips that could be legally owned and used.

Obama, Biden, Pelosi and the remaining bleeding heart liberals are completely stupid on that move. Totally and completely STUPID!

Oh yes, the clips. Well that changes everything doesn't it? How outrageous a request! It sends the whole thing right over the top. Taking a second or two to switch out a magazine is the ultimate offense.

Though you yourself consider it silly.

You made my point for me. I like when that happens.
They took an oath to uphold the Constitution and the second amendment is part of the Constitution. Obama is the one who has failed to honor the oath HE took.

Really? Sheriffs are now Supreme Court Justices?

lol. Thanks for being stupid. That's all we needed around here. One more imbecile.
Let's look at the NATIONAL Sheriff's Association position on this, at least in part:

WHEREAS, the doctrine of judicial review grants to the United States Supreme Court and the lower courts the power to determine the constitutionality of any law and sheriffs do not possess the legal authority to interpret the constitutionality of any law;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the National Sheriffs’ Association supports the
rights conferred by the Second Amendment and further recognizes the ultimate authority of the courts in interpreting the scope of those constitutional rights.

NSA Position Statement on Gun Control

Anyone dispute those principles?
They took an oath to uphold the Constitution and the second amendment is part of the Constitution. Obama is the one who has failed to honor the oath HE took.

This is verbatim from the Illinois Sheriff's Association's statement, cited in the OP:

1. Rule of Law. Sheriffs recognize the rule of law in the United States in which the Supreme Court and lower courts are the ultimate authority in determining the constitutionality of any law.

They agree with me, not you.
In less than four weeks since President Obama proposed sweeping new gun control laws and a ban on assault-style weapons, the backlash from law enforcement groups that strongly support the Second Amendment has surged and now there are 11 state sheriffs associations opposed to the president.

The Illinois and Montana Sheriffs Associations became the last to join the growing crowd of police opposed to Obama, arguing this week that the president and state legislatures should instead be focused on mental health, not gun hardware.

"Sheriffs from across the state of Illinois believe that it is their responsibility and duty to uphold the Constitution including the Second Amendment. Rational law abiding citizens are not the cause of random acts of horrific violence in our communities. The focus should be primarily on the lack of mental health services in our country," the group just announced.

Surge of sheriff groups opposed to Obama gun control rises to 11 |

11? Out of how many?
Sheriffs tend to have county jurisdictions, and generally are elected, and county by county the electorate tends to be Republican. That is how this is political.
Announcing the formation of a new DC musical group performing song and dance renditions daily. "Barry And The Gun Grabbers"

Remember when Barry was cooing the phrase "If you like your current health care plan, you can keep it" to all who would listen, and all the men in the audiences would faint, the ladies would squeal with delight as they experienced orgasms upon hearing his words and the media members in the audiences would rush for the exits looking for a secluded corner they could polish their newly gained erections in? Well Barry's professed respect for the Second Amendment was crafted along the same lines as that phrase according to this Justice Department memo stating that gun control won't work without registration and confiscation and with both Missouri and Washington crafting legislation authorizing sudden, unannounced inspections of their citizenry's homes, you just gotta know whats on the horizon for America, from Democracy to police state in just eight short years. What Barry hath wrought. Unannounced searches of your homes, warrantless seizures of your possessions, 24/7 drone surveillance of every American street corner, you can bet warrantless arrests and incarcerations are next on the horizon too. The jailing of the maker of the Mohammed Film Trailer was just the tip of the iceberg. Don't count on the Supreme Court to save you either. Obama's got a David Petraeus style pair of vice grip pliers attached to John Roberts testicles too.

Memo From Obama?s Justice Department Says Gun Ban Won?t Work Without Registration And Confiscation? | Weasel Zippers
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I think the OP missed the fact that at least in the Illinois Sheriffs' statement, there was implicit support for universal background checks,

which would put them in direct conflict with the NRA.
Ah, this is a doozy. So, on the issues:

Govt pay/benefits: (Right wingers) "Fuck the cops, cut all their benefits along with all other government employees....except the military of course"

Gun control: God bless the cops and sheriffs for sticking up for our 2nd amendment rights!!

Right wingers, you gotta decide whether you are going to support your cops or not. Because you've spent the past 2.5 years publicly ripping into them.
Let me see if i have this right. Obama is going to take our guns away (although he has always said that he has no such intention). To do that, he would have to use our military and law enforcement. Yet, our law enforcement is opposed to Obama gun regulation proposals. Yet, the Right wing, which distrusts everything about the government, especially people the government have on board to enforce the law (like ATF), suddenly trust law enforcement. Then to add confusion to the whole issue, the Right wing supports our military in the loudest, most patriotic way. so, we are left with a paraniod group of people, who both distrust, and fully support the enforcement division of the American government, which is going to take away their guns.

I'm also wondering if there is a specific date set for the national confiscation of guns. I mean, was this fortold by an ancient Aztec calandar, or was this a vision that God sent to the NRA? Since there are more guns in the USA than people, just how is this going to be arranged?
Let me see if i have this right. Obama is going to take our guns away (although he has always said that he has no such intention). To do that, he would have to use our military and law enforcement. Yet, our law enforcement is opposed to Obama gun regulation proposals. Yet, the Right wing, which distrusts everything about the government, especially people the government have on board to enforce the law (like ATF), suddenly trust law enforcement. Then to add confusion to the whole issue, the Right wing supports our military in the loudest, most patriotic way. so, we are left with a paraniod group of people, who both distrust, and fully support the enforcement division of the American government, which is going to take away their guns.


YES. You are exactly right.

A) The right wing is terrified that the gubermint it gonna "come in takes me guns away"

B) The police would have to be used, as the governments armed enforcement wing, to do that.

C) The police are only 800,000 strong nationwide, and would have trouble taking guns from 300,000,000 people. So, really, the only way to truly disarm the public would be martial law

And the right wing blindly, passionately supports ANYTHING so long as it has military attached to it, they worship the military, and delcare total support and funding at any cost for military.

So, really, they are passionately funding and supporting the ONLY true threat to their gun rights.

So, yes, that is the idiocy of the right wing brain.
You know, Bucs, I do believe this deserves a thread of it own! If we can find someone who can explain this logic, the discovery and explaination of Dark Matter in the universe should be easy!
In other news, the number of Pope's in the new century is about to "surge" to three

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